Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 205 Limited time flying experience volume

Chapter 205 Limited time flying experience volume (4 updates)
Before that, Ren was busy expanding the college's enrollment, and Sophia didn't dare to come to him if she had nothing to do.

Now that everything was on track, Sophia tentatively asked Ren if he was free to accompany her on a spring outing.

To be honest, in the country of Marino, there is still snow everywhere even in March.

The geographical location is different. This is the same as before Renn crossed over, the south still wore short-sleeved clothes, while the north had already arranged cotton-padded jackets.

Ren was willing to agree, firstly because he was free, and secondly because he was really bored.

In this world where there are no mobile phones, no way to watch short videos, and no way to play games, boredom is really boring.

Especially after he arranged for Harry to have someone deliver the letter, the waiting time became even more boring.

Anyway, the entire principality of Marino is already a place of legendary physics. If anything happens, he can play teleport immediately, so he goes.

He was so horny at the time, why did he drink [Wine of Victory] for fun? Looking back, is there a possibility that the Grand Duchess is actually interested in him?
With an inquiring mind, Ren agreed to travel.

To be honest, there is nothing interesting about the mountains in Marino. It is not as steep as the surrounding Fulong Valley, nor is it as graceful as Mount Emei.The so-called spring outing is a bit early. In fact, the entertainment in this era is hunting and so on.After all, the snow here has not yet melted, and the prey has not yet come out of the cave where it hibernated.

Originally, Sophia invited her with the intention of giving it a try, but she never thought that Ren would agree.

The result was good. It was a cold day and there was no prey. The group of people seemed to have come to eat the northwest wind.


An accident prevented such a thing from happening.

No one expected that the dignified mage would be addicted to skiing.

It’s not that I’ve never skied in Rennes, but skiing takes 3 minutes and climbing for half an hour is such a struggle in many places with incomplete facilities.There are no cable cars in this other world.

However, this does not trouble Renn at all.

This guy opened a portal at the bottom of the mountain. As long as you slide all the way to the bottom of the mountain, you will be teleported to the top of the mountain and continue sliding down.

The 45-degree slope, about 800 meters long, was turned into an endless ski trail.

"Hahaha! This is fun!"

Sophia and her followers were shocked by this mage version of infinite skiing mode.After the initial surprise, I later found out that it was really fun.Unknowingly, the two of them were playing on a double ski car, having fun on the downhill slide with a speed of over 80 kilometers per hour.

Although this is still far from the 150 kilometers per hour used in downhill skiing on a steel frame bobsleigh in the Olympic Games, it is enough to stimulate the adrenal glands to rapidly secrete hormones.

"Ah! It turns out that skiing can be so exciting!" Sophia sat in front of the snowmobile, feeling the scenery passing by at high speed at both ends of the field of vision, and she shouted excitedly.

It would be better if Ren could hold her tighter.

At this moment, Ren received a message from Harry: "Master, we have rescued the Ashfield couple and Flora's brother, but Baroque Roberts led a pirate army to attack the Ashfield territory."

In order to put on his master's airs, Ren deliberately said "Oh" calmly and cut off the spiritual connection.In fact, he was so high that he didn't hear what Harry said clearly.

On the other side, Harry smiled at his two junior brothers: "Master said 'oh'."

Flora's eyes widened.Harry said with great certainty: "I have already said that Master thinks this guy is not worthy of his action. He responded, "There are no new instructions. It means that we must use our own abilities and deal with it on our own. Don't worry! It's really hard to figure it out." , Master will definitely come over as soon as possible."

Flora approved.After getting along for a long time, she also heard the senior brothers talk about various things in the past.I know that in order to cultivate the subjective initiative of the disciples and let the disciples learn to be independent, the master often chooses to let go when the disciples are promoted and other critical moments.For example, they allowed Downs and Sanders to go on an expedition to the Chaos Ark, or let the three brothers provoke the Black Dragon, but only killed the Black Dragon family at the last moment.

Be as careful as you need to be!Let it go when it’s time to let it go!
Their brothers and sisters are indeed lucky to have such a master!

Flora felt much more at ease when she thought that her powerful master was behind her, ready to support her at any time.

In the distance, those damn pirates began to land.

Of course, they were not as ruthless as Ortega, who just let the boat wash up on the beach. They were still thinking of running away after killing everyone.This resulted in them having to anchor the ship in deep water, put down a large number of sampans, and transport the pirates ashore one by one.

Their procrastination gave the Counties the opportunity to mobilize further.

The strength of the Ashfield family is average. There are only more than 60 knights and knight retinues among the standing troops, and more than 400 standing soldiers. Among them, there are only more than 100 elite sword and shield soldiers, and the rest are spearmen.

This time Flora came back early, which gave the earldom time to mobilize in advance. Currently, more than 3000 peasant soldiers have gathered in the castle.

Flora spent a lot of money.Although it was impossible to give the peasants and soldiers good equipment, this time they not only gave each of the peasants and soldiers a standard three-meter long gun, but also a round shield made of wooden strips, and a shield with her family's emblem on it. The little cloak seems to be quite decent.

You must know that many times peasant soldiers usually go to the battlefield barefoot or wearing straw sandals and holding a pitchfork.

When nearly four thousand soldiers in relatively uniform uniforms were deployed along the hillside facing the beach, they looked decent.

Baroque was extremely angry because the last time someone dared to resist his robbery was 20 years ago.

"Little bitch! I'm going to kill you all! Send an order, after capturing Ashfield Castle, massacre the city -" Baroque jumped directly into the beach more than five meters deep.

An ordinary person might have drowned, but this powerful half-demon stepped on the gravel on the bottom of the sea and walked onto the beach step by step like he was walking on the bottom of the sea.

"Oh oh oh!"

"Long live Lord Roberts!"

Generally speaking, pirates rarely engage in massacre, because this will arouse the common indignation of the major seaside lords. If everyone resists to the death, robbery at sea will become difficult.For example, if you see a pirate ship, throw valuables into the sea first.

But this time, Baroque wants to scare the monkeys!
Countless pirates behind him were shouting and screaming, holding various weapons and joining the torrent of killing.

In the minds of the pirates, this time is no different from the past hundred years. Once Lord Baroque breaks into the enemy's formation and kills the opponent's coach, the enemy will collapse, and they only need to follow and kill him.

Unexpectedly, not long after they stepped onto the beach and before they started charging at the bottom of the hillside, at least half of them suddenly flew into the air.


Huh?What happened to me?Why did I fly into the sky?

The spinning horizon left many pirates unable to understand what happened until the moment they died.

(End of this chapter)

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