Chapter 250
The knight captains were furious, and no one dared to take their anger out on the internal affairs officers headed by the palace minister.

Logistics in this day and age is so constipating.

Even though the logistics of the Barbarossa people are not like those of other kingdoms, an army of ten thousand people is followed by a logistics team of ten thousand people. In addition to the caravans that buy the loot, there are also various waiters.But the logistics of an expedition are never something that can be handled casually. A large amount of food and fodder needs to be mobilized in advance.

The only good news is that it is midsummer in July and there is no shortage of fodder for the horses. The cavalry troops only need to bring concentrated feed.

This is also the characteristic of the orc army's attack.They would not choose to attack in winter, because in winter the vegetation dries up, and their army food, such as six-legged yaks, will also lack fodder, so that it cannot become their army's dry food.

Even this counterattack is destined to not go far.

To be honest, no one would have thought before today that the mage group taught by Tesla was so powerful that it could kill the opponent's giants and trolls in one fell swoop.

No matter how optimistic a general is, he can only hope to defeat the enemy's main force and tentatively take back a province.

Who would have thought that the main force of the orcs would be completely annihilated instead of defeated.

Seeing that the knight leaders had no objection, the emperor made up his mind: "Okay! Just follow the palace minister's proposal. At the same time, we need to contact Archmage Tesla immediately to see if he is willing to help recapture the mage from Guria City Tower control.”

In this way, while Barbarossa's army was on its northern expedition, the envoy arrived at Tesla Magic Academy again.

The envoy followed the emperor's order and brought a lot of boxes filled with platinum coins. Who knows, this time he couldn't even see a second-generation disciple and was rejected.

The envoy had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask to see Grand Duchess Sophia.

Sophia explained helplessly: "Master Tesla has been targeted by a powerful devil lord and has no plans to go out for the time being. He is now focusing most of his energy on the construction of the workshop. After teaching the first batch of public funds Before his death, he will no longer be involved in any worldly affairs."

After three rounds of envoys, not even the Grand Duchess could be seen.

Was Frederick XIII panicked?
That's not all!
The pain in the balls is a given!

It's just that the smoother the war in the North went, the more the emperor worried about gains and losses.

On the vast grassland, various knights dispersed to pursue the fleeing orc clans.

This is the disadvantage of the loose organization of the orcs.

In Valus's battle, the three most powerful clans of the orcs were annihilated in one fell swoop, leaving the orcs leaderless.

It's not that the other clans don't want to fight, it's that they really can't.

Wanting a head-on confrontation, Varus unreasonably let the mage group burn through the central formation of the orcs.

You want to disperse and fight guerrillas. Once the orcs are dispersed, how can they defeat the more mobile cavalry units on the grassland?
Even though there are two orc clans entrenched in the ruins of Gurria City, trying to drag the Barbarossa people to death in street fighting.

After all, in the ruins full of rubble and bricks and the narrow terrain, the power of Barbarossa's cavalry could not be exerted.If you really do this, it's like Mr. Lei, who only relied on tanks and armored vehicles to fight siege battles before traveling through time. He will definitely be killed by the raids by his fellow villagers.

Marshal Valus, who had been prepared for a long time, waved his hand, and more than 2000 adventurers swarmed forward.

In terms of frontal combat, unless you are a master who kills hundreds of people in one blow, adventurers are actually of little use.When it comes to small-scale encounters and street battles, who can compare to the adventurers of Tmall in the dungeon?
After three days of street fighting day and night, Varus's army finally captured the city of Guria.

To be honest, the architectural skills of the Barbarossa people are really not something to brag about.Even though the city wall was built a hundred years ago, most of it is still usable. As long as the breaks of a few hundred meters are repaired, this will be a cornerstone-type city.

The marshal knew that this was basically the limit of this Northern Expedition.

Logistics couldn't keep up. Apart from sending a large number of cavalry troops to attack everywhere, he tried to reduce the orc population as much as possible, but he couldn't occupy much on the ground.

Then, the mage tower in the north of the city still exuded arcane brilliance, which made Varus's balls ache.

"Didn't that great mage work for money before? Is there really a powerful devil challenging him this time?" The answer is of course...


Ren shook his head and lectured his two disciples Downs and Harry: "You know? Although it is necessary to maintain a good relationship with the meta-human camp, you must not meet every request of those kings, otherwise the times will be too many, those If you don't behave like a human being, you will be treated like a dog. If you do it so obediently every time, even if you don't feel it, I feel embarrassed."

"Master, I understand!"

After showing their own value, letting go of the pigeons when necessary will only make them higher in price the next time, and they will be even more licking!

Well, Ren suddenly felt that he had evolved into a scumbag?

Of course, the excuse was Lane's bullshit.

Anyway, his ability to quickly cultivate mages is enough to make bosses of all races except the meta-human camp have trouble sleeping.It’s not surprising at all that he makes so and so envious, jealous and hateful.

It stands to reason that he is 'just' a legendary archmage.

If a stronger devil lord comes, such as those powerful lords who are expected to challenge the throne of the layer leader in Baator's nine hells, it is really possible to pose a threat to him.

You can blow it!

It's never too late for the devil to cause trouble.

This blame is not taken by the devil, but by who?
Ren threw another boomerang into the river of destiny. He didn't believe that he was really that unlucky and it hit him again.

There is no gambling dog that loses every day!
After the idea came to his mind, Ren simply didn't think much about it.

On this day, he strolled to the upper-class area of ​​Marino City and wanted to go to a jewelry store to buy something for Sophia.

After going to the Grand Duke's Mansion so many times, and each time he negotiated big business worth over [-] million empty-handed, Renn felt a little embarrassed.

As the saying goes, if there is a need, there are merchants. Nowadays, Marino City is home to the children of nobles and big businessmen from many countries, and there are more and more shops selling luxury goods.

Instead of wearing a robe, he was wearing private clothes made of relatively high-end fabrics. With his tool man Harry, Ren had just arrived at the [Acelia Jewelry Store].

This is a three-story small foreign-style building with a white background and gold paint trim. It is still quite conspicuous among the green trees.

As soon as he walked to the front of the building, Ren noticed several aristocratic young men holding roses and dressed in exquisite clothes. Just when he was wondering what these guys were doing, he suddenly heard an unexpected but familiar female voice.

That was Flora's voice.

"Damned to death!"

This voice was full of anger, and for some reason, what came to Ren's mind was the shy girl with a blushing face in the anime before time travel.

Before Ren could react, he saw that the entrance to the terrace on the third floor had suffered a tragic incident.

A good-looking aristocratic young man was knocked out by an arcane shock wave. He turned 720 degrees in the air, flipped forward, and fell to the ground hard, dead!

Ren's facial muscles were all stiff.

It turns out it’s embarrassing, it’s literally embarrassing!

(End of this chapter)

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