Picked up a dark secret martial world

Chapter 14 Irregular Energy

Chapter 14 Irregular Energy

"Can't send it. Because the quantity is limited."

"how many?"

"A month, up to 30 pounds."

"Ah, only 30 kilograms a month? This is indeed too little." Tao Dawei was a little discouraged when he heard this, "Such a small amount of tea is not enough to make a top tea brand."

Han Ze said casually: "As long as you know."

In fact, he can now carry 10 kilograms a day and 300 kilograms in a month.

But he didn't intend to do this, because he needed to keep carrying human flesh from other worlds. As time went by, his flaws would be revealed sooner or later.

If the secret of his ability to time travel is revealed, it will be over.

Tao Dawei was obviously unwilling to give up, and said to himself: "Although 30 pounds is a bit too little, it is not impossible to be a small but sophisticated luxury brand."

"When the time comes to sell it to the big guys in the industry who really know how to taste tea, it can't be cheaper than Lao Banzhang. I'll sell it to him for 30 or 300 yuan per kilogram. Don't think it's too expensive. You still have to make a reservation and pay the full price. 3000 pounds, that’s [-] million a month, and [-] million a year.”

The more Tao Dawei talked, the more excited he became.

Han Ze curled his lips and said: "Don't be so whimsical. There are many good teas, but how many can really sell them at sky-high prices? They are not all packaged by brand operations. You don't spend money on packaging operations, but you want to sell them for ten If it weighs only a pound, it’s a waste of dreams.”

Tao Dawei was not discouraged at all when he heard this.

"How will you know if you don't try?" Tao Dawei said and stood up, "Okay, leave this matter to me. You just need to ensure the supply of tea. It depends on whether we two brothers can get along with each other. .”

Han Ze: "No guarantee."

"... Damn it, didn't you just say that you can provide 30 pounds a month?" Tao Dawei was speechless.

Han Ze: "I said 30 kilograms at most, maybe 20 kilograms, or 10 kilograms, not necessarily."

"Okay, let's make an agreement, the minimum is 10 kilograms, no less. I'll go back to my hometown and come back in two days."

After speaking, Tao Dawei left in a hurry.

The Zhejiang merchant boss likes to drink tea a lot, and he wants to use the old man’s network resources to promote it.

Han Ze was distracted from reading the information by Tao Dawei, so he went downstairs to relax.

We walked all the way outside the community, along the shopping mall at the entrance of the community, and walked towards the Carrefour supermarket.

In my mind, I have been thinking about the martial arts masters from Dacang Kingdom who fly over walls and walls, as well as the rumors about the strange people who kill people invisible...

An ordinary person's life is not guaranteed in such a world!
While passing a milk tea shop, Han Ze saw a familiar figure busy inside.

Han Ze walked over and said, "Hello, would you like a cup of Strawberry Duoduo?"

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waitress inside responded. When she was about to place an order, she saw it was Han Ze and couldn't help but said in surprise: "Hey, it's you."

The waitress was none other than Tong Feifei, the younger sister of the two sisters who previously shared a room.

"I wanted to borrow a charger from you before, but I found out that you moved. Where have you moved to now?"

"It's just next to Cuihua Garden."

"You're living well, why did you suddenly move?"

"That house is too small..."

The two chatted for a while, and soon the milk tea was ready. Han Ze smiled and said, "Please drink it."

"Ah? Thank you, no need." Hearing this, Tong Feifei handed him the milk tea with a smile.

Han Ze didn't answer, "Let's go to the bar tonight. I'll treat you."

"No, my sister won't let me go to those places." Tong Feifei refused with a smile.

"Then don't tell her. I'll be waiting for you at the east gate of Cuihua Garden at 8pm. I won't wait if you're late."

Without giving Tong Feifei a chance to refuse, Han Ze turned around and left.

Tong Feifei struggled until her shift changed at six o'clock in the evening.

Called her sister Tong Fangfang, and the two of them went downstairs to have dinner together.

After dinner, the two sisters went for a walk in a nearby park. On the way, Tong Feifei Qiqi Aiai told her sister that they would go out to play in the evening.

Tong Fangfang immediately asked warily: "With whom?"

"Ah, it's... that, a gathering of colleagues." Tong Feifei didn't have many friends here, so she could only talk to her colleagues in the milk tea shop.

"Let me ask." Tong Fangfang immediately took out her mobile phone and called the manager of the milk tea shop.

Tong Feifei immediately stopped him.

Tong Fangfang looked at her sternly and said nothing.

Tong Feifei had no choice but to "betray" Han Ze.When Tong Fangfang heard this, her eyebrows suddenly stood up. She poked her sister on the head with her finger and cursed: "You are crazy. You know him very well, and you just go when he asks you to? Do you know where the bar is? No one is good there." .”

Tong Feifei shrank her neck as she was scolded, not daring to talk back.

The two are obviously twins, and her sister was born an hour earlier than her, but Tong Feifei is very afraid of her sister, even more afraid than her mother.

"Then... at least go over and tell them."

Tong Fangfang didn't plan to go there, but then she thought about it and took Tong Feifei to Cuihua Garden.

She wanted to warn the man to stay away from her sister and not to harass her sister.

However, when the two people rushed over, they discovered that Han Ze was not there at all.

Dong Feifei looked at the time, 20:01.

"No, I don't want to wait even one more minute..."


At twelve o'clock in the evening, the bar was crowded.

Strong drumbeats, noisy crowds, enchanting and sexy women and young and crazy men, even sitting in the corner are filled with the collision of wine glasses and uncontrollable laughter.

There is a lingering smell of alcohol, perfume and tobacco floating in the air.

Han Ze was sitting in a booth, silently drinking mineral water. Next to him, a female saleswoman wearing a low-cut top with half of her headlight exposed kept urging him to drink.

Han Ze was indifferent, he had been feeling it quietly.

However, what disappointed him was that the burning sensation from the night before yesterday never came. He looked at the attribute panel and found no movement.

"Is it because you have been sitting in the booth and need to be among the crowd?"

Han Ze thought to himself, and then walked to the center of the dance floor with the marketing girl.

While the girl was posing, he was gently shaking his body, focusing all his attention on his chest.

About ten minutes later, Han Ze suddenly felt a faint burning sensation in his chest.


He immediately opened the attribute panel, and the energy data at the bottom became 0.1/1.

Han Ze was surprised.

“I didn’t expect that energy could really be absorbed on the dance floor of a bar.”

He quickly pushed away the girl in front of him, feeling silently that the burning sensation did not come out of thin air, but seemed to be sucked from the men and women who were twisting their bodies crazily around him.

Threads and threads, almost as if they are apart.

"What exactly is this? Negative energy? Or dark energy? But it's definitely not serious energy."

Han Ze felt strange in his heart, but unfortunately no one gave him an answer.

As he can see with his naked eyes, the energy data is constantly increasing, 0.2/1, 0.3/1, 0.4/1...

It only increased by 12 in 0.2 hours in the other world, but in the middle of the bar dance floor, absorbing negative energy, the increase was very fast, and it could increase by 5 points in about 0.1 minutes.

Five and 10 minutes later, the energy data became 1/1.

The next second, he clearly felt a faint warm current radiating from his chest towards his torso and limbs, as if he was being electrified.

When the warmth passed by, he immediately felt different.

After staying in the bar for several hours, the music, drum beats, fragrance, tobacco smell, and all kinds of messy smells made him feel dizzy, mentally exhausted, and his body's senses became very sluggish.

However, as that warm current passed by, all negative emotions were swept away in an instant.

He found that he felt refreshed, his brain was thinking clearly, and his body's senses were sharp.

All the negative substances in the bar had no impact on him at all.

At the same time, the energy data was cleared again and became 0/1.

"I see……"

Han Ze finally understood how to use energy, and he laughed happily with excitement.

Back at the booth, Han Ze specially ordered a bottle of Jägermeister for his experiment.

After drinking two drinks, my brain began to feel dizzy, and my sharp thinking and clear body senses were all reduced.

Obviously, that energy is not omnipotent.

Or maybe there just isn’t enough negative energy?

(End of this chapter)

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