American exorcist god.

Chapter 142: The reincarnation of the legendary exorcist?

Chapter 142: The reincarnation of the legendary exorcist?
Where Latma's blood disappeared half an hour ago, government exorcists were looking for a way to enter another dimension.

But the good times didn't last long, and soon a group of rats attacked them.

As the battle raged, the troops and exorcists suddenly put down their guns and stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

The black rats that rushed forward suddenly died suddenly, and the black rats fell down in groups, like cutting wheat.

"What happened?" a soldier asked doubtfully.

The person in charge of the operation blushed. He had a vague guess in his mind, but he didn't dare to be completely sure, fearing that it would just be an empty joy.

The water flow in the smelly canal suddenly increased sharply. The knowledgeable exorcist suddenly thought of something and exclaimed: "The different space has broken through and is intersecting with reality. The intersection should be just above the water flow!"

Smiles appeared on their faces, and the alien space was broken, which meant that the evil god had probably been eliminated.

But their happiness only lasted for a moment. Suddenly, the hairs of everyone present stood on end, and a heart-stopping aura swept over them.

Before they could realize what happened, the aura suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The person in charge was stunned for a while before giving the order, and the soldiers and exorcists rushed towards the top of the smelly ditch.

A few minutes later, they just turned a corner and were suddenly startled.

Among the corpses on the ground in front of them, only a figure holding a knife stood. The man was panting slightly and covered in blood, but it should all belong to others.

It was actually a woman, with an expressionless face on her beautiful face.

Everyone present was amazed, they had never seen such a sassy girl, she looked like a Valkyrie alive.

But they also relaxed. The other person was one of the exorcists who had entered the different space before.

Ai Lan glanced at them, sheathed her sword, and ran forward. She was a little worried about the safety of Xu Yi and Lisa.

The others also reacted and rushed together.

Two or three minutes later, they came to an open platform. The ground was exceptionally clean, as if it had just been washed by clean water.

"Everyone, what are you looking for?"

Everyone was still searching, when suddenly a magnetic male voice came from the corner, and a man with a gentle smile on his face appeared there, holding someone in his arms.

For a moment, no one responded. They subconsciously stood up straight and looked nervously at the handsome man in front of them.

They all felt the oppression on the man, as if they were being watched by something terrifying.

"Xu...Mr. Xu Yi, how is the evil god doing now?"

Finally, the person in charge mustered up the courage and asked cautiously.

For exorcists who can enter different spaces, they will naturally look up information, and the person in charge has already memorized Xu Yi's name.

"Don't worry, I have dealt with the evil god. Don't worry, everyone!" Xu Yi replied with a smile.

He was a little helpless, because he had just activated the power of the evil god, and he still had that awe-inspiring power, but no one should be able to see it.

Even if he could see it, it didn't matter. He had just killed the evil god and it was understandable that there was still a slight trace of the evil god's aura.

When everyone heard the news, they all breathed a sigh of relief with smiles on their faces.

Even those pretentious exorcists did not doubt Xu Yi's words, Xu Yi gave them an unfathomable feeling.

The person in charge was secretly shocked. He had read Xu Yi's information and found that he had become an exorcist for less than half a year, but he had already grown to such a terrifying level!

He suddenly found that there was a blind spot in his thinking. It was indeed less than half a year since the other party came to prominence, but what about the time before that?

"Could the other party be the reincarnation of a legendary exorcist?" the person in charge secretly guessed.

This situation is very rare, but it is not impossible. Otherwise, how can we explain that the other party has such breathtaking power?
"I found William, right behind him, but the situation is a bit bad. You'd better send him to the hospital immediately. If anything happens, you can find him." Xu Yi said softly.

The person in charge nodded repeatedly, "Mr. Xu Yi, thank you for your help. I believe the Ernst family will be very grateful when they find out."

Unconsciously, the person in charge actually used the honorific title.

Xu Yi nodded. William will definitely be taken care of by the Ernst family. If he becomes a demon, he will be discovered immediately.

Xu Yi carried Lisa and walked toward the exit of the sewer, and Ailan quickly followed his footsteps.After Xu Yi walked away, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. The sense of oppression Xu Yi gave them was too strong.

"Why haven't you felt that Mr. Xu Yi is so scary before?" an exorcist whispered.

"What do you know? Normally, Mr. Xu Yi would definitely suppress his own power. Now in order to deal with the evil god, Mr. Xu Yi has no choice but to use his real power. This is the real Mr. Xu Yi."

The exorcist next to him had an expression that said, "You don't understand this."

As soon as these words came out, many exorcists nodded in agreement.

The battle in the sewers has ended. These black rats are all products of evil. As their roots dissipate, they will naturally no longer be able to survive.

Soldiers are cleaning up rat carcasses. Rat carcasses must be disposed of. If they are kept here, it will easily cause other problems.

Xu Yi passed by the place where Latma had been besieged. The soldiers were gathering the corpses. Many doctors were standing next to them. They examined each one one by one and shook their heads. The corpses of these people were too cold to die.

"There are wounded here!"

Before Xu Yi could speak, one of the doctors spotted him and shouted.

They pushed the medical cart and rushed towards Xu Yi. It was torture to stand here.

Lisa was laid flat on the medical cart. After examination, the doctor came to a preliminary diagnosis, "It's just exhaustion. It shouldn't be a big problem."

Of course Xu Yi knew that it was not as simple as exhaustion. Lisa had to forcefully activate the "Holy Descendant" and might need to lie in bed for a month or two before she could recover.

Fortunately, having the Redemption Leaf can greatly shorten this time. If you rest for a week or two, you should be fine.

Xu Yi met Father Nordin again. Out of respect, Father Nordin was not put into a body bag, but a temporary coffin was specially prepared.

The other person was lying in the coffin with a peaceful look on his face, as if he was an old man who was dying at the end of his life.

Xu Yi found Chen Lin next to Father Nordin, who was not so lucky. He was stuffed into a body bag with the zipper not yet closed.

He didn't feel too sad, after all, he didn't have much contact.

He glanced at it for a few times and was about to leave. At this time, his peripheral vision turned to the other person's chest and he was stunned for a moment.

Something seems to be moving inside the wound?
Xu Yi thought he was dazzled and quickly looked at it.

Chen Lin's heart was ripped out, leaving a bloody hole on his chest. It was pitch black inside, but with the help of the Dark Eyes, he could still see clearly.

It wasn't dazzling, there was something really moving. It was the remaining fragments of the other party's heart, crawling slowly like a worm.

What the hell is this?Xu Yi's body tensed subconsciously.

If he hadn't sensed danger from Chen Lin's body, he would have burned the body by now.

After a while, he gradually calmed down and realized that it was not an evil spirit possessing him, but Chen Lin's body "saving itself."

It's unbelievable that a corpse is actually trying to save itself?

He remembered something. Not only had Chen Lin come into contact with the statue of the evil god, he had also endured the curse and could even act like an ordinary person.

Could it be that the corpse "rescued itself" because of the other party's special physique?
Xu Yi suddenly became interested and wanted to study this special corpse.

"This man is my friend, let me collect his body!" Xu Yi looked up at the soldiers on the side.

He originally thought that it would take some effort to get Chen Lin's body, but he didn't expect that the soldier agreed without saying a word and even saluted.

"Yes! Mr. Xu Yi!"

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment. When did he become so famous that even an ordinary soldier knew his name?

What he didn't know was that the person in charge had already given the order via a telegraph.

When you meet Xu Yi, you must maintain respect. As long as the other party's request is not too excessive, you will immediately agree to it.

Along the way, Xu Yi felt a lot of admiring eyes, but no one came to disturb him.

They left the sewer. At this moment, the sun in the sky happened to rise to its highest point. The bright sunshine made him feel like he was in another world.

(End of this chapter)

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