He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 178: 40 points is not enough? That’s 50 points! Ryan, Cleveland’s eternal nightmare

Chapter 178: 40 points is not enough? That’s 50 points! Ryan, Cleveland’s eternal nightmare
  Ben's beautiful block, Artest's wonderful passing push, and Ryan's strong 3+1 in the end.

This time in defense and counterattack, the Nuggets seem to be telling the Cavaliers: "Are you ready? I'm going to start sprinting!"

Ryan scored 6 points in a row without any effort, which simply scared Cavaliers fans.

Ryan is still the same as he was half a year ago, simply unstoppable!
  Now, Cleveland fans are looking forward to the team quickly interrupting the Nuggets' momentum on the next offense.

But their leader LeBron James almost made a mistake in this round!

This time James wanted to use the cover to break through, but Artest bypassed Big Z in advance, blocking James' breakthrough route and withstanding James' impact!

After holding Ajan, Artest immediately struck and stabbed the basketball out of James' hand.

Although in the end Ajan still caught the ball with quick eyes and hands and was not directly intercepted, the scene just now still made Cavaliers fans nervous.

They don't understand, no. Ryan doesn't guard you anymore, why are you still struggling so much offensively? ?

Seeing Artest actively defending, Ben couldn't help but curl up his lips.

This guy is not useless.

For the key victory, he was quite human today.

However, Artest's true thoughts at this time have nothing to do with victory: "I must make that afro be grateful to me for the rest of my life!"

Well, don't worry about Artest's weird reasons for working so hard. All in all, he really held A Zhan down.

Ben's block and Artest's excellent defense told James: You can shoot today, but you want to break into the penalty area and score points in the three-second zone? It won't be that easy.

If this had been put aside last season, the Cavaliers' offense would have been over.

But at this time, James saw the light of hope!
  Reed suddenly burst out of the cover with a determined expression and sharp eyes.

The Cavaliers' offense can still be saved!

For the first time, James felt that Reid looked so tall and handsome!
  In the crisis, James successfully passed the ball to Reid.

As soon as Reid received the ball, Ryan chased after him without giving him any space to shoot.

But Reid was not in a hurry. He once again held the ball around the screen. Ryan did not dare to slack off and squeezed past Varejao immediately.

Still the same as before, although he was delayed by the screen, Ryan still ensured that Reid was within his interference range.

  Reed took advantage of the screen and immediately stopped to take action, regardless of whether Ryan was in front of him or not.

Ryan seals it to the face and Reed throws it again with one of his weird looks.

The basketball passed between Ryan, but Ryan failed to take the ball down.

Then, under the expectant eyes of James and Cavaliers fans, the basketball hit the net!
  Following the three-point chase just now, Reid hit another mid-range shot after a pick-and-roll!

At that moment, Reed was simply a beautiful goddess with pure white skin surrounded by holy light in James' mind, and he was willing to fuck her legs!
  Reggie Miller can also feel that Reid is unusual today. After all, as a shooting scorer, Reggie Miller knows very well how terrifying a shooter can be once the touch comes.

After Reed scored, he also gave Ajan a thumbs up: "Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Azhan suddenly felt full of security, he was my rightful man!

Hahahaha, if I win the game then, I, Ajan, must not be praised to the heavens?
  Come on Reid!

Laughing to death, Reid also thought that he would be praised to the sky after winning.

He didn't understand what the term "three-to-seven split account" actually meant.

Whether you can get [-]% depends on the face of James' team!

Flash Wade can only be the second child, so what do you, Reed, mean.

Of course, Reed didn't think that much now.

He was still fighting for victory, completely unaware that he was most likely helping others make wedding dresses.

Reed's strong goal interrupted the Nuggets' momentum.

It also gave the Cavaliers the confidence to confront the Nuggets.

Facts have proved that the Nuggets cannot easily defeat the Cavaliers this season!

The following game made Cleveland fans cheer even more.

Because they were shocked to find that the Cavaliers could actually compete with the Nuggets and not fall behind!
  In the finals last season, the Cavaliers lost to the Nuggets by an average of more than [-] points per game. In other words, every game was a massacre, and every game was played into garbage time!

But this season, the Cavaliers were inextricably tied to the Nuggets.

The two sides were leading each other and chasing each other, and the score was very tight.

On the Cavaliers side, although James is restricted from entering the penalty area, Artest is not Ryan after all, so it is impossible to directly block him.

Therefore, Ajan can still beat the Nuggets' defense by relying on COSCO's sporadic shots.

But the most troublesome thing is Reid. His invincible touch today allowed him to score too many difficult goals.

Ryan's defense has been quite good, and it can be said that he did not give Reid even a chance to easily shoot.

Reggie Miller even lamented: "If it weren't for Ryan's defense, Reid would have scored 50 points today!"

Indeed, with Reid's touch, as long as someone else guards him and gives him a few more open opportunities, he might have another career night today.

Although Ryan didn't allow Reed to score 50 points, Reed still caused huge trouble for the Nuggets today.

However, the Nuggets will not be easily defeated at the Quicken Loans Center.

Although both Artest and Monta Ellis didn't feel very good today, Ryan is still the devil who shocked the entire Cleveland, breaking the hearts of Kremlin fans with incredible scores again and again.

At the end of the first quarter, Ryan just passed the midfield line and hit a three-pointer.

The most important thing is that this ultra-long-distance pull-up three-pointer successfully hit the net at the buzzer!

Cleveland fans all swallowed their saliva, Ryan, don’t you dare be more outrageous!

And they never expected that Ryan would immediately fulfill their wish in the second quarter and really score an even more outrageous goal!
  In the fifth minute of the second quarter, the Cavaliers finally led by 5 points, which was the largest lead difference at the time.

If the Nuggets can no longer score, they are likely to be pulled away by the Cavaliers.

So in this round, Ryan did not continue to float around outside, but went straight inside, hoping to score close to the basket.

But how could the Cavaliers sit idly by? As soon as the game started, Ryan used a dunk one step inside the free throw line, proving that the Cavaliers' inside line was not indestructible.

But Varejao and Big Z's physiques are there after all. If you put two wooden stakes as tall and thick as them in the penalty area, it will be difficult for the offensive team to score goals.

In fact, because Big Z and Varejao filled the penalty area, most of Ryan's goals today came from outside the three-second zone.

Therefore, most people feel that Ryan's attack on the penalty area this time is asking for trouble.

After Ryan got inside, he was surrounded by Cavaliers players.

Under the basket, Big Z and Varejao blocked the basket tightly.

But Ryan was not frightened by such a formation, but jumped up resolutely.

James and Varejao jumped up at the same time, trying to cover Ryan. Naturally, Ryan used a lever action in the air to dodge.

But after avoiding Varejao and James, Big Z pounced on him again and continued to intercept!

Ryan has no way to escape now!
  However, in the next second, people saw Ryan dodging James and Varejao, and then made a second pull-bar action in a row, and at the same time, he passed the defense under the arm of Big Z!

After escaping Big Z's block, Ryan glided under the basket and then succeeded in a reverse layup. He used two consecutive pull-bar movements to successfully score under the Cavaliers' airtight inside defense!

Do you dare to score more magical goals? Isn’t this coming?

As expected, this goal also blocked the Cavaliers' offensive momentum and helped the Nuggets finally equalize the score.

Generally speaking, this game is almost like this.

The crossfire between James and Reid made it difficult for the Nuggets to defend themselves, while Ryan's absolute strength left the Cavaliers helpless.

Of course, Ben and Artest also played a huge role. They blocked James so that most of the time today he could only shoot jumpers from the outside. This was the reason why James never broke out.

Moreover, the Nuggets have always led in offensive rebounding.

It can even be said that Ben's fight for offensive rebounds today was crucial.

This greatly increases Ryan's fault tolerance rate on the offensive end.

After three quarters of the game, Cavaliers fans actually admitted that not only was Big Ben not useless, he was also very troublesome!

The aging Big Z and the mediocre Varejao always suffer big losses when grabbing rebounds under the basket.

Many times, the Cavaliers managed to guard Ryan once and finally saw the opportunity to take control of the situation.

But he will fall short because the rebound is taken away by Big Ben!
  The game continued anxiously into the last five minutes of the fourth quarter, and the Cavaliers and Nuggets were tied again.

Just now, Ryan used a difficult pull-up jumper to successfully score under the defense of James and Reid, helping the Nuggets even the score.

With this goal, Ryan has scored 40 points tonight!
  Also the sixth consecutive game with 40+!

This allowed Ryan to surpass Chamberlain, AI and others, and exclusively hold the title of "the second longest consecutive 40+ games in history".

To be honest, everyone is really not surprised to see Ryan score 40 points again this season.

But today, what is very different is that
  The game only ends in five minutes!

How many points can Ryan score to defeat the Cavaliers today?

Cavaliers fans also had lingering fears, but seeing James and Reid running forward again, they suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

Bad news: Ryan scored another 40 points.

Good news: Ryan's 40 points was just a tie with us!

Today, James and Reid are both in excellent condition. Although they are both restricted, the two of them together can just compete with Ryan in terms of firepower.

James has scored 19 points so far and Reid has 21 points. Combined, they have exactly 40 points.

James doesn't care how many points Ryan scores today, as long as he can win, he will turn around!
  In this round of offense, James took advantage of the screen and directly took action.

This is actually the result of James being defenseless, because he knows very well that if he goes to the basket, Big Ben will take care of him. Even in the process of breakthrough, Artest will take care of him.

James' shot hit the rim first and bounced several times before hitting the net.

It's disturbing to watch.

However, it was a successful goal.

Artest cursed secretly, James was really lucky today.

Not to mention anything else, I got several tickets just by playing the board from the front.

This means that James actually scored many goals!

The Nuggets fans in front of the TV pouted. They wanted to see how long James' luck could help him!

The Cavaliers took the lead again with James' goal. Now, it's time for the Nuggets to counterattack.

Throughout today's game, Ryan scored almost all difficult goals.

So Cavaliers fans also think Ryan is lucky!
  They want to see how long Ryan's luck can last!

In this round, Ryan had just passed half the ball when he saw James pushing directly towards him.

Before, James could only help defend behind Larry Hughes.

But this time, James pounced directly, trying to join forces with Larry Hughes to kill Ryan from outside the three-point line.

It seems that the Cavaliers have increased their defensive intensity.

Because Ellis' touch was average today, James boldly began to short him directly.

Such a fierce flanking attack, not to mention completely locking Ryan down, would at least make Ryan's offensive efficiency inferior to that of Reed and James!
  Seeing this situation, Ryan did not panic.

If in the first four seasons of his career, Ryan was still a little afraid of double attacks.

So this season, Ryan is really calm when dealing with double attacks.

People can only be extremely confident in one situation, and that is when they think they have the ability to solve all difficulties!
  Just two people, male or female, can't scare Ryan!
  Before James could attack from the flank, Ryan suddenly changed direction and started to the left!
  Larry Hughes hurriedly moved sideways, but he just happened to bump into James who was coming up from the flank!

Ryan used a wave of borrowed power to successfully break the knight's attack!
  When the two collided, Ryan had already reached the inside very quickly, and then easily scored a layup. Breaking the double team seems to be no difficulty at all for Ryan!
  James and Larry Hughes both looked at each other speechlessly, how could a double team still make people act like monkeys?
  Cavaliers fans were also gnashing their teeth. Damn it, Ryan was so lucky to bump into James and Hughes.

Why is he so lucky this entire game?
  Next time, next time his luck won't be so good!
  Ryan scored again and equalized the score again!
  Today is already 42 minutes!

After the goal, Ryan hooked his fingers at James and Reid: "Come on, let's see who can't stand it first! I can do two-on-one, so you can come!"

This time, it was Reid who scored the goal for the Cavaliers. After taking advantage of the screen and passing Ryan with a fake move outside the three-point line, Reed took a step forward from the three-point line and shot.

But what shocked Cavaliers fans was that even after Ryan was shaken away, he rushed back to interfere with Reid immediately.

However, just like countless times before, Reed's top shot hit the net, helping the Cavaliers take the lead again!

Neither side seems to miss!

Cavaliers fans watched with trepidation, because the Cavaliers' goals were indeed too difficult and always gave people a feeling of instability.

We still have to stop Ryan from scoring! If you keep fighting with Ryan, I feel like the Cavaliers will miss first!
  But this time, Ryan easily broke through the knight's attack!
  Seeing that James was about to attack him again, Ryan waved his hand and called Ben to come out to cover.

After the cover was in place, Ryan accelerated in a straight line and passed directly through the gap between James and Hughes before they could react!
  Ben put up the screen, which made James and Hughes subconsciously feel that Ryan would either use the screen to break through, or break through to the side without cover.

But unexpectedly, Ryan drove straight in from the middle! Kill them by surprise!

James cursed secretly, Ryan, this cunning guy, is definitely the kind of person who just rubs it as he talks, but then rubs it to the end!
  Ryan broke through the attack between James and Hughes, and then faced the big Z who came up to defend him. Ryan made an emergency stop and made a jump shot, facing the tall big Z, and steadily made the ball!

Ryan scored again, 44 points!
  And help the Nuggets equalize again!
  James and Reid need to alternately score to stabilize the situation, but Ryan seems to be enough!
  He passed between two people and succeeded in a jump shot against such a tall big Z.

Cavaliers fans are convinced, why hasn’t his luck run out yet?

But facts soon proved that luck really cannot be eaten.

It's just a pity that the person whose luck disappeared first was James!
  In this round, James was pressed by Artest from outside the three-point line, and Reid was temporarily unable to get out to catch the ball.

There was no other way, so James could only lean on Artest and take the initiative to shoot a three-pointer, hoping to cause Artest to commit a three-point foul.

Artest is usually quite silly, but at times like this he is actually very clever.

There must be something fishy about someone else taking the initiative to embrace you!

So when he saw James coming up to him, Artest didn't raise his hand to interfere. Instead, he stepped back and avoided James.

Ajan's attempt to draw a foul was seen through and failed. And because he was rushing to draw a foul, he didn't really want to shoot and was completely unprepared to lift the basket.

Therefore, the ball can only be thrown towards the basket in a hurry when the center of gravity is too far forward.

The result is.
  James made a direct hit with this ball!

Finally, James no longer scored a difficult goal!

The Cavaliers can't bite anymore!

Big Ben had quick eyesight and quick hands. He jumped up and confiscated the ball directly.

In this tug-of-war, the Cavaliers were the first to fall behind!
  After getting the basketball, Ben threw it hard with one hand and gave the ball directly to Ryan who was already running forward.

As we all know, Ben's shooting is as bad as an amateur, but his passing is also bad!

He simply does not have the ability to grab a rebound and then pass the ball directly to launch a counterattack. The ball was originally passed with too much power.

The basketball quickly went straight to the baseline on the other side, and Ryan had to go at full speed to barely catch up.

And even if he could catch up, Ryan would probably be unable to brake in time due to inertia and fly out of bounds.

Ryan finally caught up with the ball, and immediately braked as soon as he got the basketball. Although his feet stopped, his whole body tilted forward due to inertia, and he was about to fall out of bounds.

But the next second, relying on his strong core strength, Ryan was about to fall forward, pulled his center of gravity back, and successfully caught the basketball!
  Under such circumstances, he could forcefully brake and stabilize his center of gravity. Ryan fully demonstrated his abnormal physical fitness in this wave!
  The Cavaliers fans' eyes widened. Ryan's core strength is really abnormal!

On the other hand, Larry Hughes, who was chasing Ryan, ran too fast and failed to stop the car, so he flew directly over the baseline.

Ryan also took the opportunity to walk to the basket and dunk easily.

46 points!
  The Nuggets lead by 2 points!
  After Ryan scored, people saw two black brake marks on the floor!
  Even the brake marks were made, and people simply couldn't imagine how difficult it was for Ryan to brake just now.

I can’t imagine how good the quality of Reebok’s shoes is! It’s all like this and it’s not broken yet!
  After this moment, Reebok's sales will probably surge again!

Ryan scored another magical goal, well, there was nothing magical about the goal this time, but the braking was magical.

After another wave of magical operations, it's now time for the Cavaliers to tie the score!

According to the Cavaliers' management, after James struck, it was time for Reid to take action this time.

It's a pity that Reid's top shot later failed to hit the target!

Previously, fans from both sides thought the other side was lucky.

It was his luck that Ryan was able to break out of the trap every time, and it was his luck that he was able to stop the car in time to catch that bad pass.

Reid and James were lucky enough to hit difficult shots every time.

But now, it’s clear who relies more on luck!
  Now that luck is no longer on the Cavaliers' side, both James and Reid are at their wits' end.

But Ryan was still waving his scythe crazily!

In this round of offense, Ryan still took advantage of the moment before the double-team was in place, broke through to the right side of the mid-range, and then made an emergency stop under double defense.

The difficulty of this shot is self-evident, but...
  “Come in again! God!
  Ryan scored 48 points in a single game! Despite the blows from two people, he was still hitting!

He gave the Cavaliers no chance at all in the last five minutes!

The Cavaliers' defense is tight enough, but
  Ryan just can score goals!
  He doesn't need luck, he is more powerful than luck!
  When James and Reid were powerless, Ryan was still able to do it with ease!

He alone is about to completely kill the trio of knights! "

Ryan's goal directly stopped the Cavaliers.

Don't look at the fact that the Nuggets are only leading by 4 points at this time, but at this time, leading by 4 points is also very dangerous!

Because the Cavaliers have now reached a critical point, just like doing that thing, if they can hold back this time, they can continue to fight. If you don't hold it back, you will plummet!
  James sat on the bench, his hands shaking with nervousness.

This Nima.
  Today, the state of myself and Reid couldn't be better.

But he never expected that the firepower of two people together would be no match for Ryan!
  When did Ryan, the pervert, hit the iron?
  Reed yelled at Ajan:

"Don't give up LeBron, we're only 4 points behind, don't give up!"

For a while, the Cavaliers didn't know who was the real boss.

In this game, the Cavaliers players are too familiar. When the finals were in danger last season, James was also nervous, while Ben was trying to stabilize his morale.

It was he who loudly told James: "Come on LeBron, bring the victory home for us! We can do it!"

Today, it's the same situation again. James started to get nervous and Reid started to boost his morale.

The difference is that this time, James really listened.

He nodded slightly, he still didn't want to give up!

He firmly believes that two people plus one can definitely defeat Ryan alone!

Although Big Ben could talk a lot before, he couldn't actually help him on the offensive end.

But Reed is different. Even if his offense is not good, he still has Reed!
  After the game restarted, Reid took the initiative to ask James for the ball, wanting to personally solve this critical attack.

He has scored 23 points today, and it is already a brilliant achievement to score 23 points under Ryan's single defense.

He has saved the Cavaliers countless times, and he also believes that he can save the team again at the most critical moment.

If I win, it's mine, if I lose, it's James's, I'm afraid of a ball!

Reed once again made a jump shot without completely getting rid of Ryan, but this time his jump shot was not a question of whether it would go in or not.

Instead, Ryan jumped right off his feet!

After playing against Reed for a whole game, Ryan was almost used to Reed's rhythm and timing.

Ryan almost caught him several times before, just a hair away from blocking the shot.

And this time, Reed was finally caught completely by Ryan!
  Ryan took off at the perfect time and touched the bottom of the basketball with his fingertips. The basketball passed Ryan's fingertips, and finally fell directly, without even touching the basket.

Although it only took a moment, in terms of technical statistics, this is a block!
  All the fans in the Quicken Loans Center stared wide-eyed, and even James covered his head.

Reed, who saved the team the entire game, was blocked!
  The Cavaliers' offense still failed!

Even Reed himself widened his eyes. Is this guy Ryan really invincible?
  Even if he is omnipotent on the offensive end, is he so abnormal on the defensive end?
  Reed failed to be regarded as a hero, but James was lucky. Fortunately, this shot was not made by me!

You won't be able to blame me later, right?
  Now, Reid is really going to have a split with James.

It's just a [-]-[-] split in responsibility for losing!

Ben got the basketball again, and the air in the Quicken Loans Center became thinner.

Because the whole world knows that Ryan is going to harvest the knights!
  The Cavaliers were naturally unwilling to lose on Christmas Eve like this. After learning from the previous lessons, James attacked very quickly this time.

Almost as soon as Ryan passed halftime, James rushed over and worked with Larry Hughes to stop Ryan.

Ryan really had no chance to escape. He could only rely on his speed to rush to the right three-point line, and then pull up and take a shot despite the flanking attack!

But even for Ryan, this shot was too difficult.

The basketball finally hit the basket and missed.

Cavaliers fans breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Ryan failed to seize this opportunity that completely caused the Cavaliers to plummet.

Fortunately, the Cavaliers held it in at the critical moment!

  Just when all Cavaliers fans were extremely happy, Big Ben jumped up from behind Big Z with incredible speed. With Big Z stuck behind him, he performed a shocking feat of picking off the back of his head!

James has always said that Ryan is one versus two. No, Ryan also has helpers!
  Big Ben was behind Big Z, and with such a huge height difference, he took down the offensive rebound!

And this may be the most critical offensive rebound today!
  At that moment, Cavaliers fans were desperate.

The guy they were clamoring for the team to send away every day has become their nightmare today! But it became the last straw for them!
  Ben next to Ryan is particularly terrifying!
  This is the 15th rebound that Ben has grabbed today and the 6th offensive rebound!
  He can't score directly, but he can help Ryan in his own way!
  Ben was a little unstable when he landed after grabbing the rebound, but before he fell, he passed the ball and found the man who promised to help him get revenge.

He is Artest.
  The boss Ryan!

Because this offensive rebound was so unexpected, neither James nor Larry Hughes noticed Ryan.

When Ryan caught the basketball, there was no one around to defend him!

But the only consolation for Cavaliers fans is that Ryan is far away from the three-point line and is standing between the midfield line and the three-point line.

This means that Ryan will not take a direct shot, so the Cavaliers still have a chance to defend again.

Big Ben also stood up again immediately, ready to cover Ryan.

However, Ryan stretched out his palm towards Ben, signaling him not to come up.

Then he directly shot a three-pointer from a long distance!

Because the shot was too far away, neither Larry Hughes nor James had time to interfere.

And with no one defending at all, Ryan's ultra-long-distance three-pointer also fell steadily into the net in front of everyone's astonished eyes!
  "51 points! 51 points in a single game!
  Big Ben's key rebound, Ryan's key three-pointer!
  Ryan not only scored 40+ points in six consecutive games today, he also scored 51 points today!

James and Reid are the duo averaging the most points per game this season?

If you can't get them with 40 points, then 50 points!
  The combination of James and Reid is indeed very strong, but Ryan is fully capable of suppressing the two of them by himself!

In Cleveland, Ryan was unstoppable! "

Big Ben's rebound and Ryan's three-pointer made the Cavaliers fall behind by 7 points!
  Ryan jumped up and collided with the excited Ben in the air to celebrate the goal.

James looked at Big Ben and felt for the first time that this guy was so scary!
  If it weren't for his offensive rebounds, the Cavaliers' defense wouldn't have been broken down in this round.

Ryan really defeated himself with teammates who were "sentenced to death" by Cleveland!


After Ryan finished celebrating, he looked at James and put his arm around Ben's shoulders:

"Did you see that? The gap between you and me is not determined by our teammates.

I still say the same thing, no matter what kind of teammates you change, I can handle you! "

Ben looked at James' deflated expression and hugged Ryan tightly: "Thank you!"

Ryan smiled: "What are you talking about? This is my responsibility as a leader!"

Of course, Ryan was not laughing because he had completely conquered Da Ben.

Also because.
  Get the talent fragments yourself!

 Today, I will provide 8000 words for now, and I will continue to update [-] words tomorrow!

  (End of this chapter)

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