Chapter 87
Although there were too many people being tortured, the injuries on their bodies were all flesh wounds. Everyone was a strong knight. This injury was nothing to them. They could just apply medicine.

Even Vilas, who seemed to be the most seriously injured, had no major problems. Linde's strikes were very precise. Each whip seemed to have ripped apart his skin, but in fact it only hurt a little of his skin. He applied medicine and one or two God will be fine.

However, even though it was only a superficial injury, the pain Vilas felt was not weak at all, and was stronger, otherwise he would not have screamed in public, and in the end he passed out from the pain.

Because of this, even though the accompanying bachelor and herbalist carefully examined Vilas's injuries and determined that they were only superficial injuries, they were still worried about Vilas's condition and asked Vilas to stay in Old Town for two more days to wait for the injury. After stabilizing, continue on the road.

Originally, Vilas was not very happy, because if he continued to stay in the old town for two days, time would be a bit tight.

However, news came from the Tower, suggesting that he stay in Old Town for two more days to confirm whether the Ironborn pirates were still in the waters around Whispering Bay before continuing his journey.

After thinking about it, Vilas thought it made sense, so he postponed the trip for two days. At the same time, it was convenient for Linde to reorganize the existing team.

Although Linde now only serves as the cavalry captain and military judge, in fact his authority has spread to every position in this thousands-strong team, and even the 2000 soldiers are under his jurisdiction.

Although he had great authority, Linde did not haphazardly command and organize. He only added a military judge and a supervisory team to the soldiers, and other matters remained as usual.

As for the cavalry team composed of hundreds of knights, knights' attendants and attendant knights, he divided it into two parts. One was the heavy cavalry composed of knights and knight attendants, and the other was composed of the attendant knights who were proficient in riding skills and melee combat. The men formed light cavalry.

If the heirs of the nobles are knights, they will be classified into these two teams. If not, they will be sent to Vilas as a staff.

After deciding on these main matters, Lind handed over all matters to Jon and the three knight guards who survived the battle in the Starry Temple. These three knight guards were all promoted by Lind. Lieutenant-level officer, assisting Jon in handling matters.

After the layers of affairs are assigned, Linde only needs to control the general direction and not deviate, and there will be no big problems.

Compared to the cumbersome military affairs, Linde felt a little headache about Moloa Hightower who stayed in the military camp.

Moloa Hightower took her maid into the military camp and expressed her intention to go to Dorne with the team. After that, she stayed in the tent prepared for her and rarely appeared in the military camp, but Lind But he knew very well that this crazy woman should be here for him.

However, Linde found that even though he knew that the trouble was coming for him, he was somewhat helpless about the trouble.

After all, after Moroya arrived at the military camp, he had never been in contact with him or even appeared in front of him. Even if he told Moroya's true thoughts, no one would believe it and would only think that Lind was coveting Moroya. of beauty.

Moreover, before Linde conquered this team with force, Moroya conquered this army with her beauty.

On the day she moved into the military camp, more than a dozen injured knights ran to her tent and swore to protect her for life and become her honorary knights. They even had conflicts over this. Just in Moroya There was a knightly contest outside the tent.

The farce didn't end until Linde arrived. Each of the dozen knights was whipped ten more times, but this time it was not on the back, but on the buttocks, and they were executed right outside Moroya's tent. I believe that after such a shameful thing, these dozen guys who are easily dazzled by so-called love can calm down for a while.

After this incident, Lind also forced Moroya to wear a veil in the military camp, otherwise he would be driven away directly, and he would not show any mercy to the Hightower family.

Moroya did not refuse. After that, she would put on a veil to cover her face before leaving the tent. Although it would still cause some commotion, it was much better than before. Of course, it might also be caused by Linde's execution of more than a dozen knights. It worked a little bit.

After Moroya moved into the military camp, her brother Garth Hightower moved into the military camp with Moroya, but he was not the only one. He also brought more than 100 mercenary knights and more than 300 soldiers to join him. Arrived in Willas's party for Dorne.

Nominally it was to protect Moroya's safety, but in fact it was to supplement Vilas' manpower, which Vilas readily accepted.

Linde did not directly incorporate these people into Vilas's team, but let them form their own army to protect Vilas, Moroya, and the bachelor and other civilian personnel in the camp.

Compared to Moroya, Linde likes Garth very much, because this person has the basic qualities of a military camp in Linde's mind. He obeys orders, is strictly self-disciplined, does things in a strict and uncompromising manner, speaks very straightforwardly, and does not hide anything. Tucked in.

When Gars first arrived at the military camp, he directly approached Linde and challenged Linde's swordsmanship. The reason he gave was very straightforward, that is, he was dissatisfied with Linde's reputation as the so-called best swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms.

Although Linde didn't care about his reputation as the number one swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms, he had to agree to Gars's challenge because Gars challenged him in front of many people. If he didn't accept the challenge, then he would have passed the challenge before. The prestige established by the Punishment Knight may no longer exist.

So he simply had a duel with Gars during his rest at night in front of everyone in the military camp. However, he was not fighting only Gars alone, but with Gars and the hundred people he brought. The mercenary knights fight together.

Gars challenged Linde, and Linde agreed to challenge, but the prerequisite was that one against a hundred. This incident happened in the morning, and it was still in a military camp outside the city. Logically speaking, the outside world should not know about this incident.

Because Linde promulgated martial law after his execution in the early morning, requiring no one in the military camp to leave the military camp before officially setting off on the road. People outside the military camp, such as prostitutes and vendors, were not allowed to enter the military camp again. There was no news from the military camp or outside. contacts.

However, by the afternoon, the news had spread throughout Old Town, immediately attracting the attention of Old Town residents and dignitaries.

Although the Ironborn invasion yesterday caused great damage to the economy and business of Old Town, it did not cause much harm to the ordinary residents and dignitaries of Old Town.

Because the Ironmen attacked mainly the dock area and the commercial area, and the attack on the municipal area was blocked by the garrison, the residents in that area did not suffer much damage. As for those who attacked the religious area, they did not suffer much damage. They all died in Linde's hands before they had time to cause damage.

The ordinary residents and dignitaries of Old Town all live in the area near the Academy, which is separated from the city where the Ironborn invaded by a mead river. They were not harmed at all. Many people even woke up from their sleep the next day and still I didn't know that the Ironborn landed in Oldtown last night and robbed them.The ones who suffered the most from the Ironborn invasion were the maritime merchants who stored their goods in warehouses. Almost all the warehouses were emptied by the Ironborn, followed by the Hightowers and the banks that provided loans to maritime merchants, such as the Tyrells. Rose Bank.

Because many maritime merchants died in the hands of the ironmen, their goods were robbed, and bank loans were in vain.

The Hightowers need to provide compensation to the maritime merchants who rented the dock warehouse, because when they rented the warehouse, there was already a protection agreement. Although the compensation mentioned in the agreement only accounted for about [-]% of the value of the goods, it The accumulation of so many losses is still a large sum.

But the compensation is secondary. What really worries the Hightowers is that as the news of the ironmen's sacking of Old Town spreads, maritime merchants will doubt the safety of Old Town and reduce maritime trade with Old Town. It directly affects the tax revenue of the old town. At the same time, the income of the residents of the old town will also be affected, making them dissatisfied, which in turn affects the morale of the entire old town.

Therefore, the Hightowers also urgently need to find a way to improve the morale of Old Town, and the duel between Lind and Garth is just an opportunity.

During this period, Linde was definitely the most famous figure in Old Town. The effect of Linde's Bear Hunter's Song made people recognize Linde, a legendary figure who was born as a hunter.

Initially, they were skeptical about Linde's rumors, but when they saw Glory, their doubts were reduced by half. After all, even such a ferocious beast can subdue. Linde should be very strong. According to rumors, The "Hundred Kills" may also be true.

Later, although no one saw Linde's killing of the Ironborn in the square in front of the Starry Cathedral, the people who cleaned up the corpses afterwards could prove that all the corpses were made by the same person, because they The wounds are all the same, and based on the number of heads, it can be determined that a total of more than 700 people died here.

The fact that one person killed more than 700 ironmen quickly spread in Old Town. Although the people in Old Town did not believe it was true, they were still curious about who that person was.

Soon someone inquired that there was only Willas Tyrell's bodyguard outside the Starry Cathedral, and that there were twelve knights in the bodyguard who were leading the Tyrell army outside the city into the old town to support the garrison's counterattack. , the only people actually guarding the Starry Temple were Linde, the captain of the guards, eight knight guards, and more than twenty ordinary guards.

Later, someone inquired and learned that the knight guards and ordinary guards met the enemy on the streets below the Square of Stars and killed more than 80 ironmen. However, they only had three knight guards left, and the rest were all killed in the battle. Called heroic.

So everyone realized that when more than 700 people rushed to Starry Square, the only person guarding the place was the bear hunter Linde, which meant that Linde might have killed more than 700 vicious ironmen by himself.

It was originally rumored that Linde almost killed a hundred people at the Tourney in King's Landing, which was outrageous enough in the eyes of ordinary people. Now it is even said that he killed more than 700 heavily armed Ironborn. People who hear this rumor will naturally find it difficult to believe it. This is real.

Just when everyone thought that Lind was a liar, news came from the Tyrell military camp outside the city that Lind was preparing to challenge Garth Hightower and his one hundred mercenary knights alone.

Everyone's attention immediately fell on this matter, even the merchants who were looted couldn't help but pay attention to it.

The people in Oldtown knew Lind from various rumors, but their knowledge of Garth Hightower was solid.

Everyone who knew Garth gave similar evaluations. He was a serious man, a powerful warrior, and a knight who could serve as an example.

Garth once served in the Old Town Guard. In just one month, the dock area under his jurisdiction changed from the most chaotic area to the most orderly area. The method he used was very simple. He directly found the gangsters at the dock. , then go in, kill everyone, and leave.

The cut on his lip was from this period.

Now that such a powerful warrior is leading a hundred mercenary knights against one person, this naturally attracts everyone's attention.

This incident also alarmed Earl Leighton. He did not stop it. Instead, he personally came to the Tyrell family camp outside the city and asked Lind to hold the duel on the newly cleared dock square. .

Lind had no problem with this, it was the same for him everywhere.

So, at night, the area around the dock square became crowded with people. The surrounding buildings were filled with nobles and officials from the old town. Some temporary high platforms on the streets were also filled with people who had heard the news. Even the rooftops were full of people. The station was full of people, all waiting for a wonderful martial arts duel.

However, they were both disappointed and satisfied with this duel. They were disappointed because it ended too quickly. They had been waiting here since evening for several hours, but the duel ended in less than 5 minutes.

And they were satisfied because they witnessed the emergence of a legendary warrior. All the rumors about Linde, even the most outrageous one about one person killing more than 1000 ironmen, now no longer have any doubt in their hearts.

Because they saw with their own eyes how Linde held two knight training swords and knocked down one hundred and one knights to the ground without receiving a single attack on his body.

Almost every time he moved, he would be followed by a direct and domineering sword swing, and every time he swung the sword, three or four knights would fall to the ground. Those knights who were extremely powerful in the eyes of ordinary people were so fragile in front of Linde. Like a newly weaned child.

No one would suspect that Gals and the hundred mercenary knights were faking it, not only because of Gals's own reputation, but also because they could personally feel the domineering power contained in Lind's attack.

After some of the knights received Linde's swing, they were knocked out and hit the wooden frame next to them, almost breaking the wooden frame. Some knights also fell into the crowd and knocked several people into the air. Opening it shows how powerful it is, and there is no falsehood at all.

The only one among the one hundred and one who could take Lind's sword blow without falling was Garth.

However, after he received a challenge, the sword in his hand had been knocked out, and his hands were numbed by the huge power transmitted to him. He couldn't use any force at all and could only watch Linde walking over. He tapped his sword on his neck to signal his death.

At this moment, not only did Lind's reputation in Old Town reach its peak, but even the Tyrell family's army worshiped him immensely, and this influence would quickly spread to other countries along with the merchants traveling to and from Old Town. The place spreads.

(End of this chapter)

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