I served as an admonisher in the Song Dynasty

Chapter 246 A dangerous move! Which official can withstand such temptation?

Chapter 246 A dangerous move! Which official can withstand such temptation?

In the cabin, dinner is finished.

Su Liang smiled and said: "Zheng Zhizhou, thank you for your hospitality. Let's talk some other time. I have to go on my way. Business is important!"

After saying that, Su Liang slowly stood up.

"Wait! Wait!"

Zheng Youxiong stood up and said: "Su Yushi, can I delay you for a moment longer? I have a small request."

Su Liang looked puzzled and said, "Zheng Zhizhou, please speak."

"I have an old friend who is a bookseller in Sichuan. My ancestors also produced several Jinshi. However, he suddenly suffered a serious illness and his family fell into decline. In the end, he only had a daughter named Zhixue. This daughter played music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and poetry. If you are proficient in articles and articles, if you are a man, you will definitely be able to gain fame."

"Due to the death of her parents, she was depressed and wanted to die for a time. Later, after reading your sentence, 'How can I find such clarity when I ask the canal? I want living water to come from a source', I felt that my life can be completely restarted."

"She admires you very much. To prevent her from committing suicide again, I told you that you will pass through Chuzhou. At this moment, she is on the ship. She hopes to sing a song for you to thank you for saving her life. You see May I?"

After hearing this story, Su Liang couldn't help but admire Zheng Youxiong.

Zheng Zhizhou really went to great lengths to bribe himself, even making up stories about talented people and beautiful women.

However, this trick is particularly useful for scholar-bureaucrats.

Especially young scholar-bureaucrats.

Su Liang was sure that if the thirty-year-old Ouyang Xiu encountered this trap, he would definitely fall into it immediately.

The current Song Dynasty.

Beautiful women are not entirely attractive to men.

But if you are beautiful and good at poetry, few men can resist it.

The so-called literary style.

When scholar-bureaucrats meet a woman who is good at poetry and admires them, they will instantly regard her as a confidante, and then they will chat with her under the covers.

An affair occurs under such circumstances.

Scholars and officials thought it was not a prostitute, but a good story.

There is a lot of love between husband and concubine, hand in hand elopement, the joy of thrush, sometimes it is just a transaction.

Trading with money is a despicable thing, but communicating with poetry becomes an elegant thing.

When Zheng Youxiong saw that Su Liang didn't answer, he couldn't help but said: "If Su Yushi doesn't want to, then that's it. If she can't think about it anymore, then she can't think about it anymore!"

These words were slightly threatening.

If this woman commits suicide again in the future, it will be Su Liang's invisible fault.

Immediately, Su Liang sat down again and said with a smile: "You see, you see, it's time to listen to music after eating!"

Su Liang didn't believe that he could still be fascinated by a talented woman.

He decided to challenge himself.

Lean slightly.

A young woman wearing a purple dress and holding a pipa walked over slowly with light steps.

This woman has fair complexion and is a typical Jiangnan woman.

The way he moves his hands and feet is intellectual and elegant, making people feel very comfortable.

Su Liang had to admit that this woman was very beautiful, and she still had the kind of beauty that was not stained by the dust of the world.

"Zhixue has met my benefactor!"

After she bowed to Su Liang and saluted, she began to sing while playing the pipa.

"Elegant rendezvous, good time is wasted. Every time I think about it, I trace the old traces wildly. I grow old and feel depressed day and night. Who can go and look for it in the flower boulevard..."

When Su Liang heard the first sentence, he knew the name of the word.

It is Mr. Liu Qi's "Zhengbu Le·Yahuan Tryst".

This word is Liu Yong's heartfelt words to express the pain of wandering, his longing for his lover, and his tactful confession.

"The most important thing to know is that before the wind and under the moon, things on your mind are always rare..."

The woman looked straight at Su Liang and sang with deep affection.

Not long after.

Huge crystal tears fell from her eyes, her face looked infatuated and pitiful.

The more I sang, the more tears came to my eyes.

His voice was so beautiful and his expression of love was so strong that Su Liang couldn't even lift his head for a moment.

Beautiful and intellectual.

Both talented and talented, Chu Chu is pitiful.

Fully aroused the man's protective desire.

Let me ask, which official can withstand such temptation?

Just ask, which man wouldn't want to save him from his sadness. Su Liang was moved by her lyrics and music for a while.

If he hadn't already figured out that this was Zheng Youxiong's trick.

If you are unmarried, you will definitely fall under the other person's skirt; if you are married, you will probably have to accept a younger sister.

This kind of bribery method.

For young officials, they are simply willing to fall into the trap.

It is impossible to guard against, and there is nothing to guard against.

Once you are tricked, you will still be controlled by the person who set up the trap, even if you have not fallen.

The cost is very high.

"Things are getting better. There is news about the situation. Please take pity on her this time, and don't leave her lightly..."

After the song is over, the sound of the pipa stops.

Zhixue has turned into tears.

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and suddenly knelt down towards Su Liang.

"My benefactor, my family has admired you for a long time. I am willing to be your slave and concubine, and stay by your side to repay your kindness!"

Such heartfelt words are paired with a pretty face full of tears.

Except for the eunuch, who can not be moved!

At this moment, Su Liang was convinced that the other party had made a promise to him.

Zheng Youxiong could see that Su Liang was also a little emotional, and immediately said: "Su Yushi, why don't you let her stay with you as a maid?"

"Or, you can stay in Chuzhou City for one night and chat with Zhixue again?"

Zheng Youxiong knew that Su Liang's wife and father-in-law were on the ship, but he thought this was not important at all.

It is a normal behavior for a man to take a concubine, and his wife will not interfere at all.

Su Liang heard this.

The possibility that Zheng Youxiong was an old friend of Tang Jie was immediately ruled out.

If Tang Jie had such a good friend, he could impeach him ten times a day.

Su Liang thought for a while.

He stood up and walked towards Zhixue in front of him.

He helped her up and said: "Little lady, you have worked hard! Find a good man and live a good life. Don't be someone else's puppet!"

Hearing this, Zheng Youxiong couldn't help but be stunned.

Su Liang looked at Zheng Youxiong and said: "Zheng Zhizhou, you taught me a lesson today, and I have benefited a lot. To express my gratitude, I will also give you a gift. After some time, you will know, Farewell!"

After that, Su Liang strode out of the cabin.

Cao Hu, who was guarding the door, waved his hand and immediately walked towards the opposite ship with the guards.

Zheng Youxiong was a little confused and murmured: "Give me a gift, what gift? It's just that you don't like women, and you don't have anything to do with me, so why are you pretending to be noble!"

After a while.

Su Liang got on the official ship and directly ordered to continue moving forward.

At this time.

Cao Hu on the side walked over with curiosity on his face and whispered: "Su Yushi, I heard you clearly at the door. I was afraid that you had fallen into a honey trap. Did you just give Zheng Youxiong a gift? What gift was it?"

Su Liang looked into the distance and said: "An impeachment memorial of no less than 800 words."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Cao Hu couldn't help laughing.

His laughter was clear and crisp, like a string of large brass bells tinkling.

Although Su Liang did not catch evidence that Zheng Youxiong paid bribes with beautiful items.

However, an impeachment memorandum written by him is enough to make Zheng Youxiong's official career bumpy, and it is enough to stop officials who want to use such methods again.


At this time.

Su Liang frowned slightly and murmured: "When I arrive in Yangzhou, I'm afraid there will be more people building relationships and friendships with me. How to get rid of these trivial matters will probably be much more troublesome than what happened today!"

Although the Tang family and Su Liang don't have many relatives and friends in Yangzhou City, all of them would like to get a piece of Su Liang's name.

That's endless trouble.

Su Liang could neither punish them nor make everyone hate him.

After he retires from office, he plans to return to Yangzhou to enjoy his old age!

(End of this chapter)

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