American exorcist god.

Chapter 45 It's finally here!

Chapter 45 It's finally here!

Crossing the creaking and decaying suspension bridge, Xu Yi finally saw the legendary old theater.

The black curtain was blown out by the wind and drooped on the windowsill, shaking from time to time, just like a spiritual flag.

They came here as soon as it got light.

As for the guide, as soon as he could see a corner of the theater, he was already running back as if a tiger was chasing him, and he almost fell into the mud.

Xu Yi looked at the old theater and figured out something.

No wonder the evil spirits in the old theater had to be eliminated and the project could not move forward. The location of the theater was really too special and happened to be in the center of this area.

Ryan hurriedly stepped across the decaying relief door and disappeared from everyone's eyes in a short while.

He knew very well that as an ordinary person, he could not compare with these exorcists in terms of exorcism, so he could only race against time.

Hunter and Laura were not in a hurry, and quietly looked at the old theater.

The flower carvings on the dome are extremely exquisite, but unfortunately they are now in tatters and full of holes. I don’t know why, but even though there is a lot of light shining in, the theater still looks very dark.

After observing for a moment, Hunter placed the metal box in his hand flat on the ground, and Xu Yi's attention was instantly attracted to it.

A strong chain was welded to the metal box, and the other end of the chain was fixed to a bracelet. Hunter had always worn the bracelet and never took it off.

Xu Yi can also understand this approach. After all, the magic exorcism tools are in the box. If they are accidentally lost, it will be a big problem.

That box is not ordinary either. There are secret runes engraved on the corners, which should have the effect of exorcising evil spirits.

The material of the box is probably a very strong alloy. When in danger, the box can also be used as a weapon.

When the box was opened, Xu Yi was instantly dazzled.

The exquisitely carved cross dagger, the gleaming amber stone, the primitive bronze lamp... His previous guess was still conservative. There were actually more than ten exorcism tools in the box!

He thought of the exorcism tools he carried, several exorcism lighters, and the blood-stained fragments wrapped in acacia bark... and felt an inexplicable sense of shabbyness.

Is this the legendary "Second Generation of Exorcists"?

He feels that he has been in conflict with the "second generation" recently. It is still possible to become a "rich second generation", and he can only rely on his own efforts to exorcise demons.

Xu Yi kept staring at the box, and Hunter and Laura did not block it.

These exorcism tools represent the glory of the Lopez family. How can Glory worry about displaying them?

As a member of the Lopez family, other exorcists would not dare to take action rashly no matter how greedy they were.

Hunter took off the bronze kerosene lamp on it, and a painting came into Xu Yi's eyes, which made him light up.

The painting was only the size of a palm, so it wasn't that the painting had a powerful exorcism effect. The cross dagger on it was much more powerful than it.

Last night Xu Yi copied the picture album for most of the night again, and the artist entries improved slightly.

[Painter entry, current progress: 93/100. 】

Reaching this level, both his painting level and appreciation level are not low.

So you can recognize it at a glance. That painting is definitely from the hand of a master. The composition, the lines, the momentum that jumps out on the paper...

This is definitely the painting that shocked Xu Yi the most so far.

"Um...can I take a look at the paintings in the box?" Xu Yi originally didn't want to talk to Hunter. After all, he came from the famous Lopez family and was born with a sense of arrogance.

But the attraction of that painting is too great, it is the original work of the master!
Just one painting can have a strong exorcism effect, which shows how superb the painting skills are, and it has almost reached the realm of "spirituality".

If you can borrow the paintings, appreciate them and copy them carefully, you will definitely fill up the list of painters!
When the time comes, the synthetic psychic painter will be more confident in dealing with Mary Xiao.

Hunter found a soapstone from the bottom of the box. The box closed with a click, and Hunter and Laura walked side by side to the depths of the theater.

Xu Yi shrugged helplessly, he was ignored!

He suddenly thought of James. No wonder he had tried to persuade him to give up exorcism. From a normal perspective, Hunter and Laura were indeed more sure of exorcism than he was.

"Forget it, let's finish this exorcism quickly!" Xu Yi was not angry. He was not so glass-hearted. After all, it was someone else's right to borrow the painting or not.

He followed Hunter and Laura. The bloodstone would most likely be able to search for evil spirits. Following them was better than wandering around in the theater by himself.

If it's convenient, don't use it, he's not that pedantic.

But he overestimated the Lopez family's "magic-seeking" magic weapon, and underestimated Mary Shaw's concealment ability. They spent a day wandering around the old theater and found that it was very limited.

No wonder all the previous exorcists failed, this Mary Xiao is really a bit too good at hiding!
As the sun set, Xu Yi returned to the hotel.

Although everyone knows that evil spirits are more likely to appear at night, it is only the first day, so there is no need to be too aggressive.

But the old theater was really big, and he only had a quick tour around it when the sun was setting.

Others worked much "harder" than Xu Yike, and did not return to the hotel until it was completely dark.

By this time, Xu Yi had already copied several paintings, slept, and even had dinner in the restaurant.

Seeing Xu Yi's appearance, the housekeeper shook his head.

However, the other party has a rare "spiritual enlightenment" ability, and Xianyu can understand it at all.

Of course Xu Yi was no salty fish. He walked around the old theater and decided to come back after he was sure that there would be nothing to gain.

For him, instead of searching aimlessly in the theater, it would be more practical to go back to the hotel and check out the artist's entry.

There was no moon tonight and it was pitch black outside the window. Xu Yi had just come out of the shower and wiped his hair in front of the mirror.

The lights in the room suddenly sizzled and flickered on and off.

"Finally here!" Xu Yi sighed with relief, feeling like he had finally waited for the person he had been waiting for.

The psychic entry gave him a keen perception, and a vague magnetic field was invading the room.

But after the incandescent light flashed off for a few seconds, it returned to normal. In Xu Yi's perception, the cold magnetic field also disappeared.

Could it be his illusion?
Of course it's impossible!Xu Yi is not only an exorcist, he also studies psychology.

As an ideal and aspiring exorcist, in his spare time, he even wrote a psychological masterpiece "On How Evil Spirits Torment People"!
The evil spirit usually makes you tense first, then relaxes you, repeating this for several rounds, and then suddenly jumps out when you are most relaxed.

Ordinary people simply can't stand it!

The reason why evil spirits do this is not just for bad taste.

Whether it is a person or an exorcist, after experiencing this kind of repeated torture, the spiritual energy will become very weak. When the evil spirit comes in person, it will be easy to achieve its goal.

(End of this chapter)

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