Chapter 8 Skirmish

"What happened next? What happened next?" Linde asked curiously.

Joel thought for a moment and said, "I heard that after the war, he retired from the Guards after receiving a reward from his family."

"Retired?" Linde felt a little baffled, as if a book suddenly ended with a sentence when it reached a key plot point.

"Other than retiring, what use can he have if he continues to stay?" Joel sighed slightly, seeming to feel sorry for Father Bain, and said: "He was already very old at the time, and he also suffered a serious injury. Even if he recovers from his injury, he may not be able to hold a spear or sword. Originally, his meritorious service was enough to be knighted. Unfortunately, his background is too ordinary, and all possibilities for advancement are blocked. It’s useless to stay in the guard team.”

Linde frowned and said, "Can't commoners become nobles?"

"Of course not." Joel shook his head and said: "But it is a hundred times more difficult for commoners to become nobles than for descendants of nobles to become nobles. It requires both luck and strength, and they also need to know how to maneuver. Old Bain should be that kind of person. Those who are unlucky and don’t know how to maneuver.”

Listening to Joel's words, Lind couldn't help but think of two characters in his mind. These two characters seemed to be in line with Joel's conditions, and they had both reached the pinnacle of power.

One is Janos Slynt, the son of a butcher, who through various means became the commander of the King's Landing City Guards, and later became the Duke of Harrenhal. This can be regarded as an inspirational example.

The other one is the mercenary Bronn. In the series, he actually relied on his relationship with Tyrion to rise through the ranks, and eventually became the Warden of the South and the Duke of Highgarden. One of the final winners, he can definitely be regarded as People who are favored by the god of luck.

When he watched the series at the time, he didn't think there was anything unusual, but now that he has come to this world of ice and fire, and after understanding the power system of Westeros, he feels that the series makes Bronn the Warden of the South and the Duke of Highgarden. It's just nonsense.

Harrenhal has been completely in decline. After Genos was made Duke of Harrenhal, he did not dare to go to Harrenhal to take office. However, there are still a large number of nobles and lords with long-standing inheritance in the Reach. It can even be said that they have strong troops. , how could they let a lowly mercenary become the leader of the Reach.

Not to mention such an appointment being officially promulgated, even if it is discussed, it will probably cause riots in the Reach, and eventually war will most likely break out again. Therefore, based on common sense analysis, it can be determined that Bronn's appointment in the series is absolutely It's because someone is mentally ill that they write like this.

However, regardless of the brain-twitching content in the episode, Bronn is still a very inspiring case, and it is also a case that Lind can use to imitate and learn from.

Just when Lind was thinking about the two examples of people who successfully transformed from commoners to nobles, Joel did not notice that he was distracted. Instead, he looked at him and continued: "Although old Bain is a lot worse, you were beaten by him." He has been trained well, I don’t know how lucky he is, but in terms of strength and training, you are much better than him."

"Thank you for your compliment." Linde could feel that Joel must have seen his original plan, but he didn't seem to be disgusted, and he didn't have any ill intentions towards him, so he didn't hide it, it was very direct. Admitted what he thought of himself.

Seeing Linde's frank admission, Joel also showed admiration in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Bear hunter, dual-wielding sword master, these two names have been spread around the Red Lake area. Hunter The Bear Bearer's Ballad has even been spread to Highgarden by the bards, and I heard that Lord Willas Tyrell once asked Lord Fertimer about you."

Linde asked: "Is it because of this rumor that you thought of recommending me to Lord Fortimo?"

Joel nodded, acknowledged Linde's guess, and reminded: "The premise of recommendation is that you perform well enough in this battle."

"Why are you helping me like this?" Linde asked doubtfully.

Joel was silent for a moment and replied lazily: "Because this place is too boring. It is a pool of stagnant water from top to bottom. I want to add some fun. I hope you won't disappoint me."

After finishing speaking, he waved to Linde, indicating that he could leave.

Lind turned and left the hall, heading towards the logistics team stationed on the side of the castle.

On the way, Lind recalled Joel's words, and could feel from every word he said that he seemed to be a person who was dissatisfied with the current system of the Reach, but he did not intend to challenge the system himself, but wanted to Let yourself be the pathfinder.

No matter what Joel's purpose is, at this stage, he is Linde's help. The only thing Linde has to do is to perfectly show his strength.
Thinking about things, Linde came to the broken turret next to the castle where the logistics team was housed. He found the leatherworker, took off his ill-fitting leather armor, handed it over, and made his request.

The leather armor he is wearing belongs to Father Bain. The size difference between the two is too big and it is very inappropriate. It will hinder his movements and needs to be modified. Otherwise, this leather armor will cause a lot of damage to him in battle. hinder.

Although it is impossible for the leatherworkers of the logistics team to make leather armor, there is still no problem in modifying the leather armor.

"Two silver deer." The leatherworker looked at the leather armor that Linde handed over. After hearing Linde's request, he directly quoted the price.

Linde frowned and asked, "Isn't it free for people in the team to repair weapons and equipment?"

At this time, a voice came from behind and said: "It is true that people in the team repair weapons and equipment for free, but you are not."

Lind turned around and looked at the speaker. This person was the knight squire who scolded Lind in front of Father Bain's Tavern two days ago for being lowly and unqualified to challenge Joel Flowers.

At that time, he was reprimanded by Joel. Lind could feel that this knight was never convinced and would definitely make trouble for him. However, he seemed normal in the past two days and seemed to have forgotten about it. Now It seems that he is looking for an opportunity.

Faced with this man's provocation, Linde did not show any anger. He just looked at the other person, then took out two silver deer, placed them on the cobbler's table, and said to the cobbler: "Here are two silver deer." Silver deer, I need you to change my leather armor tonight. If you fail to meet my requirements, I will not only take back the two silver deer, I will also chop off one of your hands as punishment. "The cobbler was completely stunned. He didn't expect that he just followed the knight's attendant's instructions to embarrass Lind, but now he got burned and became the target of the other party to vent his dissatisfaction.

He could feel that Linde was not just talking casually, but that he really planned to cut off one of his hands if he failed to complete what he told him, and he also believed that Linde was capable of doing so, even if he didn't know that Linde What is his identity? But just from the fact that Lind has been following Joel these days, we can guess that the other person's identity is unusual.

Thinking of this, the cobbler looked at the knight's attendant in panic, as if asking the knight's attendant for help.

The knight attendant did not expect that Lind would react like this, and immediately stepped forward to stand in front of Lind, shouting: "Damn guy, what do you want to do? Do you want to use lynching in the army?"

However, Linde did not look at the other person at all, and always looked at the leatherworker, saying: "If I were you, I would immediately improve the leather armor as required. After all, you don't have much time left. Or do you think he Can I help you solve your trouble?" As he spoke, he pointed to the knight attendant and said, "Indeed, I won't do anything if he is here, but can you guarantee that he will be here all the time? At night, he won't Will he go back to rest? Will he stay by your side when you sleep? As long as he leaves your side, I will take action immediately, so do you still feel safe now? "

Hearing Linde's words, the leatherworker was completely frightened. He didn't dare to look at the knight's attendant again. He picked up Linde's leather armor and started to modify the leather armor according to Linde's requirements with a few apprentices.

Lind then turned to look at the knight's attendant, whose face was red with anger, and said: "You shouldn't involve irrelevant people, and you can't provide protection to that person. Besides, are you still a baby? Guys? You use such childish tricks. Not only does it not disgust people, it actually makes you look stupid."

"Bastard!" The knight squire had encountered someone like Linde before and was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet?" Lind suddenly seemed to have thought of something and looked at the knight attendant, but soon he waved his hand again and said: "Forget it, I don't need to know your name. , you are nothing to me anyway."

After saying that, he walked towards the outside of the castle. He also planned to take this time to familiarize himself with the surrounding terrain, so as to avoid any accidents due to unfamiliar terrain during the battle.

"Stop, I, Al Morrison of Longship Town, challenge you to a duel!" The knight attendant finally couldn't help but feel angry, took off the glove on one hand, and threw it towards Lind.

Linde did not take the glove, but let it hit him and fall to the ground.

But he stopped, turned around and looked at the gloves on the ground, and then looked at Al Morrison who proposed the duel.

Later, when Al Morrison was still waiting for Linde to respond, Linde rushed in front of him, and when he was unable to make any reaction, he punched him directly. A suffocating pain came from his chin, and he fainted instantly and fell to the ground.

Everything happened too suddenly. Not only did Lind's attack appear suddenly, but he also moved very fast. The knight attendants and others who were watching the excitement just saw a blurry shadow, and then Al... Morrison was knocked down by Linde's punch.

Lind turned around and looked at the other knight attendants, and said solemnly: "You guys, carry this idiot back. I won't promise to use only my fists next time."

After saying that, he continued walking towards the outside of the castle.

"Wait, stop!" At this time, someone among the knight attendants shouted to Linde.

Linde stopped when he heard the sound, turned to look at the knights and attendants, put his hands on the swords at his waist, and said in a deep voice: "What? Do you also want to throw your gloves at me?"

At this moment, several knight attendants said nothing, including the knight attendant named Zhu Linde, because at this moment, Linde was no longer the lucky country hunter in their eyes. When Linde would The moment they put their hands on the hilt of the sword, they all felt an invisible pressure. This kind of pressure they had only felt on Joel Fohua. Their bodies also tensed up instinctively because of this pressure. Don't dare to relax at all.

Seeing that the knights and attendants did not respond, Lind ignored them and removed his hand from the hilt of his sword, continuing to walk towards the outside of the castle. This time, he did not wait until he walked out of the broken gate of the castle. People call him again.

The moment Linde's figure disappeared from the city gate, the tense bodies of these knight attendants relaxed, and they all let out a long sigh of relief.

Then, they looked at each other with a wry smile, and then immediately ordered their men to carry their beaten companions back to their rooms.

Although they repeatedly ordered not to spread what happened just now, especially to Joel's ears, what they didn't know was that while they were still carrying their companions back to the room, the small conflict between them and Linde happened. A detailed report has been given to Joel.

After hearing this, Joel just smiled and said nothing.

Although there are not many memories preserved from his predecessor, most of these memories are related to hunters. This allows Linde to quickly become familiar with the forest even if he has no experience in jungle survival in his previous life. With his walking skills, he was also very lucky to discover the smuggling passage hidden in the mountain.

After understanding the topography around the smuggling channel and choosing a few suitable ambush locations, Linde walked back and returned to Fort Firm before dark.

However, Fort Firm at this moment was obviously much more lively than when he left at noon. There was already a temporary camp under the hill where Fort Firm was located. After a rough calculation of the number of people in the camp, it was about There are about 700 people, and these 700 people are all equipped with very good weapons. The spears have iron spearheads. Many of them are wearing hand axes and short swords. There are also a dozen knights walking back and forth in the camp. Move around.

In addition, there is a flag hanging high in the temporary camp. The flag is embroidered with the unique black spider emblem of the Webber family. Although it is in a dark forest, the spider pattern is still very eye-catching. Seeing it from a distance makes people wonder. An eerie feeling of horror.

Obviously, Linde's previous speculation in front of Joel has come true. The Weibo family, who had a secret in their hearts, couldn't wait to send out the most people they could to assist Joel in annihilating the bandits or the remnants of the Long family in the Red Lake Forest. , it is not difficult to see from their numbers and equipment that the Weibo family must completely eliminate that group of bandits and not give others, especially the Rowan family, any excuse to cause trouble for them.

(End of this chapter)

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