American exorcist god.

Chapter 375 Lu Bu in the West, Dong Zhuo in the Dream

Chapter 375 Lu Bu in the West, Dong Zhuo in the Dream

The amusement city shook suddenly, and the gravel on the top of the mine fell rustlingly, as if an earthquake was coming.

Freddy couldn't stay any longer and turned around to leave.

After he walked away, inside the body of the scorched corpse, a soul-stealing seed was silently born from the blood vessel, floated towards the heart, and merged into it.

The soul-stealing seed was already hidden, and Xu Yi was still deliberately affecting Freddy's perception, so all this happened silently, and no one noticed it at all.

On the way out of the mine tunnel, Xu Yi fell into ecstasy. The success of his plan meant that he had taken a big step towards the domain soul.

It wasn't until he came out of the mine entrance and looked up at the sky that his excitement suddenly cooled down.

Although I had expected it, when the other party actually appeared, I still couldn't help being frightened.

The black "sun" suspended over the amusement city, and the outer blood-colored halo reflected it, making the entire amusement city seem to be soaked in a pool of blood.

Xu Yi originally thought that after killing the insect envoy, the Lord of the Black Abyss would at most send an army to attack him, but he did not expect that the other party would directly "open up" the entire Black Abyss world.

It's just that this "wolf" is a bit scary.

Not to mention taking action, Xu Yi felt that his sanity was going crazy after just one glance, and his soul couldn't help but tremble slightly.

The defensive light curtain of the Amusement City seemed to be nothing in front of that thing. The light curtain was instantly "burned" to create a hole, and a huge black shadow poured in together with the turbulence of the dream space.

The black "sun" kept falling, like a heavy lead ball, and spider web-like cracks appeared in the light curtain of the amusement city. This was the reason for the previous "earthquake" in the amusement city.

"Why did you kill the insect user? Give an explanation within one minute, otherwise... the city will be destroyed!"

It has four centipede-like long tails covered with fine black hairs.

But a purple-black "little sun" suddenly flew out, and something squirmed in the ball of light. The bloody light cast its shadow on the ground, and its huge wings covered the sky.

He felt a huge pressure on the black shadow, as if a tsunami was coming and was about to destroy him in an instant.

"Now... the effect should be achieved." Xu Yi comforted himself with a wry smile.

At first glance, it looks like a kind of creature, the black-striped gray moth, which is known as the scariest moth.

The black shadow was getting closer and closer, Xu Yi saw the other party's appearance clearly, and his hair stood on end.

Freddy's expression was extremely ugly. He mobilized the power of the world and strengthened the light curtain, and then he could barely hold on to the Black Abyss World.

But it is countless times larger than the black-striped gray lantern moth, and it is also more ferocious and terrifying. Its insect head is embedded with a head, and on the head is a beautiful woman's face, with her eyes closed.

Although the lurking True God's Thread has escaped inspection once, Freddy will definitely be checked from time to time as long as he is free, so in order to minimize the risk, Freddy must be kept busy.

Xu Yi's complexion also became very bad.

He suddenly regretted killing the insect user.

This is the most powerful existence in the dream world, the Lord of the Black Abyss, Isosen.

But now it’s not a question of whether to be busy or not, but whether one can survive.

But it was not possible to prevent Freddy from killing the insect user. He had to divert Freddy's attention and disturb the other party's mood. Ordinary things would not achieve the effect at all and could only "lead the wolf into the house".

The reason why he wants to "lead the wolf into the house" and let Freddy kill the insect user is also for another purpose, which is to make Freddy have no time to worry about anything else.

The huge wings had the color of dead bones, the abdomen was as red as blood, and the lines on it outlined the shape of the human body.

Isosen was clearly holding a woman's face, but the words he spoke were in a man's tone. The face on his head did not move, like a sculpture embedded in it, but his abdomen was shaking.

Freddy was visibly panicked and looked around helplessly, trying to find a lifeline.

"Isn't this too unreliable?" Xu Yi sighed in his heart, but he couldn't just watch the amusement city die, let alone let Freddy die.

He has now become one with Freddy and would cause serious harm if they were forcibly separated.

And he was not sure whether the Lord of the Black Abyss would regard him as Freddy's split soul and kill him casually. According to his guess, there was a high probability that he would.

Of course, the most important thing is...his split soul is already lurking in Freddy's body. By absorbing the power of the True God's Thread, he can continuously create soul-stealing seeds.

It won't be long before he can control Freddy's body. The body is like the roots of an ancient tree. Even if the ancient tree grows luxuriantly, it will wither quickly if it is separated from the root system.

At that time, Xu Yi will be able to launch a "rebellion" and completely seize control of Domain Soul Freddy.

In other words, half of the domain soul has been collected!

"Freddy, have you ever heard of the saying that only those who can bend and stretch can conquer the world!" Xu Yi said quickly.

"What do you mean? Stop talking about those big things and tell me directly! What should I do!" Freddy looked irritable.

Xu Yi suddenly paused. He still overestimated Freddie. He didn't plan to do any psychological construction, and time didn't allow it.

"Just say that you can't stand that such a weak insect envoy can become Lord Isosen's right-hand man. You killed him because of jealousy." Xu Yi began to make suggestions.

"What? You made me surrender to Isosen!" Freddy screamed.

"You can't think like that..."

Xu Yi felt a dull pain in his brain. It was indeed difficult to persuade him. If it were him, he probably wouldn't accept it.

"It's such a simple method, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Freddy scolded, then knelt down in front of Aesopson and said loudly, "Lord Aesopson, if you don't mind, I, Freddy, would like to worship you as my godfather!"

Xu Yi was dumbfounded. He always thought that Fred's bottom line was very low, but he didn't expect that the other party had no bottom line at all!

Fred and Xu Yi both looked at Isosen nervously. Now that "Western Lu Bu" has appeared, it depends on whether the other party is "Dream Dong Zhuo".

The speed of Isosen's wings suddenly stopped. He was also a little confused by Freddy's operation, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

When the insect dies, Isosen does not feel sad.

As long as he wants, he can produce thousands of insect angels at any time, and insect angels are just products on the "assembly line"

The reason why he controlled the entire Black Abyss World was more to show his majesty. He did not allow anyone to challenge his rule.

Isosen stared at Freddy, his brain starting to work.

Xu Yi felt happy when he saw Isosen's appearance. If the other party hesitated, it meant there was something going on.

"Quick! Say something nice again!" Xu Yi urged.

"My admiration for Lord Aesopson is like the endless flow of water from the Nile..."

Xu Yi was still thinking about what to say, but Freddy had already started "rapping".

Xu Yi had to admit that rap is indeed a racial talent of black people, and Freddy, as a "Jiao man", is simply overflowing with talent.

Isosen suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a white maggot with purple wings.

"Swallow the soul-eating worm!" Isosen said solemnly.

I don’t know if Freddy’s rap took effect or because Isosen took a fancy to Freddy’s strength, but Isosen actually agreed to the request.

Freddy looked at the Soul-Eating Insect that was so close, and no matter how reluctant he was, he could only swallow it, and he had to keep a smile on his face.

Xu Yi felt very aggrieved.

In his opinion, Freddy was already his property, and now that he was "tabooed", it was strange that he was in a good mood.

Xu Yi stared at the Lord of the Black Abyss, and a crazy idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Princes, generals and prime ministers, would you rather have the seed?"

Now that you have found the domain soul, why not try to cultivate it into a "soul master"?

The so-called soul master is the master of the soul, a being stronger than the domain soul.

Domain souls can also become power gods, but if they are replaced by a more powerful soul master, the power gods they achieve will definitely be more powerful.

And the domain soul wants to become the soul master... Xu Yi looked at Isosen deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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