Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 371 The tall one is actually me?

Chapter 371 The tall one is actually me?

In the void, there is a small floating island.

A dim light shield enveloped the island covering an area of ​​three square kilometers, isolating everything inside from the void outside.

The floating island was completely silent, as if there was no special existence, until a cloud of turbid yellow-brown light fell.

It easily penetrated the light shield and hit the ground of the island.

There was a loud "boom", accompanied by continuous flashes of light, and the breath of chaos began to spread on this dead island.

In the light group, a lot of things that looked like small beholders emerged from it. It's just that they are uglier than beholders.

The beholder is a big eyeball with a handful of relatively small tentacles. These things are only the size of a water tank. It has a big bloodshot eyeball in its big mouth, and its five tentacles are covered with thorns. The same short, thick spikes.

The asymmetrical shape that can persecute obsessive-compulsive disorder patients looks very...chaotic!

The appearance of these guys was like poking a hornet's nest. Countless soil and stone slabs were lifted up from the ground. Inside the white ice coffins, guardians of the spirit world wearing white cloaks emerged from the coffins. They were holding harpoons and bows and arrows, bravely They launched an attack on the invaders.

They ran faster and faster. When they took the first step, they were still stumbling. After only three steps, they became complete spiritual warriors. From their appearance, it was difficult to tell whether they were alive or not. spirit body.

They released natural spells one after another to destroy the intruders. Some of the eyes tried to escape, but they were still caught up by the flash of spiritual power. The big eyeball swelled up, and then exploded on the spot, with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

However, the Guardian's effective counterattack stopped there.

Another turbid light ball, and an extremely chaotic three-headed creature appeared.

Don't rush to call this thing with a 30-meter-long dog body a three-headed dog or something. It is a suture monster. It does have a dog head in the middle, but on its shoulder is a black dragon's head on the left and a black dragon on the right. Bear head.

The earth began to tremble continuously, and the air was filled with three scents of frost, corrosion, and heat.

The bear head started roaring, the dragon head started roaring, and the dog head actually tried to bite the dragon head's snake neck. This thing itself is a crazy creature that should not exist.

The faucet on the left spewed terrible acid at the ruins of the temple in front. The places affected by the rancid acid, including houses, long-dried plants, and even hard floor tiles, began to disappear into small and large pieces due to the acid. of potholes;

The bear's head on the right pointed towards the sky and summoned dense ice balls. Even if the guardians were not killed, they were turned into ice sculptures on the spot.

The dog in the middle found that it couldn't bite its companion's neck, so it went crazy and stretched its neck. Only then did the guardian discover that the dog had actually been attached to a section of the dragon's neck, allowing the dog's head to reach the ground.

It opened its big mouth and bit wildly, biting one guardian after another and starting to chew.

The guardian's bones made a continuous crisp sound.

A guardian dressed as a priest held up a sacred object [a necklace made of strung blue and white ice crystals] and shouted in a voice full of sadness and desolation: "What have you done! Blasphemer! This is the XXXX God The land of God’s favor!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the priest was stunned. He was horrified to find that he could not pronounce the name of the god he had worshiped for thousands of years.

The dog-head among the dog-shaped stitch monsters opposite actually spoke human words and laughed ferociously: "Idiot! Your god has fallen!"


For this spiritual priest who has adhered to his duties for thousands of years, the sky... is falling!

On this day, in a small kingdom in the north of the Karak Empire, in a small temple with not many believers, the prayer hall echoed as always with the uniform sound of evening prayers led by the priests. But the bishop in the white patched robe suddenly opened his eyes due to heart palpitations, and found that from that moment on, there was no response from the territory where the divine envoy who had been maintaining spiritual contact with him was located.

"Priest! The icon... the icon collapsed!"

The horrified shouts and the alarm bells of the temple rang together - I don't know how many fanatic believers woke up from their sleep just after falling asleep, with cold sweat all over their backs.

In their shared nightmare, they saw their gods being dragged into a mire of chaos and devoured by a terrifying monster.

They firmly believe that they have absolute devotion to a certain god. However, when they try to pray in panic, they are shocked to find that they cannot pronounce the name of the god they believe in.

It was as if their faith had been swallowed up.

This commotion was neither big nor small, but it was still noticed by interested people and was reported back to the School of Physics.

Originally, with the intelligence ability of the physics school, it was definitely impossible to understand what was happening three thousand miles away. Who told Lei that he had recently recruited a bunch of awesome rogue bosses?

When Sanders compiled this information to Renn, Renn was stunned for a moment: A group of magicians found that they had forgotten who they believed in when praying? Is this the onset of collective dementia?

"Your Excellency Tesla, do you want to spread this news to your second-generation disciples?"

Seeing Sanders' solemn look, Renne immediately realized that this should be very important information. The problem is that he, a legendary mage who relies on his disciples for a living, was a player before time travel. For games with a lot of text, he often chooses to skip them.

This is just great.

Maybe he didn't know anything about the background of previous games.

But in front of his apprentice's followers, he had to maintain his image as a worldly master. You can't ask Sanders, "Is this really that serious?"

Ren asked calmly: "How long has it been since the world of Kaos has tried this?"

"A hundred years ago." Sanders bowed his head respectfully.

Um, this means that you haven’t tried it since the Dharma-Ending Era?

Ren pretended to be calm and said lightly: "What are you afraid of? If the sky falls, someone tall will hold it up."

Sanders was obviously relieved: "I understand. I will circulate it to all second-generation disciples."

After the dedicated Shadow Dancer circulated the news among the second-generation disciples, young people such as Downs and Harry collectively raised a question mark. On the contrary, Barend and Von Dack, who came after hearing the news, looked extremely solemn.

Downs couldn't help but ask: "What does this mean?"

Fonda Ke considered the words for a moment: "If I remember correctly, this means that a god has fallen, and it has fallen in a way that violates the laws of the world, and the mark of his existence has been erased by the world. The last time this happened was the end of the law The era begins when the gods fight."

"Then what the master means is..."

Von Dack's reaction was surprisingly consistent with Sanders's initial reaction: "Master's power is beyond the comprehension of our disciples. What he means is that if a 'little thing' like a melee between gods really happens, he will be responsible for it."

Renn, who was secretly peeking at the screen at this moment, threw himself to the ground on the spot, an indescribable sadness and indignation welling up from the bottom of his heart:

Grass! The tall one is me! ?

(End of this chapter)

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