Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 469 The five northern provinces are determined

Chapter 469 The five northern provinces are determined

Finally, this shocking battle to decide the ownership of the five northern provinces began.

With the Tyrin Knights as their frontline, the Barbarossa began their charge.

After a long period of training, the Barbarossa people have developed a skill called [Cavalry and Artillery Coordination]:

First, the knights let their horses trot and began to accelerate, and then the mortar troops in the rear began to launch rapid mortar fire called "Three Volleys".

Taking the sound of cannon as a signal, the knights began to launch the final charge.

The wonderful thing is that when the speed of the war horse accelerated to the extreme, three rounds of mortars happened to fall on the orcs' front.

Taking advantage of the chaos on the orcs' front, the knights will bravely rush into the orcs' formation in less than half a minute. The mortar unit will use the [Xu Jin Shooting] method to move the firepower deeper into the orcs.

This style of play is based on the well-trained mortar troops and the special training of the war horses. War horses that have not been trained to be frightened by the sound of cannons will be frightened when they hear the sound of cannons.

But the Tyrin Knights did it!

This style of play has great advantages, but normally it’s not enough!

After many fierce battles, the orc warriors who were able to line up on the front line were also as strong as iron. Even if the compatriots in the first two rows were knocked away by human horses and stabbed to death by lances, they remained unmoved. He waved the weapon in his hand at the slowed down human knight.

It was supposed to be like this...

The Tailin people, who numbered less than five thousand riders, turned into a thin red wave, stretching nearly 5 kilometers in width, and rolled towards the orcs' battle line.

Knights from other orders followed.

Anyway, this style of play is very strange. It seems that everything is betting on the breakthrough power of Tyrin Knight.


Getting closer and closer.

Close enough for the orc warriors to see how strange these red knights looked.

There is no armor in the traditional sense on humans and horses, and even metal reflections are rare.

Leather armor?

Are you kidding me?

Is there any leather armor in the world that is as protective as armor?

Some of the orc warriors who took the lead even felt contempt.

However, as soon as the two sides fought...

This time, these orc warriors who felt that they were not afraid of anything, not even death, suddenly felt a fear from the deepest part of their souls.


That's a phantom sound!

That's panic!

That's despair!

The red war horse that rushed over seemed not to be a horse at all, but a giant dragon that had dominated the world and had been at the top of the food chain for thousands of years!

The neighing of the war horses turned into a terrifying roar at some point!

The knight's sword suddenly became the fangs of the man-eating dragon!

The orc chiefs were shocked to find that as soon as the red color rushed into the orc battle line, their orc warriors suddenly suffered a mental breakdown.

"Help! Dragon!"

"There's no way we can win! There's no way we can win!"

"How could we defeat a thousand dragons!?"

What's outrageous is that even if the shamans went crazy and used [Bloodlust] on the orc warriors and [Heroic Blessing] to boost morale, it was all useless.

Thousands of orcs cried and shouted, discarded their armor, and gave up the battle.

Someone ran back like crazy, and even killed anyone who tried to stop him.

Some people were so scared that they collapsed on the ground and could only cry and howl.

More of them just stood there stupidly, letting human spears and swords fall on them, and they didn't even know how to resist when they were chopped into pieces. "Witchcraft! This is human witchcraft!"

"Have even the orc gods given up on us?"

"Don't panic! Where are the wolf cavalry? The wolf cavalry and the giant troops are on top for me."

The wolf cavalry troops bravely rushed forward. As soon as they made contact, the wolf cavalry troops immediately found that the originally brave and fearless wargs under their crotches suddenly let out a continuous wail.

Some turned around and ran away, and some were so frightened that they urinated and pooped, tail between their legs, and staggered while running.

The wolf cavalry who lost speed was naturally chopped into pieces by the red-armored knight who was riding his horse to catch up.

When the few giants and trolls in the orc army were transformed into adults by the human army mages, the 50,000 orc army completely collapsed.

The nearly ten kilometers wide battlefield was full of orcs running away. As if they were well prepared, the humans quickly divided into teams of about ten riders and began to pursue them.

Originally, the chiefs thought that they were only chasing the human light cavalry. Once the wolf cavalry ran out of a safe distance, they could regroup and severely attack the human cavalry who dared to pursue wantonly.

Who would have expected that those damn red horses would participate in the pursuit without even breathing.

One kilometer, two kilometers...five kilometers.

"Hell! Even if the human heavy cavalry is not tired, can their horses bear it!?"

Even if the horse armor only wears the front half, normally the armor weight of a heavy cavalryman and horse will not be less than 25 kilograms. Under normal circumstances, armor is not completed until entering the battlefield, and the impact distance is quite limited. After sprinting for one or two kilometers, I couldn't sprint anymore.

How could he be like now, looking like a light cavalry, and still have the power to pursue such a long distance?

The Chiefs were going crazy.

How can we fight this battle? If the opponent is just an ordinary light cavalry, it can also use the warg with stronger endurance to wear down the opponent's mount.

The problem is that the opponent's war horses are obviously evil and can beat the orcs' heavy infantry and wolf cavalry, so that's all. Very endurance! ?

What made the chiefs most desperate was that their subordinates reported that the human knights had already prepared for one person to ride two horses, or even one person to ride three horses.

This means that a hundred kilometers from the battlefield, the orcs have no chance to rest.

The chiefs were on the verge of tears. What kind of army were these?

Light cavalry can fight better than heavy cavalry, and they also have a fear aura. Even after they are replaced with backup war horses, can the fear aura continue to work?

"No, we can't beat him! We can't cut through the opponent's leather armor. Our leather armor can be easily broken by the opponent."

All kinds of desperate information came to the chiefs.

But it's no use.

They are destined to be unable to crack this battle.

In addition to this battlefield, Marshal Valus in the next province commanded an army three times the size and defeated another main coalition of 20 orcs.

If everyone had an ultra-high-altitude aerial lens like Renn's, they would be able to clearly see that on a front of more than a thousand kilometers, the orcs were completely defeated, and countless humans were chasing them north, slaughtering the orcs.

The orcs had no room to resist and were killed like pigs and dogs.

In the past, the situation where the orcs were defeated without dying was completely broken on this day.

The orcs who were unable to organize an effective counterattack were completely defeated. Even if they hid in the capitals of the two northernmost provinces, they were still easily breached by humans.

In just ten days, more than half a million orcs were killed, and the last two provinces in the north were recovered by the Barbarossa people.

The remnants of the orc army retreated to the north of the [Cold Hell Glacier], which was regarded as the northern boundary of the five provinces, and the humans stopped their pursuit.

Until then, the surviving orc chiefs did not know what weapons the humans used to defeat them.

An orc warrior with only one arm threw a set of red horse armor in front of the chief: "This is the secret of mankind, the dragon skin vest!"

"What? Aren't human horses scared to death?"

"This thing called [Li Zi Hui] suppresses the horse's fear."


(End of this chapter)

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