Doctor Zhao, help!

Chapter 147 Pipi shrimp sting incident

Chapter 147 Pipi shrimp sting incident

"When did you get stung? Please tell me in detail what happened after the sting."

Zhao Sheng then asked the uncle.

The entire condition of the uncle's right hand, right forearm, and upper arm looked like partial necrosis caused by a very serious infection. This situation is extremely rare.

What would this stinging shrimp look like if it could be stung like this?

"It's just a very ordinary shrimp."

The uncle said weakly and with an innocent look on his face.

"Are you sure it's an ordinary Pipi shrimp, not a particularly rare species?"

Zhao Sheng asked the uncle again with some doubts.

This Pipi shrimp is also called a mantis shrimp. It has many common names, such as shrimp crawler, goby shrimp, pipa shrimp, etc. This kind of shrimp was a very cheap shrimp in the last century and was rarely available. Someone has something to eat.

Later, the trend of eating seafood emerged, and the price of Pipi shrimps skyrocketed.

The meat of Pipi shrimps is fresh and tender, but eating Pipi shrimps requires skills. They have hard shelled spines, so people who don't know how to properly peel Pipi shrimps often injure their fingers.

But under normal circumstances, even if he is stung, it is only a small wound. It will only be inflamed, red and swollen at most, and it will not be like this uncle, whose right hand and arm are almost useless.

"Doctor, it's just an ordinary Pippi shrimp."

The uncle confirmed again.

"Here, doctor, I took pictures of them all, this one."

At this time, the uncle's son, a young man, also took out his mobile phone and showed Zhao Sheng the photos he took.

Zhao Sheng took a look and found that no matter which angle he looked at, the photo was indeed a very ordinary Pipi shrimp, and there was a little red on the shrimp's claw, which should be the blood stained after being stung.

"What happens after you get stung?"

Zhao Sheng pondered for a moment and continued to ask.

Seafood has become a very common ingredient nowadays. No matter where you cook, as long as you eat seafood, you will have experienced injuries from fish and shrimp bones and thorns, but you always need to wash and rinse them. , put a band-aid on it, and it will be fine in a few days.

It was the first time for even Zhao Sheng to see something so serious.

"Doctor, it's like this..."

The uncle recalled his experience starting from washing the shrimp yesterday until now.

It turns out that early yesterday morning, my uncle went to the seafood market and bought four kilograms of very fresh shrimps, which were said to be just delivered, and planned to go home and prepare delicious salt and pepper shrimps for the family.

I just didn't expect that when I returned home and washed the shrimps at home, the uncle accidentally stung his right thumb by the largest shrimp.

After being stung, the uncle didn't pay much attention because he only saw a small needle-like hole and a little blood.

The uncle flushed his finger, and the blood stopped quickly. He didn't even use a band-aid, so he didn't care about it.

At first, the uncle didn't even care about being stung by the Pipi shrimp, but things suddenly changed at noon.

After the family had finished drinking and eating, at noon, the uncle suddenly felt that the thumb on his right hand, which was stung by a shrimp, became red and swollen, and there was a kind of acupuncture-like pain.

Immediately afterwards, the uncle started to have a fever and had shortness of breath.

When the family saw something was wrong, they immediately sent him to the hospital.

When we arrived at the local hospital, the emergency doctor looked at it and treated it according to normal inflammation, and gave him an infusion of fluids, which were very routine anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and fever reduction.

However, after the infusion, the situation did not come under control at all. Instead, it became more serious. The right thumb, which was only slightly red and swollen, began to turn black. Starting from the right thumb, the entire right hand, upper arm, and forearm began to turn black and swollen.

Seeing that the situation was so serious, he had to be transferred to the First Affiliated Hospital.

"Have you brought the test results?"

Zhao Sheng asked. "Bring it, bring it."

The young man immediately took out a stack of inspection reports from his bag.

Zhao Sheng took the report sheet and read it carefully one by one.

Soon, Zhao Sheng's face became more solemn after reading the checklist.

CRP is greater than 320, interleukin 6 value is 695.7, white blood cells are 13000/μl, and the most important thing is PCT, which is procalcitonin, which is currently the most accurate clinical indicator for judging the severity of infection, reaching 124ng/ml.

You should know that the PCT content of normal people is less than 0.5, 124, which is more than 200 times that of normal people.

Looking at the test results of myocardial enzymes, liver and kidney function, they are also very unoptimistic.

This is extremely severe bacterial sepsis, complicated by heart, liver, and kidney dysfunction, and septic shock will soon occur!
Zhao Sheng quickly judged.

So, what kind of bacteria did the uncle contract that caused such serious consequences in less than a day?

"Doctor, how is my dad?"

Seeing Zhao Sheng's serious expression, the young man couldn't help but asked nervously.

"Come here with me."

Zhao Sheng said to the young man and the eldest sister.

When the mother and son heard that Zhao Sheng wanted to talk to them alone, their expressions immediately changed, because the eldest sister's old mother had been hospitalized before, and when she was notified that she was critically ill, she asked her family members to talk alone.

"Doctor, no need. If you have anything, just tell me in front of me."

Unexpectedly, when mother and son were about to follow Zhao Sheng out to talk, the uncle said weakly but firmly.

He is also a veteran who has been on the battlefield and is not even afraid of death, let alone illness.

"Old Song!!"


The eldest sister and the young man couldn't bear it anymore. The eldest sister burst into tears, and the young man couldn't help but started wiping away his tears.

"Don't cry, I'm not dead yet!"

"Doctor, just tell me if you have any questions. If you want to sign, I still have one hand."

The uncle stopped the mother and son from crying and said to Zhao Sheng very firmly.

At this moment, even Zhao Sheng was moved by his uncle's spirit of deciding whether to live or die, and to do whatever he didn't accept.

"Uncle, your current condition is severe bacterial sepsis. Your right hand, forearm, and upper arm are also tending to become necrotic. You must undergo surgery immediately."

"In the case of surgery, depending on the condition of the necrosis, if necessary, in order to save life, there is a high possibility that amputation will be required!"

Zhao Sheng tried his best to explain the condition clearly in the shortest words.

He could see that this uncle was very independent and very determined. His consciousness was relatively clear now and he could make decisions on his own. If sepsis and septic shock broke out later, he would not be able to You must be able to make decisions clearly.

In the case of critical and severe rescue, on the one hand, it is more difficult to deal with complex conditions. On the other hand, the most difficult thing is that some invasive operations must obtain the consent of the patient and his family.

Of course, most operations are acceptable, but amputation is definitely unacceptable to a normal person.

"How come I got stung by a shrimp and had to have my leg amputated..."


Hearing Zhao Sheng's words, the eldest sister felt her eyes darken. She burst into tears. She couldn't accept this reality at all. She just kept repeating this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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