Picked up a dark secret martial world

Chapter 76 Money is indeed everything!

Chapter 76 Money is indeed everything!

"Yog-Sothoth" is one of the outer gods in the Cthulhu mythology. He is regarded as the ruler of time and space and the unifier of all things. He has infinite wisdom.

Han Ze used this to mean that he could travel through time and space to the outside of the universe.

However, the head of the inpatient department, Zahid Rauf, obviously did not know anything about Cthulhu, let alone the Chinese man in front of him, who could travel to another world.

After Han Ze left the office, he took out a stack of U.S. knives from the drawer and put it to his nose to sniff. Although they were old banknotes, Zahid Rauf seemed to still smell the intoxicating fragrance of ink on the U.S. dollar bills. .

He took a deep breath, then put the money into his briefcase, thinking about what kind of jewelry he would buy for his new wife later?
On the other side, after Han Ze left the office of the inpatient department, he found two nursing assistants in the main hospital area, a couple in their forties. They spoke fluent English and Chinese, which surprised Han Ze.

During the chat, I learned that their son and daughter have both worked and settled in China. The couple has been learning Chinese on their own and plans to live in China in the future.

Han Ze told them his purpose, and the couple was not surprised.

It’s no surprise that rich people are spiritually empty and want to satisfy their spiritual needs by helping others.

Based on the information provided by the inpatient department, the couple helped him find thirty family members of patients in urgent need of help, all of whom were in extremely difficult circumstances.

They all stay in the hospital at night and go out to work during the day to earn medical expenses. They don't have enough to eat or wear well, and they all become sallow and thin, looking like zombies.

Under the introduction of the caregiver and his wife, the group of people learned that Han Ze was here to help them, and they burst into tears of gratitude.

Han Ze looked at the group of "zombies" in front of him and was extremely depressed for a moment.

This is different from the "fanatic believer" he imagined.

But now there is no point in saying this, just treat it as an experiment.

Han Ze didn't waste any time. He went to the car and took out 300 million Pakistani rupees, and then distributed them to everyone.

10 rupees per person is equivalent to 2500 yuan per person.

Of course, the nurse couple who received the instructions kept telling everyone how kind-hearted Han Ze was. Seeing everyone working so hard to live, he felt very uncomfortable.

It's basically just a set of words to inspire people to be grateful.

The result was not beyond Han Ze's expectation.

A group of poor people who had been tortured by their family members' illness and life, after receiving the money, shed tears of emotion and knelt down to kowtow to him in thanks.

"Thank you Mr. Sotos..."

One-third of them exude pure willpower and have reached the worship level. Two of them have even reached the faith level, only one step away from fanatical believers.

Han Ze was very excited, "What I thought before was indeed good! The less knowledgeable you are, the purer your mind is, and the higher the probability of developing into a fanatical believer."

Ordinary people in China are highly educated, knowledgeable, well-fed and clothed, and in recent years, the state has been sending text messages every day to prevent fraud, and everyone has too many ideas.

However, Han Ze did not really come to Pakistan to be a charity ambassador. He asked the assistants and caregivers to send away all the patients whose aspirations were lower than the worship level, leaving only 10 family members of the patients whose aspirations reached the level of worship or even faith.

He didn't have time to slowly convert them.

Han Ze then asked 10 family members of patients with high aspirations to talk about the difficulties they were currently encountering, and then he would provide selective help.

Naturally, the less money you spend on this option, the better.


I worked all night and spent a total of 1000 million Pakistani rupees to produce 1 fanatical believer, 9 faith levels, and 17 worship levels.

Early the next morning, Han Ze drove to the weapons black market in the north.

He bought a lot of field equipment, such as first aid kits, water purifiers, tents, sleeping bags, picnic equipment, outdoor power supplies, etc.

Including all kinds of food, such as compressed biscuits, military cans, sugar, chocolate, etc., half a truck was loaded.

In addition, he spent another 5 US dollars to buy [-] modified civilian drones. These drones can provide longer flight distances, mounting capabilities, etc.

In addition, he found a good thing in a shop, a 18% new GPNVG-[-] four-eye panoramic thermal imaging night vision device.

This thing is really good, it is a magical tool in another world. He felt that one was not enough, so he bought another one just in case.

After all, the journey to Wulin Mansion is still quite far, so you have to keep an eye on the situation on the river at night.

After some haggling, I actually bought it for $16000, which was $12000 cheaper than the last time.After everything was done, he continued to do charity activities...

The next day was spent in the same way.

With the financial offensive and humanistic care, he has 6 fanatical believers, 5 faith levels, and 8 worship levels.

The reason why the total number will decrease is because as long as the faith level and worship level do not continue to care, their loyalty will soon decline, and eventually they will become "respect level" or even "general level".

In contrast, fanatics lose their loyalty more slowly because of their firmer beliefs.

The experimental results made Han Ze very satisfied.

Money really is everything!

At the same time, the name "Yog-Sothoth", as word of mouth was passed down by the patients' families, soon spread throughout most of the hospitals in Pakistan. Countless patients and their families were looking forward to the stars and the moon. Mr. Yog-Sothoth was able to come to their hospital to provide loving assistance.

It's a pity that they didn't wait until after all...

At 9 o'clock in the morning on the fourth day, after Han Ze made all arrangements, he carried 5 kilograms of items and traveled to a different world.


Different world.

Han Ze waited by the dark riverside for about half an hour when a tall and majestic building ship silently approached from the river.

After Han Ze got on the boat, the maids Mu Dan and Yue Ji burst into tears with excitement, "Master, we thought you didn't want us anymore..."

Han Ze stretched out his hand and patted the round buttocks of the two maids, and said with a smile, "How can the young master let you go?"

The butler Wang Fugui next to him also wiped his red eyes with his sleeves.

Then he looked at the seven fanatic believers. Two of them were downgraded to the faith level, one was downgraded to the worship level, and one was downgraded to the respect level. There were only three fanatic believers left.

And Sun Changlong lived up to his trust in him and still maintained the power of faith at the fanatic level.

Sun Changlong waited for Han Ze to chat with the two maids for a few words, and then immediately reported to him the situation of the past four days.

"We were robbed by a large group of river bandits late the night before yesterday. Fortunately, with the weapons you left behind, Master, we not only successfully repelled the river bandits, but also captured eight river bandits, who are now being locked up under the cabin! "

"Oh?" Han Ze was a little surprised. At the same time, he understood why Mudan and Yueji were so excited. They not only missed him, but were probably also frightened. "Well done, well done! You will be rewarded if you turn around."

"Thank you sir."

Everyone cheered.

Following Han Ze's words, those who had lost their loyalty quickly began to upgrade. The two faith levels were once again upgraded to fanatic believers, the worship level was upgraded to the faith level, and the respect level also jumped one level and became directly Belief level.

Han Ze was not surprised by this. This kind of downgrade was just a wavering of faith. As long as he came back, this faith would immediately become firmer, and he would naturally quickly turn into a fanatical believer.

Sun Changlong asked: "Sir, how should we deal with these people?"

Han Ze said: "Of course they were thrown into the river to feed the fish. Do we still want them to waste food? If you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you don't need to ask me."

"Yes, son!"

Then Sun Changlong followed: "By the way, sir, the glasses that can see things at night are broken. Now I can't see clearly at night, and nothing happens when I press the switch."

"It's okay, bring it over!"

Sun Changlong brought over the night vision device. Han Ze turned it on and tried it. The red light on it flashed and it was out of power.

Han Ze immediately connected the power bank to the night vision device, restarted it, and turned it on smoothly.

I didn’t bring the one I just bought because I can only bring 5kg. Except for the 500g power bank, the rest are all machine gun bullets and grenades.

He has a severe phobia of under-fire.

He used tape to fix the 20000 mAh power bank on the top of the night vision device, and then asked a fanatical believer to quickly wear it and go out to monitor the river.

If a Jiang bandit takes advantage of this period to get involved, it will be over.

(End of this chapter)

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