Doctor Zhao, help!

Chapter 383: Doing New Year’s Goods

Chapter 383: Doing New Year’s Goods

a week later.

Ten o'clock in the morning.

A New Year shopping street in Zhongdu.

Ai Ling and Teacher Tang are shopping together.

Regardless of Ai Ling or Teacher Tang, in previous years, they actually didn’t buy much New Year’s goods.

Like Ai Ling, Yu Zhongbo is on duty almost every year, and she basically celebrates the Spring Festival by herself. And Teacher Tang, she has been studying abroad in recent years, and she basically doesn't celebrate the Spring Festival very much.

When buying New Year's goods, you are still very particular. The atmosphere of the New Year's goods is one thing, but health is also more important. Those that are high in oil, sugar, and have a lot of pigments and flavors are definitely not within the scope of selection.

"It's been many years since I went to the New Year Festival to buy New Year's goods. I don't even know when the last time was."

Ai Ling said with some sigh.

After being married to Yu Zhongbo for so many years, there were only a handful of times when the two of them spent the Spring Festival together. Fortunately, not only could the couple reunite this year, but they could also spend the Spring Festival with Zhao Sheng and his wife.

For Ai Ling, this is considered a complete family relationship.

The Spring Festival is a traditional custom and an expectation. It is a blessing for relatives and friends to each other, and it is also the best time for family reunion.

Children look forward to the Spring Festival, looking forward to red envelopes and lucky money, and also looking forward to deep joy. Adults are looking forward to the Spring Festival, to meeting their children far away, and to having a happy New Year.

"In recent years, the Chinese New Year feels less and less flavorful."

Teacher Tang said.

Why do everyone feel that the Spring Festival is becoming less and less like the Chinese New Year?

Imagine, for a foreigner who has never experienced the Spring Festival, what does this day mean? A. This day is meaningless.

In China, the Spring Festival is endowed with unique scenes and unique stories, and this festival has unique meaning.

The most direct and effective way to give meaning is to create a sense of ritual.

In "The Little Prince", the fox said to the little prince, you'd better come at the same time every day.

The little prince asked, why?

The fox said, for example, if you come at four o'clock every afternoon, then from three o'clock onwards, I will start to feel happy. The closer the time comes, the happier I feel. By four o'clock I would be restless with excitement. I discovered the value of happiness. However, if you come at any time, I won't know when to prepare my mood. So, there still has to be a ceremony.

The little prince asked again, what is a ceremony? said the fox. It is to set a day and make it different from other days. Set a time and make it different from other times. For example, hunters have a ritual. Every Thursday they danced with the village girls. So, Thursday is a wonderful day. Especially romantic.

The taste of the year has faded, in the final analysis, it is the disappearance of the sense of ritual. In fact, in the final analysis, it is because many of the rituals before the Spring Festival are no longer paid attention to, such as dusting and sweeping. After a year of hard work and busy farming, the eaves of our homes are filled with dust. Generally, on the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, all "bad luck" and "bad luck" are swept away, embodying the Chinese nation's best wishes to ward off evil spirits, eliminate disasters, and welcome good fortune.

In modern society, homes are not so dirty, and people are tired of work and too lazy to move. For general cleaning, ask an aunt to clean it up, or forget about it.

There is also the preparation of New Year's goods, which includes many categories, including but not limited to making tofu, making rice cakes, butchering chickens, butchering pigs, etc. Then go to the market to buy melon seeds, peanuts, candies, chicken, duck and fish.

Food is the most important thing for the people. In the past, when we were poor and had nothing to eat, we would just wait for the New Year to eat a lot and overeat. But now, people can eat well on a daily basis, and the people's biggest needs are being met in excess. During the Chinese New Year, more and more people are pursuing light and healthy eating. With this change, the taste is completely gone.

As for wearing new clothes, now that the conditions are good, you can buy new clothes to wear at any time. The feeling when you were a kid and waiting to get up on the first day of the new year to wear new clothes is gone.

Fireworks and firecrackers, for the sake of environmental protection, now that the firecrackers are gone and the fireworks are gone, the entire Spring Festival is quiet. The quiet Spring Festival makes me sleepy because of boredom.

During the Spring Festival, you are not allowed to set off firecrackers to celebrate. The Spring Festival Gala is so educational that people even begin to miss magic. There is no holiday on New Year's Eve and you must work diligently.

"In the past, there was a flavor of the New Year, mainly because conditions were poor at that time. During the Chinese New Year, you could eat and drink well, and there were more contacts with relatives and friends at that time. Unlike now, except for middle-aged and elderly people, young people basically don't We’re visiting relatives.”

Ai Ling said with some sigh.

"Today's young people don't like visiting relatives."

Teacher Tang nodded and said.

In the final analysis, it is because the current generation of young people have passed the welfare period of visiting relatives.

When I was a kid, I loved visiting relatives because visiting relatives means: 1. You don’t need to do homework today. 2. You can play with a lot of people. 3. You can get red envelopes and snacks. You can eat the food on the table that you like or hate. 4. Basically, you can be exempted from punishment several times. If you make a mistake at a relative's house, you don't need to be beaten by your parents. Even if you do something that your parents usually don't allow, for the sake of face, your parents will usually do it. Can't fight.

Nowadays, these rights are looked down upon by the generation that has grown up. As a young person, you don’t need to do homework. Your friends may be next door. You can buy whatever you want to eat, and your parents don’t care. Without you, the benefits are unattractive.

Instead, they have to face overly concerned children and relatives, especially those who push for marriage.

The deeper reason, which is more utilitarian, is that it cannot be realized.

It’s not that contemporary young people don’t understand the ways of the world, nor do they understand flattery. If you don’t believe it, we can look at all the sentient beings in the workplace. Although the new generation of young people in the workplace have shown a rebellious and unreasonable attitude, the majority still feel wronged by themselves.

We have nothing in common with our relatives, and our relatives may inadvertently lose their emotional intelligence. But in fact, what do we have in common with our bosses? Don’t our bosses often embarrass us?

However, when our forty-year-old middle-aged bald boss tells us things that are not funny at all, we still laugh at them and they embarrass us countless times. We still say Good morning, boss, Good afternoon, boss, Good evening, boss, thank you for your hard work, boss. .

So why can we feel wronged in the workplace, but not willing to feel wronged among relatives? The biggest reason is actually that visiting relatives cannot be cashed out.

In fact, there are nothing more than two types of interpersonal relationships, one is emotion and the other is interest, that is, either you are like-minded, or you can benefit from it, or to be more straightforward, you can either give me face or give me money.

When we live in the city, the relatives and clan relationships in my hometown are basically no longer functional to me. At this time, I naturally don't want to wrong myself for them.

(End of this chapter)

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