He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 172: A scorer who combines the advantages of Kobe and James!Destined to burn the garden to a

Chapter 172: A scorer who combines the advantages of Kobe and James!Destined to burn the garden to ashes!
Paul Pierce originally wanted to speak harsh words in front of Ryan and warn the guy who spoke freely.

Show off your toughness by the way.

Unexpectedly, he was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

In fact, when Pierce said he was going to the Nuggets locker room just now, Garnett also suggested that he should go to the Nuggets locker room with Pierce.

Pierce, as the oldest Celtic in this team, was full of energy and vitality when faced with Ryan's provocation.

So he patted his chest at Garnett and said, "Don't bother Brother Wolf. With my intimidation power, it's scary enough to go alone. You and I blocked the Nuggets locker room together. How much bullying would that be?"

In this way, Pierce confidently entered the Nuggets locker room alone.

The result was a big mess!
He still hasn't figured out whether the words "30 minutes tonight" are really that funny! ?
Is it really not a deterrent at all?

After returning to the locker room, Pierce sat back in his seat with an unhappy face.

Garnett immediately came over:
"Brother Pi, did the war go smoothly? Those guys were frightened by your momentum, right?"

Of course it's impossible for Pierce to say, "I got laughed at and then ran away."

He just waved his hand: "I personally took action, so there is no need to say more about the deterrence effect. Then the little thief Ryan heard about the name of my three giants, not to mention how nervous he was, and he was afraid of losing another 14 points."

"Hahahaha, it's useless for Ryan to regret it now! He said that three people can't get a ring together. Although it is the truth, you can't say that!

Tonight, the three of us brothers must give Ryan a nightmare in the North Shore Garden! "

Garnett and Pierce were impassioned, but Ray Allen shook his head.

Ryan is afraid of Pierce's intimidation?
Do you believe in him or do you believe that I am Jesus?

Judging from the frowning look on Pierce's brow just now, Ray Allen had reason to suspect that Pierce was intimidated by Ryan instead.

However, due to the team's morale and the face of his teammates, Ray Allen did not say anything to interrupt the self-pleasure between Garnett and Pierce.

It doesn't matter, the pregame shenanigans are boring as hell.As long as he can win the game, even Pierce's bragging will become reality.

Pierce didn't tell everyone Ryan's "40 points tonight" warning. This kind of unimportant information should go without saying, right?

Just like that, when the Boston Celtics players came on the court to warm up and saw Ryan's frown, Garnett was even more ecstatic!
That kid Ryan was so frightened that he frowned!

Now I know there is no point in fear, all of Boston is furious.

It's hard to quell public anger without killing you!
Ryan stared at the Celtic generals with burning eyes.

This is the same group of guys who messed up their championship ring presentation night last time.

This time, he actually dared to go directly to the locker room to provoke.

The local gangs are so rude!
As a team that has won two consecutive championships and is aiming for three consecutive championships.

If you are so suppressed by an opponent, can you still call it dominance?

40 minutes tonight, we must do what we say!

Of course, Ryan also knows very well how abnormal the Celtics' defense is.

In the original 07-08 season, the top two scorers in the NBA were James and Kobe.

They both also played against Green Kai in the playoffs of the 07-08 season.

The result is that James averaged 26.7 points per game and Kobe averaged 25.7 points per game.

At first glance, these two players seemed to have high scores against the Celtics.

But if you look at the shooting percentage again, you can see how miserable the top two scorers were.

Kobe shot only 40.5% from the field per game, and James reached his peak, averaging 35.5% from the field.

A'Zhan's shooting percentage in one round of the playoffs every year is only 40%. This is called not forgetting the original intention!
其中骑士 VS凯尔特人的系列赛G1,詹姆斯更是打出了惊天地泣鬼神的12分9篮板9助攻10失误的准四双数据!

No one as good as Olajuwon has ever been so close to a quadruple-double.

The hit rate of 11.1% highlights the emperor's unique style!

But we really can't blame Ajan for his incompetence. The Celtics' defense is indeed terrifying, and it even reminds him of those days when he was playing rugby.

Green Kai is probably one of the few teams that can not score even if it is first or second in the scoring list!

But when Ryan said 40 points tonight, he was by no means motivated.

Because both Kobe and James have shortcomings that Ryan does not have!
Moreover, in order to deal with the rival Celtics, Bird stayed up late to think about tactics and ate to think about tactics.

Even when I was sick and had a cold before and went for infusion, I had to think of tactics with a tactical board.

He almost vomited after watching Celtics game videos, and could even predict what color Pierce was wearing today based on the day of the week!
Refers to the color of the socks!

Therefore, after careful research, Bird also made changes to the Celtics.

With Ryan's certain advantages that neither Kobe nor James possess, plus Bird's transformation.

The defense-first Celtics can solve it easily, but losing by 14 points will never happen again!
The warm-up was in progress, and reporters also took the last moment to interview the players on site.

Garnett was pulled aside by reporters:
"Kevin, do you know that Paul went to the Nuggets locker room to provoke him before the game?"

Garnett nodded: "Of course, but that's not a provocation. As the host, it's the right thing to give the visiting team a small welcome. Ryan doesn't know how to be polite, so Pierce will teach him how to be polite!"

"So what do you think about the phrase at least 30 minutes tonight?"

Garnett was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then couldn't help but laugh:
"Ryan is going to laugh me to death. If he can't say anything harsh anymore, he can choose to shut up.

I know he's trying to imitate McQueen, but come on, McQueen would never make an issue out of something like 30 points.

Even if he doesn't have the guts to say 50 points, he should at least say 40 points, right?

30 minutes tonight?How could he say it hahahaha!

Of course, even if it is 30 points, it is impossible for Ryan to get it.

We will crush him with strong defense! "

Garnett laughed to death. "Thirty minutes tonight" was the stupidest trash talk he had ever heard.

It's like when you were showing off your salary and said, "My salary reaches 2500 a month!"

Seeing Garnett's disdain for the words "30 minutes tonight", the reporters were a little embarrassed, so they quickly reminded:
"Well, this has nothing to do with Ryan, it was Pierce who said it."

Garnett:? ? ?

Garnett froze in front of the camera for several seconds, causing many fans to think that the live broadcast signal was stuck.

Then, Garnett scratched his head and touched his nose.

The word "bewildered" is vividly displayed.

Damn it. Next time before you ask questions, can you explain the main characters clearly!

There is no other way, now Hard Te can only forcefully round out his words:
"Well, Pierce is a very pragmatic player. Although 30 points tonight may not sound like much, it is actually not easy.

After all, Ryan didn't even have the guts to say '30 minutes tonight'. "

"No, Ryan said it. He told Pierce, 40 points tonight!"

"Ah, 40 points!?"

Garnett's eyes widened, Ryan's caliber is so big!
Our defense in Greater Boston is invincible in the world, and countless stars have become Kobe Bryant in the North Shore Garden.

So far this season, there have been very few players who can score 30 points on the Celtics, and 40 points is unprecedented.

As a result, Ryan actually said that he scored 40 points tonight?

Garnett didn't believe Ryan could score 40 points at all:
"In order to win over Pierce in the verbal exchange before the game, he said something that was impossible for him to achieve. I think this is not awesome, but a bluff.

But he could only comfort himself in this way.

Let alone 40 points for Ryan, his score today can never surpass Pierce!

I guarantee it with my personality!

If Ryan can score 40 points in North Shore Garden, then I will go to the Nuggets locker room to worship him in person after the game! "

After Garnett finished the interview, he immediately turned around and patted Pierce on the shoulder:

"Man, didn't you say you bluffed Ryan? How dare he say 40 points in a single game!"

"Well, he's just too scared, so he's talking nonsense!"

"Well, yes."

The two pitched for a moment, then glanced at each other uneasily.

Although the Celtics' defense is very strong this season, Ryan.
He always does what he says!Never rolled over!

Pierce swallowed: "Don't tell me that you are worried that Ryan will really score 40 points."

Garnett quickly suppressed a smile: "How is it possible? What am I worried about? I'm not worried at all. 40 points, what a joke. Don't worry, it's impossible, absolutely impossible."

Although they both thought it was impossible, both guys were a little nervous.

On the other side, the Nuggets players were warming up amidst the abuse from the fans.

Ryan received undoubtedly the most insults, and all kinds of unpleasant words were clearly heard in Ryan's ears.

"I feel so sorry for Taylor, having to accept the pain of being a few centimeters shorter than an Asian."

"The Big Three will easily chop off your monkey's head!"

"Ryan, you're not fucking shit in front of the Celtics!"

Faced with these harsh yells and curses, Ryan was still warming up calmly.

These fans, you can't beat them up.Chatting with them will only give them face.

So the best way to humiliate them is to defeat their team on their turf!
After shooting a few baskets, Ryan turned his head and glanced at Millsap.

No one noticed that the guy wearing the No. 24 jersey was steadily hitting mid-range shots one after another.

Millsap didn't feel nervous at the Green Devils' home court.

Even if he will start for the first time in his career today!
That's right, Bird's lineup change today is to prepare Millsap to start.

The reason is also very simple. Millsap can at least put some defensive pressure on Garnett.

Bird knows very well that the core of the Celtics' defense is Garnett.

Without Garnett, there would be no Celtics' upper line attack and no league-leading defense.

If he continues to use Big Ben + Birdman as the starting lineup, then Garnett can use all his energy to go up to the line and flank Ryan.

By then, even if Ryan is extremely talented, it will be difficult to score points smoothly.

Although the Nuggets still have James Posey, a veteran who can shoot and is experienced, Posey is old after all. Now he does not even have the physical fitness to start, and his shooting is not as stable as when he was young.

Only if Millsap and Posey take turns playing the fourth position can it be possible to contain Garnett a little.

The first time he started as a starter in his career was against the defensively terrifying Celtics, but Millsap was extremely calm.

Because he believes that his efforts will not betray him in the game!
Three years of training in college and the hard work he has been doing since entering the league have made him lose his childishness.

Realizing that Ryan was staring at him, Millsap also stopped what he was doing.

"Are you nervous?" Ryan asked casually.

Millsap shook his head: "Not at all, and I'm in good shape, sir."

"You don't have to call me sir, as if I'm very old."

"Yes, sir!"

Ryan shook his head. This tough guy, in some ways, did look like the most famous senior in the history of his college team.

Karl Malone trained hard day after day, and during the offseason, he never forgot about Karl Malone, who carried a parachute and sprinted up the hillside.

Ryan didn't care about Millsap anymore. With his personality and ability, even though it was his first start.

But it will definitely make these Boston bastards remember his name!

The game is about to begin, and the Big Three are gathering toward the center circle with great momentum.

In addition to the Big Three, Perkins and Rajon Rondo are like stones in a pit, smelly and hard.

This team's first start highlighted a tough word.

This is also the greatest characteristic of the Celtics.

Thibodeau + the Big Three have achieved the Celtics' glory.

If I had known that Thibodeau would go to the Celtics, Bird would have kept him with a high salary no matter what he said in the summer.

What?What does Rivers do, you ask?
There are so many people on the team, so no one can make soup and cook?If Rivers doesn't make soup, what will so many people eat? ?

For the Nuggets, Ben returned to center today and Millsap started for the Birds.

During this period, Millsap had not yet developed his defensive skills, so Bird had never started him before.

But considering that the Celtics are a defensive team and their offense is not particularly strong, they do not need to defend too tightly to deal with their offense.

That's why today, Bird removed Birdman, who is responsible for defense, and added Millsap, who is responsible for offense.

Bird's transformations have always been beautiful. In his first two seasons with the Nuggets, Bird has relied on beautiful transformations to win games and even series more than once.

Therefore, Garnett dare not take Millsap lightly.

Bird will never replace a second-round pick for no reason. Keep an eye on him, that's for sure!

The referee signaled the centers from both sides to compete for the ball in the center circle, and Garnett and Pierce also started chattering offensively:
"Kevin, you'd better not let Ryan fail to score 20 points. That would be too embarrassing. He just fell in love, save him some face."

"I'll try my best, Paul. But if someone brags about scoring 40 points, it will definitely become a joke."

Ryan did not swallow his anger:
"Look at this glorious glory above North Shore Gardens
It has nothing to do with you at all!
So be quiet, no one wants to hear trash talk from someone who hasn't played in two finals.

Do you really think that just because you are wearing a Celtics jersey, you are the legendary Larry? "

Ryan's murderous trash talk left Pierce and Garnett, two masters of trolling, speechless.

The referee also threw the ball up at this time, and this destined to be a dangerous battle officially began!
Perkins got the ball first from Ben, and Ryan didn't go to confront Pierce, but defended Ray Allen.

After Rondo handed the ball to Pierce, Pierce immediately began to play alone on Artest.

The Celtics' offense actually doesn't have much routine. Although Thibodeau is very good at defensive coordination, he has never been very good at adjusting the offense.

Rivers?They said he was just a soup maker!How can you leave things like offensive tactics to him?
With Garnett + Pierce + Ray Allen in hand, he can play mediocre defense. In some ways, Rivers is really a fucking talent.

After Pierce got the ball, he directly started singles mode. He habitually turned his back to beat Artest.

But Artest, who is in as good shape as Ryan after his comeback, is least afraid of heavy forwards like Pierce.

Artest held on to Pierce, and Pierce recoiled hard, but there was no chance at all.

Just when Pierce was about to exert force for the second time, Artest stretched his arm forward fiercely and actually knocked the basketball out of Pierce's hand!
Artest's defense is so aggressive that he doesn't let you think slowly while holding the ball.

If you are not careful, he will snatch the ball away violently!

Fortunately, Pierce reacted quickly and quickly caught the ball again, and immediately passed the ball to Garnett.

Pierce thought Garnett would be fine playing that short first-year forward!

But the one facing Garnett was not Millsap, but Ben!

Millsap went inside to fight Perkins!
Garnett originally thought he could bully Millsap on the offensive end. After all, Millsap's real height is only 2 meters.Who knew the Nuggets would use an old and dark guy like Ben to deal with me!

Seeing Ben's old face, Garnett wanted to cry.

I, Wolf, have been fighting for my whole life, so I can’t choose a young one!
As for Millsap, at 2 meters, he is a bit short to play power forward, but he is just right to play center!
Because Green Kai center Perkins is not tall and has no offensive ability.

He doesn't have any skills to take advantage of being five inches taller than Millsap.

Therefore, the 2-meter-long Millsap has just the right effect against Perkins in the paint.

Big Ben's real height on defense is worse than Millsap's, but his defensive ability is completely different.

Garnett knew how hard Ben was, so he didn't even try to hit the basket.

After a welcome turn-over jump shot, Green Kai's first-round offense ended roughly!

This season's Nuggets are a strong defensive team second only to the Celtics.

Therefore, the Celtics don't want to score easily on the Nuggets!

After the Wolf King struck, Perkins tried to squeeze past the short Millsap to grab the rebound.

Let this little dwarf face off against me, and I won’t be able to max out my rebounding data?
But he probably doesn't know that Millsap is the first and only player in NCAA history to win the rebounding title for three consecutive seasons!

Millsap got stuck in his position very hard. After holding Perkins' iron elbow hard, he immediately hit back with another hard elbow!
After a fierce exchange of elbows, Millsap seized a favorable position and protected the rebound on the head of Perkins, who was half a head taller than him!
After getting the rebound, he held the basketball tightly with both hands, and then waved his elbows wildly, with a "whoever gets closer will die" attitude.

This short forward from Louisiana seems to have the kind of tobacco-chewing, murderous and violent atmosphere.

So much like his old-timer Karl Malone!

When he appeared for the first time in the game, Millsap didn't look like a first-time starter at all!
No one thought that this gentle and polite guy could be so tough!
Yes, although Millsap will become an All-Star power forward in the future, basically everyone thinks that he has exquisite skills and accurate shooting.

But he actually started out in the blue collar world!

Most of the short four-position players who can survive in the league have this drive to be generous at any time.

Brutal, rough, energetic, and unafraid of confrontation are Millsap's labels at this time!
Millsap's fight also made Perkins no longer want to bully the small forward's height inside.

He could see that this No. 24 was definitely not someone to be trifled with!

However, being able to prevent Celtic's goal is nothing.

Only by breaking down the Celtics' defense can they really have a chance to make waves in the North Shore Garden!
Because Garnett was a little wary of Millsap, who suddenly started the game, he did not directly implement the strategy of flanking on the line in this round.

Pierce temporarily defended Ryan alone, opened his arms, and looked forward to death.

Ryan approached Pierce slowly, then changed direction to the left and used his speed to attack!

In terms of pure defensive ability, Pierce is not that strong.

Before Garnett came, Pierce's defense was even his weakness.

After Garnett's enthusiasm infected the entire team, Pierce relied on his strong defensive enthusiasm to make up for his lack of defensive ability.

But positivity cannot change Pierce's lateral speed and reaction speed.

Many people only remember that Pierce seemed to have a hard time guarding Kobe during the two Finals games he played with the Lakers.

But no one knew that Pierce was a full 50 pounds heavier than Kobe!
In this regard, there is often nothing that can be done about Kobe's back.Sometimes after being pushed away by Kobe, there is no time to intervene again.This shows that it is actually very difficult for him to defend Kobe Bryant alone.

The Celtics were able to guard Kobe, ultimately, because Pierce and Garnett were behind them.

Are you very defensive?It's useless to prevent it.Who doesn't pay attention to background when coming out to defend?

For a point guard like Payton to be as strong as DPOY, he must have a strong forward group behind him.

Garnett's strong background was the key to Pierce and Ray Allen's outstanding defense during their time with the Celtics.

Therefore, the advantage of Pierce's defense during this period is that it is active enough, but it can only be active.

He couldn't keep up with Ryan's breakthrough, but there was Kevin Garnett behind him!
Garnett immediately rushed to block Ryan, and Ryan jumped up directly to meet Garnett.

Just when Garnett raised his arms to block Ryan, Ryan threw the ball to Millsap in the air!
Garnett suddenly felt something was wrong and quickly rushed towards Millsap.

KG's defensive ability at this time is still historic, and he pounced on Millsap extremely quickly.Coupled with a pair of long arms to intimidate, most players will panic.

But what about Millsap?He stared at the basket calmly, as if he couldn't see Garnett at all, and took the mid-range shot steadily.

With extreme calmness, this mid-range jumper hit the net!
Boston fans never expected that the first person to break through the tight defense in the North Shore Garden would be a second-year rookie starting for the first time!

There were no celebrations and no smiles.

Millsap was not excited, because this goal was not an accident like "winning the lottery", but the result of hard work day after day.

He practiced this action of catching the ball and shooting the ball mechanically countless times over countless days and nights.

It’s okay to invest, there’s nothing to be excited about!

On-site commentator Marvin Albert was even more excited than Millsap himself:
“Tough rebounding, accurate and stable mid-range shot.

The same power forward, also from Arizona Tech.

Did Bird send a Karl Malone? ? "

Garnett cursed secretly, he knew that this Millsap was not that simple!
But if Ryan thinks that he can win the game with a rookie who is a little bit good at mid-range shooting, then he is too stupid!

On the Celtics' second offense, Pierce hit a pick-and-roll mid-range shot.

As an offensive kaleidoscope, Pierce has a strong ability to adjust.

As soon as he couldn't beat Artest, Pierce chose to play a pick-and-roll with Garnett and was a great success.

Boston fans are still cheering. The last time, at best, Garnett was unprepared.

This time, Ryan will never be able to overtake the score again!
Sure enough, when Ryan was once again preparing to attack from outside the three-point line, Kevin Garnett began to attack from behind!

The Celtics' attack on the line is very fierce, and the inside players will go directly to the three-point line to press.

At this time, most people will choose to pass the ball to an open teammate.

But it fails in the following three situations.

First, your teammate who was released at position [-] has no offensive ability at all and is no threat even if he catches the ball.

Second, after Garnett sees your passing intention, he quickly relies on his terrifying defensive side to complete the position and seal the gap.

Third, the pass in the double circle is directly intercepted by Pierce or Garnett in front of him, because in this case, the passing target is too obvious, and it is not difficult to judge the opportunity to intercept the ball!
Many teams also have shooting fours, which is nothing unusual in this era.

Lamar Odom of the Lakers can shoot.

But because of the second and third points, Odom actually couldn't help Kobe reverse the situation.

After Kobe passed the ball with difficulty, he found that Garnett had magically appeared in front of Odom.

Or he was intercepted the moment he passed the ball.

As long as Garnett knows who you are passing the ball to, he will have a way to defend you!

The Celtics' defense simply won't break down just because of a fourth position that can shoot!
Garnett and Pierce both pressed toward Ryan, and both of them were observing Ryan's movements.

Once Ryan is ready to pass the ball, they can move on to the next step of defense.

But facing Garnett's pressure and attack, Ryan did not pass the ball. Instead, he took a step back sideways and straightened up.

When Pierce and Garnett thought that Ryan had no choice but to retreat, they raised their arms to interfere with Ryan's passing vision and press forward further.

Ryan suddenly lowered his center of gravity, accelerated to the right, and passed right through Garnett!

When faced with a double-team, if you hug the ball with both hands in a panic, pass the ball in a panic, or try to break through the double-team with all your heart, you will be easily defended.

But if you take a step back while dribbling the ball and lure the opponent to raise their center of gravity and press forward further, you can suddenly accelerate to one side and break through to force a flanking attack!Back then, Dan Zi often used this retreat-to-advance method to dribble to break the pressure and attack!

That's right, when facing pressure and attack, the best way is to take a step back!
Of course, the theory of this move is basically for everyone who plays basketball.

But the key is that your physical fitness must match your skills and awareness.Jordan was able to use this move because his speed at his peak was unmatched in the world.

A player who is not fast will be directly blocked if he takes a step back and then changes direction to break through when encountering a double team.

But Ryan, after all, he has a speed of 99. When he starts, he is no slower than Danzi!
Therefore, this method of using breakthrough to break the pincer attack is easy for Ryan!
The Boston fans were all wide-eyed. Ryan was able to dribble directly and break the Celtics' proud attack on the line! ?
Is this guy so perverted! ?

Most players are miserable when faced with such a defense.

Both Kobe and James were forced to become blacksmiths by this kind of defense.

But Ryan
After Ryan broke through the attack of Garnett and Pierce on the line, he quickly rushed inside.

Facing the strong and tough Perkins, Ryan did not slow down or make a pull-up jumper.

He is going to meet the man!

They say the Celtics are tough?Ryan will use a tougher method to break this toughness!
Of course Perkins knows that Ryan is a dunk maniac, but this tough guy from the Green Army is also desperate!

He raised his arms high and jumped up as hard as he could, directly clashing with Ryan in the air!
It should be said that Perkins is indeed a strange person.

Ryan had fully gained speed and then jumped up and bumped into Perkins. Perkins' body was motionless in the air!
The moment the two collided, people saw Ryan's body flying forward at a very fast speed after jumping due to inertia. The speed suddenly became 0, and was stopped by the tough Perkins and was stopped in the air!

Ryan seemed to hit a high wall in the air!
This is a successful interception! ?

But just when everyone thought that the tough Perkins was going to complete the defense, Ryan waved his arms vigorously, and while his body was hovering, he still slammed the ball towards the basket!

Because there is a hovering process in the air, and this buckle is very heavy.So, the dunk looks devastating!

Ryan landed, and Marvin Albert covered his head with both hands:
“Ryan dunked on Kendrick Perkins! This man is as strong as a stone pillar!

Is there anyone in this world that Ryan can't dunk on? ?

As long as he wants, he can ride all the players in the league! "

Ryan's brutal dunk gave the Celtics a powerful blow!

Are you competing?I am not afraid to fight you fiercely!

Rivers was dumbfounded. He dribbled through the Celtics' upper line attack and then dunked on Perkins.

No one has ever treated the Celtics defense like this before!

From the beginning, Ryan gave Boston fans a little shock from the defending champion.

In the last opener at the Pepsi Center, because I was receiving a ring, I was really too happy and lacked a bit of murderous spirit.

So today, let you deeply experience the feeling of the defending champion after being angry!
The Greens counterattacked, and Garnett gave the ball to Junzi Lei who ran to the right corner.

But Junzi Lei's three-pointer was blocked by Ryan's interference.

The Green Army's offense is still going smoothly, but the Nuggets are already getting ready!

Garnett and Pierce continued to use a double attack on Ryan, but this time, Garnett didn't think about the mindless press just now.

It's all a pincer attack on the line, but there's still something to be said for how to pinpoint it.

Facing someone like Kobe who is a strong shooter but whose breakthrough ability has deteriorated.

Garnett would press hard and attack, not giving Kobe any chance to make a move.

Because with Kobe's current speed, it is impossible for him to complete the double-team breaking operation of retreating.

But if facing James, Garnett can't press without thinking.

Instead, after the double attack, choose a suitable position to put James at a distance, giving him space to shoot, but leaving him nowhere to break out.

This is why the Celtics can prevent James and Kobe, who have very different styles, from death.

Although they are all attacked by online players, to deal with different people, you have to take the right medicine.

Everyone's G-spot is different. Some like the quickness of one step, while others like just the right intensity.

Facing different opponents, you have to have different coping strategies!
Just now, Ryan used his speed to forcefully break the attack, so this time KG and Pierce chose the upper-line attack strategy of giving up shots but not sudden attacks.

The two of them seemed to be blocking Ryan's front with a wall, and neither stepped forward to press him.

Seeing this situation, Ryan pulled directly from outside the three-point line!
The basketball went hollow into the net, and for the second time in a row, Ryan broke the Celtics' upper line attack!
Rivers' mouth was open enough to drop an egg, and Ryan was able to score twice in a row under the Celtics' attack!
This Nima.
The Celtics were able to guard James because James didn't have Kobe's jump shot accuracy, so he just had to shoot more and not shoot out.

The reason why Kobe can be guarded is because Kobe no longer has sharp breakthroughs, so he only needs to focus on breakthroughs but not on shots.

But Ryan.
Sorry, during this period, he combines the advantages of James and Kobe!
Although he doesn't have as many jump shots as one-on-ones as Kobe, he is definitely accurate!
As for the breakthrough, it is even stronger than James!

Under such circumstances, Green Kai's attack on the line can definitely still restrict Ryan, but if you want to force Ryan to be extremely cruel, that is impossible!
Why did Ryan dare to say 40 points tonight in front of Pierce?It's not like he doesn't know how fierce the Celtics are.

The reason why he dares is because in the original history of the 08 playoffs, James scored 45 points on the invincible defensive Green Kai in the tiebreaker with the Celtics!
James' touch was very magical in that game, which caused the Celtics to be forced out by James if their attack was too tight.

If he lets the shot go, James can really score.

On that day, James combined his own breakthrough and Kobe's touch. For a while, Green Kai couldn't find a way to contain James.

However, Pierce also seemed to have divine help that night, scoring 41 points, and Big Z stretched his hips, so even if James exploded, he still could not change his fate.

For James, he can only play like this when he suffers from convulsions.

But for Ryan, the explosive James in G7 of the series is his normal state!
That James can score 45 points on the Celtics, why can't I! ?

The Nuggets' first three offenses were all successful, which put huge pressure on the Celtics!

This guy Ryan.
He's not bragging!
Fortunately, Garnett turned over and hit a jumper on the next goal, helping the Celtics turn the score into 4-7.

Now, the Celtics urgently need to defend the Nuggets once and suppress the Nuggets' momentum.

Garnett and Pierce still worked tirelessly to double-check Ryan. The Celtics' defense did not double-check every round, but it did so more frequently than most teams in history.

They just want to make their opponents breathless under the pressure of the defense.

Faced with the pressure from Garnett and Pierce, Ryan once again used retreat to advance.

But this time, Ryan failed to break through directly from the siege of the two men.

After Pierce and Garnett were prepared this time, after Ryan accelerated, they both still stayed in front of Ryan!
Since Ryan is not given a chance to shoot, he is not allowed to break through.

Even Ryan can't score easily every time he encounters a double attack on the line!

Pierce and Garnett are gritting their teeth. They should be able to guard you this time!

How can the Celtics defense be humiliated again and again!

This time, when Garnett and Pierce were focused on defending Ryan's breakthrough with the ball, Ryan passed the ball through the gap between them and passed it to Millsap!
Don't forget, the Nuggets are on the court tonight and there is such a threat as Millsap!
Because they focused on guarding Ryan's possession, they neglected to limit Ryan's passing.

Neither Pierce nor Garnett had time to reach out and steal.

As a result, the basketball was firmly in the hands of Millsap.

And the second-year rookie, who is resolute, calm, low-key, but never relenting, used a mid-range shot as steady as a postman to hit the Celtics hard!
"The ball went in! The Nuggets started with a 9-4 lead! They started their first four attacks, and none of them were defended!
The Celtics' offense was so embarrassing for the first time!

Bird's wonderful transformation and Ryan's terrifying personal ability are perfectly combined!
In this case, even the Boston Celtics, who are the best in the defensive league, may not be able to resist the Nuggets' attack!
Ryan, he literally raised the torch, ready to burn the impregnable North Shore Gardens to ashes! "

After Marvin Albert finished yelling, he swallowed in disbelief.

It seems that the first person who can completely break the Celtics defense is really going to be born!
The problem that neither Kobe nor James can solve has to be solved by Ryan!

While the on-site commentator was yelling, Ryan also stretched out his hands and pointed at Garnett and Pierce:

“Okay, don’t miss the great names in Celtics history.

Today you can take a close look at how today's great players reap victory! "

Garnett and Pierce are both worried. The Boston Big Three have encountered the biggest trouble since their formation!

 Thanks to Four Eyes Zhao San and other big guys for the reward, thank you all!Today I will give you a [-]-word update. I am begging for monthly votes!Thank you stepfathers!
(End of this chapter)

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