Chapter 288 Saint?another!
"It seems that the world has a deep misunderstanding of our school of physics. Let me reiterate again, we are from the [Lawful Neutral] camp. We can talk about anything we are interested in. We are open to cooperation. "Ren said this not only to Margaret, but also to all the big guys who came to test his tone.

After saying that, Ren raised his wine glass, slowly raised it in a semicircle from left to right, and drank it all in one gulp.

Renn then got up, took his entourage, and left the field directly.

While waiting for the sheep cart to arrive, Feng Da Ke was suddenly pulled by his father: "What's wrong?"

"No, I have a little regret."

"Regret what?"

"I shouldn't have sent you to Mr. Tesla in a transactional way. I should have made you his inner disciple."

The relationship between the major sects and the school of physics is more important than the views of each country on the school of physics.

No one knows whether the gods will return after being separated for hundreds of years.

If Ren is a true god from the outside world, does his appearance mean the restart of the age of gods?
The rise of the physical school not only requires flexing muscles, but also a very important step in mastering the distance and relationship with the old sect.

Organizations that are enemies of all forces in the world often do not end well.

For example, before time travel, those who fought against the Wuchang at the same time, except for the only one who became the Wuchang, the rest all had grass growing three feet high on their graves.

The most popular thing is that unity can unite people. This is the way for flower growers to survive.

Rao has traveled through time, and Renn also adheres to this approach.

In Renn's opinion, there should be nothing wrong next.

Today, negotiations no longer require him, the master, to do it himself.For some things, it is really out of character for the boss to directly argue with the other party at the negotiation table.

It's a pity that if nothing else happens, something should happen.

After Ren had given enough face to the Iron Hand clan, leaving early was not a big deal. On some occasions, when the boss was away, the people below could play freely.

After Ren returned to the State Guesthouse, in the middle of the night, Elizabeth, who was a few suites away, woke up leisurely.

"Dancing... uh, yes, I want to dance with Mr. Tesla. Oooh, my head hurts so much." Saint Elly covered her head stupidly and woke up. She unexpectedly found that she was not in a familiar room. It seemed that she was not in a familiar room. In a small room for a maid?

Narrow room, unattainable small transom.

Looking at the hazy moonlight cast through the transom, Yili Shabai felt an inexplicable sense of déjà vu, as if everything was back to the past?
The sound of her waking up alerted the people outside. The door creaked open, and someone who was no stranger to her came in.

"Ah! Lord Peter, this is..."

The legendary paladin sighed, "I regret to inform you that due to your various disrespectful behaviors, you have damaged the majesty of the Church of Light. After the news came back to the Church of Light, after discussions among the bishops in a closed-door meeting, you were officially deprived of your rights." Her status as a saint was demoted to that of an ordinary believer."

"Ah! I, I..." Tears of grievance suddenly hung in the corners of Elizabeth's eyes: "I know I didn't do well. But I'm trying to make up for it. I'll beg Mr. Tesla again."

"Child, there are some things that you cannot fix if you want to." Peter sighed: "Wait a minute, someone will send you away. The new saint will take over your job."

"But there are still many things I want to do, such as bringing light to children in my hometown at night and allowing more children to read."

Peter was stunned for a moment and said bitterly: "It's too late. My child." After that, he ignored the pleading former saint and left the room.

Soon, two sturdy maids came in and carried Elizabeth out of the room.

The series of operations of the Church of Light are quite covert, but unfortunately this is the territory of the Iron Hand Clan.It's impossible to hide this from these mountain kings.

When Ren got up early in the morning, Von Dack came to report: "Teacher, something happened last night."

"You said it." Leaving aside Feng Da Ke's status as a self-funded student, Renn liked this iron-handed crown prince very much. He was polite and measured in his actions. He would never bother him.

"Last night, the Church of Light announced late at night that Ms. Elizabeth Lane had behaved inappropriately and could not represent the will of the light. She was officially deprived of her status as a saint and replaced by the previous candidate for saint, Ms. Glenna Akamais. She has already rushed When I go to Iron Hand City, I will attend today’s ceremony in place of the previous saint.”

"Huh? What's going on?" Renn stopped adjusting his robe and turned to stare at the cheap disciple.

Feng Da Ke lowered his head and said, "If the rumors are correct, this is designed to lead to increasingly fierce internal competition in the Church of Light."

"Go on."

"Theoretically, the Church of Light is a three-god group that works hand in hand and is intimately connected. In fact, in the past hundred years, the state of the three gods seems to be the worst among many orthodox religions. Others have somewhat vague divine revelations. The Church of Light does not even have divine revelation. . Therefore, the Church of Light is in urgent need of new miracles to expand its base of believers. For this reason, they have set their sights on your [electric lamp], Master."

Ren was a little embarrassed.

This is another blind spot in a time traveler’s mind.

As a modern Chinese person on earth, ever since I was a child, I have seen electric lights at home and enjoyed the cheap electricity supply at just a few cents per kilowatt-hour, and I have always felt that this is something that should be taken for granted.

As a crazy engineering dog, he relied on electromagnetic power generation after time travel. First he used his hands to rub hydroelectric generators, and then after obtaining all the resources of the Principality of Marino, he rubbed his hands to rub wind turbines. Recently, he even adjusted the physical network to directly use magic means. Adjust the voltage so that Tesla Magic Academy has uninterrupted power supply 24 hours a day.

In the future, electric lights will even be spread to Marinocheng and even the whole area.

All this is of course to satisfy his modern man's electricity consumption ideal.But in the eyes of the Church of Light, which takes [Light] as its core idea, it is an out-and-out miracle!

Ren was speechless, and then there was a sullen look on his face.

If he was just a young man with no scheming intentions, he might have been deceived by these magicians.Anything that involves the realm of the magic stick is likely to turn into a big deal, or even turn into cruelty and tragedy.

As great as Galileo who proposed the "Heliocentric Theory", wouldn't he still punish the church with burning at the stake?
In Kaos, a world where gods once appeared, a conflict of doctrines and the ensuing troubles that would make a dog's head fall into pieces are few and far between?
Renn knew all too well what would happen when clergy who claimed to be holy had supreme power.

It was not enough for him to transfer the invention of the electric light every minute, but he would also find ways to make him admit that the electric light was part of the divine revelation of their church.

Ren said coldly: "Bring me the teachings of different gods within the Church of Light."


Not long after, Guntea came to send a message: "Your Excellency, the new saint of the Church of Light is at the door with two legendary paladins, and they strongly request to meet."

"Let them in."

The people of the Church of Light never expected that after meeting, Ren's first words were: "I don't know this so-called saint. Change the original one back."

(End of this chapter)

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