Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 191 is still [Strong Brick Flying]

Chapter 191 is still [Strong Brick Flying] (1 update)
Looking at the master walking away with his hands behind his back, Matt tilted his head: "It's troublesome!"

There is a kind of "good" in the world, which is called "good" by your elders.

This is similar to how your mother thinks you are cold, it is purely a subjective judgment.

Renn forgot one thing. The age of 18 is the most impulsive and curious age.

Matt suddenly changed from a "good-for-nothing" and "mediocre" rural boy to a seed-level master with magical power.Even though it couldn't be seen from his wise eyes and paralyzed facial expression, Matt was actually really excited.

After the master left, he called his assistant, a young man named Vincent.

Nowadays, every inner disciple has at least one assistant who works as a handyman. This is considered as a benefit and also gives the assistants an opportunity to legally steal from their master.

"Vincent, Master won't let me fight the dragon, but I want to try my fist. Do you have any suggestions?"

It is actually quite a torturous job to have a boss with facial paralysis and talk to him in a rigid tone with no fluctuation in his voice all day long.

Vincent grimaced: "Mr. Schoenaerts, are there any monsters around the academy to practice with you?"

Why are there no Warcraft in a land as big as the Fulong Mountains?
Because the school of physics itself is the biggest 'Warcraft'!

The resentment formed after the death of a large number of giant dragons never went away. This supernatural power formed a wide-area expulsion device with a radius of more than fifty kilometers, causing even spiritual beasts or magical beasts to not dare to approach.

Only low-level wild creatures without brains would enjoy the natural resources here in this mountain range without natural enemies.

Matt clenched his right fist, and an illusory fist condensed by magic power covered the outside of his fist, like a light glove: "But, I have never fought in actual combat, and I don't know if I am taking the right path."

"Has Mr. Tesla allowed you to go out?"

"Master just said that I can't challenge the dragon until I have developed the ability to swim around the dragon's head."

Does that mean anyone below the dragon level can do it?
Vincent was stunned for a moment: Sure enough, the disciples that the Archmage valued were all monsters.

Since the inner disciples he serves have said so, Vincent has nothing to object to: "It is not good to run too far outside the academy. But I heard that there are still monsters near the Mara Tunnel. But we are also there. The scope of the college’s control.”

"Okay, there it is!"


On the other hand, no one knows that Manpai Zhuol is now facing a crisis.

In the final analysis, Harry was still negligent.

Harry, who was originally introverted and timid, was suddenly promoted to master and suddenly got the title of assistant teacher. He was under a lot of pressure.

He and Downs are both master mages and assistant teachers at the same time, so it is easy for apprentices to compare them.

But in terms of talent, the biggest difference between him and Towns is his ability.

The two used the same physics theory to teach second-generation disciples. In Tang Si's class next door, several second-generation disciples had already figured out magic.Harry has one and only one of the smartest disciples who has realized the most common [Fireball Technique].

Harry was so impatient that he began to repeatedly study the theories taught by Master Wren and tried to teach them to his second-generation disciples in an academic form.

The effect is very bad.

This directly caused Harry, who was responsible for the defense of the Mara Tunnel, to have no energy to take care of the Maran Paidro affairs.

Yes, Akdina and the other drow should be safe under the protection of the trap tape arranged by Harry.

Actually, there is a blind spot.All of Harry's defenses were based on existing passages.What if the unwilling drow matrons force their dwarf slaves and burrowers to dig new tunnels?

This is the first flaw.

Even if they are not dead, Ma'ndro still has a second flaw - that is, Ren regards them as firewall-like allies instead of 'one of his own'.

Unless the drow mother's army invades within a distance enough to affect the operation of the Mara Tunnel, the system will not sound an alarm for Renn outside the sensing area set by Renn.

The classic dead Taoist friend is not dead but a poor Taoist.

When a wall of the reformist drow's lair was suddenly dug quite close by the burrowing worm, Akdina and the other drow all panicked.

"Mark is on top! It's the troops of the matrons!" They were no strangers to this kind of sound coming from deep underground.

"Escape to the Mara Tunnel first."

"But in the last section, even we are prohibited from entering!"

"Call Master Winston immediately!"

"Master, he didn't respond!"

Akdina was so anxious that she almost cried.It is true that she has taken in many rebels recently, including 'masters' like Feisini, who was once the mistress.

The problem is that drow's magic is based on divine magic. To put it bluntly, the extraordinary power of the previous matrons came from the gift of the Spider Goddess.In the past hundred years, although the Spider Goddess has stopped responding to the prayers of believers, her temple still maintains minimal operations. When believers are pious enough, such as offering enough sacrifices, the temple will still grant gifts to a certain mistress like a neurological reflex. Divine magic.

Feisini became loyal, but the price was losing the qualification to use magic.In terms of combat power alone, she is now a level 4 warlock, and her performance in the drow civil war can be described as horrific.

However, Feisini is the benchmark for "bringing order to chaos" and she cannot die casually.

Now, when more than 2000 Manpai drow faced the assault of the underground dark army, all they could do was to resist to the death, and then pray for the arrival of Physicspai reinforcements.

"Kill! In the name of the Spider Goddess!"

"For fairness and justice! Resist to the death!"

Holes were constantly bursting out of the pitch-black mountain wall. The miserable cavemen, dwarves, and underground dwarf slaves armed with all kinds of weapons, driven by the Drow Supervisor team, rushed towards the Zhuo sent by the Ma En faction like crazy. you.

In terms of the quality of individual soldiers, Ma En sent Zhuoer to be higher.

But facing ten times their own cannon fodder troops, the Mandrow simply couldn't spare any effort to deal with the drow rangers who hid behind the slave army and fired cold arrows, as well as the female drow spellcasters who used evil magic.

"Ah! Damn it!" A Man Drow ranger tried to shoot a Drow matron to death, but his cold arrow was knocked away by the dark drow shield guard who was well prepared.

Lacking sufficient long-range firepower and being unable to break through the front row of slave legions at once, Ma'ndra actually became the passive party to be beaten.

The balance of victory is tilting towards Spider Pedro.

Just when Akdina was helpless and watched her comrades die, suddenly, a huge magic fist appeared out of thin air.

It made an extremely violent whistling sound, flew over the heads of the Man sent Drows, and hit hard on the heads of the slave troops in the opposite passage.

"Poof!" Hundreds of slave soldiers were squeezed into a ball in an instant, like smashing meatloaf with a hammer.

This sight made Akdina's mind go blank.

(End of this chapter)

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