Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 688 Ensemble in G Major

Chapter 688 Ensemble in G Major

As for whether this 'foreign trade version' of Titan can beat the original degraded version of the Fallen Chaos Titan, no one knows.

No matter what, if the enemy has it, so does oneself.

This is a kind of psychological comfort.

Even if you can't beat it, you can at least help carry it.

The only small problem is: the purification of Cleos has been basically completed. It will take about a month to modify it so that it can be used as an arm and add some armor and so on.

The general policy is set, and the gods understand it - just delay. At worst, the front line could still retreat. Anyway, they were already used to tug-of-war. They are not afraid of the tug of war, but they are afraid of losing hope.

It's just that the gods can't help but blame Zeus, the pig teammate and god-king.

"If I have to deal with such a god-king, that would be called despair."

"What are the gods of Olympus doing these days?"

"They couldn't possibly have gotten away with it, and even their own plane would be blown up."

"It's better to blow it up. I still need a line filler here."

"Just don't create a bunch of fallen titans when the time comes. I don't have any objections to the rest."

"This, it's really hard to say."

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison. With Renn as the 'God King of Operations' in Kaos, the rear area has peace of mind, supplies are constantly flowing, and new cannon fodder can often be brought over to help fill in the lines. More than a year later, even the gods of Kaos, such as the Dragon Goddess, who were unhappy with Ren, all acquiesced in the existence of Ren as the 'god king'.

As long as Renn didn't give direct orders to force them to deliver food, they would acquiesce to Renn's command.

Not to mention that Renn never participated in direct command, and just let Pero, the old leader of the alliance, do it for him. Facing Pelor, the evil gods of Kaos can still deceive themselves that 'everyone' is equal.

Look at the opposite side... Zeus is crazy about his own god, pushing all his seven aunts and eight aunts, and packing them home to be his wife. No matter how you look at it, it is not pleasing to your eyes, not to mention that Zeus has been crazy about cheating on his teammates recently. Throw out all the Titans you can't handle.

The gods of Chaos unknowingly disliked Zeus to the extreme.

Just when everyone thought that Zeus was going to continue to pull a few big ones, who knew, Zeus was silent again this month. Not only that, Ren was shocked to find that it was becoming difficult for his divine power to penetrate deep into the Olympus plane.

The sky there became very sticky, and there was an indescribable will. Ren's divine power and power cannot penetrate it, just like he cannot spy on what is going on in other divine kingdoms.

Ren was speechless: "It can't be that the first-generation god king Uranus jumped back and joined Chaos, right? That would be too fucked up. Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

However, it's not all bad news.

At least Ren has accumulated more and more fragments of divinity and divine personality, and has gradually approached the standard of a powerful god.

Wren is busy.

Recently I have been busy helping goddess Susanna train every day.

As a goddess who is proficient in singing, dancing, and rap (cross this out), it is normal to spend two hours training every day.

As the saying goes...

If you don’t practice for a day, you will know it.

If you don’t practice for three days, the audience will know.

If you don’t practice for seven days, the teacher will know.

Unless there was a fierce battle, Susanna practiced every day, and she never tired even after becoming a god. With Ren's help, Susanna's breathing exercises were okay. If she tried hard and relied on the quality of her divine body, there would be no problem in keeping her breathing even. The problem lies in the transition from pronunciation practice to intonation contact.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

The pronunciation, which should have been cadenced, was completely out of tune due to the interference of the holy sword of physics.

"Oh, Goddess Susanna, you, the goddess of love and beauty, can't even sing a small part of the song correctly. If you spread the word to the believers, you will be laughed out of your mouth. You don't want the believers to know that you have made a fool of yourself, right?" Ren touched. With a G-level conscience, he swore that every word he said was the truth.

"It's not you..." the red-haired goddess said coquettishly and angrily.

"That's not okay! There are too many distractions in the world. A true artist must learn to concentrate, resist distractions, and maintain standards. Come on, let's do it all over again."

Ever since, the pitch training, which is not monotonous, beautiful but slightly out of tune, continues.

However, a layman surnamed Lei happily named it "G Major Ensemble". If he didn't practice it for two hours a day, he would feel uncomfortable all over.

G is really G, just ask if it is a major key.

Susanna thought this was all, but who knew, one day when she was talking to Renne again, she was so desperate that her slave god Charis broke in.

"Ah! It seems that I came at the wrong time?" Listening to her tone-deaf Lord God, Xia Ruisi showed a smile that was obviously embarrassing but secretly sly.

"No! Woohoo!" The dignified goddess of love and beauty covered her face in shame.

Only Ren smiled brightly: "No, you came at the right time."

It wasn't until this moment that Susanna realized that Charis, whom she had been covering up, had been hanging out with Ren for a long time. No, maybe she knew everything early on, but just refused to face it.

In this way, a copycat god-king who is full of artistic germs has encompassed the goddesses of love and beauty from both worlds. He is still short of a god of chanting, and has packed up the artistic pantheon of Kaos.

In fact, Li Erla took the time to come back here. She was timid and did not dare to look directly at her master god and her so-called colleague Xia Ruisi. She only expressed her hope euphemistically: "I am willing to stand firmly with my master. If I am in danger, can I ask God to rescue me..."

"This is no problem."

Regardless of whether it was for Susanna's sake or the sake of the so-called God King's subordinates, saving one was a save, and saving a dozen was also a save.

However, as a master of Landlords, when seeing the opponent A, Renn swore that he really couldn't afford it. If something happened to Li Erla, he would really just save her.

After all, practicing pronunciation with the goddess is just a casual entertainment project. Renn is very sober. If he can't kill the Chaos Lord, everyone will be finished.

He had to wait anxiously for news from the Olympus plane.

Unexpectedly, something big happened over there.

It has been almost two months since Zeus and his party entered the Tartarus Hell.

You can’t see God in life, and you can’t see corpses in death.

Don't forget, there are five of the twelve mighty Olympus gods. Even if he encounters the previous generation of god kings or the Lord of Chaos, he will definitely not be silent.

The situation just became more and more bizarre.

Hera and the others only knew that two fallen titans and a hundred-armed giant were exiled by Zeus.

The further consequences of the Chaos invasion have not yet been reflected, but the side effects of Zeus's exile of the Titans have appeared.

Artemis, the goddess of hunting, who was patrolling the sky, pointed to the sky and said to Ares, the god of war next to her: "Look!"

The sky in the Olympus plane seemed to have... collapsed!
(End of this chapter)

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