Chapter 730 Unexpected 2/3
"Do not--"

Almost at the moment when Aphrodite lost contact, Hephaestus, the God of Fire, who was in the gap in space, suddenly felt something in his heart and burst into tears involuntarily.

"What happened?" Athena next to her asked in shock.

"Aphrodite, Aphrodite...she probably died!" After the poor Vulcan finished speaking, he burst into tears and grabbed the ground with his head.

As Aphrodite's real husband, he has always been a honest and hard-working man. His wife kept wearing hats for him, and he had lovers all over the pantheon, but he was obsessed with Aphrodite.

Of course, an ugly and dull god of fire and craftsmen could not tie the heart of the wild and passionate Aphrodite, but he was as obsessed with her as ever.

But no one expected that when the great change came, the first of the twelve main gods of Olympus to die would be Aphrodite.

The gods may doubt the authenticity of this matter, but Athena instinctively believes that it is true.

Counting it all together, this is the second major god to fall after the Holy Mountain fell.

The first to be killed was Dionysus, the god of wine. Although he is not one of the twelve main gods, Hestia, the goddess of the kitchen, has always been willing to withdraw from the twelve main gods. Among the candidate gods to replace her, the most popular one is the god of wine.

In order to instigate internal strife between the two former god-kings, he did not hesitate to sacrifice the Holy Mountain of Olympus. If his plan failed, it would be a huge loss.

"It's the fourth one!" Zeus gritted his teeth: "This account will be settled on the head of that bastard Ren Tesla, is that okay?"

Zeus responded with only silence.

Even now, Zeus still wants to take revenge on Ren. What should Hades and Athena say?

So there was a situation where he and Hera took turns getting angry, and then suffered retaliation from Ren, and then became even more unhappy and continued to be hostile, causing the conflict to spiral.

Athena couldn't help but cast her eyes on Zeus, who was sitting cross-legged with his arms crossed.

Hypnos, the god of Hades [god of sleep] bowed and said: "Hera, Ares, Demeter and Poseidon are already at the underwater temple."

What Zeus didn't expect was that half a day later, another bad news came. [Messenger] Hermes was unfortunately kicked by Cronus while escaping, and a large amount of chaotic power poured into his body. As a last resort, Ares Give Hermes a happy life.

"She broke out with the moon god Selene, and the direction was north."

Now three of the twelve main gods are gone at once, plus a replacement. Regardless of whether they are all announced to have fallen or two died and two defected, this loss is not small.

After a long time, Hades asked: "Who else is missing?"

Zeus's eyes, which were filled with a cold feeling, were so frightening.

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Hades and Athena.

As the two wisest gods in the pantheon, they advocated forming a strategic alliance with Ren to reduce pressure. However, Zeus always acts without thinking and acting based on emotion, and he only trusts his brothers, sisters and children. It would be more uncomfortable for him to form an alliance with an outside god than to kill him, not to mention that he would not be able to lose face.

"Hopefully she doesn't fall into the hands of those Aztec lunatics."

After just one look at each other, she withdrew her gaze.

"Where's Hestia?"

Under normal circumstances, Hermes is unlikely to pounce, but he is not normal. In that failed mission, Renn directly wiped out a lot of fragments of his core godhead, turning him from an Olympus scud into a big cripple in the God Realm.

Unfortunately, his death is unpredictable.

Hades also seems to have the characteristic of a crow's mouth.

According to Murphy's Law, what you least want to happen will often happen. Just on the outskirts of the northeastern city-state of Athens, Hestia and Selene, with a few servant gods, were trying to survive, but they actually ran into the encirclement of the Aztec gods.

The slightly chaotic wind blowing from afar blew the fine dust on the ground, and the dust mist rolled up was like ocean waves, moving forward layer by layer, making a whirring sound.

What made Hestia's god-level team stand on end was that in the dust and mist, a god-level army was waiting to surround them.

Hestia smiled bitterly in her mind: [Selene, didn't you say that these crazy gods would only fight on their own and could not join forces? So what is this? 】

[I didn’t know that they would suddenly jump from the chaotic camp to the lawful camp! 】The Moon Goddess replied with a wry smile.

This is something that none of the Olympian gods expected - these foreign gods used to be mad at each other, biting whoever they caught, and dissatisfied with each other. How long has it been? Uncharacteristically, they actually started working together without saying anything?
In the impression of the gods of Olympus, the strength of the opposing gods is the strongest, that is, individuals. Even if a certain Aztec god is a powerful god, then there are no gods with powerful divine power in the Olympus gods? ?

Moon Goddess chose this route to break out. Her greatest confidence is that even if she encounters a powerful Aztec god, she has the confidence to escape unscathed, let alone a main god-level Hestia. .

Who knows, the weirdness lies here.

Opposite was not one, but four powerful gods, divided into four directions: east, west, north and south, surrounding them tightly.

It is not difficult to see from the way in which their God's warriors and angels line up together that they are not a temporary alliance, but an alliance that truly dares to give each other's backs.

What happened in the end?

The strange-looking flying snake-shaped god opposite said: "I am the Quetzalcoatl God Xines! I order you to surrender, otherwise you will perish."

Moon Goddess Selene sneered: "You're kidding! I'm afraid I will be eaten by you as soon as I surrender."

Another god answered her: "We have passed the period of madness when we almost fell into Chaos."

"Why should I trust you?" The Moon God held the long bow in his hand, and the Moon God arrow was placed on the bow string, and he gently pulled it open.

"You have no choice!" the third god said gruffly.

Hestia took a step forward: "No, at least we can destroy ourselves so that you can't get anything."

"Do you dare?"

"It's better than being eaten alive!" The Kitchen Goddess refused to give in.

It was Quetzalcoatl who spoke: "That's enough! You surrender, in exchange, I can guarantee your safety."

"Why should I believe you?" Moon God sneered.

Quetzalcoatl gave them a very unexpected answer: "Just because Hestia is the goddess named by God Ren Tesla!"

"Ah!" the two Olympian goddesses exclaimed at the same time.

When Ren felt offended, the request he made was none other than the three virgin goddesses. But all he wanted was one of them. Why does it sound like there is more to come now?

No! The point is...

"Are you subordinates of Ren Tesla!?" Hestia exclaimed.

Quetzalcoatl's seemingly ferocious face showed a very anthropomorphic wry smile: "We are just dust in the eyes of that great being. However, if we can offer you two, maybe we will be qualified to be a qualified , a chess piece that will not be abandoned.”

(End of this chapter)

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