Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 177 A brand new college

Chapter 177 A brand new college (2 updates)
Not to mention the new apprentices, even the senior disciple Tang Si was shocked.

Is this still the small, barren valley he saw before?

Thinking back to the beginning, he was just suffering from a delusional disorder, or under the guidance of fate, he accidentally found this valley surrounded by giant dragons. He even saw the waterfall and dived under the waterfall in a desperate attempt to survive.

What about now?
The waterfall is still the same waterfall, everything has changed.

On the mountain walls on both sides of the waterfall, there are 12 Tesla towers flashing with dazzling lightning on the left and right.Even if they are not running at full power at all, just the crackling and popping sounds from the winding thunder snakes on the top of the power tower are enough to scare Xiao Xiao off.

The mountain wall is no longer an ordinary mountain wall, it looks like a continuous smooth colorful glass wall.

As soon as he saw this, Tang Si proudly puffed up his chest and introduced it to his junior brothers and sisters: "The establishment of any school needs a solid foundation. If you have enough perception, you will know that these beautiful The essence of glass is the devil and devil that it once was..."

Before he finished speaking, Downs naturally heard the exclamations of boys and girls.

Rumors are just rumors after all. Many outsiders only know that Archmage Tesla is awesome and can kill devil lords.

But how can rumors compare to seeing it with your own eyes?
When many apprentices boldly approached the glass wall, they finally saw molten body parts of the devil in the beautiful inner layer of the glass, such as a small hook or an inflated eyeball.

Although the shape is a bit blurry, it can still be barely recognized.


"Master is amazing!"

Further on, the shock came.

Before Tangs even had time to do anything, a faint dragon roar came from the waterfall.

If not, it means that everyone did not hear the dragon's roar from the auditory level.

If so, this is because everyone really heard it at the [perception] level.

The abrupt waterfall separated in a figure-eight shape like a bead curtain told the apprentices the answer - two large and two small, a total of four ferocious black dragon heads were arranged in a trapezoid and inlaid on the inner wall of the waterfall.

They opened their mouths ferociously, perfectly condensing the panic and pain at the moment of their death.

As a water-bending dragon, the water pouring down from the top of the mountain unexpectedly takes an unscientific detour around the black dragon's head and pours down from both sides.

And on that freezing pool, a downward passage suddenly took shape.

The steps one by one are clearly visible.

Downs took the lead and walked down, followed by the two inner disciples Flora and Matt. Then, the outer disciples and assistants filed down according to their rankings.

The seemingly flowing water actually solidified like a wall of earth.

Not only does it feel solid to the touch, but even beating and digging hard cannot shake the wall of this waterway in the slightest.

Mysterious magic flows in this underwater passage, forming an underwater tunnel built with magic.

Flora was surprised to see fish swimming out of the water wall one after another, unaware of the dangers of the world, and curiously observing the humans on the other side of the water wall.

"This...is this magic?"

The junior sister's question made Tang Si smile for a while: "When I first met Master, Master refused to admit that it was magic. Maybe this is the rule of the physics school, or maybe it is Master's quirk. Please remember not to correct me. Master. When he insists on saying this is [physics] or [science], everyone just needs to say 'yes'."

A certain master who was peeping on the screen suddenly wanted to beat Downs to death.

The disclaimer used by a certain master when stacking armor has now turned into bullets and been shot back at a certain master.Dozens of people finally strolled through the waterway. When the last assistant stepped onto the water, everyone was shocked to find that the waterway behind them had disappeared, and it looked like an ordinary cold pool.

However, their surprising journey has just begun.

The ruins of once desolate mountain villages have now changed.

Nowadays, the road connecting Hantan is a long road made of seemingly ordinary blue bricks. However, when walking up, anyone will find that there is a faint sense of intimidation under their feet.

Downs sighed: "Our prodigal master ground the leftover materials chopped off when making dragon bone weapons into powder and mixed them into the green bricks, saying that he would increase your spiritual resistance."


At this moment, countless students gasped.

Keel powder is made into green bricks to pave the road?
Fortunately you can think of it!

Aren't you afraid that the dragon will bite you to death?

oh!The master is the dragon nemesis!That's okay.

However, in a sense, this is daily courage training.

Suddenly, all the apprentices felt an inexplicable throbbing in their hearts.

They raised their heads one after another, and what they saw changed very suddenly.

A second ago, this was a seemingly ordinary village. Except for the keel-pink and blue-brick avenue in front of us, there were towering trees on both sides of the road, nothing more.

The next second, every drooping leaf on the big tree began to float in the wind as the wind element agitated.

The wind in the sky, the water behind him, the ground beneath his feet, and even flames jumping out of the cracks in the land in the distance.

The rich four elements of earth, water, fire and wind immediately turn the scene in front of you into a giant dynamic oil painting constructed of elements.

On the previously empty trapezoidal stone platforms on both sides of the road, translucent figures suddenly appeared.

"Ghost? Of course not! Are we [great scientists] from the physics school such lowly things?"

As soon as the phantom projections of Newton, Archimedes, Faraday, Tesla...these physics giants who were so popular in Renn's eyes appeared, the surrounding elements immediately calmed down.

The whole active world seemed to calm down, and all the elements prostrated meekly and silently at the feet of these physicists.

In this way, I would like to pay the highest respect to these pioneers who conquered nature and explained the laws of the world with science.

This opening was deliberately created by Renne.

Although he traveled across this world, borrowed the achievements of scientific pioneers, and turned them into the laws of the world of Kaos, he would never shamelessly take the achievements of scientists as his own.

Even in another way, in another world, the achievements of scientists should be respected.

Of course, in the eyes of the apprentices, what fills the air is not science, but a sense of holiness that they recognize more.

This place is the temple of the [Physics School], the holy statues of the sages... No, these are probably the statues of the gods from the outside world standing on it, looking at every apprentice of the Physics School present with a far-reaching gaze that spans space.

I don't know who took the lead. Every time they came in front of a projected illusion, the apprentices would call its holy name three times.

When this action came to Nikola Tesla, the noise reached its peak!
(End of this chapter)

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