American exorcist god.

Chapter 387 No one can survive!

Chapter 387 No one can survive!
Seeing Isosen fluttering his wings and flying towards him, Xu Yi could actually understand what he was thinking.

Among the people present, Freddy was already meat on the chopping block, and Os had no power to resist. He was the only one who still had the ability to move.

It would be fine if he was just an ordinary soul, but the crystallized soul looked so tempting, and Isosen naturally couldn't let it go.

Xu Yi burst out at extreme speed and rushed towards Jason, completely hoping to divert trouble to the east.

Freddy glanced at Isosen. Isosen's attention was now on Xu Yi, which meant that now was the best time to escape.

But his current situation is too bad, and it is difficult for him to escape by himself.

He gritted his teeth and made a very risky decision.

In the amusement city, the scorched corpse suddenly walked out of the mine and rushed towards the edge of the city.

There is the contact point where the City of Fun hits the moth, and it is also the exit from this soul space.

As the body of Freddy, the Scorched Corpse actively approaches this soul space, which is tantamount to exposing its own weakness to Isosen.

The creatures in the soul space suddenly trembled slightly, and they all felt that something terrifying was coming. It was a golden door, and the magnificent aura swept in all directions like a frenzy.

Isosen's devouring ability is not comparable to that of Roshan Os or Freddy, because the other party's strongest ability is mental pollution.

Xu Yi not only lurked in his body and affected his spirit, but the other party also secretly invaded his body!
This was indeed done by Xu Yi, but Xu Yi had no intention of paying attention to Freddy's abuse at the moment. He suddenly couldn't move.

"Xu Yi! Fuckxx!" Freddy suddenly yelled. Xu Yi was the only one who had the ability and motivation to do all this.

Isosen opened his mouth, and a wave of attraction came out of his mouth, and Xu Yi was sucked into it.

He was only the size of a hair. This time he was so weak that he couldn't even squirm.

Isosen didn't know what means he used to keep him in place.

Xu Yi looked at Isosen who was getting closer and closer, and was not too panicked. He had expected this before.

Darkness gradually enveloped Xu Yi, and his eyes showed a cruel light, "Since I can't live, then everyone should stop living!"

But there is no other way. Only by letting the main body respond to him can he possibly escape from here.

The power of the World Tree may be able to prevent Xu Yi from dying, but it cannot prevent him from being contaminated.

The scorched corpse suddenly got in through the gap in the soul space!

The burnt corpse came to the exit of the soul space and stretched out his hand. Freddy felt a suction, and his tiny insect body flew towards the charred corpse.

Once the main body is also controlled, then he really has no hope of making a comeback.

There was no Isosen standing in the way, it was the burnt corpse that took the initiative to enter the soul space.

After all, this is Isosen's soul space, and the other party is the absolute master here.

After realizing this, he had already thought of a plan, and letting the scorched corpse enter the soul space was also part of the plan.

As the charred corpse got closer and closer, Freddy's eyes became brighter and brighter, but he suddenly froze, his face full of disbelief.

He chose to flip the table directly.

Freddy let out a shrill scream again, and the insect body as thick as a thumb split apart again. He repeated his old tricks and escaped from the control of the Soul-eating Insect through splitting.

Even in the best case scenario, he would just linger in Isosen's body, which he didn't want to see.

Xu Yi summoned the Gate of Truth. He did not have a soul entry on his body, but he had what the Gate of Truth wanted more, which was the resurrection coin.

He paid a resurrection coin in exchange for the brief arrival of the Door of Truth.

He only has 39 resurrection coins left at this moment.

The door slowly opened, and all the creatures present felt a suction. If everyone was in peak condition, it would be possible to resist, but they are all in the original state of their souls. Without any exception, including Jason who was confused by the hallucination, all existence was sucked into the door of truth.

The moment before entering the door of truth, Xu Yi planted a "memory bomb" in his soul through psychological suggestion. Once he comes into contact with key information, the bomb will explode.

This is his preparation for the "baptism" of the Gate of Truth.

Since Xu Yi took the initiative to open the door to truth, he naturally has a certain degree of confidence.

"It depends on how powerful the system is!" Xu Yi took a deep breath.

This is undoubtedly a risky move. The last time I was able to pass the baptism of the Gate of Truth, it was just good luck.

No one can say whether he will survive this time.

But once you get through the baptism, the harvest will be unparalleled, and the winner will get everything!
Xu Yi took the initiative to fall into deep sleep, which could delay the time for the Lost Soul Ice Crystal to take effect.

As long as it could improve the chance of survival, even if it was just a little bit, he was willing to try it.

"I hope this illusion won't be so difficult!" Xu Yi prayed secretly.


Golden light illuminated Xu Yi's eyes, and he slowly woke up from his sleep. The bright sunshine outside the window shone in, making the whole room shine.

"Dad! You are such a lazy idiot, the sun is shining on you."

The pretty little girl is lying on the bedside, frowning, looking like a little kid, and she is particularly cute.

Xu Yi was in a daze for a moment, stretched out and sat up from the bed. He touched the little girl's head and said, "Dad, didn't you forget? I'm taking you to the amusement park today. Go ask mom to change your clothes!"

The little girl cheered and ran away jumping up and down. Xu Yi looked at the other person's bare feet and shook his head helplessly.

Xu Yi is a winner in life in the eyes of many people. He has a beautiful wife who loves him, a lovely daughter, no mortgage or car loan, he has inherited several buildings at home, and he can live a prosperous life just by collecting rent.

I have money and leisure, and I don’t have any bad hobbies. My normal life is to collect rent, stay at home and play games, and then take my daughter and wife to play.

The only fly in the ointment is that fishing is always for the Air Force!

The phone suddenly rang, and the time displayed was "09:09". Xu Yi frowned slightly. He didn't remember that he had set this alarm clock.

But he didn't take it seriously, just clicked it off and got up to wash up.

The beautiful days like blooming flowers are proceeding in an orderly manner.

Very little workload, no pressure in life, just enjoying life every day. This kind of life is really too comfortable.

But one thing is strange. The alarm clock on his mobile phone always rings at "09:09" every day. At first, he thought it was because the mobile phone was broken, but after changing several mobile phones, it was still the same.

Even before going to bed, he deliberately didn't bring his cell phone, but when the time came, he could still hear the alarm.

He went to see a psychiatrist, who said he was under too much stress and needed to learn to relax.

Xu Yixin said it was nonsense. If he was still under great pressure, wouldn't working as a worker be living in hell?
Having said that, it seems that it is indeed too hard to work as a worker.

Xu Yi started taking powerful sleeping pills, which did work at first, but as time passed, the sleeping pills began to lose their effectiveness, and he heard the alarm clock again.

The sound of the alarm clock was getting louder and denser. He was surrounded by the piercing sound of the alarm clock. Even if he covered his ears, it had no effect.

Only he could hear the sound of the alarm clock, and he began to wonder if he was crazy, until one day, a strange idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Could it be that the problem is not me, but the world?"

The moment this idea appeared, his brain exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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