He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 14 014: 1 Soak in urine and wake up, the lion king’s first roar!

Chapter 14 014: A splash of urine wakes them all up, the lion king’s first roar!

This high school graduate who played a small role directed the most exciting scenes!
While Roy Williams was crazily kneeling and licking Ryan, on the other side, the stars of Dream Team [-] had dull faces.

Especially Pierce, who was just dunked. He is undoubtedly today's embarrassing MVP.

After all, Marion was just blocked by Ryan, and Ben was just blocked.

"Haha, if I hadn't wanted to protect him just now, he would have been overthrown by me!

I didn't exert my strength on purpose, otherwise he could have dunked me?

You should all be able to see that I didn’t exert any force on purpose, right?You can see it all! ? "

What else could everyone do? They could only smile and nod in agreement: "Ah, yes, yes."

Immediately afterwards, there were some weird words like "Is it because I am not using my strength even if I am covered with it?", "I am definitely not using my strength if I don't talk back when someone is being spat with trash".

Everyone was laughing at Pierce, laughing very happily, completely unlike a team that had just been beaten 13-0.

To put it bluntly, these dream team players who thought they were invincible still didn't take it seriously.

Although there are no first-line stars in this year's Dream Five team, based on past experience, this lineup is enough to kill the world.

Dream Team [-] didn’t pay attention to the College Students United Team at all.

Reggie Miller, as the captain, watched all this but said nothing.

The big brother and captain of Mengwu knows very well that his teammates underestimate the enemy.

Reggie Miller knows that this year's college team is no joke.

Especially Ryan and Wade, these two guys look like superstars at first glance!
Besides, even the all-powerful Meng Yi lost to the college student team, why can’t our Meng Wu lose?
If we don't manage well today, we may really fall over in front of the fans.

But as the big brother of the team, Miller deliberately did not remind everyone.

If you want everyone not to underestimate the enemy, the best way is to give them pain!
Before the official game begins, it would be nice to let these guys who think highly of themselves suffer.

As the head coach, George Karl calmly said, "Get serious, gentlemen."

But how many players would take Karl's attitude and tone seriously?

The time-out is over and the game continues.

Ryan thought that after a 13-0 score, Mengwu would become more serious.

As a result, George Karl made a reverse operation. At this stage when he needed to gain momentum, he put on a full substitute lineup.

George Karl thought, since it is a warm-up match anyway, everyone must have enough game time.

At this time, the Dream Five lineup became Jay Williams, Baron Davis, Finley, LaFrentz and University of Kansas center Nick Collison.

Not to mention Collison, he is the only college student on the dream team.

Jay Williams has just graduated from college and is the most powerful candidate for the No. [-] pick besides Yao Ming.However, he is not considered a professional player yet.

Although LaFrentz is an NBA player, he has been criticized by the media as "the weakest NBA player in the history of the Dream Team."

There is only Finley, who is like a dream team.

To be honest, the strength of this lineup has dropped a level compared to just now!
Ryan clenched his fists and said, "Okay, okay, you're going to change to this lineup when you need to chase points, right?"Then don't blame me for being cruel!

Ryan then called all his teammates together before going on the field:
"Brothers, it seems that NBA superstars still don't take us seriously and think we can win just by playing casually.

I suggest.

Let's wake them up by soaking in urine!
In 92, the college student team defeated the legendary Dream Team.

Only that time there was no full video footage of the game.

So today, let’s do it again in front of the national live broadcast! "

How could a group of middle school teenagers who were still studying be able to withstand Ryan's instigation.

Everyone turned into howling wild wolves, and their morale was greatly boosted.

After that, the course of the game completely exceeded George Karl's expectations.

Not only did the Dream Team 8 fail to easily widen the point difference again, they even fell behind by [-] points at the end of the first quarter!
The substitute lineup he replaced gave people the feeling that it was not as strong as the college team.

Jay Williams was very uncomfortable being guarded by Wade, Finley had a bad touch today, and LaFrentz had no scoring ability.

As for Kansas center Nick Collison, it is even more embarrassing.

He prepared to hit the inside several times, but was either blocked by Ryan or interfered with by Ryan.

It was as if Ryan was deliberately quarreling with Collison, as if he was deliberately telling Roy Williams: "Your so-called core is scum in front of me!"

Collison was so beaten that in one round after he grabbed an offensive rebound, he clearly got a chance to let go of the basket under the basket.But when he saw Ryan running towards him, he was so nervous that he missed the basket!
Roy Williams was angry and excited.

He was angry that his beloved disciple was tortured like this, it was so embarrassing!
But what's exciting is that Ryan was able to force last season's Big [-] Conference scoring champion to this point!

No, we must find a way to trick Ryan over!

With Ryan in charge, I will definitely win the championship!After winning the championship, don't I have to ask for millions more from North Carolina?
After this wave of substitutions, the first-generation bearded Baron Davis was the only one left on the field for the Dream Team.

But Davis was alone after all, so Mengwu fell behind by 8 points in the first quarter.

In the second quarter, George Karl became the main player again.

But he was replaced within a few minutes of playing.

Meng Wu had just started to gain momentum when he was interrupted by George Karl's substitution.

The excited University Students United team took this opportunity to immediately open up the score. At the end of the half, the University Students United Team led by 13 points!

Wade had 12 points, 2 steals and 6 assists. He was Ryan's most loyal Pippen.

At this time, Quan Chou was involved in a heated discussion:
"College Students United leads Mengwu by double digits at halftime. Can you believe this?"

"Damn it, how high Ryan's upper limit is depends entirely on how strong his opponent is!"

"If this guy participates in the 03 draft, who among him, James and Anthony will be the top pick?"

"I only know that next season there will be a bunch of teams that are going crazy for the three of them!"

Ryan's fame began to soar rapidly, beating James and Stoudemire, although he was also very bad.

But today, Ryan is playing with his dream team!And we led by double digits at halftime!
This is a dream team that has never failed in international competitions!

After the start of the second half, George Karl was still making substitutions.

Because he found that as soon as he entered the main lineup, the point difference would be close or even overtaken.This made Karl feel that the game was still under control. At worst, he could just switch to the main force at the last moment and finish the game.

The game continued like this until the last 2 minutes. Mengwu, which was 9 points behind, replaced all its main players at this critical moment.

The script was the same as before. As soon as the main force came back, the Dream Team once again approached the score, bit by bit eroding the possibility of a miracle happening.

There is no way, Mengwu's starting lineup is indeed stronger than the college students' team in terms of hard power.

After Pierce made a triple threat, he pulled out Wade from mid-range and hit.

Xiao O turned over and made a jump shot before Ryan double-teamed him.

Andre Miller stuck out his butt and hit Hinrich hard, hitting the target.

He got up under the basket and beat Okafor alive, and the score was once again successful.After a wave of operations, in the last 26 seconds of the game, Mengwu was only 1 point behind!

The excited fans were a little disappointed. Is the miracle going to be killed like this?

This college student team is clearly just a little bit behind!
Yes, most fans are more supportive of Collegiate at this time.After all, who doesn’t want to watch a thrilling story of David and Goliath defeating Goliath?

At this time, Ryan had scored 24 points and 10 rebounds, far exceeding the 8 points and 8 rebounds required by the system.

According to the system description, even if Ryan loses in the end, he can still get the task reward.

You have reached this point, are you willing to be eaten like this?Are you willing to take the reward and leave in despair?

Ryan still did not give up and concentrated on preparing for the next defense.

Seeing that Ryan was still clenching his teeth, Pierce started to sneer:
"Professional basketball is very cruel, brother. Hard power determines everything. There are some things that are useless no matter how hard you try.

Don't underestimate NBA players, you bastards! "

"I told you, you beep too much!"

"Then you have the guts to shut me up!"

Pierce wanted to get into Ryan's mood, but Ryan remained focused.

In the past, the reason why Meng Wu's starting lineup could easily disintegrate the defense of the college team was mainly because there were only two and a half people in the college team who were qualified to defend.

Ryan and Wade each count one, and Hinrich counts half.

Therefore, as long as Meng Wu names Okafor or Kaman, it will be a hit.

And Ryan's mission is to prevent them from naming Kaman and Okafor!
This time, O'Brien held the ball in the mid-range and prepared to single out Kaman, but Ryan's double attack was immediately in place.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Ao and Marion exchanged hands.

But Ryan pushed hard and pushed Kaman to defend Marion, while he defended O'Neal alone!

How could we let this misplaced opportunity pass?Marion immediately gave the ball back to Xiao Ao, and Xiao Ao was not polite and just hit it back hard!
Ryan was knocked back a big step, and his muscles all over were sore.

Although Ryan's strength attribute is 90, his weight is still only 103-104 kilograms.

This weight can kill you in high school and even in the NCAA, but you will definitely not have an advantage in front of NBA-level insiders.

Xiao Ao is not a heavy insider, but he is about 120 kilograms at this stage.

The system has explained before that attributes such as strength, speed, and jumping have different effects under different weights.



Therefore, Ryan is still unable to fully carry O'Neal due to his weight.

Of course, O'Neal didn't take advantage too much and couldn't directly hit the basket.

Immediately afterwards, it was Xiao Ao's second and third recoil.

Ryan held his breath and tried his best to defend, just like the United Arab Emirates who defended Gasol in 12.

Regardless of whether you can withstand it or not, at least you have to be bloody, and at least you can't let your opponent crush you!

The way Ryan still defends hard despite being at a disadvantage is undoubtedly a crazy extra point in front of the scouts.This guy's mental attributes are not comparable to those of ordinary student players.

The muffled sounds on the field made fans worry that Ryan would be knocked apart.

In the end, O'Neill squeezed into a position close to the basket.

He thought that Ryan had been destroyed by the back hit just now, so he directly combined the ball and jumped for a hook.

Pierce raised his arms to celebrate in advance, overtaking!

You clear-eyed but stupid college students, you can go home and sleep!

But when the basketball flew into the air, the expressions on the faces of everyone in the Dream Team [-] were frozen.

As we all know, the hook shot is one of the most difficult shots to block.

But now, after being knocked to pieces by Xiao Ao, Ryan jumped up immediately, used his powerful bullet speed and jumping height to jump into the air, straightened his long arms, and swung hard like a fly swatter.

O'Neal's hook was blocked with a "pop"!
Ryan was just like a spring bouncing up, and like an eagle flying over the mountain, stopping briefly in the sky and flying the basketball.

This unparalleled jumping ability amazed everyone!
"Ah!? He risked his hook!?"

"Damn it, the college student team still has a chance! Go for it!"

"Ryan, he wants to lead the college team to victory as a foreign player!?"

Auburn Jr. thought he had completely broken Ryan's defense and broken his will.

But Ryan is simply a strong fortress. No matter how the opponent attacks, no matter how aggressive the opponent is, he can withstand it!
He seems to be an indestructible barrier, protecting the entire team!

Protecting the last hope of creating a miracle!
Soon enough, the basketball fell into Wade's hands.

Wade turned around and counterattacked directly. As long as this counterattack can be successful, the game will be almost stable!
The artistic hacker Marion is not good at dealing with things. This time he pursued the defense seriously and immediately bit Wade, like a predator, waiting to deliver a fatal blow.

As long as Wade takes off, he will most likely be chased directly by Gibbon Marion!

But Wade was calm in the face of danger. After reaching the basket, he did not dunk directly, but leaked the ball backwards.

Ryan, who followed up, caught the basketball and jumped up with both feet.

But the hacker Marion also reacted quickly. He immediately turned towards Ryan and jumped up to block it.

Ryan dunks directly?Impossible, it's still too far away from the basket at this time.

And with Marion's long arms, if Ryan dunks directly, it is very likely to be blocked.

In fact, Marion's palm was almost touching the basketball.

But just when the basketball was about to be blocked, Ryan was like a dancer, spinning his body in mid-air, bumping into Marion with his back, then retracting the basketball to avoid the block.

After dodging the block, Ryan used strength on his waist, abdomen and arms to lift the basketball again. With his back to Marion, he completed a folding back dunk!
The audience was like a crazy ocean, rolling up turbulent waves!Their emotions were completely ignited by this dunk, and the whole audience fell into a fanatical atmosphere!
Even the ESPN on-site commentator, who has seen countless big scenes, slapped the table and stood up:

"Ryan! With a dunk that is like the highlight of human movies! He scored a goal as important as a buzzer-beater!

Dream Team [-] is about to kill the game, and these proud stars are about to win.

But Ryan, with his risks and dunks at critical moments, pushed the Dream Team to the brink of failure!

He never gives up and he is not afraid of strong enemies!
In the last 2.3 seconds, Dream Team 3 fell behind by [-] points!
Ladies and gentlemen, a miracle happens here!
With Ryan's efforts, the college team is about to break the Dream Team's undefeated streak on live television for the first time! "

Ryan landed on the ground in front of everyone's ugly eyes, beat his chest, and roared like a lion:

“Dwayne, look at them, look at their surprised expressions!
It seems that we successfully woke them up! "

The Lion King's roar shocked the professional basketball world for the first time!

 Today’s update of [-] words for the public issue is presented!I beg you to read it and recommend it. Thank you all!


(End of this chapter)

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