Shock!The game I designed has come to reality

Chapter 119 Reactions from all parties in Tianyong City

Chapter 119 Reactions from all parties in Tianyong City

At the same time, in a spacious and luxurious room, a young man with a scar face was listening to the report of his subordinates with a solemn face. There were several men and women around him. If there are Tianyong City players here, they will definitely be able to Recognized, this person is Zhang Bing, the president of the Ice and Fire Guild.

"Damn it, there's no good place to camp. You have to camp in my Yulong Street!"

The young man stood up from the leather chair and paced around the room with a gloomy look on his face. His eyes flickered, and it was obvious that he was extremely uneasy inside.

"President, don't worry too much. According to the reports of the spies, the Tengyun Alliance probably just happened to bump into Yulong Street. After seeing the abandoned Yulong Temple, they happened to set up camp. They didn't necessarily want to attack us. Ice and Fire Guild takes action!"

Next to the young man, a woman who seemed to have a high status, beautiful appearance, and very enchanting clothes spoke to comfort him.

Zhang Bing glanced at the woman and said: "I believe you when you say that they are not here for our Ice and Fire Guild, but it is not the case today. Can you guarantee that it will not be the case tomorrow? What if he is interested in the territory of Yulong Street and does not plan to leave? ? Then we, who are also on Yulong Street, will become their number one enemy."

"It is said that there is no room for snoring on the side of the bed. They don't understand the situation yet. After they understand the situation on Yulong Street and know that there is another one of us on Yulong Street, do you think they will be good neighbors with us? Do you agree? ? Do they agree?"

"Then fight!"

At this time, a nine-foot tall man with a sinewy face slapped the table and stood up. He said angrily: "Beat them and send them back to their hometown. I don't believe it. Our Ice and Fire Guild can still be afraid of him." Cloud Alliance?”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked at him as if they were looking at a fool. They all said that people are famous for their shadow. It is not without reason that the Tengyun Alliance is notorious. If there is a fight, let’s not talk about whether to fight or not. If you can get through it, even if you can really get through it, what happens after that?
Will the Ice and Fire Guild be severely damaged?Will the strength be greatly reduced?Nowadays, I don’t know how many guilds are staring at a commercial street like Yulong Street. Once the Ice and Fire Guild loses its strength at this juncture, then I don’t know how many guilds will pop up and eat them up to nothing. Leftover.

Zhang Bing didn't say anything. The woman glared at the strong man: "What are you going to use to fight? Yang Ming has a reputation far and wide. He is known as the No. 1 player. The people who died in his hands were only monks in the Spirit Gathering Realm. There’s more than one, let’s go fight him? Are you right?”

The strong man was speechless by the woman. Zhang Bing sighed: "You said that the Tengyun Alliance is really capable of tossing people. You stay in Tengyun City at home, why do you have to come to Tianyong City to get involved? , come as soon as you come, the key is that you blocked the door of our house as soon as you came."

The woman frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "President, in my opinion, this matter is no longer something that our Ice and Fire Guild can handle alone. It would be best to send someone to contact several other guilds around us."

She continued with twinkling eyes: "As the saying goes, the Tengyun Alliance has always been very ambitious. When they were in Tengyun City, they dared to reach into Dongyang City and Nanping City. Now that they have come to Tianyong City, they How could we just pursue one commercial street and then give up? If we fall, the unlucky ones will be Caiyun Guild and Qinglei Guild. They are not stupid. If they don’t want to follow in our footsteps, then they will have no choice but to Join us."

"Yes, yes!" At this time, another young man with triangular eyes said to Zhang Bing: "Not only do we need to contact these guilds, but also, President, have you forgotten that our Yulong Street also has a stronghold like the Liehuo Hall? As for the indigenous forces, is it possible to incite the Liehuo Hall to attack the Tengyun Guild first? After all, the Liehuo Hall is not weak. Even if it cannot suppress them, it can still give them a drink."

Zhang Bing was silent for a moment, then slapped his thigh: "That's it!"

...Caiyun Guild President Liu Bixia is a middle-aged woman. Although she is middle-aged, her skin is soft and delicate, and her figure is exquisite. Only her face is slightly ordinary, but it does not affect her temperament that is different from ordinary people.

She crossed her legs and leaned lazily on the back of the chair. She smiled at a younger woman next to her who looked somewhat similar to her and was obviously a sister: "Look, Zhang Bing is already anxious. This I can’t wait to form an alliance with us.”

Her sister Liu Caixia moved her eyes and said: "Sister, this Tengyun Alliance is not a kind person. I heard that Yang Ming will retaliate even more. If we stand with the Ice and Fire Guild at this time, then he will really win it. The Ice and Fire Guild will definitely turn their guns on us immediately."

Liu Bixia shook her head and said: "This is not a question of whether we stand in line or not, it is that we have to help the Ice and Fire Guild. If the Ice and Fire Guild falls, then we are closest to Yulong Street, and we will probably be the next ones to fall. I I don’t believe Yang Ming will be satisfied so easily.”

"However, it depends on how we can help." Liu Bixia thought for a while and continued: "We can help, but it must be from other places. We must not lose our own strength. Otherwise, even if we are not attacked by Teng Yun If the alliance eats it, it will also be eaten by other guilds.”


Sky Guild, conference room.

Gu Wenmin, the person in charge of Jinzhou, who was dressed in a black uniform, with hair pulled high, and a dashing appearance, was tapping his fingers rhythmically on the table while looking at Zhang Tianming who was sitting on the left: "Tianming, you were once the leader of Tengyun City The person in charge of the branch, where you are most familiar with, what is the strength of this Tengyun Alliance? And Yang Ming!"

Zhang Tianming was silent for a while. When he raised his head, he saw that the heads of each city branch in the conference hall were looking at them curiously, and said with a bit of solemnity: "Tengyun Alliance is different from the nine major forces in Tianyong City. They It was formed by integrating players from almost all platoons in Tengyun City, and it was divided into two factions, the Individual Alliance and the Guild Alliance."

"Isn't that just to gather the team together~"

A young woman with twin tails smiled and answered, and everyone in the conference room burst into laughter. Even Gu Wenmin burst into laughter.

Zhang Tianming glanced at the young woman and continued: "It is said that we are indeed gathering a team, but there is a premise, that is Yang Ming, he is the general leader of the Tengyun Alliance, whether it is the individual alliance or the guild alliance, no one Being able to resist his leadership, as long as he is still in office, the Tengyun Alliance will be able to unite as one."

After hearing the words Yang Ming, the people in charge of each city in the conference room stopped smiling, and their faces showed a more or less solemn look. Obviously, they were no strangers to this name.

Especially the two people in charge of Dongyang City and Nanping City had weird looks on their faces at the moment.


(End of this chapter)

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