Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 149 The Land of Legendary Physics

Chapter 149 The Land of Legendary Physics (4 updates)
Sophia stood up and bowed deeply to Ren.

Of course, this is not to use her profound career line to suppress Ren, but just to show some respect.

"We also have a very important bargaining chip for you and even your Magic Academy."

"Please tell me." Renn pretended to be calm and calm.

"Although our country is remote, it is one of the legal regimes recognized by all countries on the continent. What if we respect the [Physics Sect] as the state religion and vigorously promote your sect's teachings?"

Ren's expression changed instantly.

For no reason, just like the word [Hu] suddenly appeared in a mahjong game, the surprise from the system prompt could not be concealed.

[If the host accepts the proposal of Grand Duchess Sophia of Marino, physics will become the mainstream thought and belief of all Marino people.The entire Principality of Marino will become a (land of legendary physics)! 】

[Legendary Physics Land: This land will be completely (lawful neutral), the propagation speed of physics will be increased by 100%, the birth rate of ultra-rare physics talents will be +10%, and the birth rate of rare physics talents will be +20%.The power of magic derived from physics is increased by 20%! (Physics Network) will cover the entire legendary land by default and radiate within 50 kilometers of the surrounding area. 】

[This land is by default an affiliated land of the Tesla Magic Academy campus, and additional security offices and security facilities can be set up. 】

[Additional note, if it is blessed by the power of (Legendary Physics Place), the physical network will further expand and automatically sense the closest fragments of the magic network. 】

[Additional bonus... unknown, please explore by yourself. 】

Although Ren claimed that he had never seen anything before and should not be surprised, he still gave the reaction of a member of the Shock Department.

The stunned expression on Ren's face finally gave Grand Duchess Sophia a small sense of achievement in winning back the victory.

"Grand Duchess Marino, do you know what you are talking about?"

Sophia straightened her back and replied: "I know! If the Fenggui Sect becomes the state religion of our country, the fate of our country will be completely tied to the Fenggui Sect."

A sect can become the state religion of multiple countries, but in principle, a country can only have one state religion.

This is actually a bit one-sided. For example, the Church of Light is the state religion of several human countries. If anyone wants to target the Church of Light, the fire will spread to several countries.

From this perspective, Marino Country is small and small, which can be regarded as a beautiful bridgehead.

The headquarters of Renn's so-called magic academy is in the ravine of the Fulong Mountains. Although it is safe, it is relatively lacking in resources in all senses.

Apart from the good training, there is almost nothing there.

Sophia had already mentioned this, so Ren had no reason to refuse.

"In this case, I initially agree. Specifically, do you have any other requests?"

Sophia noticed the change in Ren's tone and words, and felt uncontrollable ecstasy in her heart. She tried to control her emotions.

"We all like the way of doing things and the purpose of the Physics Sect. To be honest, without your rescue, the Principality of Marino would have been nailed to a pillar of shame called [The Kingdom of the Dead]. We now fully support you. Your dissemination of physics is as it should be. We only have a small request."

"Please say."

Sophia felt her heart beating very fast. She was not quite sure about Ren's bottom line, so she could only ask tentatively: "Our country has few people and not many talents. But if possible, I hope you can give it more thought when accepting disciples in the future." What about the Marinos? They may not necessarily be as talented as Mr. Quixote. If, if possible, we can lower the standards appropriately and train some qualified formal mages for our country. It doesn’t need to be too many, just a few can hold up the scene, then I can't thank you enough." When Ren heard this, he immediately showed a very gentle smile. Isn't this a score test? With the bonus in the small valley, many little guys could reach this standard in the last exam.

"There is no problem with this. I had high standards and strict requirements before, hoping to select as soon as possible a seed that can be used as a seed to spread [physics] to all mankind. If we only require to teach some official mages who know a few practical magics, this level of requirements , or even let Towns be an assistant coach."

"That's it! That's great." Sophia was so excited that she almost jumped up.It was only the reserve of being a Grand Duchess that allowed her to restrain herself.

"Let's do this. I will recruit 20 outer disciples in the next recruitment meeting and leave 5 places for you Marino. Even if you really can't choose, you can still deal with this place."

There are only 10 people in the small principality of Marino. How can He De occupy 5 places?If you really don't need it, you can still resell the places. Based on this alone, even if Marino is not on this continent, countless candidates will try their best to come.

"Great! Great!" This time Sophia really couldn't control herself. She rushed forward in excitement, held Ren's right palm with both hands and shook it vigorously.

After all, she was in her youthful and most impulsive years. How could she have so much maturity and sophistication as a young adult?

"Then, do you have any other requirements?"

Can you help me solve this girl's boyfriend issue?

The first thing that came to Sophia's mind was this thought, which made Sophia feel extremely ashamed: she had already made her attitude clear by leaving the portal in her boudoir unused.Am I still obsessed with this?
Subconsciously, Sophia shrank her neck: "No, no more. I am very happy to be able to use the reputation of the School of Physics to revitalize the country."

This was not the first time in his life that Ren had shaken hands with a woman, and he was not too distraught.Seeing that Sophia didn't mention it, he didn't dare to say anything.

Anyway, the key is that your college can be upgraded.

Soon, Sophia called Gong Xiang and other ministers, and after discussing with Ren, they quickly finalized all the details.

With the spirit of striking while the iron is hot, on the afternoon of the third day, an announcement shocked all nations of mankind.

[The Principality of Marino officially adopts the Physics Sect as the state religion, and from now on (physics) will become the country’s supreme doctrine.The people of this country will respect the laws of physics...]

[The Physics Sect is a lawful neutral camp school of thought, temporarily divided into (Newtonian Mechanics), (Thermodynamics), and (Electromagnetism)! 】

As official messengers carried the proclamation to various countries, there were accompanying 'doctrines'.

Originally, Ren didn't want to do this, but Sophia insisted: "This is an important criterion for major sects to evaluate their own attitudes towards the physics sect. It must be there!"

Reluctantly, Lane wrote down a brief summary of the principles and laws of physics.

Write this.

Ha ha!

Many sects are not only relieved, but also happy.

When the Knowledge Cult first saw it, it almost exploded.

Isn’t this our realm of [knowledge]?
(End of this chapter)

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