Chapter 142 Death of Ge Lian
Ge Lian castrated fiercely, like an evil tiger, and the tail of the floating dust in his hand swelled in the wind. In the blink of an eye, it was like a black dragon spreading out several feet away. The violent aura carried unparalleled momentum. He was full of murderous intent when he took action.

"Is it only to this extent?"

Zhao Dabai took a step forward, and the next moment, his whole body's aura suddenly changed. It was a kind of coercion from the absolute suppression of cultivation, and it was also a kind of terror in the face of unknown power. He just clenched his fists to meet him, and the air was already like The ripples on the water surface began to scatter in all directions.

"What? How is that possible?"

The face of Ge Lian, who was still in the air, changed wildly, and his pupils almost shrank into black dots, flashing with horror, mixed with fear: "No, this is impossible, how could you possibly break through to the spirit quenching realm?"

Before he could finish his words, the next moment he flew backwards like a rag bag. The bright red column of blood was thrown in the air in a graceful arc, and then there was a thud to the ground, and the scene was completely silent. , everyone's eyes widened, staring at the embarrassed Ge Lian on the ground in disbelief.

Such a tyrannical Mr. Ge didn't even get through a round in Zhao Dabai's hands?
They suddenly remembered what Mr. Ge had just said: Zhao Dabai had a breakthrough?
How can this be?

The faces of Zhang Bing and other leaders of various forces suddenly changed. If Zhao Dabai had broken through early, why did he still pretend to be injured and why did he still hide?

Then they thought about the disappeared Yang Ming and Teng Yun Alliance people, and then thought about Xiang Li who also disappeared. The more they thought about it, the more wrong it became. It was strange that they thought they were foolproof and did not pay attention to the movements of these people. Otherwise, It’s not like I just reacted now.

Zhang Bing and others looked at each other calmly: the meaning was very obvious, that is, to find an opportunity to run away quickly.

At this time, Zhao Dabai also walked towards Ge Lian, who had been seriously injured and fell to the ground, with a grin. Ge Lian's old face, which had always been arrogant, finally showed a bit of panic. He put his hands on the ground and backed away crazily. Just now He had also promised to kill Zhao Dabai, and at this moment he was begging for mercy again and again:
"Hall Master Zhao, this is all a misunderstanding. It's because I am blind and don't know how to live or die. I was wrong. I will never dare to do anything right with your Liehuo Hall again. Please let me go this time. Let's The grudge between the two has been wiped out. I have figured it out. It is my son who deserves to die and it has nothing to do with Mr. Ling."

"Misunderstanding?" Zhao Dabai shook his head and laughed dumbly: "You have brought people to knock on the door, broke the fire wall of my house, and killed so many men in my hall. Is it too late to tell me about the misunderstanding now?"

Ge Lian hurriedly said: "No, no, no, I can make up for it. As long as Hall Master Zhao lets me go, I can make up for it in any way I want."

Zhao Dabai sneered: "Then use your life to make up for it!"

"No, I'll fight you!"

Ge Lian looked desperate, and then went crazy. When he knew that he was going to die, he suddenly released all his spiritual power, as if he wanted to expose himself, but this method may be useful for monks in the same realm, or a slightly higher realm, and Zhao Dabai had already suppressed him to a great level. Under the absolute suppression of cultivation, all methods seemed so pale and ridiculous.

"Now you are not even qualified to fight with me."

Seeing that Ge Lian's body had begun to swell, and the destructive aura had begun to leak, Zhao Dabai said coldly, and then pointed out, the fingertips instantly bloomed with dazzling spiritual power, and blocked it at a speed visible to the naked eye. After receiving the spiritual power leaked from Ge Lian, Ge Lian's body, which was still expanding rapidly, quickly shrank back to its original state, like a river without wind, and it was calm.Ge Lian's old face was now ashen, and his eyes were even more complicated and entangled. He was wondering whether he was definitely going to die. Should he curse a few words before he died? But if he begged for mercy, the other party would let him go. As for himself, he was in a mess, forgetting that he was once a monk at the peak of the Spirit Gathering Realm, and that he was now like an ant, but sometimes he felt resentful and sometimes regretful.

But Zhao Dabai didn't give him a chance to regret.


A stomp of feet was accompanied by the sound of the watermelon exploding and the pulp splattering all over the ground. Ge Lian was lying alone on the ground, with only his incomplete body still twitching slightly.

Everyone was dumbfounded. They even forgot to breathe, and even more forgot to escape. The scene of being aloof, high-spirited, and as tyrannical as a god, and now being trampled to death was so impactful that everyone People don’t react much, but this is the world of immortality. If you are strong, there will always be someone stronger than you. It’s like a running race. You run with all your strength to the finish line, and then you will find that the finish line is actually the starting point. ,point.

"Mr. Ge is dead? Was he killed by Zhao Dabai? What are you guys doing standing around? Run away!"

There was silence for a while, and suddenly a voice with fear came out from the crowd. Only then did everyone come back to their senses. Then, everyone was like headless flies, paying no attention to anything. Crazy traffic when running to the location of the cave.

They just want to survive now. For things like spirit stones and treasures, if you can take them, you must also have life flowers. What's more, right now, they don't have life takers or life flowers.As for going all out, relying on the advantage of having a large number of people, don't be stupid. If Zhao Dabai is still in the Spirit Gathering Realm, it is still possible. In the Spirit Tempering Realm, it can no longer be dealt with by relying on a large number of people.

"Hall Master, how should we deal with these people?"

One of Zhao Dabai's cronies looked at the people fleeing in all directions with a somewhat cruel look.

"They are just a bunch of clowns. Kill all those above the Soul Gathering Realm. No need to waste any effort on those below the Soul Gathering Realm. Just leave it to that kid. You can't just let us do everything and let him sit back and enjoy the results. Bar?"

Zhao Dabai waved his hand, and his cronies immediately flattered him: "The alliance leader is wise!"

Therefore, after receiving the order, a group of high-level personnel of Liehuo Hall immediately smiled strangely and led people to pounce on the people who were still trying to escape. Their initial targets were all the monks in the Spirit Gathering Realm, among them the Black Wind Hall Mainly with the worshipers of the Ice and Fire Guild.

Soon, the sound of fighting against each other by spiritual arts rang out, and there were dozens of large and small battle groups at once. Zhang Bing and others were afraid that the battle between their Spirit Gathering Realm monks would affect themselves and others, so they hurriedly Separated from his own worshippers.

Several people gathered together, their expressions were extremely ugly. No one could have imagined that things would develop to this point. The most important thing is why Zhao Dabai broke through?He had obviously been trapped in the Half-Step Spirit Tempering Realm for so long, why didn't he break through earlier, later, but now at this time?
(End of this chapter)

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