Popular science physics, teach a magic god?.

Chapter 746 Athena’s Rebellion

Chapter 746 Athena’s Rebellion

Willingly fall into chaos?

How much do you have to hate Zeus to force these previous gods and kings to make such a decision!

Or, it could be said that, as they said, they simply turned to Chaos when the situation became irreversible.

The truth of the matter can no longer be explored.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that falling into chaos will not end well.

Even nobles like Cronus and Ouranos cannot say that they can still retain their sanity after being completely transformed into chaos.

After seeing it too much, they also know that once the existence of order is completely chaotic, whether there can be reason is a matter of probability.

Just like the descendants of huskies, there will occasionally be one or two that are as smart as a border collie, and some even have good coat colors, which are classic competition-level huskies.

But for most Erha, you can tell whether they are pure or not by looking at the level of intelligence in their eyes.

As for whether to join any order coalition in the future, it depends on whether Ren Tesla is interested in it or not.

She was under tremendous psychological pressure these days.

They also imagined that the cunning Zeus could once again plot to kill his father, and this time add his grandfather to unify the divine world, and then punch Chaos and kick the Aztec evil god to quell this huge chaos.

In this half-order, half-chaos state, the transformation into chaos is certainly irreversible, but the combat power that breaks out at this time is far stronger than before.

This is the price!
It is estimated that no God of Order would envy this power.

Sure enough, the three generations of god kings are all vicious and ruthless, and no one can save money!
At this moment, the entire plane (world) is destined to end.

Who would have thought that the God King two generations ago would actually stage such a painful drama in order to allow the power of Chaos to quietly complete the final corrosion of the sky and the earth?

Without thinking at all, in the blink of an eye, dozens of spiritual 'phone calls' were made to Artemis, almost frightening the virgin goddess who was confused and fascinated by Ren to death.

What a lose-lose situation!
Before today, the remaining gods of Olympus did not know that the situation had deteriorated to this point.

From their previous private communication with Artemis, they knew that Chaos would find a way to transform the eroded world into a world-class Chaos Titan. Now, do you dare to believe that the plane of Olympus actually has the opportunity to give birth to three world-class chaos gods, Uranus, Gaia and Cronus?

Uranus and Gaia, the two ancient gods who are almost a part of the world, must have asked the Chaos Lord. It is estimated that the monarch has not made any promises to them. If the promise is valid, then it will be order, not chaos.

"Ah! Ren, wait! There are drastic changes in the plane of Olympus, and the gods are willing to take refuge in Kaos." Artemis struggled symbolically, looking at Ren with eyes full of water vapor.

Obtaining a deeply corroded earth, a chaotic atmosphere that is extremely filthy and can no longer provide the divine power of the sky, Zeus will lose completely even if he wins.

This is...too chaotic, right?

However, voluntary chaos transformation also has a small advantage, that is, it can control as much as possible to allow one's own brain to eventually transform into chaos. This means that Gaia and the others still retain considerable divine power and can enjoy the blessing of the power of chaos.

Even if we take ten thousand steps back, what if Zeus wins?

When they thought about how ugly they would become if they fell into Chaos, all the Olympus goddesses instinctively resisted.

After all, not everyone can be a traitor.

Forget about an unprepared, passive traitor like her.

Again... when everyone in a pantheon is a traitor, then there are no traitors!
Well, Horus silently nodded! Ren touched the C-level conscience and said: "Gods, who are they? How many are there?"

Artemis made an estimate: "About two-thirds. They didn't directly say they wanted to join, they just asked what priesthood they could get if they joined the Kaos pantheon."

Ren sneered: "Haha! It's already this time, and you're still pretending to be reserved? Tell them that if you publicly declare your allegiance to the Kaos divine system within five minutes, I can still guarantee that they will have a god. If it's too late, then it's not what they said. Forget it.”

Is Ren harsh?
Yes! Very harsh!

The thought that from the main god of Olympus, there is a high probability that he will be beaten to the end and become a low-class subordinate god such as a nymph, this huge gap makes the gods of Olympus unbearable.

For a while, countless Olympus gods were embarrassed.

Zeus is about to finish, but Renn is also out of tune. Isn't your lair, Renn, beaten and unable to make a move? How dare you ask for such an exorbitant price?

An exception among exceptions has appeared!

No one expected that it was Athena who suddenly held up her aegis with her divine staff and declared loudly: "Zeus is unworthy! He is no longer worthy of being the King of Olympus! I, Athena, declare that from now on From now on, break away from the Olympus God System!”

One stone caused a thousand waves!

Athena, as one of the twelve main gods of Olympus and the biological daughter of Zeus, actually jumped at this time.

How outrageous!
The previous defections of Artemis, Apollo and Hestia were excusable. What Athena did was to slap Zeus in the face in public to show that she wanted to jump off the ship.

Zeus was almost mad on the spot!

"Athena, you bitch! How dare you do this!?"

Even though he was still confronting the two former god kings here, he had already summoned a clone. I saw a virtual image of Zeus, a hundred meters tall, with his eyes flashing with terrifying lightning, full of hatred!

If another god had betrayed him, maybe Zeus wouldn't be so angry.

Not so with Athena.

Not only is she his daughter and the twelve main gods, she is also the only remaining virgin goddess in the pantheon.

If she declares betrayal at this time, doesn't it mean that she wants to vote for Ren?

When Zeus heard this, he immediately transformed into the rare jealous god in the world like his wife Hera.

As the King of Gods, Zeus has adhered to a principle for so long - only I can love others in the world, and no one in the world can love me.

Athena, Artemis and Hestia, who is not the dish he has coveted for a long time but has struggled to get his hands on?
Originally, he thought that if he couldn't get it, other beings couldn't get it, so he could allow the three of them to set up a chastity memorial, which would be a model for this blind idiot in the god system, just to show off.

Athena wanted to run away, it would be strange if he wasn't crazy.

This time, he really made a killing move.

He raised his left hand, and in response to his call, a bolt of thunder struck straight down from the low-altitude clouds that had not yet completely transformed into chaos, hitting his palm. The surging thunder and lightning responded to his will and quickly gathered into a bright thunder ball in his palm.

Zeus demonstrated his terrifying power as the Lord of the Sky.

He grabbed the thunder ball and stretched it like a kneaded dough into a bunch of thunder spears with a length of 200 meters.

(End of this chapter)

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