Picked up a dark secret martial world

Chapter 23 Is this martial arts?

Chapter 23 Is this martial arts?
After boarding the Black Bee merchant ship, I discovered that the ship was disguised as an underground auction house for flower ships. The area was really large.

It is larger than two standard basketball courts. There are flowers arranged outside, and girls dressed like flowers are constantly shuttling through the rooms on the ship like butterflies wearing flowers.

Because Jiang Yong did not attend the auction, he was left on the first floor. He and Jin Sheng took Han Ze down to the second floor.

While walking, I inquired about Han Ze's identity and background, "I wonder where Boss Han is from and where he made his fortune in the past?"

Han Ze smiled calmly and said: "What's the point of getting rich? It's just an inheritance from my ancestors. Because I offended someone, I had to leave my hometown and come to this border place to hide from the world."

He knew that his identity could not be hidden from anyone who wanted to investigate, so he had thought up an excuse early.

This not only explains the source of my money, but also prevents others from getting to the bottom of it. I am here to avoid trouble. If you continue to ask, you are not being kind.

Sure enough, after hearing what Han Ze said, although He Jinsheng didn't completely believe it, he didn't continue to ask.

Coming to the second floor, this place is completely different from the one above. The interior is decorated in an antique style. Some bidders, including men, women, old and young, were waiting here early.

Han Ze even saw an acquaintance in the crowd, Yuan Fang, the current escort master of Zhenwei Escort Agency, and the person following him was none other than Liu San.

This tough woman had a cold personality to begin with. Now that her brother, sister-in-law, and relatives are all dead, she has become even colder. Standing in the crowd, she is like a piece of ice.

Han Ze touched the beard at the corner of his mouth, feeling somewhat speechless.

It's really a narrow road for enemies.

Yuan Fang may not remember him, but Liu San may not remember him. The two of them stayed close to each other for several hours.

Fortunately he had given himself a wig and beard when he arrived.

Han Ze sat in the corner and waited for about an hour. Soon, he and Jin Sheng came in followed by a tall and thin old man in black robes. He clapped his hands and said with a smile, "I've kept you waiting for so long! Please come with me."

After speaking, the old man in black robe turned and walked towards the stairs below.

Everyone filed in.

Han Ze and two other people, an old man and a young man, walked at the back.

When he came to the bottom of the stairs, Han Ze thought that there was a cabin underneath, but to his surprise, there was a long black passage below. There were lighting facilities on both sides of the passage, and the end could not be seen at a glance.

Everyone lined up and kept moving forward.

As they walked, Han Ze quickly discovered that something was wrong.

This merchant ship was only five or sixty meters long at most, but he followed the advancing team for a full two to three hundred meters, and the tilt angle of his body told him that he was going down.

Something is wrong!
He was secretly surprised and felt a little nervous at the same time.

Just when he was about to ask the grandfather and grandson in front of him, the front of the passage suddenly became clear.

When he walked out of the passage and saw the situation in front of him clearly, Han Ze could hardly believe his eyes.

In front of him was an auction venue that could accommodate hundreds of people, and at least two-thirds of the people were already seated in the venue.

"This... what kind of means is this?"

Perhaps seeing the shocked expression on Han Ze's face, the old man with white hair and beard next to him smiled and explained: "Young man, don't be surprised. This is just a strange technique, used to hide the true location of the auction venue."

Just when Han Ze was about to ask Wen again, the old man had already walked towards the venue with his grandson beside him.

When he saw the other people's expressions, they were indeed calm.

So I followed suit and found a place to sit.

There were no cumbersome processes. After everyone sat down, a middle-aged auctioneer walked onto the auction stage at the venue, followed by a young man holding a rectangular wooden box in his hand.

After the wooden box was placed, the auctioneer opened the box, took out a long sword from inside, and explained: "I think the distinguished guests who came here to participate in the auction already know the rules of our Haolan Pavilion. The things here may be very expensive. But the quality is absolutely guaranteed.”

"Then let's get started. The long sword in my hand is the exclusive weapon of a Huayuan realm great swordsman. It is forged from cold iron. It contains some secret sword skills. If you can understand it, , which is very helpful for improving your cultivation."

Hearing the auctioneer's words, the venue suddenly became commotion.

"What, the exclusive weapon of the Great Sword Master of Huayuan Realm?"

"This sword itself is extremely precious. I didn't expect it to contain secret skills. I'm afraid it will fetch a sky-high price."

"Yeah, if I had known that there would be such a magical weapon today, I would have to bring enough books even if I was trying to sell it. Now I can only watch others take it away."

"I didn't expect it to be such a cherished treasure. I'm afraid I'm going to have to steal a dog's brain in today's auction."

"I really want to see what the secret skills of the Huayuan Realm Great Sword Master are like?"

"..." The atmosphere quickly became boiling.

Han Ze was also surprised when he heard about "Huayuan Realm".

If the body tempering stage is equivalent to the Qi training stage in fantasy novels, then the Yuan Hua stage is equivalent to the golden elixir stage.

There is a big realm spanning between [Huayuan] and [Quenching Body].

When Huang Dapeng was talking about the martial arts realm before, he never mentioned any knowledge about the Huayuan realm.

Even the "soul nourishing realm" above the tempered body is rarely mentioned. In Huang Dapeng's words, the more you know about it, the more you will lose your determination and perseverance to be brave and diligent.

Because of this, you can imagine how excited the people in the arena were when they heard that it was a weapon belonging to a Huayuan realm warrior and that it might contain secret skills.
"There is no starting price for this sword. Bidding starts now."

"I'll pay 1 taels!"

As soon as the auctioneer finished speaking, someone shouted loudly at the scene. After shouting, he stood up. He was a bald man with a height of 1.9 meters and almost exploding muscles.

The bald man's eyes were like lightning. He looked around and said coldly: "Who dares to rob me of the Situ family?"

"What, he is from the Situ family?"

"This guy is so arrogant. Is the Situ family very powerful?"

"Don't you know the Situ family? The Situ family is the local emperor of Yangfu County. The old head of the family, Situ Xiu, has reached the advanced level of martial arts. It is said that he has practiced the iron cloth shirt secret technique to the point of no leakage. Lian Wulin Mansion's The master of the palace is a guest of his family."

"No wonder you are so arrogant..."

Hearing the comments from the people present, the bald man could not help but show a proud expression on his face.

But the next second, a voice sounded in the venue.

"I will offer 1000 taels."

The bald man looked over fiercely.

In the corner, there was a person wrapped in a black robe. It was impossible to tell whether he was a man or a woman.

The auctioneer on the stage took the opportunity to say: "Ten thousand taels. Is there anyone else bidding?"

"I will offer 3000 taels."

"I will offer 5000 taels."

Those who did not dare to bid due to the prestige of the Situ family saw that someone was trying to disrupt the situation, so they followed suit.

The bald man standing there was staring at the man in black robe in the corner. If eyes could kill, the man in black robe would have been cut into pieces long ago.

He sat down angrily, gritted his teeth and shouted, "I'll pay 2 taels."

As if confronting him, the man in black robe in the corner shouted: "I will pay 1000 taels."

"You..." The bald man suddenly stood up, his eyes were about to burst, and his clothes were bulging.

The people sitting next to him were so frightened that they all ran back, and a vacuum zone of three meters was instantly formed.

Seeing that the war was about to break out, a magical scene happened.

A colorful sound wave visible to the naked eye shrouded the bald man one after another, like ripples on a lake.

Someone exclaimed: "The secret technique of sound power!"

Han Ze, who was sitting in the back row, was stunned when he saw this scene.

He had long heard Jiang Yong say that martial arts [secret techniques] could be embodied, but only after seeing them with his own eyes did he realize how terrifying they were.

Is this martial arts?
The next second, a vague and vague voice sounded in the venue, "We at Haolan Xuan always do business fairly. Is it possible that the Situ family intends to break the rules and buy and sell by force?"

The bald man, who was shrouded in the secret skills of sound skills, could not help but turn pale, and then he clasped his fists and said angrily: "I don't dare! It's just that I offered 1 taels, and the other party offered 1000 taels. It is obviously deliberately provoking trouble."

"The highest bidder gets it!"

After the ethereal voice finished speaking, even the secret technique of Yin Gong disappeared.

The auction continues.

(End of this chapter)

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