Chapter 89
Han Ze took out a 100-tael silver note and handed it over.

The boss was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

After taking the banknote, he looked at it carefully and made sure that there was nothing wrong with the banknote. He smiled and said, "Wuguhai is very defensive from top to bottom! Beating their disciples is scarier than poking a hornet's nest. They will I will keep chasing you until I die!"

When Han Ze heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

As the saying goes, it is easy to enjoy the shade under a big tree. One of his main purposes for joining the martial arts school was to find a backer. This kind of protective sect was simply his ideal sect.

He is most afraid of those sects that don't care about the life and death of their disciples, but also require them to fulfill their duties, just like those demon sects who often want to take their disciples to blood sacrifices, which is simply worse than animals.

Originally, his determination to join Wugou Sea was not that strong, but now he is eager to get in and hug his thighs... Well, no, he wants to study!
No matter how high the tuition fee is, even if he cannot become a formal disciple, he will never leave!

"Boss, I want to enter Wugou Sea to learn martial arts. Is there any way?" Han Ze pointed to a 200-tael painting before the boss could say anything, "I like this painting too!"

The boss was immediately pleasantly surprised, "I didn't expect that the guest officer would be so determined to pursue martial arts! Okay, okay, if that's the case, then I will think of a way for you..."

After saying that, he looked at Han Ze.

Han Ze quickly took out another 200 taels of silver notes.

The boss immediately took down a landscape painting on the wall, wrapped it up and handed it to Han Ze. At the same time, he stuffed the rotten stone carving into his hand and said with a smile: "Mr. Da, who is in charge of recruitment, likes carving very much. Please wait. He will stand guard at the door, and if there is a chance, I will hand him the carving, tell him that the stone carving was carved by me, and ask for his guidance."

Naturally, Han Ze knew the elegant meaning after hearing the sound of the string, and immediately said happily: "Okay, thank you boss. By the way, my surname is Han, and my name is Han Ze. I haven't asked my boss's surname yet?"

"Hahaha, you're welcome! My surname is Zhao, and I am the fourth child in my family, so my friends call me Zhao Si."

"Okay! Then Boss Zhao, we will meet again later."


Han Ze and hundreds of other applicants and their families waited until close to noon before the gate of Wugou Sea opened slowly.

People outside the door immediately swarmed over, trying their best to recommend their children to the middle-aged man in the lead.

"Mr. Da, look at it. My child is very smart. He must have the talent to practice martial arts."

"Please, Mr. Da, take a look at my child. He has regarded you as his spiritual guide since he was a child!"

"I have your portrait hanging in my house, and I worship you devoutly day and night..."

The scene was extremely chaotic and extremely crazy for a while!

However, passers-by around him were not surprised by this, and many even had expressions of envy and jealousy in their eyes.

Since people dare to let their children worship in the Wugou Sea, at least it means that the family is very wealthy and can afford the initial tuition fee of several hundred taels. Moreover, once the child becomes an official disciple, the future will be bright, and becoming a human master is just around the corner. The entire family All will be blessed by this.

However, at the gate of Wugou Sea, someone soon shouted loudly: "No chance today, please come back!"

Han Ze in the crowd was also very depressed at this time. He did not expect that with his strength in the middle stage of the membrane realm, he could not squeeze out the women and children, but was squeezed out by them.

It's against Tiangang!

Fortunately, the person at the gate shouted something, which immediately made the excited women in front lose interest, and everyone lost the motivation to continue pushing forward.

Han Ze then took the opportunity to come to the front and shouted to the person in charge called "Mr. Da": "Hello, Mr. Da, I like stone sculptures very much and would like to ask for your advice."

As he spoke, he handed the rotten stone sculpture in his hand to the other party.

What Han Ze didn't expect was that the older gentleman didn't even look at him, turned around and went back.

"Damn it, what's going on? Is he being tricked?"

Just when Han Ze was depressed, an elegant young man in his twenties came over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Follow me!"

Han Ze followed the elegant young man and walked forward along the base of the gate of Wugou Sea.

After waiting some distance away from the crowd, the elegant young man slowed down and walked parallel to Han Ze. He smiled and asked as he walked: "Did you spend a lot of money?"

Looking at the other party's expression, Han Ze estimated that the other party must know, so he said: "Fortunately, it's less than 500 taels."

The elegant young man chuckled and said, "Let me tell you, this money is not included in the tuition."

When Han Ze heard this, he couldn't help but feel happy, and he quickly responded: "Yes, I know."

"Okay, then come with me."

On the way, Han Ze learned the name of this elegant young man. His name was Mo Ning, and that gentleman's name was Yinyuan Xiu.

He followed Mo Ning into the martial arts gym through the back door.

To Han Ze's expectation, all the pavilions, pavilions, rockery fountains and fountains he imagined were gone. It was just an ordinary courtyard house, and there were not a few students in sight.

Just when Han Ze was secretly wondering, Mo Ning in front of him led him straight towards a dead end road ahead.

In the blink of an eye, Mo Ning had hit the wall.

Before Han Ze could issue a warning, he saw an astonishing scene. The wall was like a ripple, swallowing up Mo Ning's entire body.

"Qimen Dunjia Technique?"

When Han Ze saw this scene, he immediately thought of the magical scene he encountered when he went to an auction. The two were almost the same.

He took two quick steps and bumped into the wall with an uneasy feeling. Nothing happened, as if he was passing through the air.

When I opened my eyes and took a closer look, I actually came to a huge garden around the lake. In the garden, birds were singing and flowers were fragrant. All kinds of flowers were in bloom. Many towering trees grew along the shore of the lake. The giant tree crowns were like a handful covering the sky. It opens like a big umbrella to block out the sun.

What made him feel even more incredible was the big lake. The vast expanse of blue waves on the lake could be seen as far as the eye could see. The gentle breeze blowing in front of him made people feel relaxed and happy.

There are some small animals wandering on the lake, looking leisurely and contented.

But the problem is, Han Ze remembers that except for the "Tongdu River" and the "Grand Canal" around Fucheng, there are no such large inland lakes at all.

Han Ze asked out his doubts.

Mo Ning led him along the lakeside and explained as he walked: "This is an advanced blind trick. It is not a real lake. There is a enchantment array inside. The main function is to prevent outsiders from sneaking into the door."

"Wow, so awesome?" Han Ze exclaimed after hearing this.

When Mo Ning heard Han Ze's words, he couldn't help but said proudly: "That's natural! Even those aristocratic families can't do such a realistic deception, and our Wugou Sea once had a sect master who had already practiced formations and illusions. It’s so fake that it looks like the real thing, that’s why we have the garden lake you see now.”

Han Ze looked at the super realistic huge garden and vast expanse of blue waves, and was very curious about this blinding method and formation.

Including Qimen Dunjia Technique, he decided to study it carefully after his martial arts skills improved.

Mo Ning took Han Ze to a huge garden of more than a thousand square meters. There were already hundreds of disciples in the garden, sitting cross-legged on the ground, listening to the teacher explaining the exercises on a high platform in front.

Mo Ning took two futons from the base of the wall and handed one to Han Ze. The two of them found a place at the back to sit down and quietly listened to the teacher's explanation.

"Tine, the power of flesh, comes from meat, strength, and bamboo. Big tendons play a very important role in the human body, just like the stems of leaves. The stems can maintain the shape of the entire leaf."

"What about the whole person? To maintain a specific state of support, the skeleton also needs to be supported by large muscles to form a strong "struggle" force, so that a fixed posture can be maintained..."

Han Ze listened quietly.

The teacher on the stage is explaining in simple terms the function of beating the muscles and bones, and how to beat the muscles and bones?
I have to say that this teacher is really amazing. With just a few words, Han Ze felt like he had a sudden enlightenment.

He had vaguely felt that there was something wrong with his wild style before, but he didn't know where the problem was. Now after listening to it, he knew that it was a very wrong thing to just practice boxing without stretching the muscles and bones, which would lead to him Its actual combat capabilities are seriously lower than those of its opponents at the same level.

Even if he has a fanatic believer, takes drugs every day, and can try his best to accumulate realms, in fact, he is just puffy and fat. A warrior in the early stage of skin membrane realm can beat him violently.

Because his muscles and bones are not strong enough, Zhenzong Skin Film Realm warriors beat their muscles and bones every day and punch very hard. In addition, with the blessing of energy, the fists have extremely strong penetrating power. Even if he is soaked in secret medicine every day, he will still punch. You can beat him to pieces.

And the reason why he doesn't know this until now is just because he has never competed with any warrior of the same level so far. He relies on hot weapons to kill people!
Thinking of this, Han Ze couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, I have never met an opponent of the same level. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous. I would be beaten to pieces and bruised all over my body, but the injuries would be minor. Maybe I would be killed accidentally.


An hour passed unknowingly.

After the teacher left, hundreds of disciples gathered around in twos and threes, chatting enthusiastically about each other's experiences.

Everyone is extremely friendly towards Han Ze, a newcomer. If there is anything they don’t understand, they will answer all questions.Han Ze was extremely surprised by such a good martial arts atmosphere.

He couldn't understand that in such a world where the jungle is strong and the strong eat the weak, shouldn't disciples be chasing each other and competing for each other? How did their mentality reach such a peaceful state?

He couldn't help but think of what Zhao Si, the owner of the calligraphy and painting shop, said in the morning. The disciples of Wugouhai were very protective of their shortcomings.

To achieve this, first of all, everyone must be united!
As long as someone has selfish motives and wants to clean up the snow in front of his own house and not care about the frost on other people's tiles, it will be easy to destroy this power of unity!

Soon it was time to eat, and hundreds of disciples lined up in an orderly manner and came to the cafeteria.

A big pot of rice, but there are chicken, duck, fish, meat and eggs, and there is a faint aroma of herbs in it, which is obviously a medicinal diet.

Han Ze was also hungry, so he ate big mouthfuls. It tasted very fragrant, and he felt a faint warmth rising in his stomach after eating.

During the meal, Mo Ning learned about Han Ze's personal situation and was a little surprised to learn that Han Ze was 29 years old.

"To be honest, it's too late to learn martial arts at your age, and the effect of stretching your muscles and bones will be much worse than others. Why didn't you learn it earlier?"

“I didn’t have any money before!”

"Understood." Mo Ning nodded.

He thought that Han Ze came from a wealthy family, but it turned out that he was not.

Han Ze also understood while chatting with Mo Ning that the reason why Yinyuan Xiu was called "Mr. Big" was because he was the senior brother among the outer disciples.

Like Mo Ning, the two of them had poor aptitude and talent and could not meet the conditions to become inner disciples. However, their families were wealthy, so they stayed in Wugou Sea and helped the sect manage the outer disciples.

But those inner disciples were in another place, not in the same place as them, and the martial arts knowledge they taught was completely different.

"By the way, Brother Mo, why didn't other people spend money to take this "shortcut", but waited for the opportunity at the gate? I am definitely not the only smart person in this world."

"Because other people don't need it at all! Although Wugouhai is strict in recruiting disciples, as long as you insist on it for three months, you can basically be selected. Why spend that unjust money?"

After a pause, Mo Ning smiled and said, "I know what you are thinking. Mr. Da did take kickbacks, but all the money he took was subsidized to those apprentices with good qualifications. He didn't keep a penny for himself, and he often gave back the money. Give the money to the sect.”

When Han Ze heard this, he was immediately in awe. No wonder he was called "Mr. Big". This kind of noble and upright character is enough for people to respect him.

He instantly felt ashamed. Compared to Mr. Da, he killed his master and slept with his wife. He had a low personality and bad moral character!

"Damn me!"

Originally, Han Ze planned to ask Mo Ning how the disciples of Wugou Sea could be so united and friendly?

But he fell into deep self-doubt. Am I really wrong?
I forgot to ask for a while.


It was already two o'clock in the afternoon after lunch.

Rested for half an hour.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, I started to exercise my muscles.

As a first-time cultivator, Han Ze followed seventy or eighty apprentices to a room of several hundred square meters. The floor was covered with white jade, which emitted a white light under the west-slanting sunlight.

Right in front of the room, there was a huge wooden board measuring five meters by five meters, and it was covered with a black curtain.

Mo Ning came in soon. After taking a look at Han Ze, he said to everyone with a smile: "My name is Mo Ning, and I will teach you how to exercise today!"

Everyone stood up one after another, clasped their fists in thanks and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Mo!"

"Well, everyone sit down."

Mening stretched out his hand to signal everyone to sit down, then he turned around and lifted the curtain on the wooden board behind him, revealing a piece of white cloth with a huge human-shaped pattern painted on it.

This humanoid pattern is posed in a strange shape, just like the difficult movements in yoga. The hands are placed on the ground like a big top, and the soles of the feet are placed on top of the head.

"Now let's do the first movement, reverse body stretching. This movement is very simple and is used by everyone to warm up."

Is this action simple?
Hearing Mo Ning's words, Han Ze was confused.

But just as Mo Ning finished speaking, the other seven or eight apprentices put their hands on the ground, then raised their feet in the air, making a head-down and foot-up movement, then put their feet together and slowly lowered them forward, and soon they were like The pattern on the white cloth has the same shape, creating a so-called "reverse body stretching pose".

Han Ze had no choice but to follow the example of other apprentices, put his hands on the ground and fly into the air, and then slowly stretched his feet forward.

As a result, he soon fell down due to poor balance.

He got up again and rolled over into the air.

Falling down again...

With the help of other enthusiastic classmates, Han Ze was finally able to stabilize his body.

His arms are strong enough to support his body, but his balance is not good.But he soon discovered that this reverse body stretching pose was really painful. He felt that the fascia under his chest and arms were about to burst.

He felt excruciating pain.

"Does it hurt?" Mo Ning came over and asked.

Han Ze hummed: " hurts a lot...and it feels like...the tendons are about to burst."

Hearing this, Mo Ning said: "You must be soaking in secret medicine every day, and you have never had a stretch, right?"

"Well, yes. I always thought that... Lajin is something that only needs to be done in the flesh-and-bone realm, or even in the pulse-opening realm. Moreover, I learned it in a boxing gym, and the master never mentioned it."

"He didn't mention it, either because his level is too low, or because he didn't want to bother you and deliberately didn't tell you. I guess it's the latter! After all, most martial arts schools are just for making quick money, so how can they bother to teach so many complicated things! "

Mo Ning said his guess, paused and said: "You should stretch your muscles while soaking in the dense medicine. Otherwise, once the skin hardens, the effect of stretching will be significantly reduced. In the later period, it will not only seriously slow down your breakthrough to the flesh and blood realm. Speed, and it will also greatly reduce the power of your boxing skills!"

When Han Ze heard what Mo Ning said, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

That Huang Dapeng, damn him!
Huang Dapeng is a martial artist in the Pulse Opening Realm. It is impossible for him not to know the importance of Lajin, but he has never mentioned it, not even Jiang Yong.

It is conceivable that the human heart is really barren and sinister.

He had previously felt ashamed that he had deceived his master, destroyed his ancestors, and slept with his master's wife, but now he was instantly determined.

I am right!
That kind of scum should be damned!


After the warm-up, the formal stretching begins.

When Mo Ning revealed the second pattern, Han Ze's jaw almost dropped in shock. It was completely anti-joint.

"Unless the joints are removed, it would be impossible for normal humans to complete it!"

As soon as Han Ze finished speaking, Mo Ning followed up and said, "Come on, everyone, follow me!"

As he spoke, he put on an extremely exaggerated stretching pose.

The body was almost folded in half, and then the hands and feet were placed in a strange shape, which made him stunned.

Han Ze: "..."

While Mo Ning was doing this, other apprentices were also imitating.

Han Ze had no choice but to try his best to imitate.


At six o'clock in the evening, Han Ze dragged his completely numb body out of Wugouhai's outer martial arts gym.

Returning to the courtyard, he asked Wang Fugui and the maid not to disturb him, then he closed the door and traveled back to the real world.

After opening his eyes, he immediately called Zuo Xin.

"Quick, help me find the most professional physical therapist right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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