Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 85 The Ironborn Evacuate

Chapter 85 The Ironborn Evacuate
Osmund Tyrell, who was exhausted, swung his sword and split the neck of an Ironborn, and then instinctively continued to swing his sword towards the surroundings, but this time he swung empty and did not feel the sword strike. When he saw something, he also found that the surrounding sounds disappeared and the street became quiet again.

He gasped for breath and stopped waving the sword pointlessly. His sore hands made him want to throw away the sword in his hand, but years of training made his body clenched the sword uncontrollably.

At this time, he looked around and saw fifty or sixty Ironborn corpses. Only three of his colleagues were still standing in the pile of corpses. Everyone was injured, and one of them had a wound on his waist. A short sword was inserted into him, and although he could still stand, it looked like he wouldn't be able to stand for long.

In addition, the other four colleagues and ordinary guards were lying on the ground, each with at least a dozen injuries on their bodies.

Osmond Tyrell came from the Tyrell branch in Redwall Town. When he was very young, he was brought to Highgarden to receive knight training, and eventually became a Knight with other distant relatives from the Tyrell branch. The personal knight of House Tyrell.

This time he was selected to be Master Vilas' bodyguard, which was an opportunity for him. Although he was not qualified to join the Duke's Guard, being able to follow Master Vilas would be of great benefit to him in the future.

Most of the people who became Master Villas's bodyguards with him knew each other, and several of them even became the servants of the same knight together. They became knights together, and they had a very good relationship.

But now, seeing the people I knew fall to the ground and lose their lives, a burst of sadness could not help but arise in my heart.

At this time, Osmond suddenly remembered the hundreds of ironmen who had just rushed over like a tide, but now there were only fifty or sixty corpses on the ground. Thousands of other ironmen had already rushed to the square. Linde was the only one holding the handle in the square. According to common sense, the door of the Temple of Stars would have been opened by the Ironborn at this moment. He could no longer imagine Vilas's situation at this moment.

"No, Lord Vilas!" At this time, someone also thought of this situation, screamed, and ran towards the square of the Starry Temple above the street. Osmond and another knight also followed. , and the knight with the sword in his waist also wanted to follow, but after taking only two steps, he fell heavily to the ground and did not get up again.

The knight who rushed to the square first was completely stunned. He stared at everything in the square with his mouth open, and he didn't even know that the long sword in his hand fell to the ground.

Osmond and another knight thought that something had happened to Willas, and felt a sense of despair in their hearts. They were already determined to die, and were ready to rush to the ironborn in the square and die together.

However, when the two of them rushed to the square and saw the scene in the square, they were immediately as stunned as their colleagues who came to the square first. The hand holding the sword was also extremely shocked in their hearts and couldn't help but It started shaking, and the sword fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

I saw that almost half of the Starry Temple Square was covered with corpses. These corpses were piled up layer by layer, forming a small hill. Blood covered the entire square, dyeing the square built of black marble. became red.

Obviously these were the ironmen who rushed to the square, but what made the three Osmonds confused was who killed these people.

With doubts, they glanced around the square and found that besides these corpses, only Linde was standing in front of the gate of the Starry Temple, with his fur restored to black and white markings, lying at his feet. Licking his paws.

"Did Mr. Linde do it alone?" An idea suddenly appeared in the three people's minds. Although the moment the idea came up, they felt that it was too absurd and unbelievable, but the scene in front of them told them this all the time. The absurd answer is true.

They were able to kill [-] or [-] battle-hardened Ironmen when more than [-] people died in the battle. This already made them feel very satisfied. In any battle, it would definitely be considered a success. Excellent record.

However, Linde killed hundreds of ironmen with one person's power. This was not a record, it was a miracle. They all wondered whether Linde was possessed by a warrior from the Seven Gods just now, so he Able to kill so many ironborn.

At this time, the window of the small door of the Starry Temple was slightly opened, and a monk looked out nervously through the small window. There was still the sound of fighting just now, but now it was so quiet that there was no sound, even though the temple had a solid Protected by stone walls and gates, the monks in the sanctuary were equally worried.

When the monk saw clearly the corpses piled up in the church square through the bursts of fire emitted from the braziers around the square, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation and retracted his head.

Then several monks heard the sound and looked through the windows at the scene of corpses strewn in the square. They all looked surprised. Then they slowly closed the windows again, whispering in the church and speculating about what happened outside. What's up.

"Lord Linde." Several knights walked up to Linde, raised the visors of their helmets, and looked at him in awe.

"How are the others doing now?" Although he already knew the result, Linde still asked.

Several knights looked at each other, with sad expressions on their faces, and said in a low tone: "They have died in the battle."

Linde was silent for a moment and said calmly: "Check around to see if there are any remaining Ironborn."

The knights nodded and were about to follow Lind's instructions to check the situation around the Starry Temple. A burst of rapid horse hooves came from the road leading to the north city gate avenue. The knights immediately held their hands nervously. weapons.

I saw a group of heavily armed cavalry rushing up from the road below and coming to the square. When the cavalry saw the scene of corpses strewn in the square, they pulled the reins in unison.

At this moment, the three knight guards saw clearly that the swallow-tail flag of this cavalry group was the rose flag of the Tyrell family. They knew that reinforcements were coming, and their tense nerves relaxed.

The cavalry were also stunned by the scene in the square, but the captain of this cavalry must have been on the battlefield many times, and he had seen this situation of corpses strewn in the field many times, so he quickly returned to normal.

Then the cavalry captain quickly jumped off his horse, passed between the three knights, came to Linde, saluted Linde, and said: "Sir Linde, I was ordered to come to protect Lord Vilas, may I ask Lord Vilas now? how's it going?"

"He is still in the temple, very safe." Linde nodded and ordered: "Now take your people and patrol around the Starry Temple to clean up the Ironborn fish that have slipped through the net." Then he asked: "How's it going over there at the docks and the old town hall?"

The cavalry leader answered truthfully: "We rushed over after entering the city. We didn't know where the pier and the city hall were, but Sir Jon and all the knights had already led their soldiers to support them. I believe they will be there soon." Able to repel this group of Ironborn."

Just as the cavalry leader finished speaking, piercing horn sounds resounded throughout the old town. People familiar with the Ironborn knew that this was a signal for the Ironborn to retreat.

However, what is surprising is that the fighting at the city hall has not weakened, nor has the fighting in the dock area. Even the situation in the business district has not changed, as if all the ironmen no longer guard them. The rules of pirates have turned into berserkers who risk their lives.

This situation made Linde couldn't help but think of the situation of the ironmen who rushed to the square just now. Those ironmen clearly saw him killing hundreds or thousands of people easily, but they still couldn't see any signs of shrinking or timidity. Still risking his own life to attack him, this wave of offensive did not end until the last Ironborn who rushed to the square died under his sword.But now, the battles in Old Town are obviously the same as before. The ironmen there are no longer pirates who plunder wealth, but have become warriors who will fight until death. Even if they hear the retreat, The horn did not obey orders, and no doubt those ironmen must have been controlled by some kind of drug.

Not all the Ironborn who invaded Old Town fell into the madness of killing. A considerable number of Ironborn remained sane. They immediately stopped looting and killing after hearing the sound of the horn. , quickly fled towards the dock, and soon they retreated to the dock, and quickly boarded the pirate ship waiting at the dock.

"Sail the ship, sail the ship!" As the captains of each pirate ship issued orders, the ships loaded with looted treasure began to slowly leave the dock.

"We, the Wenqi family, haven't come up yet, you..." The ironmen on one of the ships saw that the ship had left the dock before it was full of people, and immediately stepped forward to question the captain.

"Go away, if you say one more word, I'll throw you down." The captain yelled at the ironman with a fierce look on his face.

When the Ironborn was about to say something, he felt the malicious gazes from around him. He immediately shut his mouth and walked to a corner to stay.

Finally, with the sound of the horn, more than 100 pirate ships from the Iron Islands left the dock. With the departure of these iron people, the situation in Old Town did not improve too much. The battle was still very fierce because they had to face a group of A berserker who is not afraid of death.

However, some people soon discovered that as long as they stayed away from the crazy ironmen, the ironmen would not attack them, but attack each other. In this way, the fighting situation in Old Town really changed.

Later, with the support of the Tyrell army, all the ironmen were wiped out at an extremely fast speed. When the last ironman fell, the old town returned to the silence of the night.

At the same time, on the sea of ​​Whispering Bay, the ships withdrawing from Old Town gradually gathered together.

There was a large sailboat among these small longships. The leaders of various families from the Iron Islands gathered on this sailboat at this moment. Although they evacuated safely, each ship was full of looted goods. All kinds of property, but they are not happy at all.

A total of nearly 300 long boats and more than 6000 people were used in this surprise attack on the old town. Now only more than 100 boats have been evacuated, and almost 130 boats are stuck inside. I just counted the number of people, and there are only 4000 100 people. People, that is to say, [-] people were trapped in the old town. Such a huge loss of personnel could not be compensated for by more than [-] ships no matter how much they grabbed. It would definitely be difficult for them to go back.

When an atmosphere of worry filled the entire room, someone suddenly said: "This is all Euron's fault. If he hadn't changed his goal temporarily, we would have captured Lannisport now."

This sentence seemed to find the best scapegoat for everyone, and everyone unanimously stated that Euron, who proposed the attack on Old Town, was the culprit for the loss of so many people this time.

At this time, someone also reminded: "There was something wrong with the wine that Euron took out before the attack. All the people who drank that wine lost their minds and would only attack anyone madly. Those who did not evacuate when they heard the retreat horn Everyone is a drunkard.”

"Yes, my men are like that too."

"Me too."

"Could it be that the Greyjoys are deliberately using this method to lose our people?"

As these accusations came out, the current temporary commander of the fleet, old Marron of the Portley family, turned livid. Although he did not deal with Euron, he had a good relationship with the Greyjoy family. Now Someone used the missing Euron to bring the responsibility for such heavy casualties to the Greyjoy family. Naturally, he couldn't just let this matter go on.

Old Maron pulled out the hammer and smashed it on the table in front of him, making a huge noise, and said: "That's enough! Are you all blind? Euron only took out so much wine, except for his own men who drank it. Except for that, less than half of the others drank. Now it’s up to you to tell me why everyone drank Euron’s wine. If that were the case, how could you still be standing here discussing this matter?”

Everyone fell silent immediately. Old Malen still had some prestige in the eyes of these ironmen.

However, some people were still unconvinced and said: "Even so, it does not mean that Euron has no problems. He and his people have disappeared since he attacked the dock, and the warehouse he was responsible for has not been touched. Attacking the old town is His idea, he only appeared for a moment when he logged in, and then disappeared, he..."

Just as they were talking, the cabin door was suddenly pushed open with force, and then a dripping Euron Greyjoy was seen walking in from the outside, but the Euron now seemed different from the Euron they knew. Something has become different.

Although the original Euron's skin was very white, there was still a trace of blood, but now Euron's skin is as white as a dead person, which adds a sinister aura to Euron's already evil temperament.

Euron's skin is not the biggest change. The biggest change is Euron's left eye. His eyeball, which originally had sea blue pupils, has become as dark as the deep sea. If you look into it, your soul will be... The illusion of detachment.

"Euron, your eyes..." Someone couldn't resist Euron's gaze and couldn't help but lower his head.

"It's very beautiful, isn't it? I think it's very beautiful too." Euron looked lazy, pushed away the person in front of him, sat down on the main chair unceremoniously, picked up the wine bottle next to him and took a sip. started to drink.

"Euron, where are your people?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"All dead, all dead," Euron replied calmly.

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at each other. The reason why they, people from various families in the Iron Islands, feared Euron and obeyed Euron's orders was entirely because of the more than 800 people under Euron's command. Now all of them are dead. , everyone felt that they no longer needed to fear Euron.

Just when they were about to take advantage of Euron's weakness to question him, Euron suddenly said to the captains in the room: "My people are all dead, why are you still alive? You should die too. "

Before everyone understood what was going on, some captains were stabbed through the body by the daggers of other captains around them. Soon, almost half of the captains in the room fell in a pool of blood. None of these fallen captains The exceptions are the ones who shouted the loudest just now.

Euron stared at the stunned old Maren with his dark eyes at this time, and said: "The traitors who caused this huge loss have been found, what do you think? Old Maren."

(End of this chapter)

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