Chapter 61

With no worries left, Han Ze then began to plan how to kill the people on the two ships behind?
Time unknowingly passed more than two hours.

The two clippers behind are getting closer and closer, and the distance is less than 500 meters.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, you can vaguely see that there are twenty or thirty black-clothed men with swords standing on the two speed boats, and they look murderous.

The nearby ships were frightened and stayed away from them.

Han Ze took a telescope and took a closer look. When he saw the bright machetes in the hands of those people, and some of the blades had dark red blood stains, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

There were still three or four hours before the crossing, and it was already too late.

These people are all real desperadoes. If you fall into their hands, your fate will definitely not be much better than Yuan Fang.

But now he has no way out.

In this case, just take the initiative.

He immediately asked Zhan Changshun to inform the sailors to reduce the ship's speed.

The two clippers quickly caught up.

The boat on the right is the closest.

100 meter

50 meters...

As the boats on both sides got closer and closer, Han Ze, who was hiding on the side of the stern of the boat, couldn't help but start sweating on his palms and forehead.

Under the side of the ship on the other side, four or five brave young sailors were hiding under felt cloth. There were several barrels of gold juice beside them. There was also a layer of rapeseed oil sealed on top of the gold juice, which could prevent As the heat radiates, whenever anyone tries to climb onto the ship, they will immediately pour gold juice down on it.

The width and height of a clipper ship are less than half that of a building ship.

In fact, Han Ze was not prepared to let them participate in the war at first, but after the silver bullet attack, all these sailors were enthusiastic and asked to participate in the war to repay his kindness.

The so-called "favor of knowing someone" was nothing more than Zhan Changshun saying a few nice words to him.

One can imagine how easy it is to incite people's hearts in an era of ignorance and backwardness.

Of course, first you have to have money.

At this moment, the big man on the deck of the clipper ship on the left shouted: "People on the ship, listen, I am Luo Shien, the deputy leader of the Iron Palm Gang, and I am ordering you to stop the ship immediately, otherwise you will be killed without mercy!"

There was no sound on the boat.

On the bow of the clipper, Luo Shien snorted coldly, "You bitch, if you don't eat the toast, you'll be fined!"

When the distance was less than 10 meters, Luo Shien sprinted, then kicked hard, and he was already flying into the air.

When he was about three or four meters away from the building ship and his body began to fall, he whipped out a flying claw from his hand and accurately threw it onto the side of the building ship.

At this moment, Han Ze, who was hiding on the side of the ship, suddenly appeared diagonally above Luo Shien's head, holding the M249 squad machine gun known as the "Big Pineapple" in the real-world game.

He looked down at Luo Shien coldly from top to bottom, and then pulled the trigger.

"Da da da……"

As a burst of green smoke and air puffs came out from the muzzle of Ben's machine gun, Luo Shien, who was climbing up quickly with the flying claw rope, was instantly beaten into a sieve before he could react.

Luo Shien, who was still staring at death, heard a "bang" sound and his body fell into the river below, splashing water all over the sky.

Completely explained, what does it mean to die before leaving the army?
Soon enough, after beating Luo Shien into a sieve, Han Ze immediately aimed the machine gun at the Iron Palm Gang members on the deck of the Clipper diagonally below.

"Da da da da da..."

The recoil of the M249 light squad machine gun is almost non-existent for Han Ze, who can carry nearly 200 wooden boxes with one hand.

The fire net formed by the bullets swept towards the opposite side.

The two or three Iron Palm Gang members in front were instantly covered in blood.

Being shot by a machine gun bullet at such a close distance, one can imagine the result?
It was okay if it got stuck in the bone, but when it hit an organ, the warhead passed directly through the body, exploding a bloody hole as big as a fist in the back, which was very scary.

Among the members of the Iron Palm Gang on the deck, there were also well-informed people. Seeing this scene, they were shocked and immediately shouted: "Get out of the way, it's a firearm..."

Some people immediately found a place to hide, but someone shouted: "Don't be afraid, firearms reload very slowly, everyone rush forward together!"

There are rough men waving machetes to come over and fight, and there are archers bending their bows and preparing to shoot arrows.

But what greeted them was a hail of bullets.

"Da da da……"

The two unlucky guys were instantly beaten into pieces.The other seven or eight Iron Palm Gang members were so frightened that they no longer dared to show their face.

At the same time, another clipper ship came up from the right side. There were more than a dozen members of the Iron Palm Gang on the ship, all eager to try. Some threw flying claws, some set up small ladders, and there were archers on guard beside them. Prepare to board the ship.

The young sailor hiding under the felt cloth immediately lifted up the felt cloth on his body, picked up the gold juice and poured it down.


The hot golden juice was splashed on the body, making the members of the Iron Palm Gang scream.

However, compared to burns, what is more terrifying is the subsequent infection.

At the same time, bows and arrows shot up from below.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

The requirement for an archer in this world is to shoot 10 arrows 100 meters. At least half of your arrows must be able to hit a door panel that is more than 2 meters high and [-] meter wide.

The archers in the gang are often more skilled in archery.


One of the sailors was accidentally shot between the eyebrows by an arrow, screaming and fell from the side of the ship into the river.

However, these sailors helped Han Ze delay for some time. After he beat the Iron Palm Gang members on the left ship so that they did not dare to show their heads, he immediately came to the right deck of the poop and suppressed it with machine gun fire first, so that the archers did not dare to show their heads. , followed by shouting: "Everyone, get down here."

After hearing Han Ze's order, several sailors immediately lay down on the poop deck obediently.

Han Ze took out an M67 defensive grenade, pulled out the safety ring, and threw it toward the deck of the Clippers below.

Then he quickly lay down.


There was a loud bang, and the M67 defensive grenade exploded. Thousands of steel balls and fragments inside shot out in all directions and hit the side of the poop, making a "crackling" sound.

The effective killing radius of the M67 defensive grenade is 15 meters, and within 15 meters, thousands of steel balls exploded. What kind of scene is that?

The heart-rending screams were instantly remembered on the Clippers.

And the screams kept coming and going, making people feel chills when they heard it.

Han Ze stretched his head from the deck to look out and saw a large irregular hole one meter square that had been blown out of the deck of the Clipper.

Around this hole, eight or nine people were lying in random directions. These people were either blown to death on the spot, or had their bodies penetrated by steel balls, rolling on the ground and making miserable screams.

As for the remaining five or six people, those people were just lucky enough to stand behind people after the explosion and escaped.

Han Ze picked up his M249 squad machine gun and fired a hail of bullets at the survivors on the deck.

"Da da da da!!!"

"Run away..."

Although the distance was not very far, and although Han Ze's shooting skills were pretty good after this period of assault training, he fired dozens of bullets and only wounded two unlucky Iron Palm Gang members.

Everyone else hid under the cabin.

He decisively stopped shooting.

There weren't many bullets, so he had to use them sparingly.

Moreover, machine guns are only suitable for suppressing charges. If you want to effectively kill the enemy's vitality, you have to rely on grenades.

So he turned and ran to the port deck.

Of the seven or eight people left on the ship, three or four of them who were more courageous had already arrived on the deck of the clipper and were throwing flying claws, preparing to take the opportunity to force a landing.

Han Ze didn't say anything and just threw a grenade over.


After an explosion, three of these courageous Iron Palm Gang members were killed on the spot, and the remaining one covered his face and screamed in agony. The scream was simply horrific.

A member of the Iron Palm Gang who was hiding behind a nearby obstacle was also hit by the sputtering steel ball fragments, rolling and howling there.

In less than 5 minutes, most of the dozens of Iron Palm Gang members were killed or injured.

This is the horror of modern thermal weapons, which are completely dimensionality-reducing strikes and unilateral massacres.

The remaining people were so frightened that they no longer dared to pursue, and immediately turned the boat's bow and sailed towards the river bank.

(End of this chapter)

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