Picked up a dark secret martial world

Chapter 34: Master Wife, are you planning to frame me?

Chapter 34: Master Wife, are you planning to frame me?

After the boxing gym disciples closed the door, Han Ze's back was soaked.

If he hadn't listened to Zhang Tieshan and drank half a catty of wine, he would have been unable to bear it and ran away.

Now all this was not in his plan at all. His plan was just to blow up Huang Dapeng. Even his close disciples and direct disciples were not part of the original plan.

Now he takes advantage of the situation and local conditions to make things develop in the direction that is most beneficial to him.

But he knew better that this was only temporary.

The news of the death of Huang Dapeng and a group of close disciples would have spread throughout Longshan County by tomorrow morning.

At that time, those people in the world, including people from the government, will swarm in and swallow up the entire Huang Family Boxing Gym.

Especially Huang Dapeng's "Kunpeng Heart Method", many people are determined to get it, so this storm is inevitable.

Han Ze summoned a dozen senior disciples from the boxing gym and held an emergency meeting.

"Brothers, you all already understand the situation. Those people will never give up. They will come back tomorrow morning at the latest."

"There will only be two outcomes at that time. Either we protect ourselves wisely and let those people empty out the boxing gym like bandits."

"Either we stand up and defend the boxing gym to the death, or we are killed by those martial arts warriors."

When everyone heard Han Ze's analysis, everyone looked at each other, and even swallowed their saliva out of fear.

Some people couldn't help but asked: "Isn't there no king's law?"

Zhao An glanced at the man and sneered: "Wang Fa? Yang Shengjie, you haven't understood yet. Those people came to our boxing gym to rob us justly under the guise of avenging the master's death. As for the real cause of the master's death, who Do you care?"

Han Ze cast an appreciative look at Zhao An.

He said what he wanted to say.

very good!

Qian Ruifeng asked in a deep voice: "Junior Brother Han, is there no other way?"

"Forcibly stopping it will only result in these two results, there will not be a third one!"

As he spoke, Han Ze sighed hypocritically, "Hey, money is so exciting! The Huang Family Boxing Gym has been in Longshan County for more than ten years. Everyone knows that the master has a rich family. Who wouldn't be jealous? They all want to come here. Take a piece of the pie.”

"As the saying goes, being a man and making money is like killing your parents. Do you think we can stop such a group of wolves?"

Everyone suddenly stopped talking, and everyone looked frightened.

With their three-legged cat skills, they can just go up and deliver food.

Senior Brother Ge Dongge had a more flexible mind and asked: "Brother Han, what do you mean by forcibly stopping it? Is there any way to stop it without forcibly stopping it?"

"That's right!" Han Ze nodded and looked around. After everyone held their breath and concentrated, he said in a deep voice: "Two fists can't beat four hands. It's definitely not possible to fight head-on. Besides, we are not opponents at all, so we have to find another way. "

"What method?" someone asked impatiently.

Han Ze: "Let Master Niang and the others report to the official directly. We will definitely bring the Yamen to our camp. Then we will go to the mourning hall all night and announce to the public that the master went crazy while practicing martial arts and exploded to death."

Some people couldn't help but ask: "Master was obviously killed, why do you say he was possessed?"

Zhao An sneered again: "There's no need to ask. Being possessed and dying is a family matter, and being killed becomes a public matter. By then, people who can't be beaten will all come to take advantage of the trouble and fish in troubled waters, which will be troublesome. .”

Han Ze had to look at Zhao An differently now.

Although the real cause of Huang Dapeng's death is not announced to the public in order to prevent anyone from getting to the bottom of it and getting burned, what Zhao An said is indeed the truth.

"I see……"

Several people who had listened for a long time and still didn't understand the logic suddenly understood after hearing Zhao An's analysis.

"Senior Brother Zhao is so smart, why didn't I think of that?" "Senior Brother Zhao is so smart and considers the boxing gym so much, but the master has always been partial when he was alive. Well, it's okay, if the master is not partial..."

Zhao An couldn't help feeling resentful at first. Indeed, he was so smart and devoted himself to the boxing gym, but when his master was still alive, he regarded those guys who could only flatter others as his confidants.

But when I heard the second part of the sentence, I couldn't help but feel happy. If I had really become a confidant, I might not be leaving with the old master now.

Qian Ruifeng had no time to care about Zhao An's thoughts and asked anxiously: "Junior brother Han, what should we do next?"

"The next step is simple. Since it was an accidental death, let's bury them normally. Let the master wife take the children and kneel in the mourning hall in mourning. Those quacks who claim to be the incarnation of the narrow sense cannot bully orphans and widowed mothers. Bar?"

"Of course, there are always those scum who don't follow the moral principles of the world, so I'll try my best to invite a few respected martial arts seniors and disciples from the Huang Family Boxing Gym to express condolences and cheers, and also invite some neighbors to come and watch. I wonder who dares to risk the disapproval of the world and come and rob someone in broad daylight?"

"As long as the master is convinced that his death was accidental, and anyone who wants to beat Qiu Feng afterwards can just beat him out with a stick."

Han Ze's mind had never been as flexible as it was now. He thought about everything in an instant and blurted it out.


Qian Ruifeng and everyone else at the scene suddenly brightened up.


Inside the boxing gym bedroom.

Huang Dapeng's wife He Xianglan and two concubines finally recovered and recovered under the doctor's treatment.

Then they learned from the servants what happened after they fainted, and several women burst into tears again.

Without Huang Dapeng as the backbone, how would these women's families know what to do?

In the end, He Xianglan asked Qian Ruifeng, Zhao An, Han Ze and others to come over.

Before He Xianglan could ask, Zhao An rushed to tell them the plan they discussed.

He Xianglan naturally agreed wholeheartedly and immediately sent someone down to make arrangements.

Then she said to Qian Ruifeng and Zhao An: "You go ahead and do your work. I have something I want to discuss with Han Ze."

Han Ze reminded: "Senior Madam, there are many places where we need to spend money, especially at the Yamen. Senior Brother Qian and Senior Brother Zhao are not very wealthy..."

"Oh, oh, yes, yes. I have completely forgotten about this." He Xianglan went to get 500 taels of silver notes and said, "You can use the money first. If it's not enough, ask me for it."

"Okay, Master Wife. Then we'll go first."

Qian Ruifeng and Zhao An bowed to say goodbye to their mistress, and cast a grateful look at Han Ze before leaving.

This is not a matter of 500 taels, but it is equivalent to Han Ze helping them to take over the financial expenditure of the boxing gym in the next period of time.

There are more than 100 people in the whole boxing gym eating, drinking, sleeping, sleeping, and other expenses, so there is a lot of money in it.

In the past, Huang Dapeng's close disciples were in charge of these matters, and they had no right to interfere.

After Qian Ruifeng and Zhao An went down, He Xianglan said to the two sisters-in-law: "Xiaoyun, Yilian, you should also go down first."

After Huang Dapeng's two plump concubines also left, He Xianglan looked directly at Han Ze.

Han Ze's drunkenness had subsided at this time, and he couldn't help but feel a little hairy on his back. He laughed dryly and said, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

He Xianglan took a deep breath, and then said: "Your master was killed by you, right?"

Han Ze's heart tightened suddenly, and the smile froze on his face.

After looking at the other person's determined expression for a few seconds, I couldn't help but smile.

He simply stopped pretending, pulled up a chair and sat down next to He Xianglan, put his hand on her plump thigh, gently rubbed the blue skirt, and said with a faint smile: "Master Wife, are you planning to frame me?"

(End of this chapter)

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