Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 622: Really good at playing! The Kingdom of God can share it

Chapter 622: Really good at playing! The Kingdom of God can share it
The divine corpse chaos demon that Ren destroyed with his own skills would probably not return the fragments of divinity and godhead he obtained, even if they were gods of the same pantheon as the victim. Moreover, there are few relationships between the gods of the human pantheon, and most of them are allies.

After Tyr learned about this, he had no objection: "If your apprentice can use Ilmat's remains to kill a few more Chaos Demons, I'm sure Ilmat will also be very happy."

Tier spoke, Thom naturally had no objection, and the deal was concluded.

Renn returned most of the God of Suffering's divinity and divinity fragments, retaining only 15 points of [Perseverance] divinity and 23 fragments of his divinity. Sending [Patience], [Suffering] and [Martyrdom] to Tyr and Tom.

I’m not going to brag about it, but [Perseverance] is really delicious!

How powerful is it?

Ren first laundered two points of [Perseverance] and installed them on himself. After that, he found that the added value of his will test was doubled. Note that this is the standard for the god level.

It can be deduced that if Renn chooses to install all 23 [Perseverance] fragments of Ilmat's godhead, plus a dozen points of divinity, his will resistance will definitely be the top in the god world.

The only bad thing is: when Ren is equipped with this thing, even if Mohan Ade's Goddess of Love and Beauty is dangling in front of him with zero armor value, Ren will not be moved.

Alas, no wonder the ascetics of the Passion Church are so powerful. They really have no women in their hearts and draw their swords to the gods of nature.

He nodded vigorously.

When Ren informed Barend of the outcome of the matter, the dwarf disciple was stunned for a long time before he bowed deeply.

He must give this stuff to his apprentices. Don't think that the gods will not shift their alignment and fall. The gods will also be destroyed. If you give it to a disciple, it will be multiple insurances. Considering that Downs and Harry had a strange tendency to treat women, Renne planned to play a trick - this power could not be used in non-combat situations.

The entire killing process in the Valley of the Gods was made public, and Tire set the tone. The followers of the Passion Church quickly accepted this fact and were happy to oblige.

"Thank you, Master! I will become Master's strongest shield!"

The subsequent transformation of Ilmat's remains was far from 'physical'.

Renn has taken care of the Church of Justice. As for how to communicate with his subordinates and explain the reason for this matter, that is Tire's matter.

Barend was speechless, and then he smiled with relief: It turned out that I was overthinking. How can Master use me to protect him? Before I became a god, my master was already a god-king with unfathomable strength! I just need to protect my senior brothers and sisters.

Ren glanced at Barend and knew that his disciple was a little paranoid. He said slightly harshly: "Don't think about so many messy things. Don't forget - your master doesn't need you to protect him to the death."

Dwarves are so straight-tempered. They rarely speak in fancy words because they are used to being responsible for every word they say. They do what they say, even to the point of death.

What surprised Ren a little was that Tyr, a kind god, sent a large team for 'after-sales service' - he asked the priest of the Church of Justice in Kaos continent to come and help purify this body that had been infected by the power of chaos. Divine corpse.

Renn can fully imagine how powerful Barend would be if Ilmat was completely turned into a biological weapon similar to EVA Unit-1.

For them, the Physics School's help in killing Ilmat's Chaos Demon was actually bringing blessings and alleviating his sins.

"God Ilmat, who is willing to bear all the suffering in the world, must be very happy to think that he can still contribute to the fight against Chaos after his death."

The only difference between the two sides is that the suffering believers try to keep the original appearance of Ilmat's body as much as possible, such as exposing the scars on his body; Barend insists on adding various composite armors. Ren was very upset about this kind of nonsense, so he left Barend to make trouble with the remaining believers on his own, and at most he asked Flora to mediate.

As long as the general direction is correct.

A divine corpse, no matter how supported it is by the original team, cannot be transformed in just a few clicks.

Renn is not in a hurry. The latest thing he has to deal with is Sekhmet's job change.

While she was hunting down the fallen Ilmater in the Valley of Godslayers, she was also desperately resisting the invasion of the Chaos Chapter, and her side was delayed for a few more days.

As soon as she knocked the incoming Chaos General out of her mind, she couldn't wait to get on the line and ask how to change jobs.

Originally, she had fantasized about retaining the Kingdom of God, but now that chaos is so powerful, she has no thoughts at all. After learning the general situation here from her sister Hathor, she decisively followed suit - she was willing to convert her divine kingdom into divine power and hand it over to Ren for transmission.

In fact, as long as she has enough divine power and the previous Kingdom of God as a model, she can reshape a Kingdom of God on the front line of Chaos. The problem is that the time required to reshape the Kingdom of God is more than twice as long as the time required to promote a weak divine power. Moreover, reshaping is different from expansion. The chance of ingesting the power of chaos is higher during the reshaping process, and the risks are natural. bigger.

The best option is of course for her to give up everything and give all her power to the god system she has taken refuge in. But in this case, Sekhmet has no guarantee at all.

At this moment, the God of Knowledge came up with a brilliant idea.

"Isn't the Lioness God going to join the Fighting Church? Anyway, she and the Lion God are both weak gods with similar attributes, so why not let the Lion God first use the Lioness God's divine power to expand the Kingdom of God, and then in When his weak divine kingdom reaches the critical point of medium divine power, it will be divided into two. Then there will be two standard weak divine kingdoms. "

This kind of gameplay similar to cell division was an eye-opener for Renne.

The only minor uproar was that the Lion God actually got into trouble.

"Wait! Even if this is her divine power? Why should I expand the Kingdom of God according to her wishes?"

Originally, the knight goddess Fiona wanted to help settle this matter.

Unexpectedly, Sekhmet was quite straightforward.

She approached the Lion God privately, just like a stray lioness joining a lion group led by a strange lion, and took a defensive posture: "Stop talking nonsense! Do you want to do it? If not, forget it!"

After a hundredth of a second of careful consideration, the Lion God swallowed his saliva: "Hmph! I'll let you know what the Lion God is!"

Ever since, a harmonious fusion of gods began.

A human god who likes to wear a lion's headgear every day and a human god who likes to transform his head into a lioness, what kind of sparks will happen? The inside story of each will not be exposed.

Not long after, all the gods in Kaos knew that the Kingdom of the Lion God expanded to a medium level of divine power, and then he and Sekhmet shared the Kingdom until the end of the war with Chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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