Picked up a dark secret martial world

Chapter 86 Arriving in Fucheng

Chapter 86 Arriving in Fucheng
The game came to an end.

The audience in the boxing gym left excitedly one by one.

As for Han Ze's deeds, they spread them through social media, and countless people remembered the unfamiliar name Han Ze.

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room was still debating whether this was a script?
Zuo Xin and Zhang Yanan stayed to deal with some follow-up matters, while Han Ze and Dong Fangfang prepared to leave through the back door staff passage, but they were blocked by a group of people.

This group of people was the same people who were in the VIP lounge before.

"Hello Mr. Han, we are members of the Chinese Martial Arts Promotion Association. We would like to invite you to join our association and work together to promote the revitalization and development of Chinese Martial Arts!"

One of them, a young man in his thirties, said with a smile.

"Not interested!" Han Ze said and left.

"Wait a moment Mr. Han..."

Several people quickly caught up with them, and the oldest among them, a vigorous old man wearing gray casual clothes, walked up and said with a smile on his face: "Hello Mr. Han, let me introduce myself. I am the honorary president of the Chinese Martial Arts Promotion Association. My name is Du Weixin, nice to meet you."

"Hello there!"

Han Ze said straight to the point: "Let me put it bluntly, I am not interested in your promotion association at all. I even think you are a liar association."

After a pause, Han Ze continued: "Sorry, I am a straightforward person. But I am relatively poor and have no money to pay membership fees, so you should find someone else."

A group of people couldn't help but laugh, and they tried their best not to laugh out loud.

Seeing Han Ze leave, Du Weixin quickly smiled and said: "First of all, Mr. Han, please rest assured that you don't have to pay a single penny membership fee to join our association. On the contrary, we will pay you a salary every month. The base salary is 1, with no upper limit."

Du Weixin paused for a moment and then said: "By the way, it's a knife, not a soft girl coin. In addition, you also need to pay various life accident insurances and get a house and a car."

"If you are good enough, the association will also provide you with a private jet that can take off 24 hours a day around the world, and will also be equipped with a personal butler to handle all your personal affairs, including physical needs, in one stop."

Han Ze looked at Du Weixin blankly, "Are you bragging to me?"

Next to her, Dong Fangfang felt that Han Ze's attitude was bad at first. No matter what, he was so old, so he shouldn't speak so hastily.

But after listening to Du Weixin's words, she felt that there was nothing wrong with Han Ze's attitude, and she even felt that it was too gentle.

Du Weixin still smiled and said: "I know that similar associations in China are very poor. Not only do you not get any benefits when you join the association, you even have to provide various benefits to the association."

"But our Chinese Martial Arts Promotion Association is different. If Mr. Han is willing, you might as well give me 5 minutes and I will tell you the story about our association."

"This is..."

Han Ze hesitated whether to listen to it?

Seeing Han Ze's reluctant look, a group of people around Du Weixin felt depressed.

Many people wanted to join the Chinese Martial Arts Promotion Association. Unexpectedly, they took the initiative to invite them, but Han Ze actually refused.

Du Weixin also saw that Han Ze really didn't care about the conditions he offered, so he followed up: "Mr. Han, as the old saying goes, a fence has three stakes, and a hero has three gangs. Even if you are covered in iron, how can you do it?" How many kilograms of nails were crushed?"

"A person's energy is always limited. If you really want to achieve something great, you will definitely need like-minded helpers. Even if you don't have the ambition to achieve great things, you will always need some help to survive in this world. As the old saying goes, more A friend comes many ways, right?"

Han Ze was indeed not interested in this inexplicable Chinese Martial Arts Promotion Association, but Du Weixin's words did make some sense.

Just like in ZhongD before, if it weren't for Zhang Tieshan, he might have been able to find the weapons dealer himself, but it would definitely not have been so smooth.

What's more, Zhang Tieshan also taught him how to use grenades, otherwise it would be impossible to deal with Huang Dapeng so smoothly.

It would indeed be much better if you had a group of reliable people to help you deal with real-world matters.

The only question you need to worry about is, are these people reliable?
But there's no harm in hearing what the other person has to say first.

"Let's go!"

Han Ze followed Du Weixin and others to the underground parking lot of the stadium and got into a Rolls-Royce Phantom with a Shanghai A license plate.

Han Ze touched the burgundy leather armrest, looked at the hazy starry sky above his head, and couldn't help but ask: "How much does this car cost?"

Du Weixin said with a kind smile, "It's not much money, only 1200 million."

Han Ze's face remained calm, but he couldn't help but curse in his heart.

He worked hard for several months, carrying gold back from another world. During this period, he took great risks and sold it to vendors. So far, he only had the money to buy a Rolls-Royce.

But his entire net worth is just a casual sentence from the other party's mouth: "It's not much money, only 1200 million." It's really irritating.

He asked: "Where did you get all this money?"

Du Weixin couldn't help laughing when she heard this, looking domineering under the light of the starry sky.

Han Ze even "smelled" the smell of blood from him.

Han Ze couldn't help but feel startled.

He had killed a lot of people during this period, so he was quite sensitive to the smell of blood. He immediately understood that this old guy was not as kind and amiable as he appeared on the outside, but was actually a big brother who had experienced a bloody storm.

Du Weixin did not let Han Ze guess, but said eloquently: "Speaking of it, we can be regarded as a branch of the Hongmen. Later, in order to avoid the disaster, we fled to the United States and established a Chinese Mutual Aid Association in the United States."

“You see, many Chinese Americans in the United States today often give everyone the impression that they are successful people and business elites, and they live a decent life. But they don’t know that more than 100 years ago, the Chinese were out-and-out The bottom class of Tao society is inferior to black people and Indians, and is called the fourth class of people..."

Han Ze listened quietly to Du Weixin's story and gradually understood their identities.

Du Weixin's ancestors were members of the Chinese Mutual Aid Association in the United States. A hundred years ago, they relied on daring to fight, unite, help each other, and share weal and woe, and successfully established a foothold on the west coast of the United States.

They opened small teahouses and restaurants for the convenience of Chinese workers, followed by tofu shops, laundries, etc., and gradually formed a living area for Chinese workers, which is also the famous "Chinatown" in San Francisco, allowing those who had just come to a foreign country, where they were born in a distant place, and who could not understand the language to The Chinese workers now have support.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. The Chinese Mutual Aid Association was a simple mutual aid association at the beginning. With the influx of a large number of Chinese workers, its nature slowly began to change. During this period, the splintered Chinese gang organizations began to engage in some criminal activities.

After that, bloody battles with other local gangs began, which lasted for more than a century.

The well-known Chinese gang organizations in the United States today basically split from the Chinese Mutual Aid Association in the early years.

Du Weixin's group is considered to be a more authentic and conservative group. Their concept is very simple and far-reaching - to establish a truly global Chinese mutual aid association!
After listening to Du Weixin's words, Han Ze said: "I understand your philosophy! But you haven't answered me yet, how do you make money?"

Du Weixin explained: "Didn't I say that we were the most authentic branch of the Chinese Mutual Aid Association back then? We not only inherited the spirit and last wishes of the Mutual Aid Association, but also inherited most of the legacy."

After hearing this, Han Ze was immediately shocked, "You don't want to say that it has more than 100 years of accumulation, do you?"

Du Weixin nodded and said, "Yes!"


When Han Ze heard this, he couldn't help but take a breath.

Starting from the mid-19th century, 170 years of asset accumulation, it is unimaginable how much money there is?
Du Weixin said: "Strictly speaking, it actually starts from 1910! In 1906, the most serious earthquake in San Francisco's history occurred. At that time, Chinatown was almost in ruins, and tens of thousands of Chinese were homeless."

"The Mutual Aid Association used all the wealth accumulated over half a century to help the Chinese rebuild their homes. It was precisely because of this incident that great internal differences occurred, which led to the mutual aid association, which was already full of contradictions, to completely fall apart a few years later. "

Speaking of this, Du Weixin couldn't help but sigh.

Han Ze can also understand Du Weixin's thoughts.

The wages of avarice is death.

Once all the wealth accumulated through hard work and hard work for half a century is dissipated, just think about it and know how much resistance there will be?

Han Ze then chatted with Du Weixin for a long time and learned in detail about the organizational structure of the "Chinese Martial Arts Promotion Association".

Then the two people chatted about boxing knowledge.

According to Du Weixin, among the Chinese workers who went to San Francisco back then, there were many boxers and martial arts masters. They inherited and promoted Chinese martial arts in a foreign country.

"Although today is a world of hot weapons, many people think that martial arts training only has the function of strengthening the body, but in my opinion, it is not the case. The Chinese people must have a martial spirit!" "Martial arts is not about showing off cruelty and fighting. , love of war, but a spirit that will never tolerate oppression, a spirit that dares to resist injustice.”

"During the black riots in the United States in 1992, the Han people on the rooftops relied on their fearless martial spirit to become famous in one battle. From then on, no one dared to mess with them."

"On the contrary, although the Chinese are good at business and have achieved great economic success, they have suffered serious discrimination not only in the United States but also around the world because of their lack of martial spirit to resist injustice!"


Du Weixin sent Han Ze to the Weiwutang Fight Club.

As for joining the association, he said he would think about it. The time is uncertain, it could be a month or a year.

Although the benefits of joining the association are obvious, at the same time, Du Weixin's lofty ambitions are a very troublesome thing in his opinion.

He is busy thinking about how to cultivate all day now, so how can he have time to realize his lofty ambitions?

However, after he established a foothold in another world in the future, he could use the Chinese Martial Arts Promotion Association to do some things, so he didn't give up completely.

It can be regarded as leaving a buffer time for both parties!
After Han Ze left, the middle-aged driver who was invisible throughout the whole journey said, "Master, do you really think highly of him? Judging from the results of the current investigation, this person has too many shortcomings. He is greedy for money, lustful, and courageous. , headstrong and self-willed, except for his truly outstanding martial arts, he can be said to be useless in other aspects."

Du Weixin said calmly: "It's too early to say this now. And isn't it enough to have outstanding martial arts skills? What I want is a young man who is good enough, not a moral model or someone who is good at maneuvering. 'smart people'."

The middle-aged driver nodded and said, "I understand, master."


It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when Zuo Xin and Chen Yanan returned to the club.

Inside the octagonal cage, Han Ze was testing Ye Hongfei's physical strength to evaluate the effect of the secret medicine.

The test results show that Ye Hongfei, who has been soaked in the secret medicine for a month, has now greatly improved his ability to resist hits. It is basically impossible for players of the same level to break through the defense when wearing gloves.

Unless you are wearing mixed martial arts gloves or bare boxing.

Chen Yanan came over and said with envy: "I also soaked in the medicinal bath, but for some reason, his effect is obviously much better than ours?"

Han Ze asked Ye Hongfei: "To be honest, are you a new boy? And you rarely do naughty things, right?"

Ye Hongfei was stunned for a moment, and soon understood what he meant. He said a little embarrassedly: "Yes, yes. It used to happen once every ten days and a half. In the past month, I have been exhausted every day because of practicing martial arts every day. , I wouldn’t even think about it.”

Han Ze nodded and said: "That's right! I forgot to tell you before that abstinence is required during this medicinal bath, so that the effect is best."

Chen Yanan said: "Then Zuo Xin and I didn't have X life during this period. Why are our results so poor?"

Han Ze said: "There is no need to ask. First of all, you have soaked for a week less than Ye Hongfei during menstruation. Secondly, this medicine has the best effect when soaked in the body."

Chen Yanan and Zuo Xin were speechless. "You never said that before."

"Yeah, oh, I forgot about that."

Han Ze then warned the three people again that the secret medicine should not be leaked.

If it weren't for the fact that Ye Hongfei and Chen Yanan were both fanatical believers and Zuo Xin had reached the worship level, he would no longer be planning to provide them with medicinal baths.

Seeing that Han Ze was leaving, Zuo Xin wanted to give him the money he received today.

"Okay, you can keep the money to develop the club! But I think that both of you women have no business acumen. If I don't think this club should be opened, it's better to form a private team and recruit coaches, nutritionists and personal doctors. Then go fight in the UFC, you two plus Ye Hongfei, with the bonus of the medicinal bath, you will definitely become a top mixed martial arts fighter."

"Then take the Internet celebrity route and package your operations into Internet celebrity IP. I guarantee that you will make a lot of money by then, which is more than [-] times better than the Kailuo Shizi Club! If you don't know how to do it yourself, let Fangfang do it. Operation, join the company.”

Dong Fangfang on the side wanted to say, I don't understand either, but I definitely can't say this.

Zuo Xin and the other three naturally nodded their heads.

"Then I'll trouble Sister Fangfang."

"You're welcome." Dong Fangfang used to have an English name, but because Han Ze always called her Fangfang or Xiaofang, she has compromised now.

Dong Fangfang was left here to discuss the specific operational details, while Han Ze rushed to prepare the items needed for the crossing.


Another world, six o'clock in the afternoon.

Han Ze boarded the building boat and sailed in the direction of Fucheng.

As he got closer and closer to Fucheng, Han Ze's heart gradually became nervous.

By the second half of the night, he had no intention of practicing at all. He stood on the deck and turned on his four-eye panoramic night vision device from time to time to observe the situation on the river.

When the first round of glow rises from the horizon, looking far into the distance, one can see buildings towering majestically on the horizon, making it impossible to see them all, like mirages.

Han Ze already knew about the prosperous scene of Wulin Mansion from the sailors' mouths, but when he saw an ancient city fully displayed in front of his eyes, even though he was already used to the high-rise buildings in modern cities, he was still shocked. !
This is just a prefectural city. I can’t imagine how powerful the legendary capital of Dacang is with its myriad of weather and scenery, like a fairyland on earth.
"It is said that there is a giant bird called the lion camel in Fucheng. It can travel thousands of miles in a day. It only takes two days and two nights to reach the capital. If you have a chance, go and see it!"

Just when Han Ze was thinking wildly, he suddenly saw a black shadow gliding across the sky dozens of kilometers away in the northeast.

A little black shadow can still be seen from such a long distance. Can we deduce how huge that black shadow is?
"Could this be the lion camel beast?"

He quickly took out the military eight-fold mirror and looked at the black shadow.

He saw a huge bird appear in his field of vision, and what shocked him even more was that there was a shadowy figure standing on the back of the bird.

Because the distance was too far, the birds and people could not be seen clearly, but the bird was estimated to be as big as a small passenger plane.

After the birds and people disappeared completely, Han Ze's heart suddenly became extremely hot.

"Fucheng is indeed extraordinary. When we first arrived, we saw a big bird that can carry people!"

The building boat rode the wind and waves and headed towards Fucheng.

After another full hour, it was already 7 o'clock in the morning, and we finally arrived at the pier.

The sun rises from the east, and its fiery red light fills the land, rivers and lakes, and seems to coat hundreds of ships on the west pier of Fucheng with a layer of golden light.

On the huge pier, countless people were busy like ants in an orderly manner.

All the sailors, helmsmen, etc. on the ship couldn't help but cheer for joy, including Zhan Changshun, who had always been relatively steady.

From Longshan County to Fucheng, thousands of miles away, every trip is a test of life and death for them. Whenever they are boarded by Jiang bandits or encounter some other unexpected situations, they are all in danger. A devastating outcome.

After the building boat docked under the guidance of the towing boat, everyone began to discuss where to go next.

All the fanatical believers must have followed Han Ze, including the young sailors recruited from Xionggu County.

As for the others, Zhan Changshun will make arrangements.

Han Ze stood in front of everyone and warned: "Listen to me, everyone, don't spend money lavishly, especially don't drink and gamble all day long. That money will be what you rely on for the rest of your life. After all, you can't go back to your hometown. In the countryside of Fucheng Buy a house, buy a few acres of land, marry a wife, and live a good life here.”

During this period, he continued to give money to these helmsmen and sailors. In total, each person had almost 100 taels.

"Understood, son!"

"Thank you, sir, take care!"

Everyone was reluctant to leave and shed tears.

After nearly a month of getting along, everyone respects Han Ze from the bottom of their hearts. Otherwise, it would be impossible for there to be nine fanatic believers out of thirty or so helmsmen and sailors.

Han Ze and Zhan Changshun chatted for a few more words, and then left with a group of people.

(End of this chapter)

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