Chapter 124 Yang Xiao

After Qiuyue went out, Yang Ming tapped the mouth of the bowl several times with his chopsticks and said in a calm tone: "Why is there no movement? Are you waiting for me to feed you?"

Xiliu didn't say anything when he heard the words. After a long while, she slowly turned around. It was only at this moment that Yang Ming could see her face clearly. In addition to being as beautiful as ever, her whole face was bloodless and her bright eyes were dull. Slightly dim, looking at Yang Ming with a somewhat complicated gaze.

Yang Ming looked at her: "I didn't force you last night."

"I know."

"Well, get up and eat your food."

"I'll eat it later."

The tent suddenly became quiet. Yang Ming's eyes were straight, and his mind was in chaos. Somehow, many figures appeared in front of his eyes, including Taozi, Jiang Hongying, Shen Pingping, and even Fairy Miao Miao, who had only met the forum. Of course, he Not that he was interested in all these people, but what he was thinking was that despite having such an outstanding female cultivator around him, he actually had an affair with Xiliu by accident.

Just because of some strange coincidence, everything seemed to come out of the blue, leaving him unprepared but also unable to resist. This was obviously contrary to his original intention of practicing. Unfortunately, it was too late to say anything now.


Yang Ming glanced at Xiliu, whose eyes were a little evasive and a little uneasy. Seeing him, he gritted his teeth and whispered in a low voice: "I have a younger brother who is not very accomplished. He has been idle and doing nothing. He often causes trouble, and I'm afraid that with his temper, he will fall into the hands of others sooner or later, so can I let him join our alliance and find a job?"

After saying that, she unconsciously lowered her head, her ears turned red, as if she had said something unspeakable. Yang Ming was a little dazed, and in his mind, he unconsciously recalled the fiery unrestrainedness of Xiliu last night, and his love and affection. After spending a lot of time together, it was difficult for him to combine the boldness of the other party last night with the embarrassment in front of him. It felt like two people.

After reacting, his eyes turned slightly cold: "Is it possible that everything you did last night was for your brother's future?"


Xiliu waved his hands repeatedly, a little panicked, so that his pretty face turned even paler for a moment, "I... what I did last night came from the love in my heart. I hope to have a closer relationship with the master, even if I didn’t understand it, but I also wanted to follow my own wishes, because for any woman, it is undoubtedly lucky to be given to the man she loves, so I mustered up the courage to climb into the master’s bed.”

As she spoke, she endured the grievance in her heart: "But don't worry, sir, no one will know about this matter, and I don't need to bear any psychological burden on me, because this is all of my own free will. As for my brother, matter……"

Xiliu Qiang laughed: "I also know that the alliance is currently in a period of personnel expansion. Master, just pretend that I didn't say what I just said. I will find other ways for him."

Yang Ming looked at Xiliu's careful look and felt a little relieved. What he cared about was not the position in the alliance, but whether Xiliu was sincere in his heart last night. If the other party had all this happened to him for a certain purpose. , then he could definitely turn his back and deny the person, but after hearing Xiliu's sincere words, he gave up this doubt.

After pondering for a moment, he asked: "How old is your brother and what is his name?"

"Eighteen, my name is Yang Xiao."

Yang Ming nodded: "Let him report directly to Deng Lang. After Deng Daiyu was promoted to deputy leader, there is a vacancy in the position of team leader. Let your brother start as acting team leader. If he can do a good job, I'll straighten him up, and if he doesn't do well, I'll just jerk him off."


Her beautiful eyes were filled with tears, and her eyes were glued to Yang Ming's face, filled with indescribable sweetness and gratitude.Yang Ming smiled: "Okay, don't do this. You are not Qiuyue, you are not that cowardly. I still like your passionate look."

"Get up and eat."



Xiliu didn't have any serious illness, but she was a little bit rough from the torment last night. After Yang Ming took care of him, he returned to his tent, asked people to stay outside his tent to prevent anyone from disturbing him, and then set up a curtain in the tent. He formed the spirit gathering array and prepared to practice.

He first opened his panel and took a look:
[Introducing air into the sixth layer of the body (3560/5000)]

Now that the thousand-year-old ginseng medicinal power in his body has basically been completely dissolved, and the medicinal power has also pushed his cultivation progress to more than 500, basically one more sip of spiritual water for refining will be able to achieve a steady breakthrough. It’s time to introduce Qi into the seventh level of the body.

Thinking of this, he checked the time and saw that it was still early for the banquet. He immediately took out the bottle filled with spiritual water from the inventory and took a sip.

As the cold but soft and graceful spiritual water entered his abdomen along the esophagus, the majestic and rich spiritual power spread out in his body in an instant, and then poured crazily into his limbs, bones, meridians and acupuncture points. Yang Ming's eyes were slightly closed, taking his time. Then he began to gather his own spiritual power in his body, guiding a new strong spiritual power, and began to wander around the route of the method of introducing Qi into the body.

As the spiritual power travels through the meridians throughout the body, with each circle, the external spiritual power will be reduced by a part, and this reduced part will be completely absorbed into his own spiritual power. At the same time, every time these external spiritual powers are reduced, Part of it, there will be a steady stream of new spiritual power added for him to refine.

Time passed quickly, and the cultivation progress on Yang Ming's panel was also increasing rapidly:

[Currently, the sixth level of introducing air into the body: 3978...3995...4012...4265...]

When he opened his eyes again, the progress of his cultivation also stopped at the words 4522. Of course, the progress was still rising because the power of the medicine had not been exhausted, but because he had ended his cultivation, his body no longer actively refined it. Spiritual power has become passively absorbed. Therefore, the rate of increase in cultivation progress has obviously slowed down, but it is better than nothing.

A strange but clear and energetic voice came from outside the tent: "Leader, someone from the Ice and Fire Guild has come to urge you to go to the banquet."


Yang Ming responded and walked out of the tent. Standing upright in front of him was a young man about the same height as himself, but with a very delicate appearance. His eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Xiliu. Yang Ming recognized the young man's identity instantly, "You Is it Xiliu’s younger brother, Yang Xiao?”


Yang Xiao held his head high and responded loudly, causing the alliance members passing by to look back frequently.

Yang Ming didn't expect that the other party would come so quickly. In just one afternoon, he had already arranged to come in. He didn't pay much attention to it. He just smiled and patted Yang Xiao on the shoulder: "It's not like your sister. That’s so disgusting to say!”

(End of this chapter)

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