He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 144: Did you agree to struggle in the West?How come we entered the finals earlier than us!

Chapter 144: Did you agree to struggle in the West?How come we entered the finals earlier than us!

Ryan's continuous successful defense allowed the Nuggets to achieve a late lead.

Looking at Ryan roaring on the court, Swift suddenly remembered Bird's words "They can't survive the last quarter" during the timeout, and she suddenly knew why this team was able to record a complete victory at home.

Because the Nuggets' ability to control the game is simply outrageous!

Even if they fell behind in the first three quarters, they remained calm and composed, and then in the fourth quarter they were able to overtake the lead.

Maybe in the original plan, the Nuggets had already thought of taking the lead in the fourth quarter!

Indeed, that's what Bird planned.

His defensive strategy today, to put it bluntly, is to cut the Suns' original exquisite offense directly into a high-end version of the passer-by.

Forcing Nash and Ryan to play unlimited one-on-ones.

But Bird also knows very well that even against a T0 level player like Ryan, Nash will definitely score a lot of points in the first three quarters.

Because Nash's offensive stability is so strong, he rarely pulls his hips.

As long as you give him a chance to take action, he will definitely be able to guarantee a certain output.

He will not be like a certain scoring champion who scores 50 points in a single game when he is happy and 9 points in a single game when he is unhappy.He is arrogant and domineering in front of others, but when he sees Ryan, he is extremely well-behaved. The contrast is extreme.

However, if Nash is allowed to attack until the fourth quarter, he may not be so efficient!
After all, Nash can't afford to take so many shots, and this is not the rhythm the Suns are used to.

But Bird really didn't expect Ryan to directly defend Nash in the first few rounds of the fourth quarter.

In Bird's expectation, Ryan only needs to make Nash's offense less efficient.Because the Suns have no defense, they only need to make the Suns' offense less efficient, and then score more points to steadily suppress the Suns.

As a result, Ryan directly made Nash, who was in his 30s, orgasm!
Let the team go ahead by 6 points!
Facts have proved that bigger is not necessarily better, and it makes no sense for DPOY voting to favor centers.In Bird's heart, Ryan is this year's DPOY!

Besides, Ben is not as big as Ryan!
If Ryan is pure nature, then Daben is the pad!
Ryan's infuriating roar just now made the Suns players and fans feel unprecedented shock and were completely shocked.

As a result, the voices on the Internet have become thinner. Those netizens from Phoenix no longer mention topics about DPOY to provoke Ryan.

On-site commentator Kevin Harlan was also deeply impressed by Ryan's performance:

"I admit that my previous judgment was too limited. In the first three quarters, I thought Ryan would not be able to fulfill his promise this time.

But now, he really makes the Suns less able to play at the Pepsi Center!

He truly deserves to be Bird’s personal disciple and a model of what he preaches! "

Because the commentary booth was very close to Swift's seat, she also heard what Kevin Harlan said.

Ryan always says he does what he says, so he wouldn't really wear overalls to dance with me, would he?
The corners of Swift's mouth were raised, like a butterfly flying among the flowers, and her face was filled with happiness.

Diagonally across from her, D'Antoni had a disapproving face.

The Suns' offensive tactics didn't work at all today.

In the first three quarters, I relied on Nash's singles to survive until now.

But now that Nash is no longer doing whatever he wants in singles, everything seems to have been finalized.

The Phoenix Suns' offense was blocked by the Nuggets!

The V-shaped attack no longer exists!

Because Stoudemire just knocked the ball out of bounds, the Nuggets still have the ball now.

This means that after being beaten by Fatty, the Suns didn't even have a chance to call a timeout.

Miller approached half court with the ball, but everyone's eyes were focused on Ryan.

He was like a formidable god of death. As soon as he crossed the midfield line, the entire half exuded a strong breath of death.

The soldiers in Phoenix City were trembling in their hearts, because they knew very well that their "armor" was as brittle as a thin piece of paper or a fragile membrane in front of Ryan.

They want to rely on defense to contain the Nuggets' pace of opening up the score, which is simply a fantasy.

Yes, the Suns' defense has improved a lot this season, at least it is no longer at the bottom of the league.

But for stars like Ryan, the league's top defense may not be able to contain them, let alone the Suns.

Ryan came in from the middle, and Miller also gave the ball to Ryan who was rushing forward.

The Denver Lion immediately accelerated after receiving the basketball, completely ignoring Marion who was standing in front of him.

But Marion is a master of steals. As a forward, he has averaged more than 2 steals per game for five consecutive seasons.

Although most of them are pass steals, Marion is also capable of stealing the ball holder.

The hacker knows that Ryan's singles with the ball is actually very rough, so he is very confident to intercept this ball!

After Ryan dribbled closer, Marion also saw the right opportunity and started to steal!
But just when Marion's hand was about to poke the basketball away, Ryan put his hands together with the ball, then turned around and erased Marion, who was leaning forward because of the steal!
Marion's eyes widened. Ryan took one step inside the three-point line and turned around?He is still far from the basket!

It's still a long way off, sure, but Ryan jumps even further!
After turning around and passing Marion, Ryan jumped directly to prepare for a dunk!
Stoudemire crossed his body to block, but because of his poor defensive positioning, he was not able to completely block Ryan.

Ryan then blocked Stoudemire, who was only half his body in front, and scored with a one-handed chop!After turning around after finishing the ball, he directly ignored the defense inside and attacked the frame with dunks. This has become Ryan's signature offensive method!
Stoudemire was knocked directly to the ground, and the Suns fell behind by 8 points.

D'Antoni could finally call a timeout, but it was too late.

At this moment, the Suns' morale has hit rock bottom.

Moreover, D'Antoni, a stubborn person, has little room for change.

He didn't even replace Nash because he knew very well that if Barbosa replaced Nash, the Suns' offense would be completely extinguished.

The best sixth man, was forced by the Nuggets to not get playing time in the fourth quarter.
This is Ryan's defensive deterrence!
No way, short rotation is something D'Antoni has been obsessed with his whole life.

In the classic Huoyong battle in 18, after Paul was injured, D'Antoni only used 6 players in rotation.Four of the five starting players played more than 40 minutes.

Even 11 years later, he is still obsessed with short rotations.

So now, it is naturally impossible for anyone to change his mind.

As a result, Nash, who was already tired, was pushed onto the court again.

The Son of the Wind must face the huge gap in height and confrontation and once again face the most terrifying single defense gate today.

Nash is already very good. It is a miracle that a guard of his size can score 25 points under Ryan's single defense.

But Nash can only do so much.

After the game, the situation did not change.

The Suns were completely pinned to the ground and rubbed against each other. Their seven-second offense couldn't be played, and it was difficult to change the Nuggets' defensive formation with a V-shaped pick-and-roll.

Nash still could only take a lot of his own shots, and he also made some shots.

But the efficiency is still not high enough.

As for Ryan, he's still blasting away at the sun.

Ryan doesn't need to completely guard Nash, he just needs to make Nash's singles efficiency not as high as his own.

Seeing Nash struggling in the fourth quarter, the commentators shook their heads.

For players like Kirilenko, the upper limit is not high, but because of his strong defensive ability, the lower limit is extremely high.

As for Ryan, he is the kind of player with both a high lower limit and a high upper limit!

Damn it, how could the Nuggets lose?
The Suns, who were leading in the first three quarters, were completely wiped out in the fourth quarter.

Although Laga Bell made two consecutive three-pointers at the last moment to help the Suns narrow the score, it was of no avail.

最终,凭借着莱恩单场 41分9个篮板4次助攻4个盖帽1次抢断的数据。

The Denver Nuggets went 34-20 in the final quarter and finally won the game with a 10-point advantage!
After falling behind for the first three quarters, they made a huge comeback in the fourth quarter.

The drama of this game was so dramatic that if it were played more than ten years later, Hao Basketball would have celebrated the New Year!
As soon as Hao Basketball celebrates the Chinese New Year, Internet article writers also celebrate the Chinese New Year, and they immediately coincide with each other.

Nash had 30 points and 7 assists. His performance was not bad, but this data is quite telling.

Bird's strategy is right. He would rather let Nash score a little more than let him have more assists.I would rather let Nash score than let the sun bloom more!
Nash is just like Paul. When they score more, it just means that there is something wrong with their team.

At first glance, Nash can score 30 points and 7 assists under Ryan's single defense, which is quite impressive.

But anyone who has watched the game knows how powerless Nash is in front of Ryan.

Especially in the fourth quarter, Nash's hands were licking his bare skin, but he just couldn't score.

At the end of the game, Stoudemire, who was extremely aggressive before the game, ran away with his head in his arms and was embarrassed to stay on the court for even one second.

The louder the cheers, the more ashamed Stoudemire felt.

As soon as he yelled that Ryan couldn't guard Nash, Nash was blocked.
Stoudemire couldn't help but wonder, could my mouth be as good as Jordan's?

Every Phoenix fan was silent. They said before that Ryan relied on Kirilenko to wipe his ass to win against the Suns.

But today, Ryan seemed to be deliberately responding to their doubts. He relied on his own strength, without any assistance or flanking, to hold down Nash in the fourth quarter!

The Suns fans were completely speechless now and were speechless about Ryan's performance.

Nash walked off the court soaked, filled with unwillingness and frustration.

He thought that after defeating the Spurs, the Suns would have an unimpeded path to the championship.However, the entire team underestimated the strength of the Nuggets. This group of guys who are undefeated at home are more powerful and difficult to deal with than the Spurs!
This round of the series is destined to be a bloody battle.

On the court, although Ryan was sweating profusely, his face was relaxed.

His muscles looked tight and powerful under the light, and his expression was confident and resolute in front of the camera. He easily controlled the atmosphere of the interview: "I have already said that this team will not attack at all. Unfortunately, I shattered Phoenix fans’ illusions about winning a championship.”

Swift blushed as she looked at Ryan, whose male hormones were exploding and confident.

It’s over.

I feel more and more something is wrong with him!

Damn, isn’t basketball what I like?

After a brief interview, Ryan took off his jersey and threw it into the stands.

Countless fans are vying for this original jersey. How could Ryan in his previous life dare to imagine that his sweaty jersey could be so popular.

After giving a final wave to the fans, Ryan walked towards the tunnel.

Swift looked at Ryan's tall back and clenched her fists.

You big pig's hoof, you promised to leave your contact information! ?

She wanted to catch up and talk to Ryan.But her heart was full of contradictions and fears. What if people just said polite words casually?If I really take the initiative to ask for my contact information, will it make him feel uncomfortable?

But did I really get beaten up just because I came to watch the Suns today?Just to see that long-haired perverted uncle who likes hand-grinding be defeated?Just go back empty-handed?
Just as Swift was hesitating, Ryan suddenly stopped and scratched his head, as if he remembered something he hadn't taken away.

He turned around and found Swift staring at him, so he smiled at her and strode closer: "Don't forget about the concert. Contact me in advance next time you come to Denver. Why are you standing there? Mobile phone. Give me."

After saying that, Ryan picked up Swift's phone and entered his phone number on it.Ryan really wants to go to a concert during the offseason. It's rare to be famous and rich in this life, so why not experience something that he never dared to think about before?

In the past, because I had no money, I would always go to a concert in a trashy location that was too far away for anyone to see.

In this life, I will just sit on the stage and watch!

It's rare to meet a singer friend, so I can't waste this resource.

Hmm. I’m going to learn from Teacher Wu Bai’s stage outfits tonight, and I’ll be sure to stun everyone!
After Ryan returned the phone, he made a "telephone contact" gesture and turned to leave.

Swift held the phone in both hands, with a sweet smile on her face. It was the smile that a girl who receives a beloved gift would have.

The trip to Denver was fruitful!
At this moment, the Suns press conference.

Stoudemire and Nash were both quite silent.

D'Antoni also looked solemn.

After finally getting past the Spurs, they were hit in the head, and everyone was in a bad mood.

All D'Antoni could say was: "We will keep up our efforts and persist until the end!"

Nash said helplessly: "Ryan's defense is the biggest challenge I have ever encountered in my career, but I will work hard to overcome this obstacle."

Stoudemire, who was extremely arrogant before the game, can only say soft words now: "It is never easy to deal with the defending champion and MVP! However, we can only overcome the difficulties!"

Well, now he knows that the Nuggets are the defending champions and that Ryan is the MVP.

So it is said that a good man comes out of a stick. If you don't beat him, he won't know who his father is.

Although D'Antoni, Nash and Stoudemire all said things like "I will try to get over this obstacle" and "We will keep working hard".

But the whole world knows that when an offensive team loses its offense, it is like a man without his sprinting sword.

The fate of the sun is already determined.

You know, G1 lost not because the Suns were not feeling good, Nash even scored 30 points.

The Suns were simply locked up by the Nuggets' tactics!
This has nothing to do with feel, but a perceived gap in terms of physical strength.

Buckley summed it up:
"Phoenix may be a championship team, but in Ryan's era, the only difference between a championship team and a lottery team was the difference in draft picks.

None of them can be the final winner. "

Sure enough, the Suns continued to be beaten in the second game of the Western Conference semifinals.

Nash scored 27 points, but still only had 7 assists.

The Suns' offense was exactly the same as G1's, it was severely restricted.

However, in the third game back in Phoenix, the Suns finally regained a victory.

This game was mainly about Stoudemire's mid-range shooting. The continuous hits against Nene made people helpless.

Many times, before Kirilenko had time to help defend, Stoudemire would successfully score with a top shot from behind the three-threat frame.

Stoudemire scored 39 points in this game, and Nash had 17 points and 10 assists.

The Suns seem to have seen hope, and Phoenix fans also know that the team still has the strength to fight.

But in G4, the Suns were defeated by 41 points!
The entire team, from Nash to Stoudemire, couldn't score a goal today.

Among the players on the Suns who have stable playing time, except for center Kurt Thomas, no one else’s shooting percentage exceeds 40%!

Stoudemire's magic mid-range top shot no longer feels good, and Nash, who has been tired for three games, can only barely hit 40%.

Not to mention the others, they don't even know what a wide open opportunity is or what a fast break is in this series.

There were no easy scoring opportunities at all.

The Nuggets used their strong defense to drag the Suns into the quagmire, making every step they took extremely difficult.

In the end, the Nuggets won the fourth game with a score of 121-80.

At this point difference, the Suns fans were silent, and the Kacun fans were also silent!

Ah, no. Did you agree to let the Nuggets shed a layer of skin?
What about the high-end game we agreed on?
That's it! ?
Let Ryan beat 3 to 1 so easily?
And he won by 41 points!
Needless to say, James was shocked when he heard this score difference at the press conference:

"To be honest, I just can't understand why we lost so many points in the playoffs.

The Suns were invincible in the regular season, but it seems like they won't be able to play in the playoffs.

Fortunately, that doesn't happen in Cleveland. "

The Sun is indeed strong, but this is what people often say, the problem of getting the lower limit right.

Once the Suns, who only have the ability to attack, lose their ability to attack, they will lose without any limit.

Because their defense simply doesn't have the ability to cover up.

3 to 1, this score says it all.

Returning to home court in Game [-], D'Antoni changed his defensive strategy for perhaps the first time this season.

Defensive tactics were deployed for the first time.

Today, Marion and La Gara Bell directly flanked Ryan, allowing the rest of the Nuggets to shoot.

Don't tell me, this strategy really worked.

Because the Nuggets' touch was really average today. Ellis scored 15 points and shot 33% from the field.

But the Suns still failed to seize the opportunity, because the Nuggets perfectly demonstrated what it means to be able to defend the bottom!

When the Nuggets' offense was at a disadvantage, Ryan directly beat Nash and hit 16 of 4!

Nash was completely worn out. The tiebreaker in the first round was very draining.In the five games in the second round, none of them played less than 40 minutes, and they had to take a lot of shots.

All of this left Nash exhausted.

So in the fifth game, facing Ryan's tight defense, Nash's magical touch failed to work again.In the end, 86 to 80, the Nuggets still won the game despite their offensive disadvantage!
This fifth game also revealed the reason why the Suns have been unable to succeed.

Although the Warriors will also play small lineups in the future, they will also focus on three-pointers and fast-paced transitions.

But why can the Warriors succeed but the Suns can't?
Because in the 04-05 season, the Suns ranked first in offense and 1th in defense.

In the 05-06 season, the offense ranked 1st and the defense ranked 16th.

In the 06-07 season, the offense ranked 1st and the defense ranked 10th.

The Warriors, who won their first championship in the 14-15 season, ranked second in offense and first in defense.

That's the difference.

No matter what era, what rules.Whether you rely on shooting or breakthrough.

But there is one law that will never change in the playoffs, that is, a team without defense can never succeed.

In the 10-11 season, people said that the Mavericks were the first team in history to win the championship by relying on undercovers, ah no, relying on jump shots.But no one will tell you that the Mavericks' defense was fourth in the league that year.

Defense is a necessary condition for a team to succeed!

The offense may allow the Suns to win 59 games in the regular season, but they will never be able to get past the defending champions.

4-1, the Nuggets swept the Suns and easily entered the Western Conference Finals!
And two rounds of games have passed. The Nuggets still haven't lost at home!

When everyone thought the defending champions were going to have a tough battle, they easily defeated the Suns!
After the game, Nash’s eyes were red:

"I'm probably tired, and I can't be happy anyway. Anyway, this is probably the end."

Nash knows better than anyone that his window to win is already shrinking.

Indeed, aside from the forwards like Magic who pretend to be point guards, it is never easy for a real short point guard to lead his team to win the championship.

Take the Assassins as an example. In the last 1987 seconds of the 17 Eastern Conference Finals at Tianwangshan, the Pistons still led by 1 point, but were eventually beaten by Bird's "break of the century" and sent home to fish.

In 1988, the Pistons finally reached the Finals, but were reversed by another of the two evil men.

Even the assassin who defeated Jordan had trouble winning the championship.

The assassin was only 26 years old when he was defeated by Bird, the "thief of the century."

When he was reversed by the Lakers, he was only 27 years old.

He still had time to lead the team to championships in 1989 and 1990 to make up for everything lost.

But Nash, he is 33 years old!

He didn't know if he would have a chance to make up for all this.

The assassin was finally rewarded, but Nash didn't know if he could wait for the moment of victory.

The son of the wind hesitated to speak. In the west where Ryan is present, how long can the 33-year-old man persist?
In the end, Nash just praised Ryan:
"He is the most dominant player I have ever played against in my career. At least this time, we lost to a real champion."

Bilain also maintained his usual confidence:

"We are moving forward according to the set goals. It is not a victory until we win the championship!"

The Cleveland fans felt very unhappy. Originally, the Cleveland fans were quite sympathetic to Nash, but after Nash said "We lost to the real champion", he was also added to the list of unsatisfactory lives!

What the hell is the real champion? The real champion is obviously in the East!

Cavaliers fans felt something was wrong. They obviously wanted to see the Nuggets struggle in the Western Conference, but they advanced easily.

If the Nuggets are not consumed, wouldn't the probability of winning the championship in the greater Cleveland area become smaller?
But fortunately, there will be the Mavericks and Warriors next!
If the Nuggets don't shed a layer of skin in the Western Conference Finals, it won't be justified, right?

I don’t know if the Western Conference Finals will be intense or not, but the Western Conference semifinals between the Mavericks and the Warriors are indeed intense enough.

The two sides fought fiercely all the way to the tiebreaker, but in the tiebreaker, Dayao got into foul trouble early, which prevented the Warriors' Optimus Pillar from playing for a long time.

So Iverson's breakthrough cost the Warriors their lives.

For the second consecutive year, the Golden State Warriors were eliminated by the Dallas Mavericks.

For the second consecutive year, the Dallas Mavericks and Nuggets will face off at the top of the Forbidden City!
Because he was eliminated by the Nuggets last year, Cuban spent money to win AI.

At this moment, it was time to test whether his money was spent wisely.

However, unlike the rampant Suns, Mavericks fans have been particularly worried about this series from the beginning.

After all, Ryan's only 50-plus score this year was on top of the Mavericks' head.

That game left a huge psychological shadow on the Mavericks.

The young general Johnson did not dare to use the tactic of defending Ryan alone. In the first game of the Western Conference Finals, the young general did not bother with Ryan. He directly attacked from a double attack in the first round of the first quarter!

Ryan held the ball and directly attacked. The moment Ryan received the ball through running without the ball, he also directly attacked.

Part of his strategy was successful. In G1 of the Western Conference Finals, Ryan only scored 17 points under unlimited attack.

The lowest score in a single game in this year's playoffs.

But the Mavericks are still struggling to win!
Kirilenko finished with 22 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists.

Weber, who returned to the starting lineup, returned to form with 20 points and 11 assists.

Monta Ellis scored a career playoff high of 23 points!
The Nuggets took advantage of the gap left by the Mavericks' double attack on Ryan!
Of course, the Mavericks were well prepared to take turns to cover positions, so they dared to attack so unscrupulously.

But the Nuggets' passing ability is too strong. After Ryan is flanked, no matter who he passes to, that person can come up in the opponent's rotation and pass the ball to another teammate.

No matter how fast you rotate to fill positions, as long as you attack from a flank, you will definitely miss someone.

For the Nuggets, who are extremely capable of passing the ball, it is easy to find the person who was eventually missed.

The most typical example is in the 7th minute of the second quarter, Ryan reached the top of the three-point arc and caught the basketball, and then Josh Howard and AI immediately attacked from a double flank.

Seeing this situation, Ryan passed the ball to Miller who was released.Miller touched the ball with one hand and gave it to Kirilenko in the bottom corner.Kirilenko broke through with the ball, attracted the inside to cover, and then passed the ball to Webber. Webber raised the basketball and was about to shoot, but in the end he passed the ball to the side and passed it to Ellis.The whole process was smooth and smooth, without any delay, and the Mavericks couldn't make up for it!

After this series of smooth passes, Ellis was completely unmarked.So, the Nuggets' strongest son took an open three-pointer and shattered the Mavericks' defense!
Therefore, although Ryan only scored 17 points, the Nuggets' entire team's offense was strangled.

In the end, the team also defeated the Mavericks with a 7-point advantage and got a good start in the Western Conference Finals!

After this game, the Mavericks fans were even more desperate.

Because the Nuggets team is so malleable!
After playing the Suns in the last round, they can transform into the Denver Athletics, fighting violence with violence on the offensive end.

Facing the Mavericks in this round, Webb returned to the starting lineup, and the Nuggets were able to cooperate smoothly in positional offense.

Bird owns all types of players, and Mavericks fans are so envious!
But the good news is that the offense of the Nuggets role players is not so stable after all.

There's always a scene where they pull their crotch.

Sure enough, someone started pulling their crotch right away in the second battle.

Pulling the crotch is all Nowitzki!

Nowitzki was delighted to hear this, but was embarrassed by Ryan's defense.

As the second-ranked man in the MVP rankings this season, Dirk originally wanted to play a series to prove himself.

But Ryan proved that he truly deserves the MVP award!

In this game, Nowitzki made 16 of 4 shots and only scored 14 points.

You know, Ryan scored 21 points under the Mavericks' unlimited flanking strategy!
Although the AI ​​scored 32 points in the game like a hero, it was of no avail.

The hole Nowitzki dug is just too big.

2-0, the Nuggets are still invincible in the Western Conference Finals!
After the game, Garnett almost knelt down and kowtowed to Nowitzki.

Because after this game, the "softie" hat was finally taken off Garnett's head and put on Nowitzki's head!

For two seasons, when the Mavericks needed Nowitzki to step up at critical moments, he would be stepped on by Ryan every time!
For a time, Nowitzki's reputation collapsed.

Junior General Johnson is even more furious. He wants to make Josh Howard the core player next season!
When I plan the deal for Nowitzki this summer and give Cuban a surprise, he will definitely give me a promotion and a raise!
Nowitzki, whose mentality had completely collapsed, continued to stretch his hips in G3 and only scored 38 points with a 24% shooting rate.

Such efficiency cannot help the Mavericks win.

AI also scored 28 points today, but Ryan's three-pointers today were assisted by God, making 8 of 6 and totaling 33 points.

So, like a bolt from the blue, 3-0, was placed in front of Cuban.

His reinforcements still make it difficult for the Mavericks to win!
Cleveland fans are all stupid. Even if the Western Conference semifinals are played like this, the Western Conference finals are so easy?
If they continue like this, the Nuggets may reach the finals earlier than the Cavaliers!
I asked you to peel off the skin of Nuggets, but in the end, you performed internal gland maintenance on Nuggets?The Nuggets are so excited!

Finally, in G4 of the series, Mavericks fans and away fans finally waited for a game, a game where Nuggets role players felt stretched.

With Ryan being flanked and unable to take action, Kirilenko and Weber only scored 23 points together today.

The Double-Blade Turkey was forced to start a scoring mode and scored a team-high 24 points.

But when the Nuggets rely on Miller to score, it means the offense is really finished.

Nowitzki also returned to form today, scoring 56 points with a 25% shooting rate.

With the Mavericks trailing 0-3, G4 defeated the Nuggets with a huge 14-point advantage.

It was beyond everyone's expectations.

Cleveland fans also breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the Mavericks are preparing to gain momentum.

It doesn't matter, it's never too late for good things to happen.

If the Mavericks hold on for a few more games, the Cavaliers will be able to take down the Pistons.

Be sure to hold on!Try to let the Cavaliers rest for a few more days!

The Mavericks really didn't want to give up just like that, and released the slogan "Create Miracles".

There is indeed no comeback from 0 to 3 deficit in history, but there is always a first example.

Don't tell me, in G5 of the series, the Mavericks really kept up their efforts and played very anxiously with the Nuggets.

G5, AI and Nowitzki all showed their best form.

Many of Nowitzki's shots against Ryan also hit today.

Ryan continued to fall into the opponent's unlimited double-teams, but other Nuggets players woke up and did not continue to pull their hips.

The game was so tense until the last 53 seconds, and the two sides were tied.

Nowitz scored his first 30+ points in the series today, with 31 points.

For the Nuggets, Ryan scored 24 points but had 10 assists.

This was the closest game in the series between the two teams, and it was also the game that changed the fate of the Mavericks.

If this game is won and the total score of the series is tied at 2-3, it seems that a counterattack is no longer impossible.

At this point, the Mavericks have the ball.

Iverson faced off against Kirilenko, another key goal.

In the game where Ryan scored 58 points in the regular season, the Mavericks' last key ball was simply stretched to the extreme.

Because there was no clear point of attack, the key rounds were hesitant and missed opportunities.

So in the playoffs, AI decided to take care of everything.

Once he hits a critical moment, he will make his own shot the top priority.

This round was also the same. AI used his signature Crossover to get past Kirilenko, and then made an emergency stop jumper from the mid-range!

This is simply a replica of the ball that passed Jordan.

It's a pity that the AI's performance was not so perfect this time.

Under Kirilenko's efforts to interfere, the basketball hit the side of the basket and missed!
The Nuggets fans at the scene let out a big sigh, but the next second, Josh Howard got this long rebound!

After getting the basketball, he did not attack it himself, but handed the ball to Nowitzki near the basket.

Nowitzki caught the basketball, leaned against Ryan, and passed the ball to AI.

But he didn't want to pass the blame, but wanted to readjust the angle, lean on Ryan again, and then raise his hand for the ball!
He must shoulder the core responsibility!
AI did not hesitate and fed the ball to Dirk again.

Ryan swallowed his saliva. Fortunately, this was Dirk from 07.If this is Dirk in 11 years, and he is allowed to receive the ball with his back in this position, it basically means that the defense has failed.

But fortunately, Nowitzki's back-up ability during this period is very average!
Nowitzki sat back but made no progress.

So Nowitzki turned his back, took two strides to the basket, and prepared to go straight for a layup!

Ryan was sweating profusely and didn't dare to slack off.Because this goal is exactly the same as Dirk's layup in G11 of the 2th Finals in the original history after turning his back and passing Bosh!
The only difference is that in the original history, Bosh was passed by Nowitzki in one step, and Haslem, who came to help defend, failed to block the ball.

In this history, Ryan was not thrown away because he was extremely focused.He was still close to Dirk, and jumped up when Nowitzki made a layup. Finally, he touched the basketball with his fingertips, changed the flight trajectory of the basketball, and completed the block!
Cuban's legs weakened and he knelt directly in front of the TV.

Ryan is simply a mountain standing in the way of the Mavericks' success. The Mavericks can't even climb over it!

The Nuggets paused the game and Bird arranged the final attack.

All Dallas fans are panicking at this moment. They all know that this dangerous man will not let go of such an opportunity!
In front of the TV, Swift's chest heaved violently.

She was so nervous even through the TV, and she couldn't even imagine how nervous the players at the scene must be.

The timeout ended and Ryan confidently stepped onto the court.

After successfully kicking the ball, Ryan discovered that the Mavericks actually chose to defend alone this time.

There is no way, this goal will determine the outcome. The Mavericks would rather give Ryan a 1V1 opportunity than let others have a 1V0.

Josh Howard stared at Ryan eagerly, looking directly into Ryan's eyes.

He wanted to put on a fierce look and at least put some psychological pressure on Ryan.

But Ryan dribbled the ball and spoke:
“Honestly Josh, I sympathize with you.

The last time the coach arranged to guard me alone, I scored 58 points.

This time, I’m going to make my killer backdrop again.

Coach Johnson's arrangement was somewhat personal. "

Ryan's trash talk made Josh Howard nervous. How could Ryan be so calm?
In the last 8 seconds, Ryan began to slowly dribble closer.When he took a step outside the three-point line, Ryan suddenly started to speed up!
But as soon as he reached the mid-range position, Josh saw Ryan raising his center of gravity.

Sure enough, Ryan made an emergency stop and then made a jump shot!
Josh Howard immediately jumped up to block the shot, and this time his timing of blocking was just right!

Ryan just made a fake shot, and his feet did not leave the ground!

After shaking Josh, Ryan just jumped up and took action!

After landing, Josh Howard reached out to block it, but Ryan's height was too high, and Josh Howard's extremely long arms could not interfere with it.

The basketball was successfully thrown. Swift bit her lip nervously, clenched her hands into fists, closed her eyes, and prayed in her heart that she would definitely score.

The next second, the roar, cheers, screams, and applause of the on-site commentary came from the TV. Swift opened her eyes again and saw Ryan hugging his teammates!

"A killer shot! After shaking Howard, Ryan made a steady shot!
Ryan sealed his throat with a sword, ending the Western Conference finals!
At the critical moment, Ryan blocked a shot and shot, killing the suspense!
He is the real MVP, he is the best player in the league!

Goodbye, Dallas Cowboys!
4-1, the Nuggets reached the finals for the second consecutive year! "

Hard, Mavericks fans can only lament that Ryan is so hard!
At the critical moment, he blocked Dirk's shot and sealed his throat with a sword.

There is simply no tougher performance than this!
On the other hand, Dirk, although he performed very well throughout today's game, fell apart at the last moment.

Dirk's performance was in stark contrast to Ryan's.

In fact, these two rounds of games happened to illustrate the secrets of winning in the playoffs.

The Suns have told the world that offense alone without defense will not work.

The Mavericks have told the world that no matter how many singles players you have, in the end only the hardness of the star player can determine the upper limit of your team!

Nowitzki missed at the critical moment, but Ryan hit the shot hard at the critical moment.

This is the final factor that leads to the result of the game!
Whether it's defense or a tough star player, the Nuggets have it all.

Barkley shook his head, old pig, I will never have a championship ring in my life.

But some people wear two of them once!

Among the excited teammates and fans, Ryan also stretched out his hand and made a celebratory gesture of putting a ring on himself.

Break out of the Western Conference and reach the Finals.

Ryan can’t wait for the second ring!
As for the Cavaliers fans, they didn't expect it even to death.
The Nuggets, who thought they would struggle in the Western Conference, actually entered the finals earlier than the Cavaliers!
Nike looked at a lot of its previous publicity and suddenly felt very embarrassed.

A Nuggets team with no injuries, does Ajan still have a chance of winning?
 Thanks to the boss of the family for the reward, thank you all!Today we will continue to directly update the 47 words, and the playoffs will speed up the pace, so that it will not be boring to play against one opponent for a week!Ten thousand words have been updated for [-] days in a row. I am so conscientious that I beg for monthly votes!
(End of this chapter)

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