Ming Dynasty: Starting from Liaodong Jiangmen

Chapter 98: Speech from the Palace

Chapter 98: Speech from the Palace
I hate to say this, but it’s time to give you some definite news: this book is G-rated.

As for why eunuch, four words - a bunch of answers.

If you want an ending, you can leave a message in this chapter. If anyone still reads it, I still have the idea to add another chapter to give Li Shunzu an ending by narrating the plot.

Now that we’ve finished chatting about the real business, book friends who just want to read can leave. The next step is Benshi’s Bibi Lai Lai.
Swinging a knife from the palace, I can't stop once I do it, especially when I used to be a person who claimed to be a eunuch, but now I have several eunuchs in a row. Although it has something to do with Qidian's restructuring last year, it is more due to my mentality.

Looking back, it seems like a lifetime ago when I could maintain my passion and write millions of words even in single digits.

At first I didn’t believe in the word fate, but now I have to say, I do.

In the past two years, many things have been quite metaphysical for Shitou.

Old book friends know that Shitou's real life fell into trouble for a period of time after the completion of Carpenter.

In short, a few things.

Losing your job, failing to get grades in your books, your wife getting separated, car loan, house loan, etc.
One or two things can cause trouble, but these bad things either don't happen or all happen together. To be honest, it's overwhelming.

I won’t say too much about frustration. The reason why I can muster up the courage to chat with everyone now is because although I am not completely out of the woods, I am feeling a little better and my mentality is slowly coming back.

In addition to clarifying the eunuch in this book, there is another thing, a new book.

Shitou knows that now I have no qualifications to guarantee anything.

Now Shitou can only say that this book has been prepared for a long time. If there are still old book friends who are willing to believe in Shitou, please give Shitou one last chance.

It is still the end of Ming Dynasty, and it will be released within the month.

Finally, I would like to say to all the new and old book friends who read this, I am really sorry.

Rising Stone on 2024.3.19
(End of this chapter)

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