He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 201: Ryan personally raised the torch and dispelled the darkness on the road ahead! I will r

Chapter 201: Ryan personally raised the torch and dispelled the darkness on the road ahead! I will receive the award today!

Ryan's risk of catching Garnett shocked the Boston fans.

Because in people's minds, things like covering up hooks are something that only old perverts like Brother 20,000 can do.

Back then, countless insiders used their hook skills in front of the ancient behemoth, but were blocked by him many times.

This kind of spectacle can now basically only be seen in the collection of black and white pictures.

But Ryan, he not only blocked Garnett's hook, but also caught it directly!

And, you know, Ryan is still a little defensive!

Therefore, Ryan's block just now was even more outrageous than Brother Wan!

Jumping so high, you can still hover in the air for a while to ensure that your height does not drop.

When Danzi comes, he has to call Brother Sheng before he can leave.

But fortunately for Boston fans, Ryan's outrageous block could not really change the situation.

After this block, the Nuggets were still 19 points behind.

And now there is less than one and a half quarters left in the game.

Unless a miracle happens next, the Nuggets will have to prepare for the tiebreaker.

What other miracles could happen?

Either the Celtics can't make a single next shot.

Either the Nuggets suddenly have someone who is particularly accurate and can score consecutively.

But no matter what the situation is, it is basically impossible to happen.

Otherwise it wouldn’t be called a miracle.

At this time, the Nuggets suspended the game. Despite leading by 19 points, Rivers reminded his players:

"Don't be complacent! You haven't won the game until you win the game!"


No, brother, even if you don’t plan your tactics, how can you make chicken soup so perfunctory? What kind of statement about primary school culture are you talking about?

But yes, the current Celtics players don't need chicken soup to motivate them.

Someone just needs to remind them not to take things so lightly.

Mike Breen is analyzing the tiebreaker situation. Over at CCTV, Directors Yu Jia and Zhang are already drawing the winners of a single quarter of the game.

Even Kroenke, the owner of the Nuggets and the hard-fought king, felt that this game was over.

If the team wins three consecutive championships, there is no doubt that the Nuggets' market value will grow wildly and the team's income will continue to rise.

But if three consecutive championships are not possible, this growth will only exist in fantasy.

Today's game will determine the possibility of three consecutive championships.

If they lose, they will be dragged into the tiebreaker by the Celtics.

Then the morale-boosted Celtics will undoubtedly have a higher winning rate in the tiebreaker!

Therefore, even Kroenke is thinking about the probability of the Nuggets winning in the tiebreaker, rather than the probability of the Nuggets winning this game.

In short, after Ryan's risk, the game situation was still in stagnant water.

Not a trace of ripples could be seen.

Nuggets win? It seems like a story out of a fairy tale.

But who would have thought that the situation in this game would already be undercurrent!

Ryan caught Bird's attention by telling the team to give him the ball.

Although Ryan is the absolute core of the Nuggets' offense, he rarely directly asks his teammates to give him the ball.

At this time, Ryan suddenly wanted the ball so much, which surprised Bird.

Did Ryan, this guy, think of any efficient scoring method?

However, everyone had no doubts about Ryan and nodded.

In the following time, Ryan said nothing and just recharged his energy.

The moment he heard the electronic buzzer, Ryan stood up first, eager to play.

Mike Brown stared at Ryan seriously, wondering why this man was still full of confidence.

But what is certain is that he still wants to continue fighting!

Nuggets fans also cheered again, hoping to use their shouts to encourage the players.

The female fans with breasts as big as the full moon are also beating hard, they firmly believe that doing so will make the team stronger!

The Big Three also stepped onto the court, and Pierce immediately started making sarcastic remarks to Ryan:

“Ryan, haven’t you never won a championship at the Pepsi Center?

It doesn't matter, this time I will help you experience what it feels like. "

"Come on, Paul, you're not even qualified to experience it. It's a pity that the NBA doesn't give awards to the runner-up, otherwise you can go home with a trophy!"

Seeing that Ryan was still so stubborn now, Pierce smiled happily:

"Then let's see if I can win the championship on your territory!"

The game restarted, this time with the Nuggets attacking.

Ryan personally held the ball for half the game. At this time, Tony Allen did not blindly follow the ball. Instead, he stayed in a distant position from Ryan and opened his arms.

Ryan made a few crotch and hand-changing movements, then made a breakthrough to the left, but actually accelerated to the right.

Ryan's first step is quick, but Tony Allen's lateral movement is also quite quick.

Although it is not said that it can block Ryan directly, it still hangs beside Ryan, putting a lot of pressure on Ryan.

At the same time, Garnett, who saw Ryan's breakthrough, also attacked from a flank.

So, Ryan suddenly stopped when he took one step inside the three-point line, and then shot a jumper!

Although Tony Allen was beside Ryan, he stretched out his hand and still interfered with Ryan's shooting.

Garnett stood there and reached out to interfere.

Although there was no blocked striker, in general, Ryan still forced the shot under the strict interference of two people, and it was not considered a scoring opportunity at all.

In the past, most shots like this were iron-clad.

So this time the Celtics didn't care at all.

But this time, the whole audience heard a "swipe" sound. Ryan's emergency jump shot under the severe interference of the two men actually went straight into the net this time!

Tony Allen and Garnett were stunned for a moment. This time, no one on defense made any mistakes, and the defense was still extremely tight.

Why did Ryan make the shot this time?

But soon, they both regained their composure.

Ryan is just less efficient, but it's not that he can't score at all.

Occasionally, it is normal to score the ball in one round.

As long as this kind of goals cannot be sustained, the Nuggets will not be able to effectively reduce the score.

But in the next round, Ryan scored again!

In this round, Ryan still held the ball and dueled with Tony Allen.

One step beyond the free throw line, Ryan held the ball in a triple-threat posture.

Tony Allen was prepared. Because he didn't want to make a mistake, Tony Allen had no intention of stealing the ball.

Ryan then calmly made a few false starts, and then suddenly broke through to the left.

This is almost the same ball as before. Ryan breaks through and Tony Allen quickly sticks to the side without losing his position.

And when Ryan stopped for a jump shot, Tony immediately interfered.

Tony's defense was still watertight.

However, Ryan just used such a simple pull-up jump shot and hit the shot again under the interference of Tony Allen. It doesn't make sense at all!

“With two consecutive shots, Ryan narrowed the point difference to 17 points!

Although the Celtics had just opened the point difference to 19 points again, Ryan responded immediately.

Tony Allen's defense is still tight and there are no loopholes.

But Ryan started to score consecutively! He scored consecutive goals with two consecutive completely unreasonable pull-ups!

Let's see how long Ryan can last in this state! "

Mike Bullin immediately straightened up. Although the Celtics still led by 17 points,...

This game, which everyone thought was over, might even start again!

One round later, Pierce's jump shot failed due to interference from Artest.

The Nuggets got another chance to narrow the point difference.

Stern yawned. He was now concerned about the ratings of the Game 7 game.

As for Ryan's consecutive goals, he didn't take them seriously at all.

He felt that this kind of offensive would not cause the Celtics to be reversed.

But then, all the surrounding fans suddenly stood up and cheered wildly, and the Pepsi Center instantly became lively, which shocked Stern.

Stern took a closer look and saw Ryan with his back to the backboard, his hands hanging on the basket, sitting above Garnett's head!

This extremely insulting move caused the entire Pepsi Center to burst into cheers like a torrential rain!

Stern was stunned. What kind of messy posture was this?

The replay just now was also shown on the big screen.

Just now, Ryan broke through to the mid-range position and then stopped suddenly again and prepared to join the ball with both hands.

Unexpectedly, after deceiving both Tony and Garnett to interfere, Ryan accelerated a second time and broke through the encirclement.

Ryan simply performed a fake prayer move and passed Tony and KG who had previously guarded him terribly!

That's how a basketball game is, as long as you're threatening, it's easy to fool people. The greater the threat, the easier it is to shake.

Do you think this thing of worshiping Buddha is technically difficult? That's not the case.

The key is that if you can really score goals, others will be wary of your shooting and will be deceived by your fake moves.

To deceive this thing, you have to be able to deceive the other party.

Those girls who run live broadcasts, you must at least be really good-looking, or really powerful, so that the big brother on the list can willingly give you gifts.

Similarly, you have to be a big enough shooting threat to really deceive people with your fake moves.

If it were Ben who was doing a fake move in the middle distance, no matter how realistic he did it, it would be impossible for the defender to take the bait.

Because Ryan didn't have the touch before, Tony Allen and Garnett were not so nervous when he shot.

But when Ryan scored two goals in a row, as soon as they saw Ryan preparing for a jumper in that position, they would immediately raise their focus and pounce on him.

So it is very easy to deceive them!

Ryan deceived the defense and broke through the penalty area. Naturally, Garnett immediately turned around and wanted to pursue the defense.

But it was too late, Ryan was too fast.

When Garnett turned around, Ryan had already taken off with both feet and flew diagonally toward the basket.

After finding that the basket was directly above his head, Ryan took the basketball back, then glided to the other side of the basket before lifting the ball and slamming the ball into the basket with a folding back dunk!

At exactly this moment, Garnett chased to the basket. Therefore, Ryan, whose body was still hanging on the basket, sat directly on top of the Wolf King, leaving behind one of the most classic shots of his career!

The scene of Ryan sitting on the hard head makes all Denver fans proud!

Being ridden by others is still a very humiliating image in both Eastern and Western cultures!

Garnett pushed Ryan away angrily, but he didn't dare to push too hard to avoid getting a T.

I was so frustrated that I couldn't vent at all.

Before, he was caught by Ryan for a hook, and then Ryan took advantage of him.

Garnett finally discovered that since Ryan started playing against him, he hasn't played a comfortable ball for a minute!

Damn, I miss Kirilenko so much!

After Ryan's goal, the Nuggets caught up to 15 points!

At this time, Rivers stood up and yelled at the players:

"Get nervous! It's not time to relax yet!"

Although this sentence is correct, it means nothing.

Because the Celtics didn't let down their guard at all!

When Tony and KG defended Ryan just now, they were still very serious, but it was completely useless!

After Rivers finished shouting, he looked at the time.

There are more than three minutes left before the end of the third quarter.

As long as the point difference can be opened to 20 before the start of the fourth quarter, the game will be stable!

On the next goal, Ray Allen finally used a mid-range jumper to get 2 points back for the Celtics.

But then, Ryan made an emergency stop from outside the three-point line, which directly reduced the point difference to 14 points!

Tony Allen had no idea what was wrong with Ryan. Why did his hand feel so hot after returning from the timeout just now?

Bird also cursed secretly, Ryan is really scary!

I just asked him to ask his teammates to give him the ball. There was nothing domineering about it, it was just a matter of upper lip touching lower lip.

But after asking his teammates to give him the ball, he was really able to score, which was a bit domineering!

The key is, how can Ryan even do this kind of thing?

Bird just felt lucky at this moment. If Ryan had appeared in the 80s, then he could only be a deputy GOAT in the pretending world!

Ryan has scored 9 points in a row and scored four goals!

Now even a fool knows that a foul must be used, and it is a vicious foul to interrupt Ryan's rhythm.

After one round, Garnett assisted Pierce for a layup, but the basketball failed to hit due to the interference of Ben. The point difference was still 14 points.

On the next defensive end, everyone on the Celtics stared at Ryan eagerly.

Ryan knew what the Celtics were going to do, so he took advantage of the situation, deliberately attacked the penalty area, and forced a layup amid the siege of many people.

Needless to say, Ryan didn't even know how many arms were draped over him after he jumped up.

In short, Ryan was roughly pressed down directly. For those who didn’t know, they thought this was Jordan fighting against the Bad Boys.

The referee's whistle sounded, and the entire Celtics team looked at Ryan on the ground expectantly.

Prepare to admire the pained look on Ryan's face.

When playing ball, admiring the expressions of your opponents is also a different kind of enjoyment.

As a result, Ryan didn't stay on the ground for too long at all.

Instead, he immediately stood up and walked easily to the free throw line!

After standing on the free throw line, Ryan deliberately looked at Perkins:

"Patrick, are you acting like a fucking bitch? You haven't eaten? You have no energy at all!

Also, you've already committed four fouls, right? I just want to remind you, don't use all the fouls in the third quarter. In the fourth quarter, you still have to suffer! "

As soon as Ryan finished speaking, Perkins was replaced in frustration.

No matter how stupid Rivers is, he can't put a center on the court who has already committed four fouls.

Replacing Perkins was P.J. Brown, still a defensive tough guy.

But no matter what, the Celtics' frame-protecting effect will definitely decline in the future!

Standing on the free throw line, Ryan made two free throws, reducing the point difference to 12 points!

The Celtics tried to interrupt Ryan's rhythm with a vicious foul, but it seemed that it was completely useless!

Ryan had scored 11 points in a row at this time. Even Bird didn't know what magic Ryan used, and he suddenly became brave.

On the next attack, Garnett attacked the basket, and Ryan returned a vicious foul to the Celtics, knocking Garnett directly off the baseline.

Looking at Garnett on the ground, Ryan pointed out four fingers:

"I still have four fouls to play with you!"

The same brutal foul, but the difference is that Garnett only made one of two free throws!

The score difference came to 13 points, and the Celtics still maintained a double-digit lead.

But the Celtics fans didn't know why, but they all clenched their fists nervously.

After the Nuggets' attack, Ryan's momentum was finally interrupted.

This time, Tony Allen intercepted the ball the moment Ryan broke through.

Tony is the kind of person who doesn't steal easily, but once he does, it shows that he is determined to win this steal.

Ryan was intercepted and made a mistake. In the end, it was up to Tony Allen to save the situation.

It's just a pity that Junzi Lei's jump shot was also interfered by the long arm of the AK47.

At this point, there are dozens of seconds left in the third quarter.

After Ryan's scoring was interrupted just now, Tony Allen's confidence increased greatly.

He believed that the steal just now had completely cut off Ryan's momentum.

This time Ryan was much more cautious when he broke through. He didn't dare to take too many dribbles. He only took one step and directly chose to shoot.

Tony Allen's interference was so timely that while his body was drifting, Ryan had to lean back slightly to avoid the block.

But drifting and leaning back are not what Ryan is good at now.

So, even with the added bonus of a hot touch, the basketball still ends up popping out of the box.

Everyone on the Celtics bench jumped with excitement.

Tony Allen defended Ryan twice in a row. He was stunned to stop Ryan's momentum of scoring 11 points in a row!

Mike Breen also praised Tony for his brilliant performance in this year's finals:

"Just talking about the Big Three, the Celtics are slightly worse than the Nuggets. But with Tony, the Celtics and Nuggets are evenly matched!

The Big Three are the heart of the Green Legion team, and Tony, who never gives up, is the soul of the team! "

Tony Allen not only did not collapse when Ryan scored consecutive goals, but also became more courageous as he fought. This is truly the epitome of Celtic soul.

In order to use up 24 seconds, the Celtics waited until the last 2.1 seconds of the attack time before Pierce forced a shot from beyond the three-point line.

Although the basketball failed to score, they only left the Nuggets with 3.6 seconds.

If nothing else, the Celtics will enter the fourth quarter with a 13-point lead.

Although the result was very different from the "regaining a 20-point advantage" Rivers thought, it didn't seem too bad.

Of course, the Celtics did not let down their guard.

Garnett and Tony Allen both stayed by Ryan's side, preventing him from rushing across the half court with his incredible speed and scoring quickly.

Big Ben sent a baseline ball, and the person who caught the ball was indeed Ryan.

After receiving the basketball, Ryan quickly moved forward, while Tony Allen and Garnett stayed in front of Ryan, limiting Ryan's breakthrough speed.

But they didn't get close to each other because they didn't want to end up with a foul at the last minute.

Because his breakthrough speed was limited, time was almost running out when Ryan crossed the midfield line.

Therefore, he could only stop and shoot a jump shot directly from that position!

Although Tony and Garnett did not jump up, they both reached out to interfere.

It's already difficult to score a goal from this distance.

What's more, there are two people reaching out to interfere.

But Tony broke out in a cold sweat when he saw Ryan's action.

Although the distance is super long, Ryan's posture is a very standard emergency stop jumper, and he doesn't even tilt his center of gravity forward!

You know, under normal circumstances, when shooting from a very long distance, the movement will be deformed to some extent. Either it is thrown forward randomly, or the center of gravity of the body is completely tilted forward to make up for the lack of strength.

In short, it is rare to see someone who can shoot from a super long distance using a standard posture.

But Ryan, he now has an extremely standard shooting posture, which is almost the same as his usual shooting posture!

The reason why Tony Allen breaks out in a cold sweat is because when it comes to shooting, the smoother the posture and the less deformed the posture, the easier it is to score.

Tony quickly turned his head to look, and then he watched the basketball hit the target as accurately as a missile! Ryan's super long-distance pull-up jumper really succeeded in scoring!

Tony was convinced. Such a long distance, such a standard posture, a sudden stop jump shot, and two people interfering, actually made it!


Hasn't Ryan's attack been interrupted? ?

Tony had just defended Ryan twice in a row, and it was indeed impossible for Ryan to hit every shot because of the bonus in his touch.

But this does not mean that Ryan will fall into a scoring drought again after being defended twice!

"Hit a super long-range three-pointer! Ryan closed the gap to only 10 points!

At most, the Nuggets trailed the Celtics by 24 points!

Almost everyone thought that the game was over!

But the Nuggets didn't give up, and Ryan didn't give up! He used his 14-point performance in a single quarter to win back the score!

Now, the margin is only 10 points.

Next, anything can happen! "

The camera showed Rivers, with his confused expression and clear and stupid eyes, the words "helpless" were written directly on his face.

Not long ago, Rivers was looking forward to his team entering the fourth quarter with a 20-point advantage.

But now, compared with what he expected, the advantage was cut in half!

At this time, Stern was completely asleep.

Ryan can still be so brave?

Didn't the Celtics let him run out of gas?

This 24-point reversal is impossible, right?

In Stern's impression, there seems to be no such big reversal in the finals, right?

Indeed not, ESPN has quickly obtained the data from the database.

If the Nuggets can win the game today, it will be the largest single-game reversal in NBA history!

Seeing Ryan magically narrowing the point difference to 10 points, Stan Kroenke jumped up with excitement!

He shouted among the fans: "If I win tonight, I can kneel down to Ryan!"

Even Arsenal fans cried, because Kroenke is also one of the shareholders of Arsenal. Therefore, Ryan helped the Nuggets make money by winning three consecutive championships, and the Nuggets helped Kroenke make money. Kroenke will invest again when he has money. arsenal

This wave is a win-win!

So, in north London, countless fans are also cheering for Ryan!

Stern probably didn't expect that the person who would bring the NBA's international strategy to a climax would be the No. 2003 pick in !

Ryan sat on the sidelines, breathing heavily.

In the third quarter, Ryan didn't rest for a minute.

If we have to chase another 10 points in the next fourth quarter, we will definitely not be able to rest for a minute.

No matter how beautiful a woman is, you will be tired if you continue to output for a minute without stopping, let alone Ryan facing a group of strange men.

Ryan panted, but smiled at Bird:

"Don't take me off the field in the fourth quarter. I'm so tired. Tony Allen will probably gasp out of his lungs!"

Tony Allen's defense is impeccable, but he's not a perfect player either.

Tony's biggest shortcoming is that his physical fitness is very average.

His death coil can last for 30 minutes, which is considered the limit.

But today, because Ryan chased points very fiercely in the third quarter, Rivers did not replace him in the third quarter and let him play the entire quarter.

Therefore, his playing time must have been 30 minutes!

In the next fourth quarter, Ryan will play more easily!

Will Rivers replace Tony in the fourth quarter to rest? Precisely because his name is Rivers, he won't do that!

First of all, Rivers is also a coach who likes to fuck the main players in the playoffs.

Secondly, Rivers probably doesn't even know that Tony Allen's physical fitness is not very good.

Because this is the first time in Tony Allen's career that he has been so important. He has never played for such a long time in the playoffs before.

So Rivers doesn't understand the upper limit of his physical ability at all.

Therefore, Rivers is very likely to continue to stand still and expose an already exhausted Tony Allen to Ryan!

Ryan was extremely excited when he thought about the possibility of taking the lead in the fourth quarter.

So he directly hammered the chair after Bird laid out his tactics:

“Not in a few years, not in the next game, not in tomorrow!

Tonight, after this period, we are going to take away the damn trophy!

If they don’t give it to us, we’ll take it from them!

let's go! "

Ryan completely aroused the Nuggets' emotions, and everyone was clamoring to play.

After the fourth quarter started, Ryan discovered that Tony Allen had indeed stayed on the court!

When he was a fan in his previous life, Ryan didn't understand why Rivers could be reversed so many times.

Forget it once or twice, you can still say that you are unlucky.

But a total of seven times in the playoffs were reversed, which seems to be something that cannot be explained by luck.

But now, Ryan suddenly feels that it is normal for Rivers to be reversed seven times.

Unless Rivers' team really completely crushes the opponent in terms of talent, his end is doomed!

Even if you occasionally take the lead, you can't hold on!

So, as soon as the fourth quarter came up, Ryan used a change of direction to pass Tony Allen.

Tony Allen could clearly see all of Ryan's movements, and he was not shaken. He adjusted his center of gravity in time to block it.

But he didn't know why, he just couldn't stop Ryan!

Why else?

Tony's lateral speed has begun to decline!

If they really put their physical strength to the test, only a pervert like Kobe and Ryan could torture each other.

It is impossible for a player with average physical fitness like Tony to compete with Ryan to the end!

Ryan easily passed Tony, then made an emergency stop in the mid-range and hit the basketball again!

The score difference came to 8 points and finally returned to single digits!

The entire Pepsi Center is already boiling, and Ryan's personal score has also reached 28 points!

Denver's Lion King took out one weapon after another from his arsenal and slashed wildly.

Now, he is about to kill Lu Kai!

Seeing Ryan scoring so easily, Rivers was stunned again.

Although he is the head coach, he can't understand this game at all!

Can anyone tell me what happened?

Where is my 24-point lead for such a big guy?

Seeing that the point difference finally returned to single digits, Artest became excited and yelled at Ben:

"Afro, let's play a game! Let's see if we can temporarily lock down the Celtics and let Ryan even the score in one breath!

Whoever allows the opponent to score a goal is his son! "

Ben is also a "competition-oriented" player, that is, the more intense the game, the better he is and the more excited he is.

So he nodded: "Get ready to call daddy, Ron!"

Right now, Green Army captain Pierce can no longer sit still and wait for death.

He must stand up to stabilize the situation and suppress Ryan's momentum!

Is it ridiculous that a 24-point lead was reversed? Outrageous, like a dog!

I already have the shameful reputation of being in the finals. If I am reversed by 24 points, then I can't surpass Ajan?

No, absolutely not!

Ajan is my bottom line!

Pierce directly attacked with the ball in this round and called Garnett to cover.

After the screen, Garnett quickly opened up and drew away Ryan.

Pierce resolutely chose to attack the penalty area. Even if he was directly knocked down, he would face it bravely!

But Ben made a timely defense. Instead of sitting under the basket and waiting for death, he jumped out to the side edge of the three-second zone to prevent Pierce from jumping directly to attack the frame.

Pierce still jumped up, and Ben was confident in this block.


Pierce did not attack on his own. Instead, he attracted Ben to jump and block, then passed up in the air and passed the ball to Perkins, who was temporarily unmarked under the basket!

Although Perkins is just a pure blue-collar player, he has no scoring ability.

But he can still do things like dunks!

At the moment, AK is playing a cat-and-mouse game with Junzi Lei outside the three-point line, and Ryan is also stuck with Garnett in the mid-range.

No one on the Nuggets can chase back and cover Perkins!

Indeed, even if Ellis and Artest can catch up, they do not have the ability to block the center.

Perkins caught the basketball and jumped directly on the spot, trying to hit the frame hard.

Da Ben was shocked, it's over, am I going to be a son?

But Perkins' feet had just left the ground and he was about to lift the ball.

But he felt a huge force pushing the basketball down, causing the basketball to fall away.

Artest rushed into the penalty area immediately, and with his hands that were fast enough to destroy hundreds of millions of lives, he accurately cut the ball down the moment Perkins took off, and hugged the basketball directly!

Perkins failed to dunk!

Big Ben was stunned for a moment. He never thought that one day the person protecting him in the finals would be the most disgusting guy he had ever seen.

Artest blinked at Ben: "It's so boring to be your father so easily! I'll give you another chance!"

Da Ben also smiled and said: "Ha, I didn't leave the person out just to help you fill your spot."

"So we're even, now we have to get serious and have a blast!"

Although Ben and Artest have been living together peacefully for a season, Nuggets fans still find it magical.

These two guys, when they were brought together, they were thought to be the ones who would bring down the locker room.

They actually joined hands to form the strongest line of defense in the Rocky Mountains!

Artest handed the ball to Ryan, and Ryan rushed forward with a kick on the floor.

Tony Allen pursued hard, but like a car that was more than ten years old, it felt like the engine was about to explode. Looking closely, the speed was only 10 mph!

Tony was already chasing as fast as possible, but he still could only watch as the distance between Ryan and himself became wider and wider.

Not to mention Rivers, even Tony himself didn't realize that he had a physical problem.

The strong desire to win and the soaring adrenaline made it difficult for Tony Allen to feel tired.

But the body doesn't lie.

Even if you don't feel tired, your speed, reaction, and bounce will all be affected by receptors.

Ryan rushed all the way to the three-point line. Seeing no one around, he pulled out and shot immediately! This kind of thing has to be done where no one is around!

A beautiful chasing three-pointer hit the net steadily, and the Nuggets were only 5 points behind in an instant!

"Ryan came in again, and no one stopped him just now!

Tony Allen couldn't catch up with Ryan at all. His physical fitness seemed to be out of gear!

Tony, who was calm, focused, and defensively terrifying, who could really restrict Ryan, suddenly disappeared like a glass slipper after 12 o'clock!

Is Coach Rivers going to be replaced? Want to give Tony a break? "

After Mike Breen finished speaking, he glanced at Rivers.

Good guy, Rivers is just confused!

Why don't you change someone?

It’s okay to call a timeout without changing anyone!

Laughing to death, Rivers' CPU has been directly dry-fired at this time, it's good that he can still stand.

In addition to poor coping ability, Rivers also has a problem: he always calls timeouts half a beat too late.

Every time when someone was starting to gain momentum, he wouldn't call a timeout.

I had to wait until it was reversed before reacting and calling a timeout.

It can only be said that in the original history, Rivers was really brought to a height that did not belong to him by the Big Three.

Just the configuration of the Green Kai team in 08, plus Thibodeau as the assistant coach and Rondo as the real head coach.

If you just tie a border collie up there, Green Kai will probably win the championship.

The score difference was only 5 points. Ryan did not talk trash after scoring this time. Instead, he returned to his own half and high-fived his teammates one by one.

"Work harder, I said, Rivers' team is the easiest to reverse! Now, we are just one step away!"

This time, Green Kai's offense is going to look for Ray Allen, intending to try the legendary shooter's skills again.

But Kirilenko didn't even give Ray the chance to try his hand. The ball Garnett fed to Ray Allen was confiscated by Kirilenko again!

Kirilenko made a total of two steals today, both of which were passes passed to Ray Allen by others.

Facts have proved that Bird's defensive adjustments were indeed a great success!

Ryan quickly counterattacked again, and the Celtics were almost crazy. All five people moved towards Ryan.

Seeing that he was surrounded by guys in green clothes, Ryan hit the ground and gave the ball to Artest who cut into the basket!

After receiving the basketball, Artest took two big steps and went straight for a layup.

Garnett hurriedly returned to the penalty area and waved to block the shot when Artest shot for a layup.

The basketball eventually passed Garnett's fingertips, but Artest could not escape the collision.

He was knocked directly out of the baseline by Garnett who was driven back, but the referee immediately blew the whistle, and...

The basketball also fell into the net!

"Ron Artest got a chance to hit a three-pointer over Garnett!

God, if the extra free throws were made, the Nuggets would only be 2 points behind!

Starting from the middle of the third quarter, the Nuggets seemed to be waking up from a big dream!

They are unstoppable now! "

Artest was lying on the ground, waving his arms and yelling excitedly.

His teammates rushed to help Artest up and celebrate the goal.

As a result, when everyone moved closer, Artest roared even more fiercely, and his voice seemed to be twice as loud.

Ben shook his head and helped Artest up: "I know, I know, I know you got the chance to hit a three-pointer, why are you shouting so loudly!"

However, Artest covered his hand: "Geneva, someone stepped on my hand when I just ran over!"

Artest screamed in pain when he co-wrote it!

Ryan smiled and shook his head. Artest is indeed a happy comedian.

He is indeed the man who made Yao Ming a world-class emoticon.

He can interpret such a handsome moment with such sabi.

But don't worry whether he was teasing or not. Later on the free throw line, Artest also made steady free throws and successfully hit a three-pointer!

At this point, the Celtics only lead by 2 points!

They went from leading by 24 points at most to only leading by 2 points now!

What's even more terrible is that at this critical moment, Pierce actually made a dribbling error!

This time Green Kai attacked, facing Artest's stubborn defense, Pierce still wanted to break through.

But perhaps because of the fierce confrontation, Pierce actually dribbled away during the breakthrough. The basketball hit Pierce's own leg and bounced out of bounds.

This mistake also means

The Nuggets are very likely to completely wipe out the Celtics' 24-point advantage in the next round!

At the scene, the cheers for MVP lasted forever.

In China, the living rooms of every football fan’s home have been filled with loud beeps.

All over the world, everyone is watching Ryan’s next magical performance intently!

Tony Allen stalked Ryan, but Ryan seized an opportunity, turned around quickly, and passed Tony!

However, as soon as Ryan reached the mid-range position, he was blocked by Garnett.

Ryan subconsciously protected the ball with his back, but because Ryan did not attack with his back, Garnett thought this defense was very successful.

Being able to force Ryan to hold the ball in the way he least likes is also a success!

Just when everyone thought Ryan would pass the ball out again, the next second, Ryan suddenly turned his back and made a breakthrough, hitting the basket!

Ryan's start was too sudden, but KG was not slow and immediately followed Ryan!

The Defensive Player of the Year is indeed the real deal!

When Ryan jumped up to dunk, Garnett on the side waved his long arm and nailed the ball directly to the backboard, making a loud "bang"!

The Celtics fans in front of the TV jumped up. The great Kevin Garnett performed perhaps the greatest defense of his career!

An equalizer? No way!

As long as they hold on to Ryan's momentum and then counterattack, the Celtics still have hope of retaining their victory!

This big hit is real, and Garnett really showed his strength as DPOY.

But what's outrageous is that Garnett had already put the ball on the backboard, but Ryan still didn't let go. He used strong force to pull the basketball out from between Garnett's palm and the backboard, and then vigorously Hit the basket!

Ryan still performed a one-handed dunk even though his shot had been blocked!

At that moment, fans all over the world were silent for a second.

Immediately after

"An equalizer! An equalizer!

Ryan still forced a dunk even though the basketball was already being held down by KG!

Starting from the middle of the third quarter, Ryan scored 21 points with extremely high efficiency!

Helped the team equalize the score after falling behind by 24 points!

He raised the torch and personally dispelled the darkness compiled by the Celtics' Big Three! Now, a bright road is waiting for him to walk on!

did you see it? did you see it?

What Mike did to the Sonics in 96, Ryan can do it too!

And even more cruel!

The Celtics paused the game, but Coach Rivers' timeout seemed a bit too late.

The Green Legion has lost its best chance to keep points!

Now, ladies and gentlemen, cheer up.

We could very well be witnessing the birth of a Denver dynasty! "

In the middle of the boiling scene, facing the Celtics players, Ryan raised his arms and showed three fingers:

"I'm sorry, your defense is really strong. But the only one who can defend me is myself!"

Now, the time for chasing points is over.

Next, it's time for the Celtics to taste the pain!

Stern swallowed.

I'm not really going to go on stage to present an award today, am I?

 Today’s 10,000-word update is here! The conscientious old man kneels down and begs for a monthly ticket! Thank you stepfathers!



(End of this chapter)

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