Chapter 37
Huang's boxing gym, at the gate.

When Tan Hongbao led He Xianglan and others, who were wearing sackcloth and mourning, outside the gate, the ferocious-looking people in the world under the light of torches instantly became silent.

But it was only for a moment, and the next moment everyone was pressing forward.

The boxing gym disciples guarding the door had long been frightened by these ferocious bandits, and they did not dare to stop them and retreated one after another.


"Everyone please be quiet!"

"Fellow fellow Jianghu, please give me Tan Hongbao some face and listen to my fair words!"

Mr. Tan Hongbao, Mr. Tan, cupped his fists and raised his hands to the sky, signaling the people present not to push forward.

Someone obviously didn't want to sell Tan Hongbao's face, and sneered: "Tan San, who the hell are you? Why should we sell you face?"

"You guys who rely on your old age and sell your old age, do you really think you are a nobody? Get out of here."

However, Tan Hongbao said neither humble nor arrogantly: "I, Tan San, is indeed not a veteran of the world, but I have been in the world for many years and know many heroes."

"Young master, you are trying to put money on your face. You know this person, do they know you?"

"Yes, I don't know the master of the palace. The key is that he doesn't know me."


The scene suddenly roared with laughter.

These quacks who lick blood from their knives have no regard for Tan Hongbao, so they ridicule him.

However, Tan Hongbao is indeed very powerful. He did not get angry at all in the face of such merciless ridicule.

He said with a sad face: "Comrades, let me be fair. Master Huang's body is still cold. You are bullying orphans and widows by relying on your strength. Are you not being chivalrous?"

Someone immediately retorted: "Who are you bullying orphans and widowers? We just feel that the death of Hall Master Huang is unknown, and we want to go in and find out the cause of Hall Master Huang's death."

"That's right! Brother Huang and I were close friends. Now that he suddenly died suddenly, I suspect that he was assassinated."

"You old thing, get out of here, or you won't blame us for being rude."

Tan Hongbao immediately winked at He Xianglan behind him.

Although He Xianglan was frightened in her heart, she suppressed trembling when she thought of Han Ze's words, and stood beside Tan Hongbao with a group of women and children wearing sackcloth and filial piety.

He Xianglan cried sadly: "Everyone, you usually call yourself a decent person, and some of you even call my husband brother, such as Leader Xiao of the White Tiger Gang and Leader Liang of the Ax Gang. Now that my husband's body is still cold, you are trying to take advantage of the situation. Are you still human?”


The person whose name was called was extremely embarrassed.

Although Sima Zhao's intentions are known to everyone, breaking the window paper makes people feel a little embarrassed.

But there are always people who are thick-skinned and say, "You can't say that! It's because we have a good relationship with Director Huang that we want to seek justice for him. If you obstruct us and prevent us from going in to find out the cause of death, we have to suspect you." Did you join forces with outsiders to murder your husband?"

"That's right! I don't think this girl is a good person."

"Let's break in and find out..."

"I wonder who dares?" He Xianglan simply gave up and stood in front of her with her three children, crying loudly: "If you have the ability, just step over the corpses of our mothers!"

"We are just some helpless women. You are so sharp that you can kill us with one strike. In the future, your great achievements will also be spread in the world, saying that you have killed several unarmed women and children. It's so big." prestige."

"Come on, kill us all..."

Behind them were Liu Xiaoyun, Sun Yilian, and a group of children. Suddenly, their cries were so loud that they could be heard within a kilometer radius.

The people who were about to move suddenly stopped again.

Although they have no moral bottom line in their actions, killing women and children has no psychological burden on them at all.

But after all, in front of everyone, if He Xianglan and her orphans and widowed mother were really hacked to death, they would become demonic figures that everyone could kill.


Inside the boxing gym.

Standing at the Moon Gate, Han Ze, ready to run away at any moment, suddenly felt wisps of energy.

"Hey, this is... negative energy?" He was secretly surprised.

He has been in another world for more than ten days, and he has never felt negative energy so clearly.

With curiosity, follow the direction in which the negative energy is emanating.

Soon, we arrived at the previous dining room location.

The place was in a mess after being blown up by grenades. Although it has been cleaned up, the ground and walls are still full of dark black blood stains, and there are even lumps that have not been removed.

At this time, white lanterns were hung around the dining room with the word "Dian" written on them. A dozen monks in gray cassocks were sitting cross-legged at the door of the dining room, chanting sutras loudly to save the souls of the dead.

“Om bei Madalie hum%¥#@……”

Others were burning paper money, and paper ashes were swirling and flying into the dark, gloomy night sky.

In the middle open space above the steps, there were several coffins parked, and there were more than a dozen corpses covered with white cloth, because there was no time to order so many coffins.Han Ze stood in a corner of the garden not far away, with a look of surprise on his face.

Because he felt strong negative energy here, this negative energy was so thick that it was almost impossible to dissolve it.

3 minutes.

Just standing outside the garden for 3 minutes, [Energy] was charged by 0.6, reaching 1/1.

He immediately released the energy in Tanzhong Point, rejuvenating his somewhat sleepy body and spirit.

It was a rare opportunity to practice martial arts, and Han Ze naturally didn't want to miss it.

You know, he usually needs to practice Chasing the Wind Fist three or even four times before his experience points will increase a little. But after stimulating the energy in the Tanzhong point and practicing again, he can increase his experience points by two points.

Walking to the open space in the corner of the garden, he opened his stance and started practicing the Wind Chasing Fist.

The energy released in the body continuously converges towards the arm as the fist skills are connected.

There are 36 styles of Chai Feng Fist in total.

What Han Ze didn't expect was that this negative energy was extremely pure. He had only exhausted all his physical energy when he reached the No. 12 position.

Then he immediately stopped and continued to absorb the negative energy in the air.

This time, the energy was charged from 5 to 0/1 in just 1 minutes.

He continues to practice...

Once, twice, three times.

When Han Ze fought for the fourth time, he suddenly felt like he had an epiphany. He had a deeper understanding of the changes in each move of Chasing Wind Fist, the strength, and the speed of punches.

He quickly opened the properties panel and took a look.

Sure enough, Chasing the Wind Fist has been upgraded, from [91/100 for Beginners] to [0/200 for Beginners]

Han Ze was happy for a while, but soon he felt something was wrong.

It was so quiet in the garden, it was so quiet that it made people feel sick.

The sound of the wind, the croaking of frogs, the chanting of monks, and the faint quarrel outside the boxing gym all disappeared.

"what happened??"

Han Ze couldn't help but feel a shiver in his heart. He carefully walked around the flower pond and took a few steps forward. When he saw the situation in the dining room clearly, a look of shock appeared on his face.

I saw that the dining room that was originally destroyed by the grenade shock wave was now standing there intact.

The ruins, coffins, and monks were all missing.

All that was left was the blazing brazier and paper ashes flying in the wind.

But there was no sound in the brazier, and the silence was eerie.

At the door of the dining room, Huang Dapeng, wearing a black short-breasted training suit, looked at him coldly.

Han Ze's hair stood on end. He desperately called for the badge imprint, but unfortunately there was no response. Apparently it was not time to travel yet, so he turned around and planned to escape.

Who knew that his feet could not move at all.

When he looked down, his scalp was numb with fear.

The elder brother Jiang Yong, who was left with only half his face, and the butler Song Bo, whose upper part was cut off by shrapnel, were half of their bodies rising from the ground, and their hands were tightly holding his left and right feet. It was extremely shocking. .

"Fuck! Get out of here~!"

Han Ze was frightened, his blood surged, and he punched Jiang Yong hard in the face.

However, the fist passed through Jiang Yong's face like it was passing through air.

Jiang Yong on the ground, with his mouth open and bloody, said with a sinister smile: "My good junior brother, you are so cruel... I am so good to you, how can you have the heart to kill me?"

As he spoke, his laughter turned into pitiful cries, "Ooooh~~! I hate it so much..."

"Go away..."

Han Ze punched four or five times in succession, but it was of no use at all. His fist passed through Jiang Yong's face, as if it was hitting the air.

Seeing Huang Dapeng not far away, slowly "walking" towards him, Han Ze was anxious and subconsciously channeled the negative energy he had absorbed before in his acupoints, and punched him again.


What Han Ze never expected was that this time his fist did not go through, but hit Jiang Yong hard on the face.


Jiang Yong seemed to be very afraid of the negative energy carried by his fists. He let out a shrill scream and released his hands to cover his face.

Han Ze was overjoyed when he saw it. He channeled the negative energy and punched it several times in a row.

Jiang Yong wailed and turned into a black mist in the blink of an eye, disappearing.

(End of this chapter)

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