He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 132: How terrifying is the firepower of one person?Thrown into hell and ravaged by Ryan!

Chapter 132: How terrifying is one person’s firepower?Thrown into hell and ravaged by Ryan!
Ryan evened the score with a series of wonderful individual singles performances, which also shattered Josh Howard's self-confidence bit by bit.

Before coming to Denver, he thought he was already a big star.

But after coming to Denver, he felt that he couldn't play basketball at all!

When Ryan combined his new pull-up skills with other offensive methods, Josh Howard couldn't even restrict Ryan a little!
Moreover, Ryan's contemptuous attitude and humiliating trash talk when dealing with Josh Howard. All of these made Josh Howard extremely embarrassed.

Don't talk about Josh Howard. The entire Mavericks team is feeling extremely angry right now. After all, the entire Mavericks bench heard Ryan's trash talk just now.

To say that if you score in the three-second zone, you score in the three-second zone, this is no longer contempt, it is simply disregard!
Today Ryan has told Josh Howard more than once in advance where he is going to shoot, and he can still continue to score.

This kind of humiliation will undoubtedly cause a devastating blow to the self-confidence of the Mavericks players.

Everyone in the Mavericks team is even thinking now, maybe the last time they beat Ryan was just a fluke?

Ryan's performance today is indeed scary. So far, he has tied the score to 12-12, taking all 12 points of the Nuggets so far.

And among these 12 points, none of them were simple shots.

Ryan simply used the ultimate duel to kill Josh Howard over and over again!
It seems that he can really compete with the Mavericks today based on his personal ability!

Ryan scored all 12 points of the team in the beginning, which made the young general doubt his decision.

Is it really right to let Ryan fight infinitely?
Let Ryan ravage his players over and over again in front of him. Why does it feel like he has horns on his head?

Otherwise, we still need to double-team and help defend?

But soon, the young general himself shook his head and denied the idea.

If the defensive strategy is changed, the game will fall into the Nuggets' rhythm.

The big bird is probably waiting for me to attack from a flank, so that the others will be completely freed.

When the time comes, the entire Nuggets team will attack in groups, and the firepower will be even stronger!The game situation will be even more out of control!
No, you absolutely can’t be so defensive!Don’t be fooled by Big Bird!

Indeed, Ryan's singles performance in the past few rounds was astonishing.But think about it carefully, no matter how shocking it is, the Nuggets just equalized the score. The Mavericks did not say that they were directly suppressed by Ryan and could not hold their heads up.

In this case, continue to defend alone!
It doesn't matter how many points Ryan scores, as long as he can't win!

The young general has decided to carry out single defense to the end today!
The young general still doesn't believe that Ryan can maintain such a good touch for four quarters of the game!

Ryan might be able to hold on for two quarters, but what about four quarters?
There was a way that Ryan would rely on unlimited singles for the whole game and beat me to death!

The little general who doesn't believe in evil is at odds with Ryan today. He wants to see how many points Ryan can score!
After that, the game entered rotation time, and both sides began to send rotation players one after another.

Only then did other Nuggets players start to score.

Ryan also temporarily turned off the personal singles mode and turned on the energy-saving mode.After all, if you lose one person for a whole quarter, you will be exhausted.

Of course, the rotation time is not long after all.Today, the majority of the Nuggets' scoring is still shouldered by Ryan.

In the first quarter, thanks to Ryan's 12 points, the Nuggets led by 1 point entering the second quarter.

At the beginning of the second quarter, when both sides once again sent out their full lineups, the game returned to its previous rhythm!
Ryan turned off the energy-saving mode and needed to continue to carry the scoring banner, and Josh Howard did not have any support. The young general still let him face Ryan alone.

This duel is like a heavyweight boxing, there is no elegance, no way to escape, no avoidance, life or death!
Ryan couldn't help but grin when he saw the nervous look on Josh Howard's face:
"Why are you looking like this? Weren't you quite confident just now? Go on, I still prefer the silly look when you show off your power.

Hey, did you steal your coach's wife's socks?Otherwise, why would he punish you like this and ask you to defend me alone all the time? "

Josh Howard gritted his teeth. If it hadn't been for keeping his chin still useful, he would have pounced on Ryan to fight in the UFC.

The same process as that, after finishing the oral pleasure and enjoying the pleasure of oral and tongue, Ryan immediately started to practice!
This time, Ryan first lowered his center of gravity, and then suddenly straightened up and lifted the basketball. Josh Howard was frightened and immediately moved up, thinking that Ryan was going to pull it out.

But taking advantage of Josh Howard's focus to move forward, Ryan used his terrible first step to break through and easily passed this poor little guy who was already extremely nervous.

After reaching the inside, facing the defender Nowitzki, Ryan directly put his hands together with the ball and turned around.

There are two types of dribbles, one is dribbling, and the other is dribbling the ball directly with both hands.

Ryan's ball control attributes are still very low, so most of the time now he turns around with the ball in hand.

Both turning methods can pass people, but the way of turning around after holding the ball with both hands means that you have to stand up after completing the turn, otherwise you will walk.

Therefore, Dampier, the second center in the Western Conference, has already defended the basket in advance.He wanted Ryan to hit him as soon as he turned around, without giving him a chance to attack the frame!

Indeed, after Ryan took the ball and took two steps, turned around and passed Nowitzki, he directly ran into Dampier who came to defend.


Ryan ignored Dampier under the basket, turned around and immediately got up, pressing Dampier in the air and completing a powerful two-handed dunk!Dampier predicted Lane's actions, but still couldn't do anything!

As soon as the second quarter started, Ryan's single was successful again!
Everyone on the Mavericks was hit hard. This Nima Ryan really ignored the defense!

Once the first line of defense fails to stop Ryan, the Mavericks' interior line will not be able to restrain him at all.

At the beginning of the second quarter, Ryan's personal score was already 14 points.

Moreover, the Nuggets opened the point difference to 3 points!
Iverson also yelled at Howard again: "I told you not to fucking rant!"

In this era, when talking about Jordan, everyone will always say how bad his mid-range shot is and how unfair he is when he walks in the air.

But what is easily overlooked by history is Jordan's vindictiveness. Once you anger him, you will be thrown into hell to ravage you.

The same goes for Ryan!
People like them who have unsatisfactory lives are like this. Whenever something goes wrong, they will go to war.

Originally, if Howard didn't pretend to be in front of Ryan, Ryan's desire to score might not be that strong.

But now I’m fine, I can’t hold it any longer!

The opening goal of the second quarter basically set the tone for this quarter.

Sure enough, Ryan spent most of the second quarter beating Josh Howard.

All kinds of handsome pull-ups and all kinds of powerful inside kills were simply a replica of the first quarter, and the fans were hooked.

The rest of the Nuggets were still restricted, but they didn't lose a single point. However, under the Mavericks' determined man-to-man strategy, the rest of the team could only occasionally steal a few balls today and were unable to form a stable offense.

But after halftime, the Nuggets still led the Mavericks by 48 points, 44-4!
Ryan also scored 12 points in the second quarter and 24 points in the half, which was exactly half of the team's points!
After half the game, Ryan's firepower still hasn't weakened!

During the halftime break, Josh Howard was already looking at the young general with pleading eyes, and secretly shouted in his heart:

“Coach, I really didn’t steal your wife’s socks!

You're really in a double attack!I want my brothers to support me!
Don't let me suffer alone anymore!
I really can’t defend myself at all! "

The young general looked into Josh Howard's eyes and nodded slightly.

Josh Howard was overjoyed. Could it be that the coach read the story in my eyes?

After reading the request, the young general waved his hand: "Continue man-to-man marking in the third quarter! Whoever dares to attack Ryan rashly, I will break his legs!"

The young general still doesn't believe that Ryan can score so many points in three consecutive quarters. Unless Ryan is a T800 wrapped in human skin, otherwise the efficiency will definitely fluctuate in such an unlimited duel!

Moreover, Ryan's offensive power in the first half of this season is already very strong. It is not unusual for Ryan to score more than 20 points in the half.

But in the second half, when Ryan starts to work hard on the defensive end, can he still score in isolation so efficiently?

Totally impossible!
Josh Howard is convinced, so I have to take bullets in the second half?
You don’t treat me as a human being at all!

Who would have thought that so many years after the abolition of black slavery, black people themselves would begin to use black people as farm tools!

But don't tell me, Ryan's offensive efficiency really fluctuated in the third quarter.

Ryan scored "only" 8 points in the third quarter, and his efficiency was not as high as in the first half.

Of course, 8 points in a single quarter is not low.Anyone who can consistently score 8 points in a single quarter can also score 32 points in a game.

But the situation Ryan faces now is that as the team's only stable scoring point, whenever there is a fluctuation in offensive efficiency, the Mavericks can take the opportunity to overtake.

Because the entire team's offense is pointed at him.

In the third quarter, the Mavericks finally seized the opportunity to lead by 4 points.

And in the third quarter, the Mavericks still blossomed more.Terry, AI, Nowitzki and others have all made achievements on the offensive end.

The last time the AI ​​scored 41 points, the Mavericks won the game. Some people said that the Mavericks were lucky and took advantage of the AI's explosion.

But today, all the singles players of the Mavericks, except Josh Howard, performed very well.

When one is guarded, the other can immediately step forward to continue the firepower.

This makes the Mavericks' firepower continuity unmatched.

At this point, the young general is sure that there is nothing wrong with his strategy!
The Denver Nuggets' myth of being undefeated at home will come to naught tonight!

During the break, Kirilenko wanted to cut off his hand.

Why do I feel so bad in today's crucial game?

Monta Ellis is also reflecting on it, and it seems that he really cannot be trapped by wine and sex.Although Ellis doesn't drink, he decided that he won't even be able to see the bottle in the future!

The Nuggets were in really bad shape today. When Ryan was in trouble in the third quarter, no one could step up and add firepower.

Everyone gritted their teeth and frowned.

Chris Marlowe even felt aggrieved:
"Ryan is obviously in good shape today, but the Mavericks' firepower continuity is really too strong!"

Everyone was a little nervous, except Ryan, whose expression remained relaxed.

Many people felt that Ryan couldn't keep up with his energy and his physical fitness began to decline, which led to the decline in efficiency in the third quarter.

But in fact, in the third quarter, Ryan's scoring and efficiency dropped purely because of his average touch.

He is not tired at all and his desire to score is still high!

After all, on the defensive end today, because he only needs to defend Nowitzki alone, and does not need to assist in defense and various rotations, Ryan is not very tired while guarding Dirk and attacking at the same time.

Since the hand was not as hot as the first half, in the fourth quarter, Ryan decided to play more mid-range and three-second zones and reduce three-point and mid-range shots.

In the fourth quarter, Bird will undoubtedly give Ryan more playing time.

People will then find that Ryan's 12 points in a single quarter is not the upper limit of his ability.

Ryan scored 12 points in a single quarter because that time was only enough to score 12 points!
The fourth quarter started quickly, and the Mavericks did not feel complacent because they were leading by 4 points.

They remain vigilant on the offensive end, not taking shots easily and not wasting opportunities.

As one of the team leaders, AI decided to set the tone for the fourth quarter when Nowitzki was once again tightly guarded by Ryan.

He swayed left and right, found a gap and accelerated to break through the AK.

Kirilenko struggled to retreat, but Iverson pulled back to make a sudden stop, directly opening up the shooting space and scoring steadily!
The Mavericks led by 6 points as soon as the fourth quarter started. They are the team closest to winning in Denver this season besides the Magic!
But before the Mavericks fans were happy for a long time, Ryan gave them a blow in the head!
After Ryan attacked, he fired up Josh with a fake move of praying to Buddha, then took a step forward and made a sudden jump shot.

Josh Howard, whose mentality was already a bit broken, was anxious and jumped up to block Ryan regardless of his own safety.

As a result, he jumped too hard and hit Ryan's forearm.

The referee immediately blew the whistle and gave Josh Howard a foul.

But what's even worse is that Ryan's jump shot just happened to hit, which gave him a chance to hit a three-pointer!
This goal directly broke the illusion of Mavericks fans.

Ryan did not languish after the brief trough in the third quarter. He was even able to score despite being violated!

After the ball scored, Ryan patted Josh Howard on the shoulder: "Thank you!"

After this goal, Josh Howard was already quite depressed.

If it were Bird, he would definitely quickly find someone else to defend Ryan.

Bird knows all too well what it looks like when a defender breaks down emotionally. It's not that he has had a similar experience, it's that he has caused countless people to break down like this.

Once a defender breaks down emotionally, his defense will become full of holes!Defense without fighting spirit has no deterrent effect!

This is the case with Josh Howard now, he has no fighting spirit.In the fourth quarter, if the general doesn't change people to defend Ryan, Ryan's scoring will be easier than in the first three quarters!
At the free throw line, Ryan made steady free throws.

Josh Howard's mood hit rock bottom. The 8 points in a single quarter just now seemed to others that Ryan's offensive efficiency had become lower, but to Josh Howard, it was still torture.

Throughout today's game, he was covered by Ryan's firepower and had no gaming experience at all.

He was completely numb at this time, and his spirit had been broken by Ryan's goals and trash talk again and again.

So after one round, Ryan passed Josh Howard in one step just like passing through a wooden stake.

Under the joint defense of Nowitzki and Dampier, Ryan still directly attacked the basket.

Naturally, the basketball failed to advance, but the referee blew the whistle again.

Ryan continues to make free throws!

Bird finally saw that Josh Howard collapsed faster than he thought!

Big Bird glanced at the little general. The guy still didn't seem to have any intention of replacing Ryan's defense.

If we continue to use Josh Howard to defend Ryan
It looks like tonight will be another night where Ryan murders all the newspaper headlines!

After a few rounds, both the general and the Mavericks fans realized something was wrong.

Ryan has increased the frequency of breaking through the inside. The key is that Josh Howard has not been able to stop Ryan's breakthrough even once!

As for the Mavericks' interior defense, it can be seen from Ryan's free fouls and dunks that there is nothing they can do about Ryan's impact.

Don't forget how awesome Wade was in the 06 Finals when facing the Mavericks inside.

Many people say that Wade was so good in 06 because his whistle was too biased. In that round of the Finals, Wade was astonishing and averaged 16.2 free throws per game!
Among them, G5 and G6 were punished 25 times and 21 times!
In G5, Wade's number of free throws directly tied the number of free throws made by the entire Mavericks team!
I have to admit that there were indeed some inconsistent penalty standards in that round of the series.

But in fact, most of the free throws were actually fouled by the Mavericks.The reason is that the Mavericks can't stop Wade's breakthrough without fouling inside!They have no choice but to foul!

So it goes without saying what a big blow it was to the Mavericks when Ryan was able to grow up comfortably.

Dampier and Nowitzki watched Ryan either make killing free throws or score flying dunks time and time again.

And Josh Howard is like a 40-year-old rich woman who no one cares about meets a young guy. She is more open-minded than anyone else and lets Ryan come in and out!
Not to mention Nowitzki, he was not a particularly good defensive player throughout his life.

As for Dampier, the second center in the Western Conference, this human shield is okay for carrying a man and grabbing rebounds, but he has no combat effectiveness in aerial combat.

In other words, Cuban has more money, otherwise Dampier would not be able to get an annual salary of tens of millions in this life.

In the NBA, the worst thing you can do is to evaluate a player's ability based on annual salary.

Look at it this way, because Ryan's new contract will not take effect until next season, Dampier's annual salary this season is higher than Ryan.

Therefore, there is no necessary connection between strength and contract amount.

Dampier is one of the most expensive centers in the league, but he really can't stop Ryan who is going crazy.

The most embarrassing thing for Dampier was undoubtedly the goal in the 6th minute of the fourth quarter.

At that time, the Nuggets served from the sideline.Weber passed the ball directly to Ryan in the center of the penalty area. Josh Howard did not expect that the Nuggets would dare to pass such a dangerous ball, so his reaction was half a beat slow.When he rushed over to steal the ball, Ryan had already caught the ball.

Because of this wrong judgment on the steal, Josh Howard also made himself lose his position.

So after receiving the ball, Ryan turned directly to face the basket, jumped up on the spot and wanted to dunk directly!
Dampier: ? ? ?

Ah, no, I'm still guarding the basket, I'm still guarding the basket!
But just like the previous dunk directly after turning around, there is not much difference whether Dampier defends or not.Ryan jumped up and dunked with one hand, and once again dunked the second center in the Western Conference!
Before Dampier even had time to take off, he was pinned down by Ryan and completed a dunk!
Ryan's attitude of ignoring defense lasted for the entire game!Dampier is about to cry, Josh Howard, what the hell are you doing! ?
Did you guard Ryan once in the fourth quarter? ?

It's true that the insider is responsible for giving you the bottom line, but if you don't have the bottom line, who can keep it!

After this dunk, Ryan already scored 10 points in a single quarter and 42 points in the game!
Moreover, the Mavericks fell behind by 2 points again!
That is to say, the young general's skin is too dark, otherwise he would definitely be pale now.

Who would have thought that Ryan would attack harder in the fourth quarter than in the first three quarters!
Bird shook his head. The young general should have reacted now, right?It's time for a replacement, right?
Josh Howard is no longer suitable to defend Ryan. This guy who was so arrogant before the game has now been completely destroyed by Ryan!
However, young general Johnson did not make any tactical adjustments and did not even call a timeout.

From his perspective, Ryan has already scored 42 points, and the Mavericks are only 2 points behind.

Therefore, my strategy is correct!
In the next few rounds, the rhythm of the two teams remained unchanged.

Ryan continued to beat up Josh, who was already a walking corpse, and the Mavericks' few single points really didn't hurt.

I have to say that the Mavericks this season are indeed much better than last season.

But whether they can beat the Nuggets depends on Ryan's face!

The two teams have been playing anxiously until the last 2 minutes. At this time, the Nuggets are still leading by 2 points, because Ryan has raised his personal score to 50 points in the past few rounds!
This is the second time in Ryan's career that he has 50+ points in a single game after playing with the Suns last season!

The little general sneered at Ryan. 50+ in a single game, but he still didn't kill the game!

At the critical moment, the Mavericks have many options, while the Nuggets only have Ryan.

The advantage is mine!

However, having too many choices at a critical moment may not be a good thing.

In this attack, AI used the screen to break through Kirilenko and prepared to go straight to the basket and attack the frame to score.

But as soon as the AI ​​broke through, it was attacked by Ryan!
In the last 2 minutes, Bird had changed his strategy.

He asked Nene to guard Nowitzki and Ryan to guard Josh Howard.

Because Bird believes that Josh Howard, who has become a walking zombie, will not pose any threat in the future.With Ryan facing him, he can help defend and double-team unscrupulously!
Well, scoring 50 points was not enough. Ryan even had the energy to increase his intensity on the defensive end at the last moment!
In fact, Ryan's double attack was not too timely this time, but the AI ​​still chose to pass the ball.

The ball fell into Nowitzki's hands, and Dirk was about to hit Nene singles, but saw Lionton also coming up from a double attack.

In desperation, Nowitzki passed the ball to Terry again.

But at the same time, Ryan ran for half the court and pounced on Terry again.Now Ryan is chasing the ball instead of chasing people. He will double-team whoever gets the ball!
Terry's last long pass found Josh Howard who was completely left open.

But Josh Howard hesitated when faced with this wide-open shooting opportunity!
Terry wanted to kill someone at that time, but he couldn't prevent it. Why didn't he even dare to take action?
That nonsense, how could Josh dare to take action when his entire mentality has collapsed?

As soon as Josh Howard hesitated, Ryan rushed back to him, and the shooting opportunity naturally disappeared.

The Mavericks passed the ball around, but in the end no one took a shot!

In fact, this offense was not just about Josh Howard's hesitation.

AI, Nowitzki and Terry all hesitated just now.

Ryan's flanking attack on them was not too harsh, but because they had many options for taking action, they subconsciously always wanted to find the best opportunity to take action.

At this time, whenever they encounter a little bit of flanking or assisting defense, they will subconsciously choose to pass the ball.

But at critical moments, decisiveness is what is needed.If the priority is not clear at the critical moment, it will affect the offense.

This is why Bird changed his strategy. He wanted to force the Mavericks' isolation players to pass the ball to each other.Again, too many choices at critical moments may not be a good thing!
After the ball was passed in such a circle, the attack time was almost exhausted.

There is no other way, Josh Howard can only pass the blame to the AI ​​closest to him.

But the intention of the pass was too obvious. Kirilenko immediately activated the moment Josh passed the ball, stretched out his long arms and intercepted the pass!
After passing half the court, Kirilenko threw the ball directly into the sky.

The Mavericks fans in front of the TV covered their heads in advance. Sure enough, Ryan caught up with the basketball, jumped up, grabbed it with one hand, and then pressed it into the frame!
AK and Ryan allied together successfully, the Mavericks fell behind by 4 points, and Ryan scored 52 points in a single game!
The young general still didn't pause the game, and Bird didn't even know what he was thinking.

At this time, shouldn't we designate a first point of attack at a critical moment and clarify the tactics?

It's so funny, even if the little general pauses, his tactics are still the same - take turns to play singles!
As a result, the Mavericks' next offense was almost a replica of the previous one.

After everyone got the ball, they were all wondering if the other side had a better chance.

The ball keeps passing, and there is no finishing backbone at the critical moment, making the ball like a hot potato.

In the end, the basketball was given to Nowitzki at the last moment.

Nowitzki observed Ryan's position and saw that he did not come up to defend, so he slowly faced the frame, and then shot directly against Nene!

But Nene's defense was not for show, and because it was the last few seconds, Nene knew that Nowitzki would definitely shoot, and it wouldn't be a fake move.Therefore, there is no need to worry when jumping up to interfere, and the timing is very accurate.

The basketball barely passed Nene's fingertips, and about a third of it had fallen into the basket.But after spinning around inside the basket, it spun out again!
Nowitzki missed a key shot, and the Nuggets continued to miss in offense in the last minute or so!

The young general frowned, what's going on?
During regular time, everyone takes turns playing singles very efficiently.After one miss, the next one can immediately make up for it.

But at the critical moment, AI and Dirk missed one after another!
Dirk failed to shoot and the AI ​​ball was not even caught.

There was no way, AI and Dirk were forced to run out of time in both attacks. They either forced shots or were seen through and stole, leaving no room for adjustment.

The Mavericks retreated immediately. At this time, they could not let the Nuggets counterattack as easily as they did just now.

The game was dragged into position and Ryan once again had the ball outside the three-point line.

Facing Josh Howard, who had been blown away by the explosion, Ryan felt a little sad for him.

So Ryan decided to comfort this opponent:
"Don't be frustrated Josh, you have already defended very well. If it were anyone else, I would have scored 70 points."

Josh Howard had tears in his eyes. I should have listened to AI then!
A man who only knows how to take advantage of words is indeed hopeless!
Josh Howard had no confidence at all. Facing Ryan's attack, he did not dare to react at all.

He was afraid that if he reacted in any way, he would be played like a dog by Ryan.

Understand, boys who have been fished too much are always sensitive.

Ryan also became bolder. Since the other party didn't resist, of course he would touch it upwards, ah no, of course he would hit it along the way in!
So, he actually started to dribble the ball continuously with his hips in a fancy way!

Director Zhang was so excited: "Lian, play with him!"

The Denver on-site commentator also shook his head: "At the critical moment, Ryan started to have fun!"

Junior General Johnson and Mavericks fans feel extremely humiliated at this moment, because anyone who is familiar with Ryan knows that if he plays normally, Ryan will not dribble like this from outside the three-point line.

At the critical moment, Ryan started to play instead. This was simply a great contempt for the Mavericks!

Ryan was indeed defying the Mavericks' defense, because at this time, Josh Howard was beaten like a wooden stake and did not dare to steal.

After changing hands several times in succession, Ryan lowered his center of gravity and took a step forward.

Nervous Josh Howard immediately stepped back, but as soon as Ryan took this step, he took it back and then went straight for it!

Josh Howard, who was retreating, braked suddenly, but because the brakes were so sudden, he didn't even react, causing his center of gravity to become unstable and he fell directly to the ground!Ryan used a simple feint to knock down Josh Howard!
At the scene, Denver fans burst out laughing.

Director Zhang also danced with joy: "Hahahaha, I knew Ryan could play with him!"

And Mavericks fans were extremely hurt because...
Ryan is not the kind of player who is very capable of holding the ball, like an AI.It can even be said that ball control ability is Ryan's only shortcoming.

As a result, Ryan used the method that he was least good at, using such a simple fake shot to knock down Josh Howard.

It's just so humiliating!

But Josh doesn’t have to be sad, he also made history - the first player in history to be knocked down by Ryan holding the ball in the NBA!

After knocking Josh down, Ryan's three-point jumper also hit directly.

In the last 51 seconds of the game, Ryan's three-pointer put the Mavericks behind by 7 points!
Moreover, Ryan has already scored the second-highest 55 points in his career!
The young general Johnson had to call a timeout now if he didn't want to. He was originally extremely confident in the continuity of the team's firepower and never thought that it would kill him. In the end, it was Ryan's continuity that had the last laugh!
At the critical moment, when AI and Dirk failed one after another, Ryan remained strong!
His firepower alone really beats the firepower of a Mavericks team!
The whole audience was cheering. Ryan scored 55 points in a single game. You must know that the entire Nuggets team only scored 95 points now!
Ryan's scoring proportion even exceeded 50%!

Of course, it's not time to celebrate victory yet.

51 seconds, if done properly, the Mavericks may still recover 7 points.

Young general Johnson did not operate at all at the critical moment.

As Bird expected, he still told the team during the timeout: "Whoever has a chance will play in singles!"

So sometimes, although it is the players who play the game, the coach can also have a positive or negative impact on the game.

As long as the little general clarifies the attack point for the next round, the Mavericks will not be so chaotic.

The timeout ended and the AI ​​came onto the field, but it felt particularly confused.

It doesn’t seem like we just called timeout, right?

But why did the call pause but not call at all? How did the young general Johnson do it! ?

"Whoever has a chance will fight." This is an understatement. It is not difficult to say it, but it is difficult for the players.

What does it mean to have a chance?
Do I have a chance if I'm covered by the sheets?
When do my teammates have a better chance than me?

All of these will make players subservient at critical moments.

If it were the AI ​​of the 76ers era, it wouldn't have this kind of trouble. Just give me the ball and I'll help you win.

But now, even the AI ​​doesn't know how to fight.

do it yourself?He's not afraid, but what if his teammates have a better chance?
When a team is executing an attack that determines victory or defeat, it is still struggling with who to pass the ball to. It would be a miracle if this attack could be successful.

As expected, the Mavericks' offense once again fell into a dilemma of only passing the ball but not shooting.In the end, AI couldn't stand it anymore and waved his hand from outside the three-point line.

No matter who has a better chance, let me play this game myself!

AI calls on his teammates to pull away, and he wants to end the attack alone.

Kirilenko was fully focused. This guy with the face of a Russian gangster seemed to be ready to take out an AK47 and kill the game at any time.

But Iverson is not timid, he is also a ruthless character after all.

The AI ​​starts slowly and dribbles with the left and right hands alternately.

Accelerate, stop suddenly, worship Buddha, shake the AK, accelerate again, enter the penalty area and score with a throw!
This beautiful single goal made all the players on the Mavericks bench jump.

Allen Iverson seems to have saved the Dallas Mavericks again!

Cuban, who was watching TV, also cheered. He even felt that trading for AI was the most perfect deal in the history of the Mavericks!
At this point, the Mavericks were only 44 points behind in the final 5 seconds.

Next, the Mavericks have an opportunity to steal the sideline ball!
The Nuggets actually didn't call a timeout at this moment!
Bird allowed the players to take the baseline kick and allowed Ryan to advance past half court.

Bird is certainly not the kind of coach who likes to keep timeouts to give birth to babies, but at this time, Bird believes that not calling timeouts is the best solution.

First, it does not give the opponent a chance to defend.

Second come
Sometimes the key shots just have to be unreasonable!

Currently, Bird has no key ball tactics to deploy.

Since the Mavericks are still defending Ryan alone, Ryan can just play as before.

Why interrupt what is destined to be a great night?

One step after Ryan passed half court, he stopped and started dribbling, killing time.

The Mavericks did not commit a tactical foul. They wanted to defend this round.

Ryan dribbled the ball slowly and remained unmoved with 15 seconds left on the attack time.

10 seconds, still unmoved.

5 seconds!
Ryan just lowered his center of gravity and started!

Josh Howard stood firmly outside the three-point line, waiting for Ryan to come up to him.

At this time, Ryan can only run to the three-point line and shoot three-pointers. He has no choice!

No, Ryan had a choice.

Ryan suddenly raised his center of gravity two steps away from the three-point line, pulled up and threw a super long-distance pull-up!
Ryan took advantage of the fact that Josh Howard didn't dare to defend personally, so he chose to shoot from a long distance.

Although the distance is far, Ryan's three-point attribute is 90 after all, so it's not that he can't shoot from long distances.

The most important thing is that without interference from Josh Howard, this shot can be blessed by the two talents of "Opportunist" and "Timely Pull" at once!

Ryan's shot, from a rational point of view, is simply a wild shot.

But Director Zhang said it right: "We really have to fight like this!"

In the astonished eyes of the Mavericks team, the basketball drew a perfect arc, and finally, when the backboard glowed with red light, it plummeted into the net!Ryan decisively shot a three-pointer from a long distance and hit it directly!

"Kill the game! Kill the game!
Ryan scored consecutively at the last moment, directly killing the game!
The score difference was back to 8 points, but there were only 21 seconds left in the game.

The Mavericks have no chance!

Ryan scored 58 points and the Nuggets scored 98 points!
Today, he used unlimited singles and personal firepower to completely defeat the Mavericks' singles players!

The Lion King of the Rockies used his terrifying personal abilities to keep his home court intact! "

Bird smiled, yes, the key ball is very simple, just shoot it, it's not as troublesome as the Mavericks.

After making this shot, the Mavericks used up their last timeout.

Of course, the whole world knew that this timeout was just the Mavericks' last ditch effort.

After the timeout, Ryan did not go back to his bench.

He went straight to the Mavericks bench!

Ryan looked at young general Johnson, looked at all the Mavericks, and spread his hands arrogantly:

"So I told you earlier, don't send this idiot to defend me alone!

Coaches, people, you have to listen!
Do you regret guarding me alone in the whole game? "

After being dissuaded by the referee, Ryan walked back to his bench.

All members of the Mavericks were stunned in place, no, this
Arrogant, too arrogant! Damn it!
I’ve seen people run to the opponent’s bench to eavesdrop on tactics during a timeout, but I’ve seen people run to the opponent’s bench and talk trash. That’s crazy.
Just too arrogant!
What's even more annoying is that Ryan is so arrogant, but the Mavericks can't do anything to him!

The young general bet that Ryan's personal firepower could not last for four quarters. As a result, Ryan's firepower lasted until the last moment.Bet that Ryan's firepower could not compete with the Mavericks, but he really destroyed the Mavericks' defense by himself.

Mavericks players thought they could win at the Pepsi Center, only to be tackled to the ground by Ryan.

Just rush up and beat Ryan up?You may not be able to beat the Nuggets!

In this situation where nothing can be done, the Mavericks players can only watch Ryan show off his power in front of their eyes!
Ryan's intention was to make the arrogant Mavericks even more embarrassed before the game!
Beat us at home?It doesn’t matter what you say, it only matters what I say!

The young general was so angry that he couldn't even draw the tactics and threw the tactics board to the ground.

Cuban was so angry that he smashed another TV. The group of people I spent so much money to hire were actually pinned to the ground and rubbed by one person. What a injustice to me!

Mavericks fans sighed. They originally thought they could take revenge on the Nuggets this season, but currently, if they really meet in the playoffs this year, the Mavericks will still be in danger.

Iverson sat on the bench, looking at Ryan's 58 points on the big screen, shaking his head.

So I already told you, don’t mess with him!
Now, everyone is thrown into hell and ravaged together!
 Today, the two-in-one chapter is directly updated with 39 words![-] words have been updated for [-] consecutive days, and I am begging for monthly votes!

(End of this chapter)

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