Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 38 Are you kidding me?This is a high-level mage! ?

Chapter 38 Are you kidding me?This is a high-level mage! ?

Downs, a mage who is said to be a once-in-a-hundred-year-old man, has a reaction speed and coping method that exceeds the cognitive limits of others.

In their hearts, even warlocks who rely on blood instinct to perform magic cannot be so fast.While the priest was still trying to concentrate and chanting incantations to activate the exorcism, Downs' chain of lightning had already been thrown out.

Even his incantation only has one simple sentence: "In the name of [Ampere]——"


New gods we don’t know about?
Before they could react, the pulsating electric light had already crazily washed away their outlook.

No accidental injury!No miss!
The purple-blue thunderbolts thicker than human thighs were like the long bamboo sticks used for kebabs, easily connecting the attacking ghosts together.

Originally, the ghost's virtual features were distorted due to insanity, and his mouth often let out painful moans. Now it looks like it was electrocuted by Downs...

(An unscrupulous spectator is thinking: Does my disciple also have the talent to be a beast?)
"Wow ah ah ah..."

The terrifying pale white in the eyes of the resentful spirits was forcibly dyed with purple light. Their ferocious and ethereal bodies completely disintegrated in the powerful thunder and lightning, completely turning from translucent bodies into dissipated nothingness.

Being able to electrocute hundreds of wraiths in one breath is already very impressive. What's even more outrageous is that the jumping lightning was under Downs' control from beginning to end.

Several times, he almost touched his companion's body or armor. However, even if his companion moved his body due to instinctive reaction, the electric light still made various incredible refractions at the last moment and popped out again.

In the field of vision, almost all the resentful spirits were swept away.

At this moment, the ranger suddenly screamed: "Be careful!"

Before her companion could react, she shot out an arrow.

Hit, useless!
[Swarm Shot], which is full of the natural power of the forest, was eaten by the huge activated wood cabinet.The revolving arrow shot out a drawer, but passed through the other end of the cabinet, failing to stop the falling momentum of such a large cabinet.

But at this time, the most powerful warrior in the field had not yet woken up from the [mad] spiritual attack of the resentful spirit.

Soon enough, a sharp thunder whip suddenly whipped into the air.


This medium-sized activated creature, whose strength was at least as high as that of a high-level creature, was actually beaten to pieces by Downs' mid-range attack.The sawdust fragments full of spiritual power were like flowers scattered by a goddess, exploding all over the sky and the ground.

"Hiss—" The companions all gasped while feeling guilty for not being able to rescue Tangs in time.

This kind of response, this all-around fighting style, is he really the 'fledgling' new mage he said when he introduced himself?

Tang Si's companions were secretly frightened, and a certain copycat master who peeked at the screen was relieved.

For a moment just now, Ren almost wanted to control Laifu and give that thing a big fireball.Then Ren realized that he was too nervous. At this time, he had become a worried old father.

Here, we withstood the initial large-scale impact, and the rest was much smoother.

Not every resentful spirit pounces on them immediately.While the large army was moving, a small number of vengeful spirits still didn't know what they were doing. They were either pestering their former enemies and another vengeful spirit who was theoretically a companion at this time, or they continued to pull at the stone slabs and doors in vain.

Seeing that there were not many monsters left, Priest Pate took the initiative to take over the task of exorcising the evil spirits: "Sir, save some magic power. I will definitely need your magic later.".

"Yes! Just leave it to us." The other three said in unison.

If they were still doubtful about this mysterious high-level mage at first, after seeing Tang Si's wonderful and neat fighting performance, they no longer had any doubts.

Without saying anything else, just with this ability to deal with things both near and far, Tang Si's level is definitely the best among high-level magicians.


What is a Warlock?
So unfamiliar!Please don't contact us again, we are afraid that Mr. Master will misunderstand you.

What's more, this is the domain of the mage, and there will be areas where we must rely on the mage.Keeping your own masters in the best condition is to increase their survival rate in disguise.

Monsters began to be killed one by one.

After 15 minutes, the atrium completely calmed down.After everyone took a short rest, they followed the map given by the kingdom and headed towards the mage's workshop, which was theoretically located on the highest floor.

Just when the four of them thought that this was the peak of Towns' performance, who knew that Towns was just warming up!

Tangs, who had been practicing hard for a long time, was already exhausted. When he saw the darkness in front of him and the armored warriors rushing towards him with heavy steps, his eyes flashed, and the excitement in his eyes was undisguised.

After all, he had studied [Science] for so long, and apart from that time in La Manche, he had no chance of actual combat.

After finally catching the opportunity to take action openly, Towns was naturally full of fighting spirit.

Pastor Pat kindly reminded: "Be careful, Lord Quixote, those are the Terror Guards. They are not undead, and their quality is very high."

Theoretically, any master with [Construct Manufacturing] expertise can transform any set of heavy armor into [Shrill Guard].

In actual combat, even the most rubbish of the Terror Guards is enough for an official team of adventurers to drink a cup, not to mention that this group is obviously one size larger, and any one of them has a terrifying iron lump of two meters high.

In all the monster manuals of the Adventurer's Guild, for any monster that is a bit larger than the standard, it is correct to increase its threat level by one level without thinking.

Warrior Juan clenched the shield in his hand with both hands, but no matter how he imagined, he could only stop three at a time.

John Shadowdagger felt like his head was buzzing. The cost of any Terror Guard in his field of vision would not be less than 5000 gold coins.In the world of magicians, "expensive" is often synonymous with "good"!These magic constructs in front of him are definitely the opponents he least wants to encounter: "Sir, it is not a shame to retreat temporarily. We can come back fully prepared."

Downs' lips curled up: "I am that Wan! Complete! Ready! Prepared!"

After his words fell, the four of them were shocked:

According to rumors, this Downes gave up his knighthood to study magic. He succeeded in learning magic, but his brain still seems to be hard to use!
No, now it seems that not only is my brain not working well, but I simply don’t know how to live or die!

Don't you think about your own strength?


The enemy has arrived!

The skull emblem on the shields of the Terror Guards seems to be grinning. The spikes on their shoulder armor and elbow joints are stained with reddish-brown blood. The two points of the structure's unique spiritual light in the middle of the terrifying horned helmet are shining coldly. Dozens of Terror Guards formed a torrent of death, heading straight towards the five-man team.

"In the name of [Tesla], I grant you destruction!"

Tang Si roared, his magic power surged, and purple-blue electric snakes flashed out of the void while making crackling sounds. They lingered around Tang Si like living creatures.

The next moment, with the palms pushed out, dozens or hundreds of thunder snakes immediately turned into raging dragons that devoured everything, roaring and swarming towards the Terror Guards.

Continuous thunder and lightning waves filled the spacious passage.

What torrent of steel?

In the face of the more violent thunder and lightning waterfall, what is the difference between these Terror Guards and the targets in the shooting range?

Each of the Terror Guards, which weighed at least three hundred kilograms, was like a scarecrow blown away by a hurricane. They were easily blown away, whipped by thunder and lightning, and torn apart by huge force.

After the thunder and lightning, it was a mess. The group of Terror Guards that had been so aggressive now was like a bunch of broken dolls, staggering all over the corridor.Some parts are inserted into the wall and cannot be pulled out.

"This..." Wanderer John swallowed.

"Were all the mages in ancient times so powerful?" Christine asked the elder Pastor Pat in a low voice.

Old Pat wiped his sweat, and while forcing himself to believe that this scene was real, he estimated and said: "No, I heard from the older bishop that the previous mages were definitely not so strong."

Soldier Juan smiled: "Who said you were retreating just now?"

John shrank his head in shame.

Dry!The fool who doesn’t know how to measure his strength is me! ?

(End of this chapter)

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