Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 62 White Deer Wenda

Chapter 62 White Deer Wenda
The moment she left the ruined camp, Nymeria's eyes never left Glory next to Lind. She looked at Glory with a dumbfounded expression, and sometimes even forgot to breathe.

In fact, let alone Nymeria, even Lind's men in the camp were so shocked that they were speechless after seeing Glory.

At the moment they saw Glory, they felt as if they had returned to the mythical era in the old woman's bedtime stories. A giant beast that stood nearly two meters on all fours and was nearly four meters long. Counting its tail, it was more than five meters long. Anyone who sees it will have the feeling that they may be dreaming.

While people are instinctively afraid of Glory, they also respect Linde more. Glory is undoubtedly terrifying, but Linde who conquers Glory is even more powerful and terrifying.

Nymeria had also heard about the huge changes in Glory from her subordinates, but she believed that they were all exaggerations. She felt that although Glory had grown up, it was more about the huge feeling caused by the fluffy hair. In fact, Glory hasn't grown much.

However, when she actually saw Glory, she realized that what she described was not an exaggeration at all. Glory was now a giant beast.

"Isn't it normal for it to grow like this?" Nymeria put away her surprise with great difficulty and turned to look at Lind and asked.

Linde shrugged and said, "I don't know. It's my first time to feed a shadow lynx. Maybe you can ask other people who have fed shadow lynx."

Nymeria could hear the perfunctory tone in Lind's words and couldn't help but roll her eyes at him. Although she felt that Lind knew the reason for Glory's rapid growth, she did not continue to ask.

At this time, Honor, who was walking aside, seemed to have discovered something interesting. He jumped into the bushes and quickly disappeared into the shadows.

Nymeria also saw Glory's movements. She didn't notice anything unusual at first, but soon she realized something was wrong.

The surrounding trees are very dense. In addition to shrubs, there are also some small trees one or two meters tall. In such an environment, let alone a body as big as Glory, it is very difficult for even a child over one meter tall to get inside and move. of.

However, just now, Glory was not hindered by the surrounding trees and shrubs at all, as if its huge body was an illusion. Even when it was walking through the woods, it did not make any movement. It was even more so when its body had just submerged into the woods. It disappeared from sight in an instant.

This made Nymeria couldn't help but think of various legends about the shadow lynx, such as the ghosts in the forest, the stranger's followers, etc. There is no doubt that the current glory is very consistent with those terrifying legends.

Thinking of this, Nymeria couldn't help but look at Linde. Linde, who was originally extraordinary in strength, was already very mysterious in her eyes, and now she couldn't help but compare Linde to those legendary figures in the legend. Linked together, such as Brandon the Builder and Garth the Green Hand, it seems that these legendary figures are accompanied by magical creatures.

"Is there any problem? Your Majesty, Earl." Lind saw Nymeria looking at him strangely at this time, which made him wonder if there was something wrong with the clothes on his body.

"No, there's nothing wrong." After hearing the question, Nymeria immediately turned her head. Her cheeks felt a little hot for some reason, and her mood was a little flustered. Then she took a few deep breaths. After calming down, she said to Lind: "You can Call me by my name Nymeria, you don’t have to call me Lord Count every time.”

"Okay, Nymeria." Lind nodded without objection.

"Then I will also call you Lind?" Nymeria asked tentatively.

Linde smiled and said, "Of course, we are friends, and it is normal to call us by our first names."

The two of them were talking and walking in the forest. The atmosphere was not like they were going to meet the leader of a bandit gang, but more like they were taking a walk in the countryside.

Soon they came to the small valley. At this time, someone had already placed their hands at the entrance of the valley. When they saw Lind and Nymeria arriving, they motioned for them to stop, and then one of them went inside to report the situation.

After a while, the man came back and signaled to give way.

This move made Nymeria feel dissatisfied. She frowned and glanced at the people around her. She soon discovered something was wrong. Although the people around her were dressed like bandits in the conventional sense. Like, but their temperament is completely different from ordinary bandits, they feel more like battle-hardened warriors.

"Something's wrong, be careful." Nymeria whispered to Lind.

Since Nymeria could see the problem, Lind would naturally not turn a blind eye. In fact, he saw more details.

At first he thought these people were Lord Tywin's people, but he quickly rejected it because he saw a mark that had not been completely polished off on the leather armor of some of them, and Lind knew that mark, but it was only on his The group of people with this mark in his memory should all be dead.

The two people soon arrived in the valley. At this moment, a group of people had occupied the valley. They were building a simple camp using various things left by the previous people.

I don't know whether they are brave because of their skill, or whether they think Linde and Nymeria will not attack them. These more than 100 people have no fear at all that there are hundreds of soldiers stationed in Tengshi Town next to them, and they all look very strange. easy.

After seeing Linde and Nymeria arriving, everyone put down what they were doing and looked at them as if they were looking at rare objects, especially when they saw Nymeria's tall figure. It even let out strange screams.

Nymeria pulled the reins of the horse, jumped off the horse, took down her double-edged ax from the saddle mountain, and then yelled at the people around her: "Shut up, you guys, you wormy bastards from the sewers! If you have the guts, stand up and fight me one-on-one, or else you will be cut off from below and will just hide in the crowd like a group of court jesters when something happens."

Linde did not stop Nymeria, but looked at the people around him calmly, with his hands on the hilt of the knight's sword. At this moment, Glory, who had just captured an elk, also received Linde's order, and quickly He moved to the top of the mountain near the valley and stared at the people below.

After Nymeria finished scolding, the valley immediately fell silent. Although they were dissatisfied with Nymeria's wrath, no one was willing to go down and fight Nymeria.

They could all see the heaviness caused by the sunken ground when Nymeria's feet landed on the ground. They could also see that the armor and weapons on Nymeria's body were all made of steel, and she was equipped with such heavy armor and weapons. , Nymeria can still move freely, especially the double-edged giant ax that no one present may be able to pick up. It is swung like a toy in her hands. Anyone with a little bit of brains will clearly understand that they How big is the gap between.

"Succubus Mountain." At this moment, a thought emerged in the minds of everyone present.

At this moment, they all couldn't help but regret their provocation to Nymeria just now. Now they seemed to be in trouble.

"Okay, you are just a group of castrated guys. Not now, you were already castrated a few years ago. You were completely castrated." A woman's voice came from the crowd, and everyone fell silent, as if They were all hurt by the woman's words, and their faces became gloomy. However, they did not refute, but turned around and continued to build the temporary camp.

At this time, a woman wearing leather armor and carrying a sword at her waist walked out of the crowd. This woman was very mature and beautiful. Regardless of her appearance or temperament, she was incompatible with the people around her. She looked more like the kind of person who should lie down. A mistress in the bed of some nobleman.

However, such a beautiful woman seems to be the leader of this group of bandits. After she just reprimanded these people, these people all accepted it honestly without showing any dissatisfaction, at least on the surface. .

"Lind the Bear Hunter." The woman didn't pay attention to the hostile Nymeria. She walked up to Lind, looked him up and down, and said, "Although it's just the first time I've met you, there's so much about you. I have been listening to Reputation for several months, and your Bear Hunter song is very good, I like it very much.”

Linde got off the horse, nodded slightly towards the woman, and said, "It is an honor for me to be recognized by White Deer Wenda."

"Wenda the White Deer?" Nymeria was stunned for a moment, and soon realized something. She said in surprise: "You are Wenda the White Deer of the Kingswood Brotherhood. Aren't you already dead?"

"I almost died, but I was saved before I died." Bailu Wenda looked at Linde with a smile and said, "She was saved by someone we all know."

Lin De thought for a while after hearing this, and soon thought of who the person Bailu Wenda was talking about, and confirmed: "Spark?"

White Deer Wen Da did not deny it. She looked behind Linde and asked, "Where is the little guy she gave you? Why didn't I see you taking it with me?"

Linde raised his hand to wave, and then he saw the huge glory leaping down from a small cliff, landing lightly on the ground, and then came to Linde's side with steady steps.

At this moment, everyone in the valley fell silent. Their eyes fell on Glory, with a look of fear in their eyes. Some people who were close to Glory were so frightened that they sat limply on the ground.

Looking at the huge shadow lynx in front of her, even the well-informed White Deer Wenda couldn't help but hold her breath, as if she was afraid that her breathing would be too loud and anger the giant beast in front of her.

Nymeria was a little dissatisfied with the dumb conversation between White Deer Wenda and Linde just now, but now that she saw White Deer Wenda like this, her dissatisfaction had subsided a lot.

White Deer Wen Da quickly recovered, but she still couldn't help but take two steps back to keep herself away from Glory, and then asked Linde: "Isn't the albino shadow lynx she gave you a gift?"

"Yes, Glory is the albino shadow lynx." Linde passed a command to Glory to change the color of his hair, and Glory's hair changed from pure black to pure white, and only now did Linde discover that this whiteness was still white. Not that kind of gray, but a white with a faint light. Especially in the dark night, this shimmering white looks particularly sacred, making the glory that just frightened everyone in the valley now feel a little more sacred.

At this time, there were many people who believed in the Seven Gods among the bandits in the valley. After seeing the glory of this sacred temperament, they all invariably thought of some legends and stories in the classics of the Seven Gods, and they couldn't help but read the glory on the spot. The holy beasts that appeared among them all knelt down and prayed towards Glory.

And even people without faith showed respect when facing the glory that emitted a faint white light, and lowered their heads slightly, not daring to look directly at the glory.
The actions of the people around him also surprised Linde. He did not expect that the mutation of Glory's hair would have such a big effect. This made him think that when dealing with those savage tribes in the future, Glory's effect might be stronger. Some.

In addition, the fact that the glory caused those who believed in the Seven Gods to pray was not a good thing in his opinion, because it was likely to cause dissatisfaction with the Church of the Seven Gods.

While thinking about the matter, Linde also instructed Glory to change the color of the fur back to the normal black and white stripes.

At this moment, White Deer Wenda also looked at Linde with some envy and jealousy. She thought that Linde's shadow lynx was just an ordinary albino shadow lynx, but she didn't expect it to be so magical. And she and the son of the forest, Sparks, had known each other for so long, but the other party never Don't give her anything. The gap between the two is so big that it's hard for her not to feel a little jealous.

"Did you come to me because of the spark?" Lind asked very straightforwardly.

Bailu Wenda also said very directly: "Hua Hua told me that you can take us in."

Linde was stunned after hearing this, then looked at the people in the valley and asked, "Are all the people here who survived the Royal Forest Brotherhood?"

White Deer Wenda explained: "No, only half are the survivors of the Royal Forest Brotherhood, and the remaining half are new members absorbed over the years."

Linde did not object to taking in the Royal Forest Brotherhood, because he knew very well that even if this matter spread, it would not have much impact on him.

Although the Kingswood Brotherhood is notorious, it is already a matter of the Targaryen Dynasty, and even the original Kingsguard highly respected the leaders of the Kingswood Brotherhood. Taking in the survivors of the Kingswood Brotherhood would be more beneficial than anything else. Disadvantages.

But Lind still had some doubts, so he asked: "With the reputation of White Deer Wenda and the Royal Forest Brotherhood, it shouldn't be a big problem if you want to take refuge under a great lord. Why are you looking for me? It shouldn't be just because of Sparks. Introduction?"

"Why do you think it won't be the introduction of Sparks?" Bailu Wenda asked back: "And what do you think will happen to me if I surrender to a certain great lord?"

"Become a plaything." Before Lind could answer, Nymeria gave the answer directly and said to White Deer Wenda: "A legend like you should not become the plaything of those guys."

Lind looked at Nymeria, who looked a little excited. It seemed that she was stimulated by becoming a noble's plaything. Then he thought about Nymeria's origin and it was not difficult to understand why she had such emotions.

Lind thought for a moment and said: "I can take you in and incorporate your people into my team, but I can't publicize it for the time being. I still need you to help me do some things secretly."

"What are you doing?" Bailu Wenda asked.

Linde smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's something you are very familiar with."

(End of this chapter)

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