American exorcist god.

Chapter 385 Secret Exposed

Chapter 385 Secret Exposed

Isosen was entangled by Os and had no way to escape, but he could control the insects in the black abyss, and a huge tide of insects surged towards Jason.

Ignoring the threat of the insect swarm, Jason exerted force with his palm, and the purple-red ball was crushed and dense hair erupted.

Those hairs had no way to escape, and were "burned" by the power of the domain, turning into fly ash and scattering.

The core was annihilated!

At this moment, Isosen let out a shrill scream, like thousands of demons from hell roaring in unison.

It fell, and the backlash caused by the destruction of its body made it unable to control its body.

Freddy was dancing with excitement. After Isosen's body was destroyed, the impact was greater than imagined.

But the next second, he yelled angrily, "Shit! You actually want to pick peaches!"

The flesh snake transformed by Os suddenly melted, and the white gelatin turned into a film, covering Isosen's body. Isosen was like a moth in a bag.

Xu Yi's brows furrowed involuntarily. Ess was smarter than he thought and actually wanted to devour Isosen first.

He also knew that if he didn't take action, he would have no chance.

Freddy landed on Isophson's head, and the slime's body melted rapidly. Xu Yi followed Freddy and invaded Isophson's soul.

"Slime" emitted a hot red light, and the light curtain was corroded to create a small hole, and Freddy slipped in through the small hole.

Freddy hesitated for a few seconds, and finally made a decision.

Although his soul was originally a worm, his speed was amazing and he caught up with Os in the blink of an eye.

A white shadow suddenly passed in front of their eyes, and Xu Yi saw clearly what was inside the white shadow. It was a ferocious face, a hundred times more terrifying than an evil ghost.

The white film surged and turned into a hand, grabbing at Freddy. Apparently Os didn't want one more person to disrupt the situation.

"As expected of a domain soul!" Xu Yi secretly sighed in his heart, Freddy actually took advantage of the protective light curtain that even Es couldn't handle.

That is the origin of Os's soul.

But now the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. He glanced at Freddy who was still watching the show and burst into anger. "Do you want to wait until next Christmas before taking action?"

Jason glanced at the "fusion monster" in the void, holding a bloody machete, and wanted to step forward to watch and kill him, but the strange insects in the black abyss swarmed towards him overwhelmingly, blocking his way.

All he could see was pitch black, with only a hint of purple-red fire floating in the sky.

Freddy's head suddenly broke and rushed towards Isosen's head like a cannonball. That was the only place not covered by a white film.

It's not that Es doesn't want to, it's that he can't do it. Even if Isosen loses consciousness, there is still an invisible force protecting it.

Freddy suddenly exploded and transformed into a ball of "slime" that stuck firmly to the light curtain.

But Fred turned left and right, as nimble as a hairless monkey. He escaped from Os' pursuit and bumped into Isosen's protective light shield.

"Let go of the great Lord of the Black Abyss!" Freddy screamed and rushed out.

In front of you is the place where Isosen's soul originates. The core within the core looks a bit similar to the Black Abyss.

These monster insects are indeed Isosen's loyal subordinates. Even if no one is controlling them, they are still performing their duties.

He obviously wanted to devour Isosen, but he acted like a loyal minister, and his purpose was self-evident.

If Isosen recovers and settles accounts with him, he will be able to make some excuses at that time.

Xu Yi felt that it was unnecessary. Freddy almost had the words "thief" engraved on his forehead. As long as Isosen's IQ was normal, there was no way he would be fooled. In the purple-red firelight, there is a white moth coiled, its wings trembling slightly, looking particularly weak. This is the origin of Aesopson's soul.

The moment Es saw the little moth, his ferocious face showed full of desire, and he opened his mouth wide and pounced towards it, as if he wanted to swallow the moth in one gulp.

The moth was surrounded by purple-red light. The moment Os touched those lights, his face was burned and blackened with smoke, but in the next second, Os' face returned to its original state.

Os seemed to be irritated and pounced on him again. This time, his mouth opened to an extremely exaggerated degree, almost like a python swallowing prey larger than itself.

He swallowed Isosen's essence in one gulp, but he obviously didn't feel comfortable either. His whole face instantly turned red, as if he had swallowed a scalding fireball.

"Spit out Mr. Isosen! Spit out!" Freddy became anxious instantly and kept hitting Os's face with his insect body.

If Isosen was swallowed by Os, wouldn't his work have been in vain?

Of course Freddy didn't do it. In his opinion, the reason why he was able to destroy Isosen's body was all due to him. He was the one who asked Jason to attack Isosen's body.

Oz is annoyed by Freddy.

He only swallowed Isosen temporarily. He must digest Isosen's power as much as possible before Isosen wakes up.

Although Freddy is very weak and does not pose much of a threat to him, the other party's harassment will undoubtedly slow down his digestion.

Os' human face stared at Freddy coldly, and blood-red ash spewed out of his nostrils.

Freddy couldn't dodge and was affected by the ashes, making a scream like a chicken.

Os originally thought that these ashes were enough to deal with Freddy. These were things that even Isosen was unwilling to touch, but he was soon a little dumbfounded. Freddy just screamed and showed no signs of collapse.

"Let's not talk about anything else, Freddy still has a way to survive!" Xu Yi couldn't help but admire.

Every time he thought Freddy couldn't handle it, he managed to survive. This was actually Freddy's hidden ability.

Hot steam spurted out from the gap between Os's teeth, and his whole face was red and shiny, like a red-hot iron. The Aesopson in his mouth was resisting.

He knew he couldn't tangle with cockroaches like Freddy anymore. Isosen was about to wake up and he had to speed up.

Facing Os's cold gaze, Freddy felt a little frightened in his heart, not knowing what the other party would do next.

Os' lips clearly didn't move, but he could still make a sound, "You have no chance of defeating me, just give up!"

Freddy was stunned for a moment. The other person's eyes looked as if he wanted to kill him, but in the end he just said harsh words. This felt like an anti-aircraft cannon swatting mosquitoes.

Xu Yi's heartstrings tightened instantly. Of course the other party wasn't just blabbering. In fact, he had tampered with what Freddy heard. The other party's original words were: "It's so stupid to be beguiled without knowing it!"

Os discovered his existence!

In fact, Xu Yi was able to lurk in Freddy's body not because of his clever methods, but because Freddy was alone and no one would remind him.

Now, in order to quickly deal with Freddy, Os decided to reveal this "secret".

"Has it been tampered with again? The method is indeed good." Os praised.

Xu Yi had an extremely bad premonition. He immediately intervened with Freddy and tried to interrupt the opponent's movements. However, the gap between Freddy's strength and the opponent's was too obvious, making it impossible to do so.

A green light radiated from Os's eyes. The light was so fast that Freddy couldn't dodge it. He originally thought it was some kind of terrifying attack, but he thought to himself that it was terrible.

But the strange thing is that he was not hurt at all.

Fred's brain suddenly shook, and various images flashed in his mind, all of them since he came into contact with Xu Yi.

His body began to tremble slightly, his face became more and more ugly, and finally he raised his head suddenly and roared, "Xu Yi!"

(End of this chapter)

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