He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 190: Don’t blink, kill the game, I only need 4 chapters!

Chapter 190: Don’t blink, kill the game, I only need four rounds!

The second round of the playoffs finally had a little bit of fun for neutral fans.

People believe that no matter how bad the Hornets are, they will not be blown away without any suspense like the Suns.

After all, the Hornets' lineup is at least very suitable.

They have also proven themselves by defeating the Spurs, so their strength is still recognized by many people.

And this year's regular season, although the Hornets' record against the Nuggets is 3 losses and only 1 win.

But in the two games with the Hornets' complete lineup, the Hornets and Nuggets had 1 win and 1 loss.

The loss was because Paul was beaten.

So it's hard to say whether the Hornets can overturn the Nuggets.

Moreover, Ryan and Paul's explosive confrontation before the game, coupled with the previous grievances between the two, caused the attention of this series to skyrocket.

Neutral fans are looking forward to this game, and anti-fans are looking forward to it even more.

Celtics fans and Lakers fans naturally don't want the Nuggets to advance, and Cavaliers fans are the group that least want to see Ryan win three consecutive championships.

If Ryan wins three consecutive championships, they are really afraid that James will not be able to catch up in Cleveland for the rest of his life.

All we can say is that Cleveland fans are overly worried.

Can't catch up with Ryan in Cleveland for the rest of his life? How could they have so little confidence in Ajan?

Be confident, there is no way Ajan can work in Cleveland for the rest of his life!

Forgetting a normal transfer, he decided to tear up his promise with his own hands in a national live broadcast.

In short, anti-fans are full of expectations for the Hornets.

Just thinking about Ryan, who performed extremely well in the regular season, and finally fell into the hands of a third-year player like Paul, the anti-fans are extremely happy!

On the day of the game, Paul walked into the Pepsi Center with an angry face.

Ryan's words, "Within four games, Paul can start preparing for next season" simply pierced Paul's self-esteem.

Paul gritted his teeth and walked to the locker room, unable to wait to play.

That bastard Ryan dared to trample on his self-esteem again and again!

But while Paul was very angry, he was also very excited.

Because it’s easy to slap Ryan in the face, you just need to defeat him in the first game!

As long as he wins the first game, Ryan's 4-0 declaration will become the most shameful declaration in the face!

Paul will prove tonight that he is not a lamb to be slaughtered!

The queen bee has revealed her stinger and is about to fight the lion to the death!

ESPN reporters watched Paul hurried into the player tunnel and were worried about Ryan:

"Chris Paul is like a rabid bull today. Anyone who stands in front of him will be in great danger! Even Ryan!"

At this time, many fans on the Internet believed that Ryan was making it more difficult for him to win by irritating Paul.

I guess Ryan is also very distressed now. He must be regretting that he angered Paul and wondering how he can steadily suppress the Hornets to ensure that he will not overturn.

But when Ryan arrived at the arena, his appearance was completely different from what people expected.

After Ryan arrived at the underground parking lot, he got out of his Porsche sports car sent by the manufacturer, put on flip-flops, beach shorts, and sunglasses, hugged his girlfriend, and walked to the player tunnel in a swagger.

The reporters flashed wildly to take pictures. When they were at the entrance of the players' tunnel, Ryan and Swift kissed in public. Then one went to the stands through the VIP tunnel, and the other walked to the locker room.

The reporters were all in a daze. Not in Ryan's state and outfit, those who didn't know better thought he was on vacation!

Brother, you are here to play in the Western Conference semifinals, and you are about to face an extremely angry opponent!

No star would show such a contemptuous attitude when entering the second round of the playoffs!

Not to mention playing games, even if I go to the KTV to have fun, I will be more nervous than Ryan when I walk to the door!

Ryan's fresh and refined entrance method naturally became a hot topic soon.

Paul was even more hurt after seeing Ryan's presence on the locker room TV.

Ryan showed that he didn't take me seriously at all!

Respect is mutual. Since Paul doesn't respect Ryan, there is no need for Ryan to respect Paul.

So he did it on purpose, he just wanted to tell Paul: "You are nothing to me!"

The playoffs are not a place to make friends, but a place to try your best to completely destroy your opponents from the inside out!

Ryan's psychological destruction of Paul had already begun before the game!

When the players from both teams entered the stadium to warm up, the ratings of the game were already very high.

Because everyone was worried that the game hadn't started yet, the two teams had a second round of team fighting.

It would also be nice to watch a team mixed martial arts match before the basketball game starts.

When Artest was warming up today, he wasn't even shooting. Instead, he was like a boxer, hitting empty shots in a corner alone.

While fighting, he didn’t forget to tease Da Ben:

"Be careful today, Afro. I can't protect you in every game. Don't be attacked again!"

Ben shook his head angrily: "Can you warm up like a serious basketball player? Don't act like an idiot."

Ryan on the side looked at Da Ben who was practicing combo punches against the cushions of the basketball stand, and sighed speechlessly: "You sound like you are a serious athlete! You two should be normal! What are you doing?" Everyone wants to join the Chinese men’s basketball team, right?”

These two guys left Ryan speechless. In fact, it was okay for Ben to warm up like this. After all, he still had no feeling no matter how much he warmed up, so he might as well be boxing.

But Artest, he is not here to play a supporting role today!

Ryan walked up to Artest and interrupted him while he was practicing boxing: "Ron, you don't have to be stressed today. You just need to train as usual later."

Artest looked at Ryan and laughed easily:

"Pressure? I'm not stressed at all, Ryan.

You are the strongest player I have ever played with, and I have always believed that you can lead us to the top!

So I'm very relaxed, because even if I don't make the shot, I know you can definitely solve the problem!

Don't worry, I will perform normally! "

Ryan wiped the sweat from his forehead speechlessly. Being trusted by his teammates so much, he suddenly didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

But as long as Artest doesn't pull his crotch today, killing the Hornets will be twice the result with half the effort!

On the Hornets side, the New Orleans soldiers saw Artest and Ben's warm-up actions and instantly calmed down a lot.

Even Paul has calmed down a lot.

Originally, he was still thinking about what kind of tricks he would use to trick Ryan.

But now it seems that this kind of thing should be forgotten.

It’s not that I’m a coward, the main thing is to beat Ryan with pure basketball. It’s not like I don’t have that ability. So, there’s no need to resort to underhanded tactics, right?

Everyone just wants to compete in basketball today, there is no need to compete with anything else!

The game is about to begin, with both teams starting close to the center circle.

When Ryan saw Paul, he smiled and showed him four fingers.

Meaning a total score of 4-0.

Paul was naturally unwilling to be outdone: "Don't think about 4-0, you will be embarrassed in front of fans all over the world because of what you said today!"

Ryan immediately nodded and replied: "Indeed, after all, no one will praise me if I beat an opponent like you. If you beat me, you can brag to the media. But if I beat you, if I win by a few points, I will feel embarrassed."

"My day."

Paul's head is going to explode. He bullied me physically last time, and he's bullying me psychologically this time, right?

I can't hit it again and again, and I can't spray it. It's so annoying!

Ryan, are you a devil? ?

After Ryan's beautiful trash talk counterattack, the game officially started, and boxing champion Tyson won the first offensive ball for the Hornets.

Because Ryan has to focus on offense first, he will not face Paul right from the start. That would be too physically demanding.

The person responsible for facing Paul is Monta Ellis. He is the only one on the team who can keep up with Paul in terms of speed.

After Paul passed halftime, although he saw that his opponent was Ellis, he did not play a singles without thinking, but called for a cover.

Whether it's with David West or the boxing champion, their pick-and-roll with Paul is extremely powerful.

This time, it was David West who stepped forward to pick and roll.

However, Nuggets fans believe that Paul will not get a good opportunity.

Because the person responsible for defending David West is AK47, he will definitely be able to restrict Paul when he joins the defense of the pick-and-roll!

Sure enough, Kirilenko immediately changed defense the moment Paul passed the screen and blocked Paul.

But Paul didn't stop. He deliberately moved to the side of the court. After David West blocked it, he immediately moved to the other side.

As a result, Ellis can only follow West first, and Kirilenko can only defend Paul temporarily.

Although Paul's pick-and-roll failed to get a direct chance, it forced the Nuggets to defend against a mismatch.

Everyone thought that Paul would take this opportunity to give the ball to David West and ask him to misplace Ellis.

As a result, Paul didn't pass the ball.

The Hornets really wanted to hit a mismatch, but it wasn't West hitting Ellis, but Paul deliberately trying to hit Kirilenko in isolation!

Paul was so angry now, and he must have wanted to vent his anger with his own hands.

Kirilenko lowered his center of gravity as much as possible and stared at Paul intently.

Nuggets fans are also very confident, after all, Kirilenko is also one of the team's defensive strengths.

Choose to fight him alone? This is simply asking for trouble!

Paul began to calmly change his hands from left to right in front of Kirilenko, trying to shake the center of gravity of the AK47.

But the AK47 remained motionless, just spreading its arms as much as possible to expand the defensive area. In this way, even if the speed cannot keep up, Paul's breakthrough can be interfered with with his hands.

But luckily, suddenly, Paul was neither going to the left nor to the right.

Instead, he knocked the ball towards the middle and passed between Kirilenko's legs! Because Kirilenko's center of gravity was too low and his legs were spread too wide, Paul seized the opportunity and penetrated his crotch!

After the basketball passed through Kirilenko, while Kirilenko was in confusion, Paul immediately passed by the Russian, then steadily got the basketball, and successfully used a street acrobatic pass through the crotch. !

Fans all over the world are wide-eyed. Everyone knows that the AK47's defensive capabilities are powerful.

As a result, Paul not only got past him easily, but also in such a humiliating way!

AK's defense is indeed strong, but Paul is one of the point guards with the strongest ability to punish mismatches in NBA history!

The scenes of Paul playing small and big tricks against his opponents could be included in a separate collection!

Moreover, without the injured peak Paul, the start was indeed too fast.

As soon as Kirilenko turned around after being pierced, Paul had already caught the basketball that passed through his crotch and began to break through.

Seeing Paul rushing in, Ben immediately defended to the basket, but Paul easily solved the Nuggets' last line of defense with a throw.

From the beginning, Paul used an extremely exciting singles to give the Hornets the lead!

After the goal, Paul yelled at Ryan viciously: "Your defense is so fucking rubbish!"

This goal allowed Paul to vent his frustration and shame.

However, this venting was just the beginning.

Only by winning the game can all the shame be truly returned!

Switching to the Nuggets' offense, Ryan was flanked by Peterson and Peja as soon as he received the ball outside the three-point line today.

The Hornets did not test Ryan more. Byron Scott knew very well that the only way the Hornets could prevent Ryan from scoring was to flank.

Seeing this situation, Ryan immediately passed the ball to Artest who was left open.

This is why Ryan told Artest to take it easy before the game.

Of course, the Nuggets also guessed the Hornets' defensive strategy and guessed that Artest would get many opportunities today.

Therefore, Ryan would specifically remind him before the game to not be nervous and seize these opportunities!

But as Artest said, he was not nervous at all.

Since joining the Nuggets, Artest has found that he is very relaxed as long as Ryan is on the court.

When he first joined the team, Artest didn't admire Ryan that much.

But it wasn't until he witnessed with his own eyes that Ryan really tried his best in every game for his promise, and finally brought the team back to first place in the Western Conference.

Ryan left Artest hopelessly defeated.

He believes in Ryan as a leader, and he also believes that Ryan can lead everyone to victory!

So, what’s there to be submissive about? I can just vote with confidence!

It doesn’t matter even if you don’t make the shot! Ryan can tell the truth!

A true leader uses his strong strength to make his teammates relax from the bottom of their hearts and make them dare to shoot.

A false leader first deceives his teammates to relax and dare to shoot, and then takes the blame after losing.

Artest threw the ball calmly and without any mental burden.

But this shooting state is exactly the best.

The Hornets left Artest open today to flank Ryan just to bet on Artest's three-point shooting.

As a result, Artest made a solid hit on his first three-point attempt today and immediately took the lead!

After scoring, Artest pointed at Ryan happily: "Hahahaha, I will always support you, leader!"

Ryan smiled and shook his head. He was not allowed to warm up properly before the game. Boxing before the game made him feel better.

It seems that a weirdo like Artest really needs some weird ways to warm up before the game to warm up his hands.

Some people will perform better in the main game if they take a shot before the official game. But there are also some people who cannot shoot before the official game, otherwise they will be depressed. It seems that Artest is this kind of person.

The Nuggets quickly overtook the score, but Paul didn't care.

Because he is confident to get the score back immediately!

Paul passed halftime quickly, and the Nuggets used man-to-man defense today in an attempt to block Paul's passing target.

But it's useless, because Paul is not passing the ball from a stance.

He will use his blade-like breakthrough to force the Nuggets to change their defensive formation.

This time, Paul didn't even call for a pick-and-roll. He casually changed direction in front of his body and used his incredible speed to pass Ellis again.

Ellis actually reacted very quickly on defense this time. Instead of letting Paul break through easily, he stuck to Paul's side and gave him full pressure.

Unexpectedly, Paul's strength was not at a disadvantage to Ellis. He pushed Ellis away with his shoulder, then accelerated and threw Ellis away!

This 183 guy has both strength and speed, so defending Paul is a nightmare for most defenders.

Paul got inside and the Nuggets had to shrink to protect the frame.

When Paul jumped up to lift the ball for a layup, Ben, Ryan and AK also jumped up and raised their arms in the air, almost covering the basket.

The short Paul had no room for a layup.

But Paul suddenly pressed his wrist in the air and barely threw the ball.

The ball looked crooked at first glance, and there was no way it was going forward.

But the next second, when Ben, AK and Ryan had just landed.

Tyson Chandler, who was temporarily unattended under the basket, rose up from the ground, caught the basketball in the air and dunked with both hands to score!

That's right, Paul had no intention of going for a layup from the beginning. After attracting a flank attack, he passed an alley-oop directly to the unguarded boxing champion! A wave of fake passes helped the Hornets overtake the score again!

Although Paul personally attacked once in the first round, this does not mean that Paul will be so aggressive throughout the game.

This guy will never look at isolations as a way to win.

He perfectly combines personal scoring and assisting teammates!

After the assist, Paul continued to yell at Ryan: "Guard me? You don't even know where the ball is, idiot!"

The Hornets quickly took the lead again and gained momentum.

The whole team also wants to work together to gain some advantages first.

But after one round, Artest actually scored again!

The Hornets still used their old strategy, letting go of Artest to flank Ryan.

Artest also knows that his three-point touch cannot always be so stable and he cannot always shoot three-pointers.

So this time he didn't stupidly wait for the ball outside the three-point line, but boldly cut inside.

Ryan also hit the ball to Artest at the moment when the double attack was formed.

What was a bit dangerous about this ball was that Paul judged Ryan's passing intention and timing and quickly ran to the passing route.

But the basketball still flew past Paul's fingertips and fell firmly into Artest's hands!

Artest took two strides to the basket with the ball and went straight for a layup.

However, the boxing champion was blocked immediately. Artest is not the kind of person with particularly strong athletic ability, so it is impossible for him to dunk the boxing champion. It seems that a big risk is inevitable.

As a result, Artest was stunned to take the ball back in the air, switch to his left hand and pull it up again, completing a very stiff but successful pull-up layup!

Artest's pull-up bar is like a guy with hairy legs wearing torn socks, and there is no sense of beauty at all.

But no matter what, as long as you can score, it's a good shot!

It seems that Artest is really very confident today.

Even the pull-up layup was played.

Ryan gave Artest confidence, and Artest's self-confidence could be given back to Ryan.

Artest was able to punish the Hornets on the offensive end, which freed Ryan from having to work hard to break through the trap.

The Nuggets have achieved the positive cycle they expected!

Bird nodded with satisfaction. Artest's condition today allowed Ryan to easily win the game.

Next, the team just needs to keep biting the Hornets like this.

Then, Bird will let Ryan suddenly use his strength when the time is right and kill him with one blow!

Since then, the score between the two sides has been so anxious.

Fans can't remember how many times the two teams took the lead alternately. Paul's side just took the lead by one point with a beautiful mid-range shot.

On the other side, Artest will come back with a mid-range jumper.

Paul assisted David West to hit a mid-range hit, and Ryan rushed to the basket and dunked the boxing champion before coming up from the flank.

The game was very intense, and it was a nail-biting showdown.

Facts have proved that Paul is indeed very powerful.

At least his wasp wasn't easily dismembered like the previous sun.

The game remained tense until the last four minutes of the fourth quarter. Monta Ellis hit a three-pointer after receiving an assist from Ryan, helping the Nuggets lead to 6 points.

Today, Ryan didn't score much, only 20 points.

But he has sent out 11 assists!

His selfless and precise passing in the double-team kept the team's offensive efficiency high.

It feels like Ryan is using Paul's method to defeat Paul!

After the Nuggets led by 6 points, the pressure on the Hornets naturally doubled, and Byron Scott also suspended the game at this time.

Paul gritted his teeth and walked off the court. The shooting percentage of the Nuggets role players today was too high!

Artest has scored 22 points and Monta Ellis has also scored 19 points.

Coupled with Ryan's own 20 points, it is like a firepower configuration of the Big Three!

But the game was not over yet. Byron Scott drew two tactics on the tactical board. As long as these two tactics can be achieved, the situation will be reversed in one go!

The Spurs were reversed in the tiebreaker before, and this is how the Hornets reversed!

After drawing the tactics, Paul also clapped his hands: "It's not over yet, guys! Let's take down these proud bastards in one go!"

After Paul finished yelling, the entire Hornets team heard a voice that shouldn't be here:

"Uh sorry, but I wanted to add something."

After hearing this voice, all the Wasp generals turned around nervously.

Because this is Ryan's voice!

Ryan shocked the entire Hornets team. Damn it. When did this guy come here?

Byron Scott was also confused, ah, no, did Ryan hear all the tactics I just laid out?

Are you letting this eavesdropping situation go by?

Ryan seemed to see through the minds of the Hornets players, so he smiled and waved his hand:

"Oh, don't worry, I just came here and I didn't hear anything you arranged before.

I just wanted to add something.

Chris, the game is over. Just four rounds. After four rounds, you will be completely finished! "

Ryan walked directly to the Hornets bench and provoked the Hornets players!

This scene naturally made the fans agitated. Ryan was so domineering!

But Paul sneered twice: "This will be the most embarrassing thing you have said today!"

Paul was furious. He said he would kill me in four rounds before, but now he said he would kill me in four rounds.

Ryan was slapped in the face, what kind of man would he be if he didn't slap him?

How can any man shrink back when faced with an unsolicited gift?

Of course Ryan was not bragging, because with four minutes left in the game, Bird finally nodded!

Ryan can go and defend Chris Paul himself!

If Paul is strangled at this time, the Hornets will no longer have time to chase points.

Ryan's two new talent fragments are already hungry!

As for the Hornets' strategy, Ryan didn't need to eavesdrop at all.

When they are chasing points, they always play like that, it's a sure sign.

So next, Ryan will officially choke the Hornets!

The game resumes and the Hornets attack.

As soon as Paul passed halftime, the audience burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Because Ryan personally defended Paul!

Everyone has not forgotten how badly Ryan guarded Paul at the last moment when the two teams met for the first time in the regular season.

Ryan patted the floor, then raised his finger at Paul.

Paul suppressed his inner anger and tried to stay calm.

He waved his hand and called David West to come to cover.

But after approaching West, Paul suddenly started to the side without cover!

However, this fake pick-and-roll did not allow Paul to pass Ryan. Ryan is still the only striker in the league who can bite Paul!

99 lateral movement speed attribute, plus talent fragments that increase lateral movement reaction.

All this makes Ryan like a wall that can never be crossed, blocking the attackers!

As we all know, because Paul is short, he must make complicated swings to get himself space before he can take action.

In the last game, Paul just couldn't shake Ryan off, and he suffered a loss in this regard, resulting in falling short at the critical moment.

But Paul didn't choose to shoot this time. Instead, he relied firmly on Ryan to get into the penalty area. Even if he couldn't completely get rid of the defense, he still had a way to score!

Paul jumped up after getting inside and chose to go straight for a layup!

Ryan naturally jumped up and blocked Paul in the air.

But in the air, Paul put the ball away and switched to his other hand, preparing for a pull-up layup in front of Ryan!

Paul's layup touch is very good whether he is off balance or under interference.

Directly attack the frame with force, even Ryan can't stop him!

In the last round of tiebreaker, facing Duncan who was firmly protecting the frame, didn't Paul finish the game with a 180° pull-up layup?

But when Paul changed his hands in the air and raised the basketball again, he discovered...

Ryan's raised palm is still hanging directly above the basketball!

This guy just fucking seems to be hovering in the air!

After pulling the lever, there was no room for a layup at all!

The "Infinite Suspension" talent fragment that Ryan obtained before is now in effect. When he is defending the opponent's frame, he now hangs in the air for much longer than before!

So, even after Paul pulled the lever, he still couldn't get out of the slightest bit of space. Finally, Ryan swung the palm of his hand that was hanging over the basketball and swatted the basketball away, blocking Paul's pull-up layup!

Paul found it unbelievable. Generally, the reason why pull-up layups failed was because they couldn't make a pass.

But Ryan was able to wait for him in the air and then block the shot.

What the fuck.

After Ryan landed, he looked at the frightened Paul and pointed out three fingers: "There are still three rounds until the end of the game!"

In fact, Ryan was able to block this shot not only because of the talent fragment, but also because Bird had completely dismantled the Hornets' strategy.

The Hornets usually use Paul to attack the basket first in this desperate moment of chasing points.

In this way, the opponent will definitely shrink in order to stop Paul in the next round.

After the opponent's entire team has shrunk, Paul will switch to a pass, creating opportunities for West.

This is how the Spurs lost G7 in the last round.

Therefore, Ryan had been preparing to block Paul's layup.

After Ryan completed the block, the Nuggets immediately counterattacked.

Kirilenko held the ball and rushed to the basket, attracting the pursuit of the entire Hornets team.

But he calmly passed the ball to Artest running in the corner under the basket.

Artest is even more confident now. Ryan can even block shots. Even if I miss this shot, I won't lose!

When Artest is in this mood, it is impossible for him to miss.

“Three-point hit!

Ron Artest scored 25 points in a single game. He is the highest scoring player on the Nuggets today!

Ron responded fiercely to the Hornets' defensive strategy and the team's trust!

The Hornets are 9 points behind. Will the game be taken away in a wave? "

Amid the shouts of the on-site commentary, Bendu smiled and touched Artest's head: "You really look like the second in command today, bastard."

Who knows that Artest doesn't appreciate it: "You are the second in charge, from now on, please call me Lao 1.5!"

Big book:.

Although Artest scored the goal, everyone's focus was still on Ryan's block.

The terrifying floating block just now was still replayed on the big screen.

The on-site commentators found it unbelievable: "The basic skills may not be able to prevent such a layup, but Ryan can!"

Chris Paul is really panicking now. Ryan put it on his face today to humiliate himself. If after two rounds, Ryan really opens the point difference to double digits

Paul doesn’t want to be stepped on by Ryan again!

However, the best players in the world don't consider other people's feelings.

He was going to beat Paul.

Defeat the guy who was rude to me in a humiliating way!

Paul passed halftime, and Ryan kept repeating the sentence: "Two rounds, the last two rounds. You are going to be completely finished soon, Chris. This is a punishment for your lack of respect!"

This time Paul did not hold the ball directly. Instead, he gave the ball to David West and then started running without the ball.

Ryan followed closely behind. Although his speed attribute was at full level, Ryan's absolute speed was still slightly slower than Paul due to his size.

So when Paul reached 45 degrees outside the three-point line to receive the ball, he gained about half a body, which was enough to complete the shot.

Paul raised the basketball, but when Ryan rushed up, he lowered his center of gravity and dribbled through!

By this point, ordinary defensive players have basically been beaten by Paul.

But Ryan, after all, he is the strongest perimeter defender currently in service.

He immediately adjusted his center of gravity and stayed close to Paul's side, still keeping Paul within his shot-blocking range.

Paul went to the basket and once again chose a layup.

Everyone is also looking forward to Ryan giving Paul another hot pot.

But this time, Paul did not get a layup under tight defense.

Instead, it turned into a pass in the air, trying to pass the ball directly to Tyson Chandler behind the big man!

As long as the boxing champion can catch the ball, he can dunk easily before Ben can react and turn back!

Damn the last two rounds, I'm going to slap Ryan's face hard today!

But when Paul pushed the ball out in the air, he saw Ryan's originally raised palm react quickly and immediately stretched it down, blocking the passing route and patting the ball down!

We have seen many people who can change the situation from up to pass in the air, but what kind of person can change the cover into a block in the air! ?

Otherwise, Ryan thinks the new talent fragments are just right for Paul?

Ryan currently has a pass-rushing stat of only 75, which is far from great.

But the previous fragments of talent have increased Ryan's ability to respond to steals in the air.

Although there are very few opportunities to steal in the air, sometimes once you grasp it, it can change the entire game!

This time is such an opportunity!

Paul's pass in the air was blocked by Ryan in time with his hand in the air, and was stunned!

Although he failed to get the ball directly, the basketball was still picked up by Artest afterwards, and Ryan completed the steal of Paul in the air!

At that moment, Paul's soul seemed to be sucked out.

A shot in the air and a steal in the air.

how can that be! ?

The on-site commentators were also shocked. Either of Ryan's two defenses was a god-level performance.

However, Ryan actually came two in a row!

Byron Scott was even more shocked. The two life-saving attacks of the Hornets were actually blocked by Ryan in such an incredible way.

He felt as if his throat had been ripped open by a lion.

Don't talk about Scott, Bird himself was confused.

Because he had already guessed the Hornets' tactics, Kirilenko stayed beside David West in the round just now, ready to steal Paul's pass at any time.

As a result, Paul's passing target turned out to be Chandler.

At that moment, even the big bird couldn't sing secretly.

Who knew that Ryan could actually complete the steal in that way!

Bird shook his head. At first, everyone thought the king of this era was Grant Hill, Tracy McGrady, Kobe Bryant, AI or Carter.

But these answers are all wrong.

The Chosen One in 2003 is the one who can truly approach or even surpass Jordan!

The entire Hornets team retreated immediately. They must not let the Nuggets easily counterattack again.

After all, if the Nuggets score again, the Hornets will fall behind by double digits!

In the last 2 minutes of the game, we were 11 points behind.

That's really tricky!

Ryan didn't panic and slowly held the ball through the half.

At this time, the Hornets still have a problem, that is, they no longer dare to attack Ryan wantonly.

After all, Artest has already scored 25 points. At this juncture, they can no longer give Artest easy scoring opportunities.

Therefore, Ryan was able to temporarily go one-on-one with Maurice Peterson on the outside!

Ryan's opponent was Peterson, but he looked at Paul:

"Don't blink Chris, otherwise you won't even know how you died! Watch out, this is the last round!"

After saying that, Ryan broke through directly. But when he was about to collide with Peterson, he quickly changed hands behind his back and threw Peterson away!

Ryan drove straight to the basket.

The Hornets immediately shrank, and the remaining four players almost all shrank into the penalty area.

But Ryan didn't pass the ball. Instead, he jumped up as soon as he stepped to the free throw line, raised the basketball high, and wanted to dunk with his right hand!

He has passed enough passes before, this time, he wants to kill Paul with his own hands!

But at this time, Tyson Chandler stood up in time and stood in front of Ryan.

At the same time, Paul also flew in from an angle, trying to block Ryan's dunk himself.

Although Paul is short, he has not been seriously injured during this period and his jumping ability is quite strong, and he can dunk Howard.

Therefore, it is possible to block Ryan.

Ryan calmly looked at the two people who were about to stop him, and while gliding in the air, he changed his mind.

I saw Ryan calmly switching the ball from his right hand to his left hand. While slowly falling, he picked the ball up with his left hand and put it into the basket.

At that moment, Bird was in a trance.

Ryan, that was just now

Reproduced Jordan's change of hands in the century!

"11 points difference! Oh my god! Ryan used an aerial layup to avoid all defenses and score the ball steadily!

He personally inserted this fatal sword into the Hornets' chest!

In the second round, the Lion King’s dominance remains the same!

God, are you sure Mike isn't pretending to be Ryan in the game today? ?

Two incredible defenses, one incredible offense.

Ryan forcefully tilted the balance of victory towards himself! "

The on-site commentators roared, the fans cheered, and the opponents looked in fear.

All of these intertwined into one of the most dreamlike moments in the history of this playoffs!

Jordan only changed hands for a layup back then.

But Ryan, he used three consecutive incredible moves to completely kill the game!

Ryan slowly landed, picked up the basketball, and stuffed it into Paul's arms:

"11 points, 2 minutes, you have no chance.

I said, four replies to end the game.

Four rounds have passed and the game is over!

Take the ball and go home to get Chris. Remember to be polite to me in the future. "

After Ryan finished speaking, he touched Paul's head.

And Paul is really like a child who has been educated by adults, holding the basketball and staying in place.

Artest looked at the lost Paul and cast a sympathetic look.

Another pitiful opponent, completely destroyed by Ryan from the inside out. Genius knows how strong Paul's inner frustration was at this time.


With a teammate like Ryan, how could I lose?

With teammates like this, I can feel a lot of pressure.

The Hornets paused the game again, and Ryan raised his arms high and walked off the court as a winner in advance.

At this moment, people no longer doubt whether the Nuggets can pass the Hornets.

The Hornets may be able to steal a game or two, but beating Ryan like this four times? It is simply impossible!

Another round of competition, the Nuggets have no chance of losing.

The first three consecutive championship dynasty after the OK Lakers is getting closer and closer.

 Today’s 10,000-word update is here! I am a conscientious old man, please kneel down and beg for a monthly ticket! Thank you stepfathers!



(End of this chapter)

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