Chapter 256 Ren is a liar

Harry cried sadly: "Senior brother, are we really promoted too slowly?"

Tang Si bared his teeth and said, "This, we are indeed the worst class. Master is probably really angry."

There were tears in the corners of Flora's eyes: "I have just been promoted to master. Master is going to give me a legendary dragon?"

"No way, Master didn't reduce the portion of the food!" Matt chewed a bunch of cumin dragon meat.

"Shut up!" Flora was furious.

Matt shrank his neck, fell silent, and silently took out another skewer of dragon meat.

Barend is still the most mature and steady: "It's not that Master doesn't love us, but we also have to strive for success. Don't think so much, everyone, and fight with all your strength."

Feng Da Ke had the shortest time to get started: "But Master won't take action if he says he won't take action."

Only Downs was the most genius: "Master can't take action, doesn't mean he can't speak! Have you forgotten the last time you killed the giant bull demon lord? Oh! As long as the method is right, in fact, even I will have a chance to kill him that day That stupid cow.”


The key is the method!

Master has always emphasized that we must use our brains to deal with the enemy.

Master has proven once that even a master-level power can defeat a demon lord.

So for a devil lord who is also a master in strength, there is no reason why he can't handle it!
Not to mention that there is all the information about the Colored Prince.

If you can't beat it, it proves that the method is wrong!
The six people's minds were working at full speed.

Flora first suggested: "The dragon skin on this dragon is in a mess. Isn't it a piece of inferior stuff?"

Barend pondered for a moment: "It's not impossible. For example, undead monsters often have the characteristics of multiple victims in one monster."

Harry: "Then can we basically confirm that different skin types have different resistances?"

Downs became more energetic: "Then, the breakthrough point is undoubtedly the white area!"

As we all know, the white dragon is the shame of the chromatic dragon.Except for the ice attribute dragon skin which has good fire resistance, all other resistances are at the bottom among giant dragons.It is not resistant to beatings, and its other resistances are not high either.

Everyone put it together and found that if this calculation is true, it is not impossible to fight. At least the [electromagnetic gun] can break through most of the color prince's dragon skin defense.

After everyone basically determined the tactics, Tang Si, as the master brother, spoke: "Okay. It's good to have an idea. Master said that a mage should find ways to target the enemy's weaknesses and come up with various plans. Let's think about it again. , what if the first plan doesn’t work?”

Flora raised her hand: "How about another low-temperature embrittlement?"

Von Dack objected: "The Color Prince is very mobile!"

Flora blinked: "Then, I wonder if Brother Barend's golem can firmly attract the colored prince?"

Barend touched his beard: "If that beast is as aggressive and irritable as the information says, it should be fine. I can add a dragon head shield to the [Colored Dwarf]."

Harry was overjoyed: "Then I will prepare a trap for the dragon around your golem!"


Flora followed everyone's thoughts and said: "I heard from Master that our [reason] emblem has strong suppressive power against devils, devils and dragons. I can use the enchantment system to strengthen the suppressive effect. ."

Matt finally interrupted: "Then what should I do?"

Downs curled his lips and said, "What do you need to say? Find an opportunity to tear off the wings of that big lizard."

"Oh, good!" Downs concluded: "Very good, if we can suppress it for a short time, we will use low-temperature embrittlement attack."

After discussing for a while, the six disciples began to discuss plan three again.

All this fell into the eyes of Ren, who relied on the fire bat to peek at the screen.

Ren was greatly comforted: "Hey! My master's wealth and life will be left to my disciples!"

Just thinking about Towns saying that he could save the situation without using his hands and just using his words, Renne smiled bitterly: "Can you deal with the devil just by using your words? How can it be that simple! As a teacher, I don't know how to use such outrageous tricks. Ah! If the devil is so easy to deal with, why won’t it be their turn to dominate and kill countless saints and angels in hell?”

The disciples here are actively preparing, which does not mean that Ren has done nothing and is just waiting here.

First of all, Renn continued to ask the craftsmen to add a batch of Tesla electric towers and convex lenses. Secondly, Renn secretly informed Sophia about the upcoming attack of [Colorful Prince].

Renn was relatively confident in keeping the academy, as he was afraid that the crazy-skinned dragon would cause harm to the Marino Kingdom.

With such a large territory, Renn really had no confidence in holding it just by teleporting the space mage tower and some electric towers.

The simplest way to deal with it is to announce to the outside world that the nobles of Marino have reserved places for the next batch of self-funded students and pay the money in advance to Tesla Magic Academy.

As a result, even passers-by knew that each family sent a large amount of gold coins and treasures to the academy in a fleet of vehicles.

This is real.

Because the Grand Duchess threatened them, leaving a large amount of treasure at home would only attract a legendary dragon.She said it first, don't come crying again when the time comes when both people and money are gone.

In view of Mr. Lei's good reputation, several earl families and their vassals are also willing to temporarily send most of the treasures to the academy for temporary storage.

It's interesting that this scene happened to fall into the eyes of a certain colorful dragon that was peering through magic.

Do not laugh!

As a serious dragon, the Colorful Prince has many professional skills, such as [Estimation +22, Bluff +27, Search +39, Listening +37, Scouting +37].

When it comes to robbery, the Colorful Prince is the best among the best, one of the best.

It has both the aggressiveness of a giant dragon and the cunning unique to the hell evil dragon.

As a model of a hawk who doesn't let go of rabbits, he finally believed what the hybrid fairy dragon said.

All that’s left is to set goals!

He did not choose to attack Marino because the Principality of Marino was really poor.After Ren transferred most of the principality's wealth, the Colorful Prince knew that his target was in the valley of the Fulong Mountains due to his natural perception of treasures.

To his surprise, he did not sense any powerful presence in the valley.

Not even the aura of a legendary strong man.

This is completely inconsistent with the incredible record of the Physics School.

As a cunning dragon, he repeatedly checked and observed silently for a full week. He finally concluded that Ren Tesla was not a legendary strongman at all.

"You bastard! A master mage with nothing but appearances has actually scared me for so long!" Prince Color gnashed his teeth in hatred.

To be honest, if he hadn't felt the power of [Dragon Buster] on the opponent's banner, he would have definitely acted recklessly on the first day.

"Even if Ren Tesla is really the clone of some alien god. As long as I act quickly enough and retreat to Baator Hell before his god descends, then I will still be the winner!"

Just do what comes to mind, and the Colorful Prince takes action.

(End of this chapter)

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