Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 80 Towering Tower

Chapter 80 Towering Tower

In the following days, Vilas basically stayed with Linde. Even for meetings to discuss various matters regarding going to the City of Divine Grace, he would summon Linde to discuss specific matters with the young dignitaries of the Reach.

Although Lind was asked by Willas to discuss matters, Lind knew that if he really put forward his opinions, he would not be accepted by these young dignitaries in the Reach.

This time going to Dorne, almost all the nobles and lords who were friendly with the Tyrell family sent their heirs or second sons. In addition to wanting to take this opportunity to build a good relationship with the heirs of the Tyrell family, It is also to train these young powerful people.

Every time Linde attended such a meeting, he was fully armed, even wearing a helmet, and then stood aside like a sculpture, saying nothing. Only when Vilas really asked him for his opinion, Only then did he respond casually.

Highgarden paid much more attention to Willas's trip to Dorne than the trip to King's Landing led by Garland half a year ago. This time, 2000 ordinary soldiers were arranged, and another 500 mercenary knights were arranged. , plus the sworn knights sent by various lords and nobles to protect their heirs and second sons, the total number of knights is as high as more than [-]. If you include the attendants and servants of these knights, the number will be at least doubled.

This is only the number of combatants. The number of accompanying servants and other support personnel also reached more than 1000.

Such a large number of people looked more like they were going to Dorne to fight than to participate in a tourney.

Villas once raised objections to the Duke of Metz about the large number of people. He thought that he only needed to bring knights, and there was no need for so many soldiers to accompany him. However, the Duke refused on the grounds of safety. Even the Queen of Thorns, who had always looked down on the Duke, agreed with the Duke's decision.

Linde's position was also arranged the next day. As expected by most people who knew the situation, he was to serve as the escort captain for Vilas. The Leer family also specially arranged twenty knights to listen to him.

These twenty knights are not ordinary sworn knights, but personal knights trained by the Tyrell family since childhood. Their loyalty is self-evident.

And they were only 20 people in name. In fact, including the twenty knights' attendants and accompanying warriors, the number of people who actually obeyed Linde's orders was more than 100.

Originally, Linde thought that if he wanted to truly command these twenty knights and their attendants, he would need to spend some effort, such as showing off his strength, but it turned out that it was not necessary at all. The twenty knights were completely obedient. He is better than the people he left in Tengshi Town.

After the white crow from the Cardinal Chancellor of the Academy sent the weather report that there would not be much wind or rain in the Summer Sea for two months, the team from the City of Divine Grace also left Highgarden and headed towards the Old Town along the Rose Avenue. Go in the direction.

The choice of route to Divine Grace City has been the most discussed issue in the past two days. Villas himself meant to take Prince's Pass, then pass through Sandstone City and Hellgate Castle, and then go north to Yronwood City and Thor City. Next, go south to the City of Divine Grace, so that the team can pass through the territory of most of the lords of Dorne. He can also have some exchanges with these lords of Dorne during this journey to prepare for the peace agreement in advance.

But Willas's decision was opposed by the vast majority of people, because it was too dangerous to take this road. The relationship between the Lords of Dorne and the River Bend on this road was very bad, and many even had feuds. If one of them suddenly becomes impulsive, the team will be in danger of being besieged, and it will be difficult to even escape.

So after everyone discussed it, they finally chose another safer route, which was to take Rose Avenue, go south to Old Town, then take a boat from Old Town, pass through the Summer Sea, arrive at Sunspear City, and then leave from Greenblood River Go upstream to reach the City of Divine Grace.

The team walked on the road for nineteen days before arriving at the old town. The journey was smooth and did not encounter any danger. After all, this was an army of thousands of people. No matter how stupid the bandits were, they knew how to avoid this team. The only thing that made Lin De felt that the trouble was that this journey was a bit too boring.

However, the knights who participated in this trip to Dorne did not think so. They seemed to regard this trip as a rare knight exchange meeting.

Every day when they set up camp, they would gather together for a small martial arts tournament. The heirs and second sons of the lords and nobles in the team would also be there to cheer for their knights. The whole team felt more like It was an outing, not like a normal march.

Linde reminded Vilas on the road that he should restrain the behavior of the knights and keep the army in its proper marching state. However, Vilas felt that it was still safe now and asked everyone to relax. It didn't matter. He would wait until Dorne to make any further decisions. It’s not too late to change.

In this regard, Linde said nothing more. In his opinion, his opinion has been expressed. In the end, whether one listens or not depends on the person who listens. There is no need for him to continue to waste his words.

Therefore, during the subsequent trip, Linde never made any suggestions. He only said a few words when arranging the guard tasks of his knights. He usually stood next to Vilas, like a sculpture. If it weren't for him, From time to time, he would reach out and touch the glory on his side. Maybe everyone who saw him would think that the man wearing four swords in front of him was a dummy.

When the team was gathering, the appearance of Glory caused quite a stir. Its reputation among the knights was even much greater than that of Linde. Many knights got to know Linde through Glory. As for Linde's so-called Seven Kingdoms The reputation of the First Swordsman has never been taken seriously by these knights. They all think that Lind's reputation is earned through bragging.

However, even if they looked down on Lind, they were not stupid enough to challenge Vilas's guard captain, especially after seeing Lind training Glory to tear a wooden dummy wearing plate armor into pieces. Will provoke Linde.

Vilas also discovered that Lind was incompatible with the knights and nobles in the team. He also tried to improve this situation, but neither party was very cooperative, so he left it alone.

After arriving in Old Town, Vilas decided to stay here for two days. Firstly, he wanted to prepare enough ships to carry the army. Secondly, he needed to meet with the Hightower family in Old Town, various nobles in Old Town, and go to the academy to meet them. The Magi there and went to the Temple of the Stars to pray.

As the mother family of Willas, the Hightower family also attaches great importance to Willas's trip, so when there is still one day's journey from the old town, they have already sent the heir of the Hightower family, Willas's uncle Baelor. Hightower went to greet them and prepared a camp for thousands of troops outside the old town early.

After the team arrived, Villas and the noble knights in the team also packed their bags and went to the towering tower of the Hightower family in the evening to attend the prepared dinner.

Although Lind's status was not enough for him to attend such a purely aristocratic dinner, as the captain of Villas's bodyguard, he was also invited, but his twenty accompanying knights were arranged outside the castle. waiting.As one of the oldest buildings in Westeros, the Towering Tower is undoubtedly the most eye-catching landmark in Old Town.

Far away from the old town, you can see the ever-extinguishing flame at the top of the towering tower burning in the clouds and mist. Even Linde, who is used to seeing tall buildings, can't help but be shocked by this sight.

Although Linde does not know the specific height of the towering tower, he roughly estimates it to be at least 300 meters. A building of this height may not be an unusual building in modern times with advanced technology, but it is so unusual in the world of ice and fire. Special, like a miracle.

The Great Wall of Impasse may be about the same height as the Towering Tower, but the thickness and width of the wall of the Great Wall of Impasse are far greater than that of the Towering Tower. Coupled with the extremely cold environment in the north, the entire wall is frozen, making it stronger. This This prevented the Great Wall from collapsing.

But the towering tower is different. It is built up of stones, and there is no reinforced concrete structure to support it. The foundation at the bottom is directly built on the reef island near the coast of Zhengzhan Island. No matter how you look at it, the foundation is not enough to support the weight of the entire tower. Normally, the tower should have sunk to the bottom of the sea due to its own weight.

In addition, the towering tower is located on a warm and humid seaside. The corrosiveness of the sea breeze itself is extremely destructive to any building. However, this building has stood here for thousands of years without any corrosion on the surface, as if The entire building feels like it has been frozen in time.

The only reason that can explain the towering tower's existence to this day is magic. I think the Hightower family knows this very well, so most members of the Hightower family in the past generations have been extremely obsessed with magic research.

What makes people feel ridiculous is that the school city next to the towering tower is the most anti-magic organization in the entire Westeros continent. This organization regards magic and other mysteries as taboo doctrines, and only a few people can learn them. However, as the money behind the school city, The Lord's Hightower family is keen on magic, and there are even rumors that the tower's collection of occult books is ten times that of the academy.

The moment Linde followed Vilas to the Tower, he knew that all the rumors about the Tower were true. In his eyes, the Tower was not just a huge building; There are patterns composed of a large number of mysterious powers. These patterns are like dragon runes, giving this building some magical power.

Moreover, Linde also saw some resentful soul energy containing dragon souls on this building, but it was different from the resentful soul energy that Linde saw in other places. The resentful soul energy here was bound by the patterns on the surface of the towering tower. It lived, squeezed into the tower body, and became part of the towering tower.

It is rumored that the Zhanzhan Island where the Towering Tower is located was once a dragon's lair, with several dragons entrenched here. Later, the ancestors of the Hightower family came here, slaughtered these dragons, occupied the Zhanzhan Island, and finally built this Towering tower.

Regarding this legend, people in the Seven Kingdoms believe that this is the Hightower family trying to put money on their ancestors' faces, but Linde can be sure that this rumor about the Hightower family is true, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the shackles bound on the towering tower. Where did these dragon souls come from?
Linde could see the unusual aspects of the Towering Tower, and Glory could naturally see it too. Although it coveted the resentful soul energy attached to the Towering Tower, it was unable to absorb and devour it, because the binding power of the Towering Tower itself was far away. It is stronger than its natural devouring power, which makes it a little anxious.

When entering the banquet hall of Blackstone Fortress, Linde left Glory outside the hall. After all, bringing such a giant beast to the banquet was an extremely rude act. Even the Old Town nobles who attended the banquet were very dissatisfied with Glory, the giant beast. Curious.

However, Linde did not stay at the banquet for too long, because he sensed that Glory outside the hall was extremely agitated by the power of the towering tower, and some nobles were desperate to get close to Glory, teasing Glory, and then If it continues, the glory of releasing all the ferocious emotions will probably tear everyone around him into pieces.

"I'll buy it for a thousand gold dragons." When Lind came out of the hall in time to appease Glory, an old town noble suddenly said.

Lind turned to look at the noble, then took out a silver deer from his pocket, put it in his hand, and said, "I will buy you for a silver deer."

The noble was stunned at first, but soon realized that Lind was mocking him for being worth only a silver deer, and his face became extremely ugly. The other Old Town nobles who were watching the excitement also burst into laughter.

Facing the ridicule around him, the nobleman had a look of resentment on his face. He was about to say some threatening words to Linde, but Linde said first: "You'd better not speak again. If I I will feel very scared when I hear any threatening words. If I am scared, I can’t help but want to completely eliminate the threat. How do you think I will solve the threat?”

When he said these words, Lind not only looked at the noble, but also glanced at the other old town nobles around him. The murderous aura from the Peace Messenger and the Homeless Knight also emanated from his body.

The laughter around him stopped instantly, and it was so quiet that even the sound of breathing disappeared. Everyone looked at Lind in horror. In their eyes, there seemed to be a layer of cold black mist around the armor of the Homeless Knight that Lind wore. A pair of Bloody eyes full of strange aura were revealed from the gaps in the helmet, as if there was a terrifying monster hidden under the helmet that wanted to swallow them at any time.

After giving these nobles a lesson, Linde restrained the murderous aura in his body, and before these nobles could recover from the shock, he left the open space in front of the hall with glory and went to the small garden on the side. .

Not long after Linde left, these nobles recovered from the shock. Many of them had weak feet and had to rely on things around them to stand. At the same time, everyone also smelled a strong smell of urine. , obviously more than one person was scared to death just now.

At this moment, they had no time to resent Linde and left one after another, going back to change their clothes so as not to be smelled and become more embarrassed.

And this scene was also seen by many people. They did not directly feel the strong murderous aura that the two characters had accumulated in Linde's life, so they did not know what was going on with those nobles. The only thing they knew was that There was a slight conflict between the nobleman and the captain of Villas's bodyguard.

So, someone told Willas and Leighton Hightower, Earl of Towering Tower, about this matter at the banquet respectively.

However, what is interesting is that both people had the same reaction after hearing this incident. They did not take it to heart at all, as if it had never happened.

(End of this chapter)

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