Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 182: This meat bun is a bit advanced

Chapter 182: This meat bun is a bit advanced (2 updates)
No matter how big an adult dragon is, its body is more than ten meters long and its weight can easily exceed ten tons.

Only friends who have personally experienced dragon slaying know that this thing is really worthless.

A huge dragon head, a long dragon neck, dragon wings with an exaggerated wingspan, high hardness and extremely wear-resistant dragon skin, sharp and hard dragon claws, a heavy dragon bone, inedible internal organs...skipping the above, An adult dragon weighing more than ten tons can produce about three tons of meat.

This does not include the black dragon, a species of dragon whose blood contains strong acidity.

After a series of processes such as soaking in alkaline water to neutralize the acidity and drying in the sun, the black dragon meat is barely edible, but compared with the white dragon at the same weight, the actual meat volume is [-]% less.

Marino's specialty mountain yak has not been bred. An 800-pound cow can produce about 300 pounds of meat.

Matt ate 300 pounds of dragon meat in two meals...

Damn it!Your kid's stomach is a black hole!

Sure enough, any person or thing with the prefix "Legend" cannot be measured by ordinary human standards.

It's no longer a matter of the college staff complaining in a low voice that Matt eats and poops so much that the toilet is almost clogged.

The immediate problem is that there is not enough dragon meat.

On the one hand, the master surnamed Lei had just praised Haikou dragon meat for eating, but on the other hand, there was not enough dragon meat.

The master slapped himself in the face as soon as school started. How can he take care of this apprentice in the future?

Matt must be tactically guided (fooled)!
Ren said with a straight face: "Matt! I have been emphasizing from the beginning to the end that we need to train scientifically, supplement nutrition and rest scientifically. It's not impossible for you to eat all dragon meat. Just because you feel comfortable does not mean that your stomach can fully accept this. Grow new food.”

Matt felt a little aggrieved: "But Master, I feel like there's nothing wrong with my stomach!"

"Yes! Even if there is no problem, you have to prove it to me step by step. Eating ice dragon meat is not as simple as eating the wrong thing and causing diarrhea. It is the test and adaptation of the body's internal organs to the frost elements invading the body. Your intestines and stomach have passed Your physical fitness will be improved through this hurdle. If you fail to pass it, your physical fitness will be weakened. You can’t do too much of this at one time. Once it is excessive, there is a high probability that your body will be crushed.”

After that, Renn took Matt to the front of Archimedes Laboratory: "Do you see this water column? Put your hand into the shallow water and deep water and feel the difference in pressure."

A water column is more than 30 meters high. If an ordinary person puts his hand into it, it is a suicide attempt.Because this is a water column fixed with magic power, if you have an ordinary physique, your fingers will be crushed.

Matt, who has an amazing physique, succeeded. He deeply realized that the upper and lower ends of the water body are indeed different.

"The same principle applies to human diving. Every time you reach a depth, you have to slow down and let your body adapt to the changes in water pressure. You exercise vigorously in a high-concentration magic environment, and then eat foods with high element content that you have never eaten before. This It is a very dangerous process in itself, and you must take it step by step, otherwise you will kill yourself before your strength improves."

How could the indigenous boy in Kaos know that the time traveler was so proficient in dietary theory?

Matt said he didn't understand. It didn't sound like Master's words were just fabricated lies. This innocent child chose to accept Master's opinion.

From now on, the diet will be a combination of meat and vegetables, with [-]% of fruits and vegetables, [-]% of ordinary meat, and [-]% of dragon meat.

With one operation, Renn finally deceived the fourth disciple.

But the problem is still before us, high concentration of magic power paired with high element content meals, this is 1+1=2.As long as there is a high-concentration living environment and no supplementary diet, it is one times one, and it is still one.

Lane, who was suffering from head pain, had to call in Sanders, the beater. "Although we in the Physics School are outsiders, since we choose to join the world of Kaos, we have to bear part of the obligation to maintain world peace. Previously, the dragons moved out of the Fulong Mountains and harmed the surrounding countries. I felt a little uncomfortable. Be patient. Let's do this. You can contact the countries affected by the dragon disaster for me. If they are willing to pay some bounty, it is not impossible for me to clean up the dragons there for them. "

Sanders' expression was wonderful. He was trying hard not to laugh.

Master Tesla!If I hadn't heard about Matt eating three hundred pounds of dragon meat yesterday, I would have really believed what you said.

On the surface, the evil legendary archmage deliberately drove a large number of dragons out of the Fulong Mountains in order to blackmail other countries.When countries are in dire straits, they take the opportunity to offer money to help deal with the aftermath.

In reality, the four disciples of the Archmage needed to eat a large amount of dragon meat to meet their growth needs. The Archmage decisively attacked the dragon clan and made a small sum of money by the way.

People who misunderstand the relationship between cause and effect will definitely misunderstand Archmage Tesla as an old coin.

Only close servants like Sanders know that their master's master is truly neutral.When nothing happens, he is just a deadbeat, unable to even kick, but whenever something happens, he will fuck her vigorously and violently.However, he is so powerful that he is not afraid of provoking anyone.

Sanders took the order.

The legend of Tesla Academy continues.

For breakfast the next day, all the apprentices ate new dishes that they had never tasted before.

Below is a white bread, and you can tell at a glance that it is made of white wheat.A slit was cut on the bread with a knife, and a piece of meat about the size of an adult's index finger was sandwiched between it.Along with the bread comes tomato sauce and other condiments for you to choose from.

The point is, that strange piece of white flesh actually exudes an icy aura.

"This is..." Flora, along with everyone in the cafeteria, looked at this thing curiously.

"These are the ice dragon meat buns that Master ordered to make." At this time, Tang Si came over and replied to everyone in unison: "Master has ordered that everyone please do according to your ability. It is best to chew slowly and eat half of it first. This is to increase Everyone’s adaptability to the frost element. Everyone’s tolerance to this thing is different. If you feel uncomfortable after eating it, please pick your throat as soon as possible to induce vomiting.”

Meat buns are something that even poor people can still enjoy a bite of buns with minced meat on certain festivals throughout the year.

Dragon meat buns... I have never seen them before.

This is no longer something that can be described as rich and powerful.

The combat factor of the physical school began to take root in people's hearts from this moment, no, it went deep into their stomachs.

The rumor that Matt had eaten three hundred pounds of dragon meat had already spread throughout the academy.Although everyone finds it funny, it would be a lie to say that they are not envious.

It's a novel and expensive thing. Whether it tastes good or not is another matter. I heard it can also increase the magic power.

While everyone was curious, there was also a faint desire in their hearts.

It's fine now. The Archmage is indeed fair and just, and everyone has a share.

Facts have proved that people's talents are different. Flora wanted to eat more after eating it, but was stopped after adding two portions.After eating some bitter food, they almost transformed into Splatoon on the spot, vomiting and having diarrhea, and almost killed everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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