Chapter 78
Just when Han Ze was excited and emotional, the captain Zhan Changshun came over.

"Sir, we will arrive at the Xionggu County Pier in a quarter of an hour. Do you want to stop and replenish supplies?"

In fact, the supplies on the ship were originally enough for the helmsman and sailors to make a round trip, but because Han Ze greatly improved the crew's food treatment, the food was not enough before the trip was halfway over.

Han Ze asked: "What is the reputation of this county? Have there been any incidents of killing people, stealing goods, or plundering passing merchant ships?"

Zhan Changshun said: "Hui Gongzi, I have never stayed here before, so I don't know the details and I dare not draw any conclusions."

"Well! Select some smart people to go ashore to purchase supplies. By the way, recruit twenty more helmsmen and sailors. I'll ask Sun Changlong to follow you."

Han Ze immediately called Sun Changlong over and asked him to pick two people, carrying an M4 assault rifle, 5 magazines with 150 rounds of ammunition, and three defensive grenades.

An M4 assault rifle weighs 3 kilograms, and he only brought two in total.

There was no way, mainly because the magazine was too heavy. A 5.56-round standard magazine filled with 30 bullets weighed 1.08 pounds (approximately 490 grams). He brought 10 magazines.

The rest of the time is spent carrying other supplies, such as squad machine gun bullets, drones, various field equipment, etc.

After arranging the purchase of supplies, Han Ze thought that money was flowing like water during this period in the real world, and because he had been sailing, he had no time to stop and exchange gold.

I just happened to go ashore to exchange for some gold, and I have to return home tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to compete in martial arts, and there are many places where I need money.

Especially Dong Fangfang's self-media company has a large initial investment in various equipment, rent, personnel expenses, and most importantly, traffic promotion fees.

On today’s short video platforms, if you don’t spend money to stream, it’s basically difficult to get traffic.

The cost of traffic is very expensive.

"When I master my martial arts skills one day, I will throw in a lot of traffic and become the king of traffic!"

Han Ze imagined such a scene and couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

Then he asked Sun Changlong to follow him with another assault rifle and five magazines.

Of course, he's carrying a few grenades and stun grenades.

If you are poor, you will strike with precision, if you are rich, you will have firepower.

As for the building ship, there are M249 squad machine guns anyway, so it’s not a big problem.

After arranging everything, we can already see the dock of Xionggu County in front of us. Looking out from the building boat, there are white sails on the river bank, and countless merchant ships are lined up on the riverside plank road, following the command of the guide ship. In and out.

I have to say that compared to the wildness of Longshan County, Xionggu County seems more standardized and everything is orderly because it is close to Fucheng.

Seeing such a scene, Han Ze felt a little relieved, but he did not relax his vigilance.

Let everyone get up to 12 points.

After all, you only have one life, and there is no chance of a comeback after death.

Soon, the building boat arrived at the river bank, and the guided speedboat guided them to berth. Then everyone got off the boat and walked along the long plank towards the dock.

In an instant, many people came up, surrounded the crew members, and recommended various services to them.

What about laborers, coachmen, restaurants, inns, brothels, etc., including material merchants, etc., are similar to the real world.

However, these people are not real businessmen. They are members of the dock gang, which is equivalent to a broker. After taking the job, they sell it to the real vendors and take a commission from it.

And it was very hard, with thirty-seven points and seven points for gangs.

The helmsmen and sailors on the big ships were begging for food in this industry, so how could they not know the rules?
In the past, it was absolutely impossible for them to let them act as middlemen to earn the price difference.

But now, they were told by Han Ze not to cause trouble, and it didn't matter if they made a little difference, as long as they could purchase supplies and leave as soon as possible.

Leaving part of the purchase here, Han Ze took two people and got on the carriage and went straight to the Baofeng Silver Building in the county.

Xionggu County is much smaller than Longshan County, and there is no distinction between inner and outer cities. It only takes a quarter of an hour to get from the dock to the county.

However, the county is very prosperous. Various restaurants and inns are lined up next to each other, and the sounds of vendors are heard one after another.

After arriving at the silver building, he said straight to the point that he wanted to exchange 1000 taels of gold.

Hearing this, the shopkeeper said apologetically: "I'm very sorry, sir. We don't have that much gold prepared in the store, only 500 taels. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait for an hour and we can transport it from other places." "No need to do that. Please, 500 taels, just 500 taels."

"Okay, my son, please wait a moment!"

After the shopkeeper verified that there was nothing wrong with the banknote, he gave him 500 taels of gold.

This gold is different from the gold ingots in Longshan County. They are all gold bars, and the quality looks better than the gold ingots in Longshan County.

He estimated in his mind that the gold ingots in Longshan County were probably caused by re-casting the molds at a later stage and adding other metals.

Anyway, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, no one can control them.

500 taels of gold is not a small amount, it weighs 50 kilograms. Fortunately, Han Ze brought a field backpack.

After putting all the gold into his backpack, he left Baofeng Silver Building.

When passing by a large pharmacy, he thought that he had finished eating the crystal pills, so he walked in and tried to ask: "Is there any low-level crystal pills for sale here?"

Before the shopkeeper at the counter could speak, a young man with oily hair and pink face walked up to him with a smile and said, "I am Ximen Xing, the owner of this pharmacy. How much does this distinguished customer need?"

Han Ze asked: "How many do you have? How do you calculate the price?"

He had been trying his best to eat sparingly during this period, but he still finished three bottles of low-level crystal pills, and even after practicing a bottle of mid-level crystal pills, only one was left.

He was used to taking drugs. If he were asked to slowly absorb the energy of heaven and earth, he really couldn't do it.

When Ximen Xing heard this, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and then he secretly looked at the faces of Han Ze and the two men behind him for a moment, and said with a smile: "There are a total of 2 bottles of low-level crystal pills in our store. Half a bottle. The starting price is 220 taels, and if you buy the whole bottle, the price is 430 taels.”

Han Ze couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this. The price is much cheaper than that in Longshan County. The key is that there is no need to wait. "Okay, I want both bottles!"

As he said this, Han Ze took out the banknotes from his pocket, counted the number and handed them to Ximen Xing.

After Ximen Xing took the banknotes and carefully screened them, he asked the waiter to watch the store while he went to the back to get the crystal elixir.

Soon the crystal pills were taken out, and Han Ze opened them one by one and looked at them. After confirming that they were correct, he left.

Han Ze didn't see it, but just after he got on the carriage with his two men, Ximen Xing from the pharmacy whispered a few words into the waiter's ear, and then the waiter ran out quickly.


On the way to the pier in the north of the city, Han Ze was in a very happy mood. The journey was unexpectedly smooth.

However, as soon as the carriage left the central area and reached a relatively remote place, a fast horse accelerated from behind and overtook it, standing directly in front of the carriage.


The carriage driver made an emergency stop and almost hit him.

He was about to curse, but when he saw the bright machete in the other person's hand, he shrank his neck in fear and did not dare to speak at all.

At the same time, the three Han Ze people in the carriage immediately stabilized themselves because they were always prepared. At the same time, they also saw the knife-wielding man outside and immediately opened the safety of the assault rifle.

Before they could get out of the car, a group of seven or eight people caught up from behind and surrounded the carriage.

After Han Ze and the others got off the carriage, they took a closer look and found that the leader of the other party was actually a charming woman with an extraordinary appearance, with big breasts and fat butt, and a coquettish temperament exuding from her brows.

But Han Ze smelled a dangerous aura from the opponent. The opponent was clearly a powerful warrior. He was probably similar to Huang Dapeng and had reached the Pulse Opening Realm.

Not only this woman, but the two or three men on horseback around her also had a much stronger aura than him, and they were probably in the realm of flesh and blood.

He couldn't help but curse in his heart. In a borderland like Longshan County, there was no such thing as open robbery in the city in broad daylight. He never expected that such a thing would happen in Xionggu County, which is next to Fucheng.

Could it be that the closer you get to the west, the more monsters there are and the more ferocious and cruel they become?

"I wonder what you guys are doing blocking our way?" Han Ze asked cautiously.

The seductive woman in the lead looked at him and giggled, "It's nothing, I just want to see you guys come all the way here and try to show my friendship to the landlord!"

(End of this chapter)

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