Doctor Zhao, help!

Chapter 130 The legendary heartbroken wine!

Chapter 130 The legendary heartbroken wine!
"Doctor, I brought the medicinal wine!"

The driver uncle said quickly.

After saying that, he trotted out, and after a while, he came in with a half-drunk bottle of soaked wine in his hand.

"Doctor, look at it, it's this bottle."

The uncle driver handed half a bottle of medicinal wine to Zhao Sheng and said.

"it is good."

Zhao Sheng took the half bottle of medicinal wine and took a closer look. There were still a few unknown medicinal materials soaked in the bottle. They looked dark. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether they were Cao Wu.

However, judging from the current symptoms of the four people, it is definitely Caowu poisoning.

"Please ask the doctor from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine to come and see if this is Cao Wu."

After thinking for a while, Zhao Sheng said to Sun Li beside him.

Large tertiary hospitals such as the First Affiliated Hospital also have TCM departments. However, the TCM department of the First Affiliated Hospital mainly focuses on traditional Chinese medicine and external treatments such as acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, scraping, massage, and traditional Chinese medicine application, and rehabilitation. Department and hyperbaric oxygen department are also included in the management of Traditional Chinese Medicine Department.

Zhongdu Medical University does not have a special major in Chinese medicine, so the Chinese medicine doctors in this affiliated hospital are all recruited through open recruitment. Basically, they all graduated from Zhongdu University of Chinese Medicine a few streets over.

The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital also has experts who conduct consultations, but these experts are all brought in from the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and only conduct regular consultations.

"it is good."

Sun Li nodded.

"Have you contacted the families of these four people?"

While Sun Li went to call the doctor from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhao Sheng asked the driver.

"I've called everyone."

"Doctor, how serious is their situation?"

The uncle driver asked very anxiously.

"The main toxic effect of aconitine contained in Aconitia Aconium is to damage the heart and the nervous system, especially tachyarrhythmia caused by aconitine poisoning, that is, the heart is constantly beating rapidly and the myocardium is overstrained, which can cause Myocardial ischemia, leading to cardiac arrest.”

Zhao Sheng explained patiently and said.

"Huh? Heart arrest?"

"Doctor, no, they just drank a small amount and were careful to control the amount. Each person only drank a small amount of steel cup!"

The driver's uncle said with a look of disbelief.

They usually drink like this. Today they drink what you brew, and tomorrow they drink what I brew. If it weren’t for the fact that they had to drive for a purchasing task today, he would also drink together.

Moreover, several of them are also old drinking friends and pay great attention to controlling the amount.

How could it be possible that just drinking so much could kill you? !
"Oral administration of 0.2 mg of pure aconitine can cause poisoning, and 3-5 mg can cause death. One cup per person is already a lot."

Zhao Sheng shook his head slightly and said.

People who often engage in manual labor like to drink soaked wine, especially thatched cottage soaked wine. According to a very small amount of quotation, it has the functions of dispelling rheumatism, warming menstruation and relieving pain.

Under normal circumstances, it is just a small cup.

One tempered cup per person is a serious overdose.

The tempered cup is a reprocessed product of ordinary glass cups. A cup is about 225 to 250ml.

After a while, Sun Li came in with the doctor who was consulting today.

Zhao Sheng took a look and saw that the person who came turned out to be Mr. Guo Yunshen, a national expert in traditional Chinese medicine who the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine had spent a lot of effort to hire for regular consultations.

The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital was established not long ago. When it was established, in order to build a reputation, the dean spent a lot of effort to invite Mr. Guo Yunshen to come for regular consultations.Uh~
Zhao Sheng glanced at Sun Li helplessly, "I just want you to ask a doctor from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine to see if the stuff in this bottle is Cao Wu!"

This kind of thing can be done by any attending doctor or even a resident doctor in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!
I'm going to fight a novice monster, and you've invited me to be the number one in the whole server!
It's really overkill.

Zhao Sheng remembered that Mr. Guo came here one afternoon a week, and there were many people waiting for him to see a doctor.

However, everyone was invited.

"Old Guo."

Zhao Sheng said hello first seriously.

"Xiao Zhao, where is the medicinal wine, show me."

Guo Yunshen said without any delay.

Actually, as a national expert in Chinese medicine, Guo Yunshen had some considerations about coming to the Chinese Medicine Department of the First Affiliated Hospital.

Otherwise, there are countless hospitals that want to ask him to consult. There is no need to come to a traditional Chinese medicine department that has only been established for a few years and has two or three big cats and kittens.

The First Affiliated Hospital is one of the most powerful hospitals in modern medicine in Zhongdu. As a national expert in traditional Chinese medicine, he came to have a consultation in order to promote communication to a certain extent.

But the ideal is very fulfilling, and the reality is very helpless. After he came here, he really became a traditional Chinese medicine expert who only consults. Naturally, there are many patients who come to see him.

But the doctors at the First Affiliated Hospital are not particularly interested in traditional Chinese medicine.

Therefore, he, who was sitting in the clinic just now, came over as soon as he heard about such a thing.

Maybe this is an opportunity to open up communication?
"Mr. Guo, this is the medicinal wine that the patient took."

Zhao Sheng carefully handed the medicinal wine to Guo Yunshen.

"Okay, I'll take a look."

Guo Yunshen took the medicinal wine bottle, looked at it carefully, fanned the mouth of the bottle with his hand, and smelled the smell.

The identification of medicinal materials is a basic skill of traditional Chinese medicine, and for Guo Yunshen, a national expert in traditional Chinese medicine, this is no longer a problem.

Therefore, after a while, Guo Yunshen said to Zhao Sheng: "Xiao Zhao, this wine is made based on the compound Zhicaowu medicinal wine in the "Compilation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Preparations", but the person who made it is probably I didn’t even read the whole book, so I just followed the three herbs mentioned in this recipe, namely Cao Wu, Clematis, and Pangolin, and directly used them to make wine.”

"This recipe is called Zhicaowu. It is made from raw Caowu. It is not used to make wine directly."

As expected of a master of traditional Chinese medicine, he directly told this prescription and the book that recorded this prescription.

Why is Mr. Guo so familiar?
Because he is one of the people who wrote this book, "Compilation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Preparations"!
"Mr. Guo, you just said that this prescription contains three herbs, and the grass is poisonous. What about the Clematis and Pangolin?"

Zhao Sheng captured the key information very keenly and then asked.

"It's okay for Pangolin. The clematis itself is non-toxic, but it contains highly toxic pyridine alkaloids, such as clematine and clematis alkaloids. They are not processed and taken directly with alcohol. , will lead to poisoning.”

Mr. Guo explained it gently and patiently.

Obviously, his research on Chinese medicinal materials has reached an extremely advanced level.

"Pyridine alkaloids?"

"Okay, I understand, thank you Mr. Guo."

Zhao Sheng nodded and said.

The aconitine contained in this aconite is troublesome enough, but what about pyridine alkaloids?

These people, just to drink medicinal wine, are really afraid that they will not die quickly enough!
The main toxic effect of this pyridine alkaloid on the human body is to stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing hemorrhagic enteritis and acute damage to liver function.

Aconitine hurts the heart, and pyridine alkaloids hurt the stomach and liver. This wine might as well be called heartbroken wine!

(End of this chapter)

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