Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 540 Taking advantage of the solar storm

Chapter 540 Taking advantage of the solar storm

I never expected that there would be a 2.0 version of this crappy plot.

On one side, there was Yili Silly Bai, who was holding a broom and looking ready for a big fight.

On the other side, there was the angel sister lying on the table, and Silly Bai's nominal master, Ren.

Although all three parties were neatly dressed, and only Luna showed her beautiful white back, for some reason, she felt like she was seeing a rape scene.

"Uh, um, did I come at the wrong time?" Yili smiled stupidly.

If this was one of those bloody scenes, Ren would be happy to reply, "No, you came at the right time."

The point of the question is, who is so sick that he would think about hugging a husky?
What's terrible is that Luna actually blushed, as if she was convinced that someone was planning something evil.

I, am I, Ren, the kind of person who uses his power to push down his subordinates?

Am I?
Am I! ?

At this moment, Ren's balls hurt: "I've said it a hundred times! Don't read so many messy third-rate knight novels!"

Who knew that when Elizabeth saw the [reason emblem] on Luna's shoulder that seemed to appear out of thin air, she was completely dumbfounded, and the mist of water immediately swirled in her eyes: "Woooooo! Ren, you bastard! Take it away!" It's not enough for me, the former Saint of Light, to actually attack Archangel Luna. Could it be that you will also torture the Goddess of Light of Hope in the future!?"


"You really don't look like a god."

After becoming a waiter, Luna found that her perception of Ren had changed a lot, not 180 degrees, at least 90 degrees. I originally thought that the gods were all focused on their own fields, and even their personalities were completely assimilated by their priesthood. I never thought that Renne could be so powerful and still retain nearly 100% of his humanity.

When Ren picked up a physics tome from the bookshelf next to him, Elizabeth screamed, turned around and ran outside.

I really am not!

A five-pound tome hit the former saint's butt with precision like a cruise missile, touching her injury. As a result, the former Saintess screamed in surprise and ran away.

Luna quickly defended: "Uh, no. I just think that my lord, you really dote on Elizabeth, and you don't have the airs of a god at all."

"Pfft, hahaha!" Finding Ren turned his head, Luna covered her mouth again as if she was frightened.

This scene actually provoked Luna to chuckle.

She kept her doubts in her heart. Now that she is Rennes' angel, she has the obligation to shut up and try her best to be 100% loyal to Rennes no matter what the circumstances.

This made her have another doubt - is Ren really the God King of Outland? Or do you mean that all the gods in the outer world have this virtue?

Although she knew it was difficult, after all, her heart was still towards the goddess of hope... But she believed that she would be able to do it given time.

Lei Mouen scolded Shabai righteously: "How many times have I told you to knock on the door when entering my study! Next time you come in without knocking, I will break your legs first!"

Renn said nonsense: "Preserving humanity is my ultimate goal."

Unfortunately, with Ren's god-level physical fitness, it would be too easy to hunt her down.

"One day you will understand that huskies are just for fun."

Here, Ren's acceptance of Luna was a huge shock to the top leaders of the Church of Light. In the eyes of ordinary believers of light, Luna is still extremely holy and noble. They worship her fervently and chant the holy names of the three gods of light.

Only the extraordinary ones could easily tell the changes in Luna. Her alignment changed from lawful good to lawful neutral.

The strange thing is that the Sun God gave Luna complete authorization, and she still has the right to call on all the power of the Temple of Light in the outer plane. Ren even suggested that she open greater permissions to frontline combatants such as paladins, so that the number of people who can use light magic at the same time could increase to 1, and she readily accepted it.

Only then did Archbishop Antonio and other bishops realize that the Sun God had tacitly acknowledged that the Church of Light had merged with the Physics Sect.

As a result, a large number of magicians began to quietly modify the doctrine and notified all high-level clergy, whether civil or military.

The good camp in the metahuman camp descended on the angels one after another, and such a big move could not be hidden from other sects. Unfortunately, they could only stare blankly and could not obtain further information from the Physics School or other good camp sects.

This information gap makes them feel frustrated and helpless.

The real wise man has guessed that Renn has reached some kind of cooperation, at least a tacit understanding, with the good camp, especially the lawful good camp.

But they lack evidence.

The only thing they can do now is to pray that the story of the hundreds of years of fierce battle with the Chaos army is true, which means that the lawful good camp just wants to take the initiative in the war, rather than falling out with the gods of the neutral and evil camp, and Or don’t play with them.

On the seventh day after the arrival of angels from various good camps, nearly ten temples on the outer plane lit up with bright lights.

Not only the angels, but also Ren's disciples were also caught in a subtle state of tension.

Downs asked: "Master, why today?"

The title "Master" was deliberately reserved by Ren En for his direct disciples. Even though Ren En no longer relied on his disciples for support, perhaps this was the so-called "not forgetting the original intention".

Ren sighed softly and began to explain:
"This involves another astrophysical phenomenon. In my hometown, we call the star closest to our planet [the sun]. Every 9 to 14 years, the sun will produce [sunspot phenomenon] ]. To put it simply, on the dazzling stars you see, there will be a large-scale energy explosion that will last for a long time."

"This is when the star's electromagnetic activity reaches its peak."

"Solar storms will leap out of the sun."

"It just so happens that there is a star on the Chaos Mother Star that has entered a stage of frequent sunspot outbursts."

"So, please watch the show-"

As the last note of Renn's words fell, in the remote optical image provided by Renn, a huge star suddenly lit up with an exaggerated light.

At the same time, Pelor, the sun god, and Tyr, the god of justice, had a quarrel.

Tyr said excitedly: "Is it his power?"

Pero was a little surprised: "There is still a little time left."

Perro only felt that a large ball of energy he was familiar with was accumulating on the sun, and then it was thrown out at super high speed, spreading across the entire airspace.

9 minutes!

A not too long time.

The terrible storm rising from the sun finally swept into the Chaos Mother Star, and strongly clashed with the geomagnetism on the Mother Star. In the extraordinary world, there is a terrible roar.

Tyr smiled bitterly: "This is the pure power of the sun!"

Yes, it has nothing to do with [Justice].

However, no one expected that when the sunspot storm mixed the perception of all extraordinary beings on the entire planet into a mess, one after another powerful force of good faith would take advantage of the chaos to be transmitted to the various good camp legions on the planet. .

(End of this chapter)

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